Eternal Life

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: Wang Fulong

Chapter 482 Wang Fulong

Fang Han looked at the two male and female Jindan monks, put a piece of pure Yang Dan into the star shuttle, decomposed into pure Yang vitality, and then began to burn, urging the star shuttle to move the shuttle space.

There was a burst of luxury in his heart.

A pure Yang Dan, if you get to the world of Xuanhuang, you can exchange one hundred Yuan Ying Dan. In the Xuanhuang big world, a Yuan Ying Dan can exchange 100 tablets of Baiyang Dan, that is to say, a pure Yang Dan, equivalent to 10,000 medicinal herbs.

Now these two male and female Jindan monks, a single investment is one hundred, which is equivalent to directly consuming one million of the drug. Under the gaze of Fang Han, the two have already invested in hundreds of times and carried out hundreds of moves.

In other words, in a while, it consumes tens of thousands of pure yang, and the medicinal medicine converted into the world of Xuanhuang is 100 million!

Take a move and hurry. It is necessary to consume 100 million medicinal herbs. This is in the Xuanhuang big world, and the Vanguard giants cannot afford it.

In fact, "Star Shuttle" is a unique treasure, but it is a large number of void spar. If you burn the power of pure yang, you can move the void, but the distance of the move is very short. And after thousands of times, this piece of treasure will be completely destroyed.

The cost of the void is very heavy.

Fang Han’s original five prisons, Wang Ding, if you gather eight million days of magic, and then infuse the power of pure yang to burn, you can also move the void. However, every time it is moved, Wang Ding will also be damaged. Finally completely destroyed.

Now the two Jindan monks, directly moved, at the cost of damaging a treasure trove of treasures, lost hundreds of billions of medicinal herbs, just to quickly hurry, such behavior, Fang Han can not afford.


Suddenly, the shuttle made a loud resounding. It seems that the ice is melting.

Fang Han was shocked, and he had to stand up and use the treasure to protect his body. You must know that once the body of the body is disintegrated, people will fall into an endless storm of time and space, and they will be broken.

Where do you know that this pair of Jindan men and women monks is a strange look:josei

"It's coming soon! Can this star shuttle be moved a few times?"

"About a hundred times, it will disintegrate, but it is enough for us to reach the place where the Soul Eater is."

"Be careful, in the event of the disintegration of this starry sky, we all have to die in the storm of time and space."

"No problem, I have been driving this thing hundreds of times, and I am very familiar! About 5,000 pure Yang Dan can be reached."

Another large number of pure yang Dan was burned, turned into a blaze of flames, and the star shuttle was pulsed like a dragon in the storm of time and space.

The sound of a lot of disintegration is conveyed into the ears of Fang Han, which is really thrilling.


At the end of the last pure force of pure burning, suddenly the stars shuttled, separated from the space-time storm, and then the entire shuttle body, all disintegrated. For a burst of dust, dissipated between heaven and earth.

A piece of the best treasure, it is completely destroyed.

Fang Han hurriedly urged the body to suffocate and floated up. He saw a huge planet spinning under his feet, which was almost comparable to the "Dragon Star".

The atmosphere of hundreds of millions of miles around the stars surrounds the stars. On the high-altitude of hundreds of thousands of feet on this planet, there are even nine hurricanes!

Fang Han’s eyes projected over the nine-day hurricane and saw the dense forests, mountains and rivers, lakes and lakes, and even the city. His own people were so small in front of the stars, like in the big river. Grain of sand.

"This is the real planet." He and the two Jindan monks fell quickly, as if two drops of rain were about to fall into the sea.

Just landed in the atmosphere of the Scorpio, you will see a hundred treasures of light, shining on all directions, these treasures, each of which contains the power of starlight.

"Luo Yin, Mo Jin. You have come, how come with an outsider! Who is this outsider?"

Fang Han and others have just landed, among the hundreds of treasures, flying a strong starlight, reaching a hundred miles, blocking in front of Fang Han, in the starlight, there appeared a very majestic man.

This man's cultivation is extremely high, it is actually a supernatural power, the realm of heaven and earth! Behind the top of the head, a circle of stars flashed, and among the stars, there was a faint star who was floating.

The male and female Jindan monks who are together with Fang Han, the male is called Mo Jin, the female is called Luo Yin.

The female Jindan monk saw the silver, and immediately said: "Wang Fulong brother, this is a dissident I met on the road, and I have a deep relationship with my Promise Star Palace. This promised to help us surrender the Soul Eater. So take him over."

"Hey! Outsiders are coming in, it is definitely a plot. How strong is my Promise Star Palace, surrendering a little soul-seeking sacred beast, why do outsiders help, isn't it a joke?" This Wang Fulong brother swept coldly. Fang Han glanced, "You can leave, we have to do something big in the Promise Star Palace, idle people, etc., leave quickly. Otherwise, kill innocent! Not fast?"


The female Jindan monk was so angry that he was flushed, but because it was lower than the person, it was not easy to open. I have to use God's thoughts to pass to Fang Han: "Daoyou, this is my brother of the Promise Star Palace, the powerful force of the Beidou Temple. They rely on the power of the Big Dipper Jun Chu Nanzi. They are used to arrogance. Everything must prevail. I often fight with some small martial art, and I sent the small door to the butcher. The Taoist friends still evade some talents. We have the Palace of the Promise, there are three hundred and sixty temples, according to the number of Zhou Tianyuan, the temple of each temple. The Lord, at least the supreme body of the undead, is the master of the Big Dipper Jun Chu Nanzi, and his father is an elder of the Promise of the Promise."

Fang Han received the voice of the female Jindan monk Luo Yin, his cheeks stunned twice, and suddenly he laughed twice, then stopped, the tone was cold: "I have been rampant for so many years, no one dares to be in front of me. The words are not inferior, you are a supernatural master, the little monk of the heavens and the earth, dare to be arrogant in front of me? Or if I have deep roots with the Promise Star Palace, I will let you break your body with your words! ”

"You are looking for death!" Wang Fulong's fierce brilliance, his face showed a sneer, "You are a scum, if you cultivate to the longevity and become a giant, I am naturally respectful to you, but you are supernatural, and change your life." The realm is so arrogant, it is unwise. I will give you some lessons. Before you become a giant, you still have a tail and a good person."

Between the words, Wang Fulong's hands moved slightly, and a strange long sword flew out of his body. This long sword was covered with jagged teeth, and a powerful instrument above it rose.

Actually it is a Tao!

A lower grade device.

It is no wonder that Wang Fulong is so arrogant that he actually has a Tao. With the quality of the lower class, with his strength in the magic of the nine heavens and the earth, it is enough to overcome the power of the supernatural powers.

Moreover, after he sacrificed the sword of the mouthpiece, his fingers flicked, and there were tens of thousands of pure yang Dan flying out, turning into vitality, letting the spirit of this flying sword swallow.

Suddenly, this mouth is a savage sword.

Lightning flies, a shock, this flying sword actually morphed out of a dozens of squares of sword nets, covered over and over, completely covering the square cold.

In order to exert all the power, the Taoist must burn pure yang. This is also the reason why the magical secret cannot push the device. Even the general giants, urging the Taoist, must consume their hard-nosed pure Yang.

However, the Promise Star Palace has a big career, and as long as it is a true disciple, it is very rich. What's more, Wang Fulong is such a master? Have a large number of pure Yang Dan, arbitrarily motivated the device.

A sword net, millions of flying swords, condensed into a sword array, enough to divide any masters! This is the true power of the Tao. As long as you can play the true power, the magical powers below can be invincible.

"A piece of the product, dare to be so arrogant? It is simply not self-reliant."

Fang Han faced the sword net landing, did not take it for granted, his eyes moved, and a big hand rushed out from the top of his head. This big hand, the thick tendons are like a dragon winding, showing hegemony, tyrannical, arrogant, in the hands In the center, there was an eyeball with a size of a bucket, which was pale and white, emitting the sound of hundreds of thousands of devils crying.

The eyeball opened and suddenly it seemed to have changed color.

All the people have fallen into a world of only demons, and the ancient demon domain.


This lower-class martial art flying sword was taken by the eyeball, all the brilliance disappeared, and those sword shadows disappeared like a phantom, leaving the body of the flying sword, suspended in the air, as if a thunder was scared. Dull, overwhelmed.

Subsequently, this big hand was savagely grabbed, and the body of this flying sword was caught in the hand, and it was collected and fell into the palm of Fang Han.

It is a three-foot length, and all of them are jagged swords. There are two words flowing on the body of the sword, which is a "big python." Obviously the name of this device.

After being caught in the hand, the instrumental spirit of this device felt threats and horror, and it swayed and seemed to be crying and begging.

"Giant 镰 镰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Then, the four great giants in his body also cooperated with the six-character mantra and issued the Great Purdue Zen.

Suddenly, Wang Fulong was shocked.


A stream of blood is sprayed out.

He felt that all his connections with this "big sword" were cut off, and the spirit of the giant sword was actually refining!

The master of the mysterious secrets, it is impossible to refine the Taoist. It is also impossible to command the road to blew itself. If it is extremely dangerous, the road device may fly away without listening to the master's command.

But Fang Han can actually refine the Taoist device, isn't that the cultivation of the longevity secret?

"You!" Wang Fulong's heart was completely violent, and the next taster! It is all his dependence. He doesn't know how much credit he has made. He is flattering and how many masters have he got the best. He has gotten this quality. He is much more precious than his wife's son. He was refining.

If someone threatens the life of his wife and son, and wants to exchange this product, then he will choose the giant sword without any worries.

It is now lost!

He screamed, "All the disciples of the Beidou Temple listened to their lives, arranged a big battle of Beidou, and killed this person!"

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