Eternal Life

Chapter 535

Chapter 535: Temple of the Virgin

Chapter 535 Virgin Hall

The transmission array fluctuated, passing Fang Han and Qin Qing to the world without greatness.

If there is no transmission array, the general Jindan monk, at least for a month, will be able to fly from the small planet of the swaying temple to the world without greatness, and it will definitely be unsatisfactory in the middle.

Of course, Fang Han knows that in the vast world, the chaotic mainland, and the surrounding stars, some monks shuttle through the void and like to use the "Star Shuttle." However, the use of "Star Shuttle" is very dangerous and consumes a lot of pure medicinal herbs. At the same time, "Star Shuttle" is just a treasure trove. When it is in the sky, it is easy to be crushed by the storm of time and space, and then the people are destroyed.

Moreover, the general monk, once shuttled, will consume a piece of the treasure, which cannot be consumed at all.

Usually one planet reaches another planet, which is a transmission array. Of course, they are all set up by the Promise Star Palace. If the dispersal is to pass, you need to pay a certain amount of pure Yang Dan.

The Promise Star Palace relies on these and has a lot of money.

"Qin Qing Shijie, where will I be assigned this time? I heard that the biggest fat difference of the true disciple is the pure treasure house of the pure Yang Temple."

In the process of transmission, Fang Han next knocked on the side.

"Go to guard the Pure Yang Hall?" Qin Qing shook his head: "This is indeed the biggest fat difference, but it is not impossible. As long as you become a true disciple, the contribution can reach a certain level, you can apply to the martial art. But need The contribution of Jin Dan is not to be thought of. Of course, even if you have enough contribution, you must have a relationship in the martial art. The disciples who apply to go to the Pure Yang Temple to guard the treasure house every day do not know much."josei

"Yes? The contribution is just a piece of cake for me. But the relationship is...." Fang Hanxin thought silently. He just watched the "Worlds" of the Promise Star Palace, knowing There are many ways for the disciples to make contributions. The easiest way is to go to the bottom of the ground to remove the demon, or to some alien space, fight against the demon, get the demon, the demon of the demon, and hand it to the sect. Or find some special medicines, and even farm, cultivate elixir, in exchange for contribution.

With his own cultivation, to the bottom to kill the Mozu, the master of the Emperor level, as long as the tyrannical emperor is not an undead body, can be directly suppressed.

The contribution of a demon is amazing.

It's just that it's too eye-catching.

A Jindan disciple can suppress the emperor and say no one will believe it.

But between the waves, killing thousands of Ashuras is still simple.

You can get enough contribution in a few times, then find opportunities, go to the Pure Sun Hall, take the opportunity to restore the Huang Quan map.

And he looked at it, as long as he has enough contribution, he can even redeem some rare herbs, even some pieces of the Tao, which have a great effect.

"Teacher, I advise you not to be too high-spirited. After you arrive at the Promise Star Palace, you will settle down and practice slowly. Otherwise, you will die very quickly. Every year, I have many true disciples in the Promise Palace, who died in battle with the demon and earned contributions. On the battlefield of the degree." Qin Qing looked at the expression of Fang Han, and guessed that this disciple must definitely want to earn enough contribution, and then become a true disciple, a grand vision, a head out, could not help but persuaded a sentence.

"Thank you for the sister." Although Fang Han did not care, but heard the meaning of Qin Qing, I still feel that this woman is a good person. Maybe she can give her a little benefit in the future.

In the monk world, you plunder resources, you fight for it, and there are not many good people.


The transmission array suddenly shocked, and Fang Han only felt that there was a clear morning, and it appeared in a valley. The mountains and rivers were beautiful, the birds and flowers were fragrant, and the rich aura was everywhere. This aura was mixed with the faint celestial world. The cultivation is very beneficial and can even develop the wisdom of the beast.

Among the celestial spirits, there are three thousand kinds of vitality, among which the most noble, the effect on the big nature is nine kinds of pure Yang Yuan, but the rest of the vitality also has its own effect. Only the effect is far less than pure Yang Yuan.

Fang Han knows that the Qingning gas can be trained into Qingning Dan, and it is also a human-grade medicine. It is much better than Bai Yangdan.

However, when I arrived at the realm of Jin Dan, the light and the light of Qing Ning were not enough. Can only maintain the realm of the realm, for the growth of cultivation, the effect is not great, still have to be pure Yang Dan!

"here is?"

"Teacher, here is the Promise of the Promise Palace, and the disciples of the new introductory school will be here. The so-called immortal meaning is that here will decide what tasks you will assign. But don't expect anything good. Poor, good difference, usually only true disciples." Qin Qing took the party cold, out of the transmission array, flew over to a mountain.

Just flew up, suddenly, a sword light flew from a distance, stayed in front of Qin Qing and Fang Han, then Jianguang settled, showing a woman wearing a palace dress, proud, hands behind her back .

This woman, Liu Meifu face, tall body, front convex back and upturned, and repaired to be extremely horrible, the mana generated by the body fluctuated round and round, forming a ripple.

"Xie Shijie." Qin Qingyi looked at the woman and immediately stopped and bowed.

"This woman, repairing is not low, but also the power of the supernatural powers." Fang Han does not show the mountains without dew, but also bowed his head.

"Qin Qing, is this a newly recruited disciple? Did the moon and the moon check out his origins? Don't recruit some spies." The woman looked at Fang Han, cold and cold.

"Returning to Xi Xi, sister, has been investigated, is a scattered family in the chaotic mainland. Because of the adventure, cultivation has reached the realm of Jin Dan. And Jin Dan contains ten kinds of magical powers. The moon brothers see that he has potential, so recruited in, and became Insider disciple." Qin Qing respectfully answered, the other side of the cold road: "Fang Yu, this is the Han Xi Shijie of the Temple of the Virgin, the Temple of the Virgin is my Promise Star Palace, the strongest temple, the inside The teachers and sisters are all distinguished and distinguished from the ordinary true disciples. You are not going to see the ceremony?"

"The House of the Virgin? The holy lady who was hooked up by Feng Baiyu was the owner of the Temple of the Virgin." Fang Han’s heart was shocked, but he also knew that the Temple of the Virgin was extremely noble among the three hundred and sixty temples of the Promise. . Even more than the Beidou Temple of the Chunan Gongzi.

"Well, since you have found out the origins, you can rest assured. So, you handed this disciple to me. I brought it back. This time I came to Sequoia, just to find a new group of disciples who are new. I took it to the Temple of the Holy Lady. I have to do one thing recently. I need a lot of disciples to do things for me. It’s just that he cultivated Jin Dan, no matter how good.”

Han Xiyi refers to Fang Han.

"This........." Qin Qing looked at Fang Han, his face was a bit difficult: "The rules of the martial art, the new disciples must be distributed to the fairy valley..... ..."

"No, my saint's temple has this privilege." Han Xi waved his hand. "This matter, our lord has already said to the swaying lord. Newly recruited disciples, especially Jindan disciples, our sacred temple has priority Right. Hey, the owner of the Beidou Temple, Chunan, lost a group of Jindan disciples. Recently, I have to come to the temple to recruit new Jindan. I want to take the first step and prevent them from doing so. ""

"It turned out to be like this, Han Xi, sister, then you will take Fang Yu away." Qin Qing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to fly away.

"Slow!" Han Xi waved his hand and the little rune of the stars popped out of his sleeve. Seeing these runes, Qin Qing’s face showed a happy color, took out a jade card, and collected these runes.

"Thank you for the reward of the sister."

"Well, this is a contribution of 3,000 points. It’s a small meaning. If you later receive the honour of the temple, you will receive a good qualification." Immediately inform me, don’t let the people of Beidou Temple get out first. Wait for the end of the year, the main hall owners At the meeting, I saw how the temple owner Chu Nan explained. It will definitely be impeached and sanctioned by the Senate." Han Xi sneered again and again, seems to hate the Beidou Temple very much.

"Well, are you called Fang Yu? It's not bad. You are the inner disciple of the Temple of the Virgin in the future. You can wait and contribute, and you will not be able to contribute." Han Xi said: "Come here! I will bring this. you go."

"Fang Yu, went to the Temple of the Holy Lady, you have to cheer up and be careful." Qin Qing said coldly, the meaning in the words is very obvious, the Virgin Hall is not a good mess.

However, she did not dare to understand, after a sentence, flew away.

"Thank you for your sister." Fang Han stared at the shadow of Qin Qingyuan and nodded.

"Hey! It seems that you are also a sentimental seed. Look at your appearance and look forward to Zhou Zheng, but I have to warn you that the rules of our saint's temple are extremely strict, if you and the true female disciple of our saint's temple happen, What kind of affair, there is only one in the end! That is castration!"

Han Xi looked at Fang Han and sneered: "Go with me!"

Between the talks, Han Xi got up and threw a magic weapon, rolled the square cold and flew away.

About half a day later, when Baoguang was scattered, Fang Han saw a magnificent palace suspended in layers of white clouds. This palace is much larger than the Yuhua Temple, almost similar to Taiyuan Xianfu. Around the palace, the stars are surrounded by many small palaces.

The palaces under the white clouds are all beautiful scenery, beautiful mountains and rivers, picturesque scenery. Obviously, some people used the power to transform the topography. Otherwise it is impossible to condense into this poetic landscape.

However, the atmosphere of these palaces all revealed a breath of Lancome, apparently the daughter's palace.

"Fang Yu, you are now the inner disciple of the Promise Palace of the Promise. In accordance with your cultivation, you can be a true disciple, but there are rules in the martial art. The inner disciples must If you have a contribution of 100,000, you can be promoted to a true disciple. But as long as you are obedient, you will soon be able to make enough contributions in the Temple of the Virgin."

Han Xi looked at Fang Handao.

"I understand the rules, I don't know how to be obedient?" Fang Han asked.

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