
Chapter 131

Chapter 131

“What are you protecting this world from? It surely can’t be humans…?”

“The biggest dangers are meteorites and volcanoes. Other than that, while controlling and maintaining a balance of resources within our domain, this operation controls and adjusts the population and mutation rate of living things… especially, humans. Humans are a very dangerous race, so we have continually managed the population.”

“Are meteorites and volcanoes that dangerous?” San asked as he tilted his head. He was truly curious about this aspect.

“Meteorites are no joke. In a word, it’s not an exaggeration to say that this universe is just a mini shooting range of meteorites. You can even call it a machine gun shooting range. Imagine a meteorite bounding towards from who knows where to this star or planet every second. The smaller ones are filtered by the atmosphere, but occasionally, meteorites over several kilometers in diameter fly in. Missing one of them would be catastrophic.”


“Imagine this… their speed is tens of times the speed of the bullets you used in Episode 285. It hits the planet’s surface in just a second after it enters the atmosphere. After accelerating for just one second, the temperature at the time of impact is above 60,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 10 times the surface temperature of the sun. Ten-meter-thick steel would melt in one second under that temperature, never mind the destructive qualities of the impact. We must intercept these flying catastrophes accurately before they enter the atmosphere. In fact, this job of ours is a tough industry. You can liken it to the Atlas from your world, the one who supported the sky with his shoulders.”

“I guess if such a meteorite enters the atmosphere, the damage will be huge,” Biyeon commented.

Senun narrowed his eyes and looked at the two. Silence ensued for a while. After a brief moment of silence, Senun spoke up once more, “The level of destruction would be fairly large… just because a projectile is one kilometer wide doesn’t mean you only get a few kilometers of damage, right?”


“Assuming that one is several kilometers in diameter, ninety percent of the life on this planet will be lost. Now, do you have a sense of the power of meteorites?”

The two gulped, considering the possible catastrophe in earnest. They both thought, ‘Is a meteorite that destructive?’

“If a meteorite fell here, it would kick up a twenty-meter-high wall of dust everywhere within a radius of 1,000 kilometers. Anyone residing in that radius wouldn’t see sunlight for at least a year or more because of the excess dust that was kicked up into the planet’s atmosphere. An Ice Age would ensue. Furthermore, the ten percent survival rate is also a very optimistic number. Volcanoes are also dangerous. It’s not something humans can contend against.”


“Your people never considered all of this, have you? How was it possible to sustain life on this planet for hundreds of millions of years even under such atrocious conditions? Do you think you’re just outrageously lucky? Do you still believe that you humans have prospered and conquered the world? The fact is, the word that you throw around, ‘conquest’, is really funny. It means absolutely nothing.”

“You mean dragons have been protecting us? With this Forest of Machines…”

“We’re not operating only here. We have operations in the sky and in the sea. You humans see it every day, but you just don’t know it.”

“The moon?” Biyeon asked. Senun smiled.

“You can think of it as a meteorite interception device that also functions to regulate regular tidal movement and earthquakes. It’s part of our overall control system.”

“Your work is deserving of human respect,” San responded while nodding his head.

“You can think of dragons as the system maintenance officers for the planet. We were appointed by the Creator to oversee the flow of nature,” Senun replied.

“Do dragons hate humans?” San cautiously asked.

“We are of the opinion that humans are as dangerous as meteorites. Shall I tell you my observations about your race? Up to Episode 314, humans were always the worst parasitic disease on their planet. Humans broke all the balances we risked our lives to maintain every day, and your kind has run in hordes to systematically annihilate all the species we worked so hard to maintain.” 


“Do you know how scary humans are? Within 300 years of human migration and settlement, an average of eighty percent of the animal species in those areas went extinct. Furthermore, humans really have a knack for creating lethal weapons to destroy the planet. There were no exceptions in every experiment and observed in each Episode. I wouldn’t say anything if humans caused extinction to their own race, but it’s very annoying when humans destroy the system itself.”

“Why did you dragons leave such a dangerous human being alone? Can’t you send Sages to control humans?” San murmured.

“The Creator didn’t want that. Unfortunately, the dragon cannot resist his wishes. If one uses a Sage to intentionally kill a human, the ‘termination’ clause installed in one’s body will activate. No one has been able to solve this issue. Only the Creator has control over this aspect…”

“Is that why the dragon race is hostile towards the Creator?”

“The situation is a little more complicated than that, but it’s clear that the root lies in humans. I’m also planning to listen to the Creator’s explanation before making any decision.”

“What happened to the others who came here before us?”

“I killed them all. No one left alive,” Senun replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

“What about us?”

“You both will probably be the first humans that I let survive.”


“Because, as a representative of the Sages, I must prepare for the Creator’s advent. Also, unlike other Awakeners, you both are a very burdensome existence. In fact, I’m also very curious about your makeup and potential.”

“Your response is really… unkind. Could you please explain it in a simpler manner?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t tell you anything further. Anyway, this place will be completely hidden soon. Even I won’t be able to stay in this place any longer. I have a lot of work to do to prepare for what the Creator wants.”

“By the way, why have you chosen us?”

“Because you're both really special. You both are also very interesting… for the Creator and his enemies.”

“Are we special in the sense of special specimens?” Biyeon said as she laughed.

“Special prototypes would be a more apt description,” Senun stated.

Another pause in the conversation ensued.

“What is the relationship between the Creator and humans? Is he on the human’s side?” Biyeon asked with inquisitive, shining eyes. Her black pupils seem to get even darker, making it impossible for one to sense what she was thinking.

“It is said that man is the ultimate work that the Creator, or Creator as known by most humans, must complete. Also, according to the ‘Sage’s Book’, the relationship is compared to a writer and a reader. In the sense that each other cannot exist without the other, the unity of the two is what binds everything together… Also, it is said that ‘creation is like publication.’ I don't know what that line means, honestly. You are Awakened humans, so you should ponder these words in whatever fashion you want.”

“Then, is this Earth?” Biyeon asked with a trembling voice.

“It may or may not be.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s say you have published a hundred books. Which of them is the original?”

“All of them are originals.”

“That’s right. However, each reader has a different reading order and method. That is how we perceive this world. I believe it was mentioned as a special theory of relativity in your time.”


They spent ten days in a forgotten civilization’s ruins. San and Biyeon spent most of their time with Senun. The conversation continued until they received a suitable, comprehensive answer for what they wanted from each other.

The others in San and Biyeon’s group were able to rest and repair in a very accommodating environment.

Everyone welcomed a refreshing morning as if they were waking up along a brilliant oasis. San and Biyeon led their party outside the Forgotten Kingdom after the two finished the details of their deal with Senun. Once they returned to the main road, a new path awaited them. 

The road that they were going to continue on led southwest from the Forgotten Kingdom to the Empire’s capital. People referred to this road as the ‘Forgotten Kingdom,’ calling it the ‘Forbidden Grounds’.

They heard the sound of their own footsteps for the first time in a while.

Biyeon looked back. Unlike Siluone, Senun presented them with a palatable deal. They had to traverse a more roundabout path to get to the capital, but San and Biyeon thought that they made the right decision in choosing to go into the Forgotten Kingdom.

They were able to obtain many clues unexpectedly. They were also able to check the conditions of their bodies. They also learned a fact that the Magic Dragon Siluone had withheld from them. Although San and Biyeon did not fully let go of their suspicions about the Senun, Sage Senun seemed to be in a different position from the magic dragons.

Biyeon had trimmed her hair before restarting their trip. Lately, she had been losing her hair little by little. Aging was no joke. No matter what one did, one couldn’t stop time and its effects on one’s appearance. Perhaps it had something to do with the ‘termination’ clause that Siluone installed on her.

Senun diagnosed that Biyeon’s ‘termination’ clause was originally set for ten years. The clause was implemented two years ago, so Biyeon should have eight years left.

However, when Senun measured it, the period had changed beyond anyone’s understanding. Biyeon recalled her conversation with Senun before she left. 

“Is this the first case in history?” Biyeon asked.

“The ‘termination’ is consistent and absolute in every case. I’ve never heard of any change in the ‘termination’ clause’s speed. However, in this case, the ‘termination’ clause period has suddenly been shortened. Siluone probably doesn’t have the ability to do that… it’s obvious that the clause was quickened through some catalyst… which is very interesting. How did you do it?” Senun asked as he looked at Biyeon. He already suspected that she knew why there was such a change.

Biyeon shook her head. She glanced at San next to her as she thought, ‘What is he thinking?’

She recalled how his attitude had changed a year ago when strange symptoms appeared on her body. San stopped talking about his hometown, which he had often talked to her about before. It was as if he had given up his will to return at that moment.

Instead, he was engrossed in her well-being. Also, he made a visit to the Magic Dragon Siluone and had Biyeon received regular diagnoses. His behavior had also changed after receiving the dragon medicine from Siluone for Biyeon.

He invested a lot of time in improving his combat force and searching their bodies. It was to the point of being unreasonable.

The medicine that Siluone provided had nothing to do with the termination clause. There must have been some purpose for the medicine, so San purposefully observed and confirmed the clinical effect of the medicine and every other variable… However, nothing was found.

She never told him about her condition. In actuality, she didn’t have a good gauge on it herself.


“Three years?” San constantly repeated the words as he mulled over their impact and meaning. He was repeating the words with a blank expression. Biyeon closed her eyes tightly.

“Yes. I don’t know what she reacted with or did, but if she doesn’t touch or do something further, that’s how much life is left in the termination clause,” Senun answered.

“Is there a cure?”

“No. It can only be extended.” 

“By how long?”

“About two years? You have to use the medicine that is made by dragons. Sages and Original Beings are strong but have short lives, so dragons are the ones who can prolong their termination clause deadlines. However, dragons are only able to produce the medicine once every 100 years. The Creator provided us with a compromise. Since you are special, Sage Nakun will continue to supply the medicine for you.”josei

“By 2 years…”

While mumbling to himself, San grabbed Biyeon’s shoulder and turned around. As he turned around, a question popped into his mind.

“How many dragons are there in the world?” 

“About five to six hundred?” Senun answered while tilting his head. He had felt a chilling cold wind blowing around his neck and a chill run down his back after hearing San’s question.

Episode 3. Book 3: Adventure – Chapter 3

Land of Death. 

They entered a place that had not been explored by any being during the historical period of human memory. It was a large basin area that spanned 100 km east to west and about 150 km north to south. The Land of Death was one of the four most dangerous places in the world.

At this moment, a shabby procession was breaking through this ‘forbidden grounds.’

“First group, advance to the left!” 

“Second group, cover from the right!” 

“Third group, cut off!”


A giant beetle collapsed after being bombarded with projectiles. Although it was a beetle, it was about the size of an elephant. Like a crustacean that lived in uninhabited waters, it must have enjoyed uninhibited growth in the area where there were no natural enemies.

It lost its balance and crashed to the ground with one amputated leg crushed under it.

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