Eternal Life

Chapter 478

Chapter 478: Soul Eater

Chapter 478 Soul Eater

"I really did not count well, and I practiced the magical powers of the supernatural powers, and I was able to cultivate my little fate. I can give me the time to understand and understand." The mystery of fate. You can completely save your sister."josei

Fang Han’s heart is overjoyed.

The syllable of the "small fate" was repeated in his heart. Actually, it produced a hint of charm, and it was no longer as difficult as before. This is a sign of comprehension. He believes that as long as he calms down his heart and is clear-minded, he will be able to fully understand the mystery of this supernatural power.

Xiao Su Ming Shu, is the first supernatural power that Fang Han has seen. He can actually repel the big rounds of surgery, far beyond the big yin and yang techniques, the Big Five, and the Great Disaster.

Moreover, Fang Han now knows that this little fate is actually related to the fate of the number one in Sanqian Avenue. If you learn this kind of magical power, it will be a huge benefit. More importantly, it is able to save the snow.

"Sister, in any case, I will save you. This dragon Jupiter nuclear, I only took half of the vitality, I was promoted to the realm of rebellion, illusion of 3,000 hands, 3,000 eyes. Under the star nucleus, I have thoroughly condensed it into a bead, pinned in your mouth, protecting your body and slowly integrating into your body. When you are completely awake, the sister will find out that your Power will completely break through the realm of longevity and mystery."

Fang Han waved his hand, and the powerful force condensed the remaining Dragon Jupiter nucleus into a group of fiery red beads that fell into the mouth of Fang Qingxue.

Subsequently, a strong red light emerged from Fang Qingxue's body.

At this moment, Fang Qingxue's body seems to be wrapped in a red crystal stone, holy and mysterious, and will be resurrected at any time, showing unparalleled tyrannical power.

Fang Hanyu took half of the dragon Jupiter nucleus, and he has reached the supernatural powers, and changed his life. His mind and body have reached a limit, even if the power of the dragon Jupiter nucleus is no longer useful.

And the strength of this half, into the body of Fang Qingxue, waited for her to wake up. Will lift her strength to an incredible state.

It is also possible to directly break through the longevity secret.

After all, the embryonic form of the longevity fruit, the seven-decision Xuan Mendan, the things that are rare in these two worlds, are most suitable for the strong people who change their lives.

After everything has been settled, there is only one left in the cold, and that is to completely understand the "small fate".

However, just as he calmed down completely and realized the little fate, suddenly, a mana fluctuated, falling one after another and falling on the surface of this lonely planet.

It seems to be the surface of this lonely planet, and there are many monks coming.

"How is this going?"

Fang Han’s cultivation was interrupted and he could not help but be angry. He didn't have to go out to watch, even without the gods sweeping out, but a little sense of the five elements.

Suddenly, in front of him, there was a water mirror.

Above the water mirror, the surface of the planet appears, and many monks pass by, the figure that stops and rests, and even the sound is conveyed from the water mirror.

"Cultivating to the realm of supernatural powers, reversing the heavens, the understanding of heaven and earth is more profound, and the manipulation is more casual. My current strength is enough, that is, a change, and then break through to the longevity secret. Become a giant of the ages." ""

Looking at the monks coming and going on the water mirror, Fang Han knows that his strength is more subtle. Only one step away, you can break through the longevity and become a giant.

However, this step is doomed to be very difficult.

"I have traveled through time and space and have come here. I have already moved away from the world of Xuanhuang. Here is exactly where it is. From these swept monks, you can see some clues. Some people are disturbed, and the practice of small fate is not cultivated." Fang Han concentrated on watching, listening to everything that appeared on the water mirror, appeared on the water mirror, first of all two Jindan monks! The age-old giant, with a sigh of arrogance, the stars are entwined.

These two Jindan monks are a man and a woman, the handsome man is handsome, the arm is waist, the woman's face is like a peach flower, and the head is wearing a star-studded phoenix, obviously it is a kind of star magic, and the whole body The magic weapon Guanghua faintly, there is a powerful treasure trove of enthusiasm, apparently a high-level existence of a big martial art similar to a true disciple.

The rest, some scattered monks, there are five supernatural powers, the real people of heaven and humanity, there are also six supernatural ones, and concise the master of the life.

However, their clothes are scattered and not neat, as if they are some scattered.

"Brothers! This rumor, the Soul Eater, appeared in this star field, is it true?" The Jindan female monk asked unscrupulously to the Jindan male monk.

"Yes, the soul-seeking sacred beast, broke into three consecutive sects, swallowed a sect of the monk's soul, causing a tragedy. More and more powerful, you must grab it and bring it back. And this soul-seeking sacred beast, Its soul is the best material for refining the nine-returned soul of Shengdan. The nine-turning resurgence of the soul is the heavenly superb holy medicine, close to the elixir, a total of nine, each of which can make its soul have an essential Ascension can also make people get memories of thousands of reincarnation. There are rare benefits for cultivation. This sect sent a large number of true disciples to come, we must work hard, if the first one discovers the soul-seeking sacred beast Sending a charm, notifying the sect, the sect will give us a generous reward, and maybe we will reward the practice of our starless books."

Jin Dan male monk eyes swept his eyes, his face showed pride.

"The practice method of the Stars Promise Book? Don't think about it. This is a branch of the Promise Star Palace, a branch of the Great Stars. Only when it is cultivated into the longevity secret, it can be taught by the giants of the Ages. The great credit is to refine our treasures into the next class. It is impossible to teach our town to teach the magical powers." The female Jin Dan monk shook his head again and again.

"This soul-seeking sacred beast is not the same as a small one. It has continuously destroyed more than a dozen scattered sects in this horoscope." Jin Dan male monk said: "And the nine-turned soul-sacred sacred Dan is a holy sage that many elders have long wanted to refine. Unfortunately, there has been a lack of materials. If we can find the whereabouts of the Soul Eater, then this credit is really overwhelming."

"Be careful, the soul-seeking sacred beast is even more terrifying than the eternal giant of the long-lived mystery. When we look at the face of Jin Dan master, we will be sucked to the soul. There is no dead body."

"Well, we must be careful. We still rest on this little planet for a while. When the mana is fully restored, use pure Yang Dan to push the hollow space to another planet."

Two golden men and women, throwing a magic weapon like a white cloud, sitting cross-legged and swallowing the drug.

Fang Han saw this medicinal medicine, the whole body moved, because this medicinal medicine, pure and transparent, exudes a burst of pure yang, it is actually the medicinal herbs of Jiuyang Shengshui, pure Yang Dan!

"Soul of the soul of the beast! Nine turns back to the soul Dan! Heaven helps me also, more hopeful to make the teacher restore. The soul-seeking sacred beast, is the legendary harmony, Kuang Peng, a level of ancient beasts, turn to eat raw souls, enhance strength ""

Fang Han read the records of the Soul Eater in the "Worlds".

Moreover, in the "Dragon of the Dragon", there are nine records of returning to the soul. Nine turns back to the soul, is to enhance the soul power of people, making life more profound wisdom of the medicinal herbs, a total of nine, and seven lives Xuanmen Dan, the same name, one to enhance the soul, one to open the body of the seven life Xuanmen, mutual cooperation, more It is the supreme effect of returning to life.

In addition, in the mysterious environment of Tianlong, there are methods for refining the nine-turn rejuvenation, various formulas, and medicinal materials. How to refine the furnace.

Fang Han now has a Dao furnace at the level of Dao, eight furnaces, and four giants of the world, as well as the best medicine primer world tree aura, enough to refine the nine rejuvenation.

But the key is to find the Soul Eater and catch it.

"The disciple of the Promise Star Palace? Is this star field the site of the Promise Star Palace?" Fang Han knew that the Promise Star Palace was a rumor, the giant genre, the star gate is a branch of it. .

This Promise Star Palace is bigger than the one in the mouth of the Star Lord. Sitting in countless stars, the resources are rich, the masters are so many, unfathomable.

The Stars Promise Book is one of the towns and gods, a book, and the stars.

After Fang Han refining the dragon's nucleus, this magical power seems to be stimulated, and new changes have been derived from the law of the heavens and the earth.

"Since this piece of the star field is the sphere of influence of the Promise Star Palace, I will capture the soul-stricken beast while I am enlightenment, and refining the nine souls to return to the soul, and prepare for both hands. More confident to wake up."

"The disciples of these two Promise Star Palaces are really arrogant and don't put us at all. Do they think that with their own strength, they can catch the Soul Eater?"

On the surface of the planet, some monks saw this pair of male and female models, and they were very disdainful.

"Hey! Forbidden! Promise Star Palace, huge incomparable. The arrogance of the arrogance is normal. Besides, these two people are masters of Jindan, the giants of the ages, and the status is lofty. If we can cultivate into Jindan, we can also be recruited by the Promise Star. Become an elder of the outer door. Every month, there is pure Yang Dan."

A monk who admires the five-day world.

"You, only to cultivate to the supernatural powers, you can go to the Promise Star Palace as the lowest level craftsman, specifically for their disciples to refine the spirit."

A supernatural man who is six-minded and a returning monk: "But, brother, you only need to join us in Kunshan, I can give you a position as a great elder."

"How many disciples do you have in Kunshan? 100,000 people, the Promise of the Promise, and the presence of a small elder, there are so many disciples. I have to rely on it, naturally I am relying on the Promise."

Fang Han heard some scattered discussions and got a lot of news.

His mind moved and silently came out of the interior of the planet.

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