Eternal Life

Chapter 488

Chapter 488: Slimming face

Chapter 488 Sphinx

Fang Hanzhi’s retreat, the first is not willing to fight against the two giants.

The shadow of Cang, Luoshuibei is the giant of the Great Gate School, no more than the general scattered, Longdao, wooden Taoren. There must be a killer, if it is hard, Fang Han has the means to defeat them, but it may also be countered.

And now Fang Han has been unable to cross the ancient giants.

Losing the small fate of Fang Qingxue, it is almost impossible to turn the giants into the ages, especially the Van Gogh giant, the famous giant of the Promise.

Therefore, he used the excuse to suppress the masters of the 34th Golden Dragon and withdraw from the battle group, let the Soul Eater beast.

This is also reasonable. Anyone who has suppressed the 34-level Golden Dan master will have no fighting power.

At the same time, Fang Han also implies a means of attracting enemies. He hopes that the Soul Eater will take this opportunity and shoot at himself. He can wait for an opportunity to see the body of Warcraft, and then use the strongest means to kill, surrender or suppress. Captured the monument to the six-level level!

Even if the soul-stricken beast does not shoot at himself, let it first play with the shadow of the celestial, Luo Shuibei, it is also a good thing.

Although the Soul Eater is powerful and incomprehensible, Fang Han has been in an invincible position. In this battle, get the most benefit.

"This is a life-threatening student, and it is really powerful! One shot has suppressed the 34-year-old Shentong seven-fold Jindan strong, the ancient giant. There is also a Wang Fulong. I don't know what magic weapon is used? The breath is strong!" At this time, it was also hidden in the dark, while urging six seals of the gods to face the shadows of the gods, Luoshuibei fiercely oppressed, and once again, the mind flashed various tricks, and the next step was to prepare.

"Thirty-four big Jindan masters were suppressed in one fell swoop. The power of this life-study student must have been greatly restrained. If I don't want this time, I will give up the chance to kill the shadows and Luoshuibei and kill this. People? Devouring his soul, he will definitely make up."

"No, this person is scheming. It is the most deceitful person I have ever encountered. I still don't want to act rashly, wait for the Jindan disciple inside to blew it up. If the Jindan disciple inside, if he blew himself, then he really supports it. Stayed, I immediately started to kill this person!"

In the dark, the soul-seeking sacred beast in the dark, once again spurted a dark **** rain, this dark **** rain, burning in the air, the ghosts crying, it turned out to be a fairy!

Among the magical roads, the one that casts one, loses the life of a fairy, and the law.

Actually, the Soul Eater will also be such a big law.

"Good! Finally caught the true body of this beast." Fang Han at this time, there are 3,000 magic eyes behind, constantly turning, suddenly see through the layers of magic fog, they saw the magic fog In the depths, a seemingly inhuman, like beast and non-beast, is constantly stimulating magic.

This World of Warcraft has a man's head, but the body is a lion, with wings on the back, weird, sphinx.

This is the true body of the Soul Eater!

Fang Han’s current command of the heavens and the earth, three thousand magic eyes have been thoroughly refined, enough to penetrate the nine quiet.

This Soul Eater is a monster of the Sphinx, and Fang Han also sees it. There is a strong circle of treasure around his body, which seems to be a powerful magic weapon to protect.

See through the body of the Soul Eater, and secretly lock the position in Fang Hanxin. Suddenly a hard work, the body exploded again and again, as if it was swallowed inside a fire.

Then he slammed and slammed the explosion.

This is a play, as if Jin Dan is exploding.

The Soul Eater hidden in the depths seems to have noticed this, and the face has a strange smile, but it did not shoot, but passed a thought.

"How about a life-study student? Can you suppress the 34 Jindan masters and Wang Fulong?"

"Hey!" Fang cold smiled and pretended to be a foolish look: "I have a magic weapon that can suppress the heavens, a little Jindan master, can't turn the sky! And I have already cultivated half of the undead body, even if There is a small damage, no problem!"

He looked at a tyrannical appearance.

However, falling into the eyes of the Soul Eater, is the performance of the outside strong.

However, the Soul Eater did not deal with Fang Han, but only passed a message: "The friend quickly suppressed these disciples, and watched me deal with Cang Shadow and Luo Shuibei!"

Between the passing of the mind, the Soul Eater once again spurts blood.

puff! puff! puff! puff!噗噗噗...........Several dozens of blood have been sprayed out, and every blood has a life span of one.

Strong black blood rain, condensed in the sky into a robbery cloud similar to the end of the natural disaster.

"Fighting God!" In the void, there is a deep voice of the soul-seeking sacred beast.

In the **** rain, the six mountain-sized seals of the gods, once again inflated, doubled up! Covering the sky, the suppression, the earth began to collapse, the strong airflow, caused one black hole after another, the surrounding voids were torn apart, the time and space storms rushed out from it, attacked the shadows of the shadows and Luoshuibei !

"No, this holy beast wants to kill us! Fight!"

The shadow of Cang, Luo Shuibei was pressured by the power of the seal of the monument to breathe. I couldn’t help but look at it. I slammed my tongue and spurted a long blood rainbow. It seemed that between this moment, all the blood was released.

The blood is burning and burning. With the burning blood, the two of them flew out a million pure yang, and they also blended into their own blood.

The pure yang flame, burning, burned a hole in the space.josei

In the interim, the two giants of the ancient giants, the "Star of the Star" and the "Arctic Knife" flew out. The long whales absorbed water and swallowed the blood of the two men and the pure sun.


The two avenues, like the madness, swelled up, and the large array inside, running to an unprecedented limit, smashed into the six blocks of the gods.

They actually want to blew their own natal devices to destroy the monument! Then kill the Soul Eater!

These two giants are in a mess.

After the two undersolders, swallowed up a million pure yang, under the influence of the two men's blood, once exploded, it is equivalent to a giant of the ages, and the blast of the heavens and the earth can destroy thousands of miles. Directly make a country sink and sink into the ground.

The Promise Star Palace, rich in wealth, as a giant, the Tao can still be refining. So the two are not a pity, this is their biggest dependence.

Where did I know that when they urged the tract, they were completely violent, and when they hit the monument, the original imposing monument suddenly changed direction, without suppression, but flew to the side!

"Hunt it!"

There is no doubt that Cang Shadow, Luo Shuibei, saw this scene, immediately commanded the Taoist, chasing the past!

"The life of the scholar, I see you still die this time! I used six eyes to seal the monument to hit you, and then led to two pieces of self-destruction, but also for you, you must die! Oh! I want to deal with two Big giant, then take advantage of it, where is it so easy!"

At this moment, the Soul Eater is already counted.

The direction in which the six-headed gods are offset is actually the position of Fang Han. With a thunderous power, hit it down!

In other words, the soul-stricken monument of the Soul Eater is originally suppressed to the two giants, but when the two giants desperately, they suddenly attacked Fang Han.

Under his leadership, the two giants wanted to blew themselves, and they also attacked Fang Han.

Under this circumstance, if Fang Han is tolerated, even if it is not dead, the incompetent strong, I am afraid there is only one fallen end.

The sound of the East hit the West, the sky crossed the sea, killing people with a knife! This soul-seeking sacred beast is used in a fire!

Moreover, it also hopes that Fang Han’s counterattack before his death will seriously damage the two giants, so that it can truly take advantage of the cheap, swallow the souls of the three giants, and rule the world.

Scorpion poison!

Scorpion poison!

Scorpion poison!

Soul Eater, betrayed.

The six-headed seal of the monument, with the thunder and the shackles of the thunder, the Fangfang cold down, covering all the voids around, even the space is blocked, this time even if Fang Han has "Star Shuttle" is useless.

Behind the six-headed monument, the comet pin and the arctic knife followed closely, and repeatedly bombarded and attacked.

However, at this moment, Fang Han suddenly disappeared and disappeared. He broke through the blockade, disappeared without a trace, and let the suppression of the six blocks of the monuments fall into the air!

"not good!"

The Soul Eater, hidden in the dark, feels empty and uncomfortable at this moment. It is a danger, but it is too late.


His thoughts did not rise, and the space around him was violently shocked. An ancient, blood-stained stone bridge contaminated with infinite magical blood, drilled out from the void, like a dragon king from the ancient times, dragon Emperor! Fang Han stood on the bridge, sardonic, looking at it coldly, as if to judge it for the death penalty!

"The Soul Eater, I already knew that you will start with me, but I didn't expect it. I didn't even receive the blast of Jin Dan master. Can your six-eye seal be blocked? I will Let you die so much! My bridge, called the bridge of Naihe, is a perfect tool! The perfect way, do you know? I burned your one million pure yang, directly tearing you Block, come to your side, and block all around you, you will die now!"

Fang Hanqiang's sacred thoughts, sweeping the past, the perfect word is four words, like a blue sky!

"You!" The soul-seeking sacred beast was shocked, but Fang Han did not give it any chance. The big chaotic thunder sword in his hand, entangled with the electric sign, directly killed.

At the same time, he took the eight floating festivals, the Buddha Guangwan Road, the four great giants in the world, sang in unison, and the thirty-four Jindan masters who just crossed the power, Wang Fulong, also flew out the law of the world. And Jin Dan, facing the Soul Eater!

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