
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Yeria held her breath. She felt that it took an enormous amount of calculation in order to fill each of the empty cells. Specifically, the distribution of special spoils was based on set distribution percentages, which took a lot of complex division and statistical averaging.

However, her captain easily wrote down the numbers with only a bit of written calculation or without any calculation at all. Biyeon finished the work in half an hour. Once finished, she scrolled down from the top of the sheet with her beautiful long white fingers. It was hard for Yeria to believe that these were the fingers of a warrior.

“I’m finished. It took me longer because I needed to understand and correct your way of calculating and recording numbers. Make sure to check each category’s distribution amounts with the distribution ratios and total counts. It’s not even a hard assignment, why did you take so long and complain so much… Let me ask, were you being insubordinate? Do you have something personal against me?”


“I’ll give you exactly half an hour. Make sure to review and double-check everything, then report back! Don’t you see that everyone’s waiting?”

“Yes, captain.”

Yeria started double-checking Biyeon’s calculations for any errors. Reviewing was always easier than the initial calculation. Her bewildered eyes started to slowly lose their light. She stared at the receding back of her captain.

‘It’s accurate. The total, the categorical totals, and even the distribution ratio applications... everything is correct. Using such a novel calculation approach… I can easily recognize how she did her calculations from the horizontal and vertical cell divisions. How was she able to calculate this so quickly?’

“Are you kidding us? You’re only a specially commissioned captain at best. Do you even have the authority?” someone shouted amongst the gathered hunters.

“Count Essen chose the wrong person. Why did he assign such an obtuse and worthless person as the captain?” another added on.

Screams, shouts, and arguments started breaking out in the forest base camp clearing. Some of the warriors even had their weapons out. They were looking at the spoils that had been taken away from them with bewildered, angry expressions. They couldn’t agree to follow the new distribution of spoils. Their expressions were determined.

The square was filled with two types of people, those who were happy and those who were angry. To be more specific, there were four types of people.

The first group comprised individual warriors and unaffiliated warrior groups who were ecstatic about their larger-than-expected shares of the spoils. 

The second group were the affiliated clan and warrior groups that were dissatisfied with having equal shares to those in the first group. They found it hard to accept that they had to follow this arbitrary equal share ruling.

Along with these two groups were San and Biyeon and the specially commissioned support staff, who were both excited and nervous about the situation.

The last group was Dongye, his Dong-Myung clansmen, and Chief Priestess Dite.

The situation was starting to come to a head. The side that felt that they were losing out was the most aggressive and outspoken.

“Based on the results of previous years, it seems that the shares are much larger overall. Are you all still unsatisfied?” San asked calmly with his hands behind his back.

“What the hell are you saying! Isn’t it only fair to distribute the shares based on the past distribution ratios? Under what authority are you making these changes and unilaterally deciding who gets what?”

The Jane Clan’s Narim took the reins and voiced his argument for the crowd. He was a little concerned about going against Awakeners, but he wasn’t really sure if they were actually at that level, as he had his memory wiped a few nights before. Even if they were Awakeners, Narim thought that Dongye and his Dong-Myung clansmen would support their cause. Narim believed that their concerns were aligned, so there shouldn’t be any difference of opinion on this matter.

“We’ve already detailed and laid down the new distribution ratios and shares. Since everyone participated and we don’t know exactly how much everyone has contributed, it is only fair to distribute the shares equally amongst all the participants…” answered San without wavering. He had an expression suited for modern management officials.

“Hu… this person! He must be deaf. Will you be the one that breaks the longstanding rules established between the Count and us? Now? Furthermore, the Count’s share will be 30%? Additionally, the Count will be taking all of the expensive Archon products? Hmph… this makes no sense. Are you kidding us?” the Kyung-Mu Clan officer shouted out. He had already taken his sword halfway out.

“If those were the agreements, please take out your contracts. I will follow the contractual terms. Our Count has provided all of the resources for this hunt. All of the weapons you used as well as the facilities and resources. How can this be seen as a small amount? If even one of these things weren’t present, would you all still be alive?” answered Biyeon with her head cocked to one side.

“Even Dongye of the great Dong-Myung Clan is present! Do you not feel ashamed of your behavior in front of such a prestigious and fair figure? Have you lost all sense of shame? Our words are wasted speaking with the likes of you two. Don’t bark like dogs and recalculate the shares! If you don’t do it properly this time, we’ll be forced to take what’s ours by force!” Another warrior shouted out. The other affiliated warriors nodded in agreement.

The atmosphere had turned violent. It seemed like physical force would be used as a means to resolve the dispute.

“This…” San’s voice rang out. He was staring at the ground rather than at the gathered mob. The gathered warriors felt a sense of tension and flinched.

The atmosphere became cold and still. It was like facing an Algon with one’s bare hands. San was still staring at the ground in front of him while murmuring as if he didn’t care if the gathered warriors heard or not…

“I heard that the agreed-upon percentages change each year. From what I’ve heard, Duke Karose takes 30% while Marquis Norian takes 20%. But our poor and powerless Count Essen only takes 10%...”


“Doesn’t this mean that our weak and powerless Count and your powerful affiliate organizations are dividing the spoils based on combat power? Whatever you all state, this is not an ‘equitable promise’ but a ‘fleecing’ under the guise of power.”

“This person! Still being obtuse!” someone shouted. The growing discontent raised the level of noise in the square. San’s voice was also raised,

“Well… regardless of whatever happened in the past… we’ve been contracted to responsibly and properly administer this year’s hunt. Therefore, I will be speaking as the official representative of the Count. Open your ears and listen!” San stopped speaking momentarily to raise his head. He leaned forward slightly and lowered his voice towards the mob. 

His voice was very low and came out like a whisper, making the warriors quiet down to hear his words.josei

“There’s definitely a problem between us, right? You’ve denied my request, and I have no inclination to accept your requests. What shall we do? I’ll leave it to you gentleman to decide. I won’t take back what I said, but I am willing to compromise a little bit to establish a good relationship with your affiliated groups.”


“However… if you’re relying on your martial prowess to back up your statements, then we are also willing to do the same. If you decide to deny my request, then you will receive nothing, not even a single share. Alright! Let’s decide. What will you all do?” San’s reply reverberated through the square. It was concise and emphatically clear. He was asking for their decision as the Count’s formal representative.

The high-ranking officers and warriors of each clan stood with their mouths open in surprise and astonishment. They didn’t know where to begin with this absurd declaration.

“Did something happen with the Count? How did the Count assign representation to such a psychopath? He said he’ll take responsibility, right? You! You said you’ll put your life on the line, right?”

San smiled back before responding, “Of course! We’ll have to first get vows set up to detail the terms and agreements before any battle of might. I don’t want you guys to change your words and bring your organizations into the mix later on. That would be unscrupulous and underhanded, right? Alright, shall we see if you have what it takes to back up your words?”

San kept smiling as he turned towards Dite.

“How is it for you, Chief Priestess Dite? Can you be in charge of conducting the vows?”

“Of course, as long as the victor properly allocates Goddess Diana’s share!” Dite answered with a broad smile. 

San nodded in agreement. The decision had largely been made to resolve their differences with duels. All of the affiliated officers and warriors looked at the Dong-Myung Clan at this moment. To be more precise, they were all looking at Dongye’s mouth, awaiting what he had to say.

He was the hero of this year’s hunt. Furthermore, the martial prowess of the Dong-Myung warriors was unequivocally accepted as being the foremost authority here.

Dongye gave a broad smile. His gaze swept past the gatherer warriors before landing on Narim of the Jane Clan. San and Biyeon looked at Dongye with amused eyes.

The support staff behind them were turning purple from fright and nervousness. Everyone was focused on Dongye’s lips.

“The Dong-Myung Clan upholds the values of equality and fairness above all else, so we don’t sell our souls for a meager profit. However, since we need to make a decision, I will trouble Goddess Diana to take your vows. The Dong-Myung Clan will vow not to participate in the duel. I will also make a vow that I will support the victor of the duels, whoever it may be, without hesitation. This is my answer.”

Dongye finished his response and nodded his head at Dite. He spoke like a person who truly seemed above meager gains and unnecessary conflict. All of the affiliated clans and organizations nodded at his words.

‘Wow… pretty good…’ Biyeon murmured quietly. Her lips were quivering from holding back a fit of laughter.

‘He’s truly a wise ‘Awakened.’ He didn’t let my expectations down.’ San was also trying to keep a straight face while looking down onto the ground. Dongye’s message masterfully conveyed two distinct stances.

Dongye stated that this matter would not be handled by the Dong-Myung Clan as representatives for the mob, so the individual affiliated warriors and officers should resolve their own disputes. He made it seem as though the dispute was beneath him, that higher principled values were taken into consideration. 

For San and Biyeon, his words meant that he would take the vow with Dite and follow their terms. The three of them knew that there was no chance of San and Biyeon losing. Furthermore, Dongye was compromising with them, so he did expect a little something more for his party in return…

The square exploded with activity and noise. The irrevocable and non-reversible flow of the mob had started. All of the warriors in the mob grabbed their weapons and prepared for battle. They weren’t stupid. They knew the opponent was strong. However, one only knew what would happen once swords clashed against each other.

A warrior’s battle meant that both sides would put their lives on the line. San could feel his hands shake. He felt the presence of other human beings who wanted to kill him for their own benefit. If this was a simple game, it would be easier, but to deal with other intelligent humans of flesh and blood… his heart and mind were filled with confusion and contradiction.

San took a step forward in the square. He took out a white sword. He wasn’t looking at his opponents. His gaze was fixed on the setting sun behind his right shoulder. It was red. The sunset was very red.

‘Is it now time to shed blood?’

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