
Chapter 94

Chapter 94

[Please… shake off all the bad memories. Let’s go again. Like the first time…] Biyeon commented.

[You… do you know how much you mean to me? How much Biyeon Kim means to me?]


[I feel bad. Very bad…] 

[I’m fine. You don’t have to feel bad for me.]

San looked at Biyeon with a heavy, depressed expression.

He looked into her dark, black eyes. There was sorrow there that only he could read. He bit his lips. In his mind, the unpleasant conversation he had with the magic dragon, Siluone was constantly reoccurring, like a broken LP record.


[What have you done to our bodies?]

- You both are too dangerous. Furthermore, it’s worth observing you both longer. So, I’ve put some safeguards and tracking devices on your bodies.

[Why did you do that…]

- In exchange, I’ll protect you from the threat of other dragons and their Sages. Everyone is very interested in you both. Also, I guarantee your freedom in this world. What do you think? Isn’t it a very fair deal? Well, I’m not really going to do anything different even if you don’t agree…

Siluone laughed loudly. No, they felt like she was laughing. The two felt goosebumps rise on their bodies.

[What do you mean? We don’t make deals that we don’t understand. You’ll have to provide us with a better explanation and more information.]

- Oh? I never thought you both were so curious. I’ve only spoken with Sages, who are always good at following orders.

[Can you omit the mischievous tone? Just tell us what we want to hear.]

- Simply put, I put a ‘deadline’ on your bodies. You can think of it as a ‘gene clock’. Normally, there are no adverse effects on one’s body. However, I can control your lifespans. The Sage’s have the same thing in their bodies, so I hope you both don’t feel that it’s too unfair.

[Genetic clock?]

[I heard that some genes determine the number of times a cell can regenerate. I believe you know them as telomere and telomerase... If you touched the genetic clock, it’ll accelerate your aging or transform your entire body into cancer cells.]

- Such a bad daughter. You’re only focused on explaining the bad things. You can be resurrected, and if you want, you can live almost forever, right? Since I still have over 5,000 years to live, I might be able to guarantee at least that much time.

Siluone explained as if speaking to her children.

[So, we’re eternal slaves?]

- That expression is very sad, no? You’ll be able to enjoy all the joys and pleasures that you could want, isn’t that the dream for all humans? In addition to the great power of being an Awakener, you’ll possess the power of eternal life. As far as I can see, you humans usually paint Heaven in that way. Am I wrong?


- Just think! You’ll be able to enjoy your favorite adventures. What more do you want? Do you really think the way you both are living now is the best? Because of your modest pride? Or for what?


- Anyway, what you have to choose is very simple. Once installed, there’s no way to reverse the ‘deadline’. Because that’s the way the damn ‘Creator’ devised a way to control us dragons as well.

[Then… we have a choice to not have the devices and ‘deadline’ put into our bodies?]

- Yes, you have the chance to refuse. The ‘Creator’ demands that the ‘deadline’ must be a two-way, mutually agreed upon contract. It’s easy to install, but it only takes effect through the process of mutual consent through signature, so I need you to agree. In other words, strictly speaking, it is a matter of ‘choice’. The same is true for me.

[What if we refuse?]

- I really want your data and insurance, so I’ll probably have to fight you both. If my assessment of your abilities is correct, there will be very little likelihood that I will be destroyed. What do you think? Isn’t it comparatively fair?

[What more do you want to see? We continued to agree with your experiment, right?]

- In the experimental lab, data is virtually meaningless. There’s not much to find out about life by opening a million dead bodies. I need live data on moving specimens. The outside world is the most intense laboratory and pushes the subjects to various extremes. In particular, data on humans who have Awakened are very important, but it’s very difficult to obtain a proper body. It’s truly very hard.

[Are you curious enough to risk your life?]

- Yes. It’s a personal mission I promised myself for the dragons who chose the path of transformation. We were the ‘target creatures’ of the Creator. Now that we’ve mutated, we’re no longer targeted. We must now survive in a world created by the Creator. To do that, I have to know about humans. Especially the Awakened, as they’re scary existences… 

[Dragons are scared of humans? Even with your dominating power?]

- Awakeners are scary. The power of the ‘Creator’ only comes through humans. This is what the ‘Creator’ explained. Furthermore, he has always descended in human form. He always pulled out a tremendous power hidden in humans and used it. At least the 9th Stage… us dragons have been searching for the source of the human’s phenomenal power over the years. Funny though… the ‘Creator’ never objected to our pursuits. Rather, he told me to look for it as much as possible…

Siluone growled. She didn’t realize that she was pouting. She was acting like a child doing homework who couldn’t solve a few questions.

[Do you mean Acceleration? So, you’ve been experimenting on Awakeners all this time?]

- Acceleration is one of those abilities. The experimentation of one or two humans was not very useful. When I opened them up, it was just a person who acquired basic Acceleration skills and one lucky skill. After grasping the principle of the skills, I immediately discarded them. Sometimes they would become Sages. When I showed them the world of my dreams, most of them came over. Most of them have a loose mouth, so they’re quickly disposed of, but…


- However, it’s very dangerous and difficult for even Sages to hunt fourth-level Awakeners. In fact, even if I were to obtain a fourth-level Awakened Warrior, they would be of no use as specimens because the data would be corrupted from various parts being meshed together. Second or third-level Awakened Warriors are the most suitable for observation, but these warriors are very rare, and most of them belong to places called Absolute Clans, so it’s not easy to isolate and secure them. Absolute Clans are not weak enough for Sages to run rampant against.

[We’re not people from this world, okay? We’re aliens… Did you find the wrong address?]

- Sorry, but it’s the opposite. You both are very important samples that can unravel the intentions of the ‘Creator’. At first, I thought you might be the body of the ‘Original Human’, the incarnation of all beings…


- Do you understand? When we know more about you, there’s a greater possibility that Acceleration may be the key to overcoming this damn ‘deadline’ that the ‘Creator’ installed in our bodies. Since the Sages aren’t aware of these internal ‘deadlines’, I disconnected myself from my children during the experiment. Do you understand? These explanations are my show of kindness. I spoke for a while. Are you ready to choose?

[We can’t die here. It can’t be helped…] San said in a somewhat defeated voice.

[You don’t have to put the ‘deadline’ on both of us, just one is needed, right?] Biyeon asked while cutting San off.

- The more samples, the better. But one is good enough. However, the conditions of our relationship must change.

[What are you talking about!] San’s non-verbal words rang out.

[Hey! Snake Lady! I’m going to volunteer and take the pledge myself. What are your terms!] Biyeon quickly retorted.

- That’s fun. If one is missing, you will have to give me something equivalent. Are you okay, woman?

[Tell me!] Biyeon shouted.

[What are you doing!] San struggled as he tried to stop Biyeon from making a rash decision.

- I will take your eggs and your children as samples. To do this, girl, you’ll have to go through some extra experiments. I’m as excited as you guys. Do you agree?

[Child?] The two’s voices blurted out at the same time.

“... I’m fine.” Biyeon replied.

Hearing Biyeon’s quiet voice, San’s thoughts came back to reality.

[Now I’ve really reached the limit of my patience. I’ll either destroy this fucking world or die trying.]

[In the end, this too will be solved once we meet the ‘Creator’.] Biyeon said softly, grasping her collar.

[None of these guys know where that guy is! No. Did you say he’s in A-Pian? What the hell is happening! Gods, Sages, Angels… mother-in-law, daughter-in-law... no fucking person knows where that guy lives and how to get there... During the time we spend trying to figure out his address, whether it is ten or a hundred years, Siluone and her gang of dragons will constantly conduct experiments on us as they wish… And we’re expected to hug onto a poison in our bodies and be thankful? Is this the life we want? Is that so?]


Biyeon stopped walking. San moved about two more steps forward and then stopped. His gaze was staring at the entrance where the Han-Sung Clan warriors stood.josei

The blowing wind didn’t pass through San, it went below and above him to get through. Before long, the air stopped flowing. The ground shook. The granite floor cracked and fluctuated as if an earthquake had occurred in their local area. San’s aura expanded out, like a blade... like a sonic boom...

[But haven’t we got what we wanted?] Biyeon’s calm voice rang out in their private channel. Only to him. Surprisingly, the little sound magically suppressed his runaway anger.


San looked back.

[Freedom and an irresistible hope!]

San thought Biyeon’s eyes were like wet jewels.

[No matter how small?] The man responded in a low voice.

[No matter how far away!] Biyeon answered softly.

[No matter how painful it is?]

[No matter how sad!]


[I won’t waste a second of my life.]

[I won’t give you up.] 

[I won’t give you up either.]

San stood tall and stared at Biyeon.

He spit something out of his mouth and chewed on the words that wanted to come out of his mouth… Suddenly, tears piled up in her eyes, like jewels at Nonhyeon-Dong (a famous neighborhood in Seoul that has many jewelers and jewelry stores).

“That’s it then…” San said as he laughed awkwardly.

Instead of answering, Biyeon held San’s hand tightly.


“Long time no see. I’m seeing you quite often,” San said as he greeted the line of Han-Sung clansmen and Hanyoung in particular.

“I waited. It’s been quite a while.”

Hanyoung stroked his beard and nodded his head.

“Have you waited for us? But there’s nothing left for us to sell to you,” Biyeon replied.

“We need them. The price will be paid amply… so hand it over now.”


San looked into Hanyoung’s eyes. With a smile on his mouth, San tilted his head.

“Let me ask you something. Do you believe in us? If we really stole the Count’s goods, aren’t you dealing with a fraudster, old man?”

“To be honest, it’s too early for me to have any trust in you both.”

“Then what do you want from us? We don’t have anything…”

“It’s even harder to imagine that people who are Awakened would resort to stealing. I think you are a Dong-Myung clansman who uses Don-Myung Clan skills, and the lady next to you is a Ki-Jang clanswoman who uses Ki-Jang Clan skills. For reference, you do know that the Han-Sung Clan doesn’t have a good relationship with either of these two clans, right? Our Han-Sung Clan won’t sit idly by as the goods get passed over to our competitors. Do you understand my position?” Hanyoung explained.

“I see,” San calmly replied.

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