Eternal Love: A Love Story

Chapter 453 - Harem Meeting (6)

Chapter 453 - Harem Meeting (6)

Chapter 453 - Harem Meeting (6)

Everyone was puzzled when Zhao Ming announced the rewards for the good character and their productivity.

They couldn't understand her reasoning behind all these things. It's not related to harem at all.

Though these things were useless from their point of view, Zhao Ming had a reason to implement these rewards.

She wanted to implement the reward for good character because she has seen that the women in the harem are so arrogant and don't treat? their servants well.

Not only that, they don't respect each other nor her as the Empress of Ji Dynasty. Everyone came late for the meeting but no one apologized for it? except Jia Shi.

They have no morals and talks like a shrew. They try to be an elegant lady but there is not a single trait of a lady in them especially Wen Xu and Xie Mei.

She doesn't think that Xiao Li comes into the category of a shrew because she is actually beautiful and elegant. She doesn't run her mouth like a crazy person.

She can be called a sly bitch. She is manipulative and has the ability to hide her real character.

Though she cannot lure Xiao Li and Wen Xu with these rewards, she was sure that some people will at least try to make changes in their behavior to get this reward.

After all, the reward was not a small amount


And about the productivity reward, she saw that in the harem, all the women do nothing all day except eating and sleeping.

In the remaining time, all they do is scheming and gossiping. If she makes them busy, then these cat fights will reduce, at least to some extent.

That's the plan what she had made for this month. She wanted to see if her plan works or not. If not then she will have to think about something else next month.

' Sigh. It's not easy to be an Empress.'


" What nonsense is this? Do you have any idea what rubbish you are speaking? You don't want to divide the budget based on their status?" Wen Xu yelled at Zhao Ming when she heard her words.

" How will you distribute the budget then? You can't possibly be thinking of distributing the budget equally, right?"

She doesn't care about anything else but how can she think about distributing the budget equally?

Xiao Li also nodded and said in a wronder tone," Yes, Sister Zhao Ming, mother is right. Your words are not making any sense. Also, introducing these rewards is irrelevant. It's just a waste of money. You should remember that it's not your money. This money comes from the treasury. You should not waste money like this." Xiao Li tried to be a fairy by talking about saving money.

Zhao Ming chuckled when she heard Xiao Li's words. This was the most funny joke she has ever heard.

Xiao Li frowned when she saw Zhao Ming chuckling.

" You're laughing? Does this look funny to you? What a bratty attitude you have? How can you lead this meeting with this trash behaviour of yours?" Wen Xu berated Zhao Ming for seeing her insulting Xiao Li.

Everyone in the room nodded as they also found her ideas strange. Though some of the consorts who had? the lowest status in the harem were pleased because their budget would be increased if it was divided equally.

But those who were in the upper status were all riled up because their budget will be affected and they will get less money to spend than before.

" Ah, sorry. I shouldn't have laughed but I couldn't control when I heard what Consort Xiao Li said." Zhao Ming apologized as she put her hand on her mouth to control herself from laughing.

Wen Xu and Xiao Li's expressions darkened seeing her behavior.

" Consort Xiao Li, I get what you meant. First, this money is not being wasted. In fact, I am just using the money for the development of the women in the harem. Wouldn't it be better if they work hard and try to improve their attitude to gain this reward. Reward is needed to encourage them to follow the right path. " Zhao Ming tried to explain Xiao Li calmly.

Though she knows that she won't understand, it was her responsibility to do so.

" Also, I am not using extra money for this. I am just using it well. In the past, there were few people in the harem who enjoyed the life of luxury while the others had to struggle to manage their lives in the harem. As the Empress of the Ji Dynasty, how can I let this happen? "

" That's why I have decided to distribute the budget equally and without any hierarchical biases. And if anyone needs more money, there will be an emergency fund, so they can borrow? from there. But they will have to return the money later. "

Zhao Ming said calmly as she responded to Xiao Li's question.

Wen Xu frowned when Zhao Ming said that in the past, the money distribution was partial.

Her expressions darkened as she said," What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying that I did not manage the harem properly?".

Zhao Ming smiled and replied, " I didn't do anything else. But you also know how it was before. Some people received the most of the portion of the budget while others were forced to struggle for living in the palace. Is this right? Is this how a harem should work? I am not blaming anyone. I am just trying to fix things here. But if anyone thinks that what I am saying and doing is wrong, then you are free to complain to his highness. "

" As the Empress of the Ji Dynasty, I am using my exclusive right to implement these policies. Some amount will be kept aside from the budget for the emergency fund and the reward. While the remaining would be divided among all the consorts including Me, Empress Dowager and Consort Xiao Li. " Zhao Ming glanced at everyone and announced without any expression on her face. josei

Wen Xu's jaw stiffened. She pursed her lips and said," How can you implement these policies without our consent? What is the meaning of this meeting if you're not going to take our opinions in consideration? Do you think that you can do whatever you want? I will definitely go to Ji Cheng and complain about it. "

" You can't do anything right. " Wen Xu complained as she turned her head away from her.

Zhao Ming smiled and said," You want to know why I did n't discuss anything with you all and announced my decision? You really want to know, Mother? "

Wen Xu felt that Zhao Ming's tone was extremely gentle when she said this.

It's kind of scary.


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