Eternal Life

Chapter 562

Chapter 562: Goodbye Chu Nanzi

Chapter 562, Goodbye to Chu Nanzi

"Ha ha ha ha, Hong Tianjing, you are really iron and tender. In the spare time of cultivation, I don't forget to refine the magic weapon for Han Xi's sister. It is really admirable, but you are distracted. This time, I will reschedule the small longevity list. I am afraid. The position of the first tyrant is to move."

Just when Hong Tianjing planted Buddhism "He Xintong" Shentong into Fang Yu's body, on the sky, he conveyed a strong mana fluctuation.

As this mana wave fluctuated, it was a man. The man was tall and thin, but every piece of meat on his body was tight and strong, such as black iron, which contained a strong explosive force. And this man's fingers are extremely long, wearing a black robes, embroidered with green dragons, white tigers, Suzaku, Xuanwu, pythons. Five great beasts, there are many faint devils.

This black robes are all a device!

"Another master with air transport has appeared!"

"Yes, this disciple is also a realm of supernatural powers, and it is a realm of rebellion. However, his body also contains extremely terrifying magical powers, and there are eighty-one kinds! Every nine kinds of condensed into one. This kind of person, If you put it in the fairy martial art of the Xuanhuang big world, it is also a strongman who is more than 100 times more qualified than Huatian. The Promise Star Palace is really unfathomable. If it has been several hundred years, this Hong Tianjing, and this black man I don't know where to cultivate."

Fang Han’s heart was secretly scared.

He knows that these characters, like themselves, just give them enough time to grow faster and faster. It is all over the ages, in the monastic world, the talents of the heavens and the genius, the stunning talents, the people with strong air and gas.

"Fang Yu, this is the second-year-old brother on the list of Xiao Changsheng three years ago, the "Sima Chong" of the Taixu Hall. He has cultivated a ninety-eighty-one kind of magical power, although not as powerful as the Hong brother, but means Secrets, especially physical tyranny, have been built into the Taiji to Yang body in my Promise Star Palace. Freely twisted, shivering bones, can tear the mountain peaks, even if the bombardment of the lower class, can not hurt him. It is also able to fight Devil, defeat the existence of a long-lived secret master."

Han Xi looked at the man who appeared, the other side explained.

"It's really amazing. I have to cultivate to this realm. I don't know what year and month." Fang Han sighed again and again, "Han Xi Shijie, this time really opened my eyes, my disciple of the Promise Star Palace, actually so amazing. When the body is in a mysterious situation, it is actually able to fight the giants of the ages. You know, on our chaotic mainland, the giants of the Ages are high above, the existence of God. If our family can make a giant, then it can really be chaotic. The thirteen sects of the mainland have resisted courtesy."

"Don't be delusional, with your qualifications, it is impossible to cultivate to the brothers of Hong, and the realm of Sima Chong. They are all talents in heaven." A female disciple heard Fang Han talking like this, and smiled slightly: "Still down to earth Step by step, practice, don't be too good."

Fang Han nodded again and again. "The teacher learned the lesson."

"Hey! Sima Chong, you can never beat me." Sima Chong, who was wearing black, appeared, snorting and blinking.

"Is it? Three years ago, I lost to you, not repairing it as you are, but your upper class, the Taolujing building is very powerful. Although you have developed into ninety-nine kinds of magical powers, you have integrated into the law of heaven and earth. Among them, but I also cultivated Taiji to Yang. When I stepped into the longevity secret, the body is more likely to be refining, and combined with my own gods, to become an immortal body!" Sima Chong is proud, "This time, After three years of rescheduling the list of small longevity, I must defeat you. Then you as a stepping stone, paving the way for me to enter the longevity secret."

"Oh? Are you, like me, aware of the method of the longevity secret? Just to prepare something, I will not step in it? In fact, with our current cultivation, we can beat the ordinary giants with all our hands. Prepare for a while, open the door of the fairy world, the more avenue rules you get. Your thoughts are very good, but this time re-arranged the small longevity list, will once again fail in my hands, give you the heart, leave no The defeated demons and shadows, this is a mistake for you." Hong Tianjing speaks slowly, but Fang Han feels his words, unbeaten confidence and powerful strength.

"Who is the deer who is dead, I don't know yet! Do you think that you can really beat me? Let's go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony." Sima conflicted and flashed into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"The two men are on the hook again. Hong Tianjing! Sima Chong! But this time, we have to share a piece of cake!" In Sima Chong, Hong Tianjing, Fang Han, Han Xi, and many other disciples have entered the stone of the gods of spirits. In the middle of the hall of the Taihe Temple, a group of powerful mana fluctuations also flew to the front of the temple.

Fang Han found that these people, all of them are masters, have condensed more than 50 kinds of magical powers, some have concise more than 60 kinds, and at least have concise more than forty kinds.

"Fang Yu, these are the top ten masters on the list of Xiao Changsheng, the Yuangang of the Zhenzhen Hall, the Huang Yunxian of the Wuyun Temple, the Zhou Houchao of Zhou Tiandian..." Han Xi is the party Han Yiyi introduced, the Taoist skills of these people, the magical powers of cultivation, and even the various magic weapons of fame, and what earth-shattering things have been done, are also detailed.

Fang Hanxin has memorized one by one. When the Red Devils come, if you start, use their little fate to swallow their magical powers.

The more the magical powers that the fate of the fate is swallowed, the greater the power, and these magical powers, the branding left in the small fate, can still be restored.

Fang Han is not moving, and he is not moving. After watching the change, after reaching the outer hall of the Taihe Temple, Fang Han stood quietly in a corner, really like a follow-up.

This is too big for the inner hall of the temple, and the space has been derived, at least hundreds of miles. There are a lot of people in the crowd, but in the deepest space, there are rows of seats, sitting on the seats, sitting on a lot of Wan Gu giants, and even powerful people who are not dead!

Fang Han saw it at a glance, and the Chunan son was actually in it! Apparently appearing as a ruling, it is one of the revisionists of the Little Changsheng list.

"Fang Han, Chu Nan Gongzi is also there, have you seen it?"

"I found it early. But he seems to be deeper and lost two pieces of Shangpin! The loss to him is also great." Fang Handao: "But this person is a big tonic for me! He has The blood of the Protoss is a powerful figure in the peak of immortality. If I refine him into a long fruit, then swallow it, and use his fate to swallow his supernatural power! I can immediately cultivate to the peak of the undead body. realm!"

Fang Han saw the son of Chu Nan, but the son of Chu Nan also looked at him.

However, the eyes of Chu Nangong did not stop too much in Fang Han’s body, but directly went to Han Xi’s body, even put a few eyes on Hong Tianjing’s body, and then made a voice: “Han Xi, you Come over, let the son I have a good look, recently repaired to what extent has it progressed? I recently got a fairy, called Xuanwei Forget Tiandan. Dealing with the breakthrough of the longevity secret, has a great effect, just to give it to you! Right? Why didn’t your aunt Hanya come today? I also prepared a good baby for her, she will give it to her.”

"Chu Nan! You! Last time you counted my aunt, if it was not a saint, she would be insulted by you! Now my saint has already understood the law of space, and you will be the disciple of my temple, the saint. Say, I will choose a day and fight with you!"

Han Xi looked at the son of Chu Nan, and his body seemed to be angry.

"Chunan son, you are the owner of the Beidou Temple, pay attention to your own identity!" Hong Tianjing around Han Xi said, "You are lascivious, but Han Xi is my favorite woman. If you want to move, you have to Ask me to promise not to agree."

"Hey?" Chu Nangong suddenly stood up, staring at Hong Tianjing, "Boy, you are still tender. The Taixu Temple Lord Ji Taixian came to be able to talk to me like this."

"Yes? Chu Nan Gongzi, you used to prestige, but now you are rumored that you have lost a game, even the star emperor bed is lost. Without the Shangpindao, I am afraid that you will not be able to maintain the wind." Hong Tianjing as a disciple Actually, he is not afraid of the savage Wei Nan’s son.

Looking at the appearance of the Chunnan son, it seems that this Hong Tianjing is also quite taboo.

Indeed, Hong Tianjing is a man who is more arrogant than the Fang Han at that time. He is deeply unpredictable and has a profound air transport. Now he can beat the giants of the ancients with his hands. This kind of character must be taboo.josei

Of course, Hong Tianjing also has three points of jealousy for the Chunnan son.

"Hey! Han Xi, I didn't provoke you, but you know that my Beidou Temple has recently lacked talents. I want to recruit a group of Jindan monks and supplement the quota. You deliberately ran to the Shake Hall and put some Jindan monks. I’m all in the air. I’m gonna be right with the son! You’re a little disciple, dare to count the son of me, if I still want to swallow, what is the face?”

The sound of the Chu Nan son is sharp.

Originally, in this Hall of Supreme Harmony, there are still some eternal figures of the ancient giants, even the undead body, who want to discourage the son of Chunan, but after listening to him, they have stopped and watched.

"Chunan son, what do you want?" Hong Tianjing frowned.

"Today is the day to revise the list of younger generations. As a ruling, I should not disturb the situation here, but the temple is too deceiving. Let me not receive disciples, so I will be sanctioned by the Senate at the end of the year. You can't completely solve this problem here!" Chu Nangong talked casually and pointed to Fang Fang: "This Fang Yu is one of the Jindan monks who Han Xi took away that day. Give him to me. And Since then, I have no longer won the recruitment of monks with my Beidou Temple."

"Good! I promise you." Hong Tianjing actually replaced Han Xi.

"Hong Shixiong! This Fangyu saved me. Ten thousand can't go to Chunan." Han Xi hurried.

"No matter, a Jindan monk. Moreover, this Chu Nan son can't be lawless. If you don't solve this problem today, you will inevitably have to be counted by him. I have to practice now, break through to the undead, can't take care of you. Hong Tianjing waved his hand: "When I practiced successfully, I still rescued him from the Beidou Temple."

Between talking, Hong Tianjing looked at Fang Han: "How, Fang Yu?"

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