Eternal Love: A Love Story

Chapter 492 - How Many Things Is She Hiding?

Chapter 492 - How Many Things Is She Hiding?


Chapter 492 - How Many Things Is She Hiding?

After eating their dinner, Xie Ming sighed and looked at the unstoppable rain outside the window.

She walked towards the window and stared outside. Nothing was visible due to the heavy rain but she could feel the cool refreshing breeze coming from the window which she had opened a little.

Liwei frowned and walked towards her, he enveloped her in his arms from behind and nibbled on her ears, " Why are you standing here? You will catch a cold."

She smirked when she noticed his naughty hands finding its way under her bathrobe. Their clothes were sent for the laundry and now they are in their bathrobes only.

" Mr. Jin, the punishment ended long ago. Now will you please keep your hands off from me."

" Mrs. Jin how can you say this? You're so cruel."

He frowned and said, " That's not a punishment. That was my love for you. I haven't even punished you yet. You owe me this punishment." He shamelessly went back on his words.

" Oh,really?"

" Ahhh, ah what are you doing?"

Liwei yelped in pain when she caught his hand and twisted it backwards. He was just trying to feel her curves but she made him feel the pain.

Xie Ming turned to look at him and said, " Didn't I tell you to keep your hands in check? Because you will lose your control again if you continue with this act and I don't have any energy to help you again."

He frowned and glared at her with wronged expressions. He tried to use his same pitiful expressions again but this time she didn't give in to his demand.

She walked to the bed and said, " It's time to sleep. Ah, I am so tired." She plopped over the bed and hugged the pillow.

" We didn't even do anything yet and you're tired?"

She shot him a look and shook her head. She knows that right now he is like a hungry man who can see the food but cannot eat it.

So it's futile to talk to him about anything else.

" By the way, what did you talk to Mr. Su? He seems to be very concerned about you?"

She opened her tired eyes and looked at him,pursing her lips, she said, " Ah, since we have the same interest in Chinese medicine, so we were talking about that."

He frowned and stared at her trying to figure out her thoughts. Even though she says that she has learned Chinese medicine abroad but he didn't buy that story.

He knows that there is something else that he is hiding from her.

" Really?" He smiled as he patted her hair rubbingly.

He never says anything because he believes that she will tell him everything whenever she feels so.

There is no need for him to dig in things.

Xie Ming pursed her lips and thought about Grandfather Su's offer.

" Ahm..yeah. He was asking me to join the Chinese medicine department in Life hospital." She said in a sheepish voice .

She knows that this thing cannot be hidden from him and she would have to tell him sooner or later.

So she decided to face it and deal with it now.

It will become complicated if she tries to postpone things for longer.

Liwei's expressions became complicated when he heard her words. Working in a life hospital?

Of course he remembered that hospital. It was the same hospital where she stayed for three months when she was in the coma and it was the very same hospital where she spotted that boy saying that he is autistic.

He looked at her in daze not sure what to say. He has acknowledged that she has great medicine skills but working in hospital as a professional doctor is a big deal.

" He wants you to work as a professional doctor? How? You don't even have required qualification for it?" He tried to keep his calm and asked her in a low voice.

She stared at him and pursed her lips.

" Ermm.., he wants me to..give an exam and if I cleared that I can work as a doctor. It will take place after some months, so I have to study to prepare for that test."

She carefully looked at his expressions to see through his thoughts. She was worried that he might ask something complicated which will be hard for her to answer.

She knows that she has to face those questions some day but she is not ready yet.

His expressions were blank and he seemed to be in a deep thought.

" Are you sure that you wanted to become a doctor? Even if it is,Chinese medicine doctor, you will still be a doctor. You know that being a doctor will not be an easy task. Are you really sure about it?"

He looked at her waiting for her response. He knows if she really passed the test after studying for only a few months, then her knowledge about medicine was not just little which she learnt as a hobby or interest.

Because even though he doesn't know about Chinese medicine much, he knows that it's not something to be learnt as a hobby.

She bit her lower lip and nodded seriously.

" Yes. I want to work as a professional doctor. I just wanted to tell you about it so that you won't get shocked later."


' I am glad you did.'

He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves.

" What about being an actress? Weren't you interested in acting earlier? What happened to that?"

" Also, aren't you bound by a contract?

Xie Ming blinked her eyes innocently and replied, " I...I will work for the time being. I will complete the time period of the contract. Meanwhile, I could study and sit for the exam."

" Isn't the contract for two years? Is Mr. Su willing to wait two years for you? Or you want to break the contract?"

" Actually, I didn't sign it for two years. I asked Tang Nian to make it one year only. So I have only 11 months remaining now." She said with a sly smile on her face.


'Exactly how many things is she hiding from me?'


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