Eternal Love: A Love Story

Chapter 486 - He Came.

Chapter 486 - He Came.

Chapter 486 - He Came.

After lunch, Grandfather Su went to his room to work leaving the two women alone to chat.

Su Jin and Xie Ming chatted for sometime in the living room while drinking tea and snacks.

Xie Ming looked at the wall clock and frowned.

It's already 6pm.

Her eyes widened in shock as she totally forgot about the time. She turned to look at Su Jin and asked, " Su Jin, shouldn't we leave now? If we leave now only then we can reach by 10pm. Because when we reach the city, it will be peak hours. So we should leave early, so that we can reach home on time."

Su Jin turned to Xie Ming and blinked her eyes.

Xie Ming pursed her lips seeing her blank expressions. She had a premonition seeing her innocent face.

" Didn't I tell you before?"

Xie Ming took a deep breath as she asked, " Now what?"

" I am planning to stay here tonight since I don't have work tomorrow. " She said with a smile.

" Then what about me? How can I go back"

" You can also stay here. We have a guest room here as well. And for clothes, you can wear mine. We will have fun. If you stay here tonight, I will take you to the night market in the area." Su Jin was already feeling excited just by thinking about the night over.

It's been years since she had fun. All the time she was busy with her studies even when she was in college. She didn't go on any trips with friends, no parties, no nightovers.

People think that she is a very cool and party kind of person but in reality her life is extremely boring. She doesn't even have friends with whom she can hangout.

She always stays at the hospital and the little free time that she has, she spent it with her grandfather.

For some reason, she feels that she can be friends with Xie Ming. Because she realised that Xie Ming says what she feels about the person on her face. She doesn't fake like the other girls whom she has encountered.

The words Xie Ming said before had hit her hard.

' I pity your patients.' That was the moment when someone crumbled Su Jin's long built confidence which has become over confidence.

It was the moment that she realized that she needed a person like Xie Ming in her life to call her a 'bitch' on her face rather than behind her back.


Xie Ming did not know what to say when she saw the excitement on Su Jin's face. It's not that she has any problem with her, but she has promised Liwei to come back by night.

" You could have told me earlier if you had this plan. Then I would have brought my driver with me. Now how will I go back now?"

Su Jin pursed her lips and asked, " Why do you want to go? You can stay here tonight. We will have fun."

" Su Jin…"

" I have a husband at home. I need to go back."


" Your husband is the controlling type? He doesn't even allow his wife to stay out?" Su Jin asked with a frown.

She has thought good of him but never expected that he is like this.

Xie Ming sighed and explained, " He is not controlling. It's just I know he won't be able to stay without me."

She remembered how he came to Ning city to meet her when he missed her so much.

It's not that she went there for long but he couldn't stay without her.

Su Jin pursed her lips and nodded.

" Seems like you guys are still in your honeymoon phase." She chuckled when she saw the blush on Xie Ming's face.

Xie Ming smiled when she heard her words. It really seems like they are in their honeymoon phase.

As they were chatting, a maid came to Su Jin and said, " Miss, a man is here and was asking for Ms. Xie Ming."

Su Jin raised her brows and glanced at Xie Ming.

How come someone is here to look for not her or her Grandfather but Xie Ming?

Xie Ming frowned and asked the girl, " Who is it?"

The girl looked at Xie Ming and said, " He said that his name is Jin Liwie. He is here to take you back."

Su Jin: "-_-"

Xie Ming: "-_-"

Su Jin was shocked when she heard that he came all the way here just to pick her up?

" But how did he come here? I didn't tell him the address." Xie Ming mumbled as she remembered that he already knew that she was in the countryside but she didn't tell him the exact address, did she?

Su Jin pursed her lips and said, " Errm..I was the one who told him the address. I thought that he was just asking to know your whereabouts but I wasn't expecting him to come all the way here."

" And it seems like he left for here as soon as he found out about your whereabouts." Su Jin was surprised to know that the biggest businessman like Jin Liwei could be so romantic.

She suddenly realized how lonely she is.

"_" josei

Xie Ming was touched because of his caring gesture. Though Su Jin doesn't know, she was clearly aware that he came all the way because he was worried about her.

And doesn't want her to stay at some unknown place. That incident has affected him more than her.

" Seems like you won't be able to stay here tonight." Su Jin chuckled as they walked out of the house to see Liwei.

" I think so too." Xie Ming chuckled.

When they went outside, they saw him standing against the car with his hands folded against his chest. He wasn't smiling but his handsome face was enough to make Xie Ming all giddy.

Su Jin stared at the silhouette in front of her and pursed her lips

" Xie Ming, does your husband have any brother?" She whispered to Xie Ming.

Xie Ming turned to Su Jin in confusion as she couldn't understand her words.

Su Jin smiled and said, " Your husband is so handsome. It must be because of his genes. So if he has any brother then set me up. Please. I am sure his brother must be as handsome as him."

Xie Ming chuckled as she remembered Jin Liang. It's true that he is handsome but he is still lacking against Liwei.

There is only one man like Liwei. And that's he, himself.


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