Eternal Life

Chapter 537

Chapter 537: Memory pieces

Chapter 537 Memory Fragments

"Is this the form of chaos?"

Open the book "Big Blood Skull", and Shen Shen infiltrated into it. Fang Han saw that a Taoist who dominated the world stood in the void, and the atmosphere seemed to have been compared to the exquisite fairy statue that Ling Xiaofu had seen. Not too much.

He knows that this is the creation of a chaotic continent, bringing together many stars and creating a supernatural giant of the flesh and blood, which can rival the existence of immortals.

His thoughts are shocking.

Continue to observe the every move of "Chaotic Heavenly King" in "Big Blood Skull". This is a rare opportunity for him. If you see this super strong, you can use the legend of the immortal to perform the Tao. His help is simply huge.

In the interstellar void, the chaotic Heavenly King stands!

This master who can praise the immortal, free to move, suddenly infinite space is opened, all kinds of vitality in the starry sky within a billion squares, gathered into a group of tides.

There are some huge planets that are directly disintegrated in these tides.

Under the thought of Fang Han, there are hundreds of millions of planets, which are destroyed under this.

At the same time that these planets are destroyed, countless chaotic time and space are opened, and different degrees of space appear one after another. Fang Han even saw it, and an eccentric world was opened, which conveyed the flourishing and vast true dragon.

That is the entrance to the dragon world!

However, the dragon world opened by the chaotic Tianjun is much larger than the dragon world opened by the eight floating sects. It is more than 100 million times larger. Fang Han can even see the true face of the dragon world through the entrance.

After the Chaos Heavenly King opened the Dragon World, he grabbed it with his hand and suddenly took a vast force into the Dragon World. It seemed to be catching something.

Then, in the Dragon World, the roar of the sky, the long dragons, and the majestic sounds of the dragons were heard. "Who is, opened the gap in the dragon world and invaded the nest of Taikoo Tianlong." Is it like to be ruined and ruined forever?"

"I just want three thousand dragons and flesh! Condensed a magic weapon. Dragon King Dragon Dragon God! You are so stingy, then I have to forcibly plunder!"

The chaotic Tianjun sent a more vast, more majestic voice, his voice spread out, and some distant stars began to fluctuate, seemingly to disintegrate!

Between his words, among the dragon world, countless huge dragon bodies were captured by his life. Then at his side, it melted into a group of flesh and blood.

Among the dragon world, some powerful existences are completely angry and angry! A dragon claw that can cover the planet can fly out of it, and the chaos will be completely killed!

However, the chaotic Tianjun did not move at all, but only touched his hand. The entrance to the dragon world slowly closed. In the depths of the endless void, only the roar of the dragon's anger was conveyed!

Fang Hanxin was shaking and shaking. He felt that the power of the angry dragons and every voice could shake himself away.

What is the power of this?

He calmed his mind and watched it again. I saw the chaos of the heavenly king, opened up one world after another, and plundered many strange things from it. Even he saw the chaotic heavenly king opening the Buddha world, and between them, many golden ones. The Buddhist monks, the mighty Luohan, and the Bodhisattva were all captured by him, and they melted directly, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

"The virtual world! The virtual world! That is the virtual world! The chaotic heavenly king, actually opened the virtual world from it and plundered the protoss! Too powerful, actually there are such powerful people?"

Fang Han saw another scene. It was a chaotic Tianjun. He actually tore up the infinite void, opened the passage of the virtual goddom, and grabbed the big hand. Some weak emperors and gods were arrested by him. The flesh and blood are also melted.

Seeing the cold is stunned and can't be self-sustaining.

Between the heavens and the earth, there is still such a madness.

Later, Fang Han saw again, chaos Tianjun, free to catch the camera, every capture, mana has been extended to the past, caught in the endless universe of far, thousands of trillion inside.

Fang Han even felt that, with the cultivation of the chaotic Tianjun, standing in the world of Xuanhuang, he could catch and kill the characters like the Chunnan Gongzi in the vast world.

Time and space, distance, has not been able to block such characters.

The current Fang Han, in front of the chaotic Tianjun, is almost no different from the ants.

Bounce your fingers and you can kill 100 million times.

Even Fang Han suspected that the chaotic Tianjun could kill the Emperor's Heaven. This kind of character exists only in Taikoo, legend, and mythology and should not exist in reality.

One after another, the alien space is opened by the chaotic heaven.

Many eccentric races, powerful beasts, fierce beasts, devils, gods, Buddhas, dragons, and things that Fang Han couldn't name at all were caught by Chaos Tianjun! Then their flesh and blood were melted one by one, forming a flesh and blood in the void.

This group of flesh and blood, very huge, keeps crawling, covering a star field.

At the end of the day, the chaotic Tianjun saw that the squirming flesh and blood had formed and formed. With a handle, a mana, it was torn out out of thin air. I don’t know how many time and space obstacles were torn, nor how many tangible and intangible beings were destroyed. In the end, there was a huge portal that stood in the depths of the universe.

This portal is the gate of the fairy world!

"Tear me!" The chaos of Tianjun slammed away, and the door of the fairy world was under his fist, and in the blink of an eye, it was shattered into pieces of tens of billions.

Chaos Tianjun sneered again and again, putting a huge palm into the door of the fairy world, it seems to catch something.

However, this time it was not as he wished.

After the smashing of the gates of the fairy world, there are countless powers of thunder. This thunder is completely a transparent, pure thunder, and every tiny electric light can destroy a star.

Although it is a piece of memory fragmentation, Fang Han still feels the power of the shocking soul.

The huge thunder entangled the body of the chaotic Heavenly King, causing harm around his body.

"Leidi Tianjun, are you going to stop me?" Chaos Tianjun, roaring loudly.

"Chaotic Heaven, you have been exiled from the fairy world, do you want to enter the fairy world?"

"Hey, this day, the king does not want to enter the fairyland again, the fairyland is the land of abandonment, exile!" Chaos Tianjun laughed: "Otherwise, the mother will not give up the honor of honor, challenge the creation The majesty, the eternal reincarnation of the Yuanling. She is the one who has realized the fate, so she has such a move. Lei Di Tianjun, in the fairy world, can not get eternal life. Although the gate of eternal life, in the fairy world In the middle, but the essence of fate has been passed from the door of eternal life. You are in the fairy world, you can never grasp the mystery of fate."

Chaos Tianjun laughed happily: "Since you Lei Di Tianjun guards the fairyland, I will not do it with you. We have already made countless times between us! Who can't help us? .."

In the midst of laughter, infinite space and time was blocked, and the door of the fairy world disappeared.

The chaotic Tianjun, the body moved, disappeared, leaving only a group of creeping flesh and blood, gradually precipitated, shrinking, shrinking, and then shrinking, and then those smashed stars and large floor blocks, also gathered together.

Gradually, after a thousand years, a huge floating continent is condensed in the interstellar.


Fang Han took the fragmentary memory fragments of this book and watched it again. The vision expanded again and seemed to be his own soul, which was raised to a height.

He realized that the fragmentary memory fragments in the book are from the perspective of chaotic Tianjun. The chaos of Tianjun’s vision is more than 100 million times wider than he is. He stands on the shoulders of giants and has a wide range of visions. For future practice, For the universe of heaven and earth, there is tremendous help for many different spaces and even for the understanding of the fairy world.

After reading the memory fragments, the verses of "big blood scorpion" flow in my heart.josei

He began to cultivate, and there was a layer of blood on his body.

It is safer to practice in the Promise Star Palace.

Fang Han even thinks it is safer than practicing in the feather gate. The cultivation of the feathers in the door may be discovered, at the very least, the wind white feathers are able to detect any of their own actions.

But in the Promise Palace, no one can detect his own behavior.

Since it is safe here, it is not bad to steal a half-day leisure.

The process from the cultivation of the first "Longevity" to the second "undead body" is a process of refining the magical powers, the field of achievement, the physical body and the law of the world.

Once in two or two, the body's body will melt and there will be signs of "not dead."

Fang Han is still a step away, and the head of the sea knows that he can't melt. Nor can it be combined with the law of heaven and earth.

"Yes! Why can't I be promoted to the body of immortality, and there is a bottleneck! It is because of the cultivation of the great source technique, the sea is strong, the head is strong, and it is not so easy to melt!"

A little light, rising from the heart.

In his heart, he also knows vaguely that he can't repair himself into an undead body. After he cultivated the "big source", he opened up nine seas of knowledge. The reason why the sea and the head are too strong cannot be melted and merged with the law of heaven and earth.

But as soon as it melts, it can produce incredible power, and the achievement is much higher than any "immortal body".

He now has a lot of magical powers, and Sanqian Avenue can choose to practice. However, the first thing he chooses is the "big **** technique" obtained from the "chaotic fetus", which is to find out from it, one can refine The method of his own head, thus breaking through the bottleneck of the undead body, directly stepping into the second life of the longevity secret.

In this way, he will be able to make great achievements.

"Big blood stasis" is one of the three thousand avenues, but it is very peculiar. It is a practice that specializes in the training of flesh and blood and transforms the flesh. This has a great effect on the body conditioning.

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