Evade The Hero and Flee!

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

< Evade the Hero and Flee! 205 #24. Why Does it Have To Be Me? (2) >

#2 Their circumstance: Certain demons’ circumstances

I looked up at the sky above. It was dyed in a golden hue. However, that light wasn’t cast by the setting sun. Oh no. It was an artificial light created by a living entity.

That’s the simple description, but, well…

“…This is hell.”

Yup, it’s basically ‘Hell’ here.

Sir Swinn was yelling loudly at us. “It’s only this much, yet you dare call yourselves demon kings! You noobs!”

The deluge of sword aura dyed the sky gold while raining down on the demon king candidates. A single hit in the vitals would be instant death. Unfortunately, the one firing all those golden rays didn’t seem to care.

“S-save me…!”

“I don’t wanna die!”

“No need to panic! I won’t kill you! Yes, you won’t die! I don’t have time to train your replacements, after all! That’s why I won’t kill you!”

“Ah, aaaah… Dear Demon God… Why do you put us through this sort of trial…”

“What do you mean, why! It’s to create demon kings capable of carrying out Demon God’s will, obviously!”

“Aaaaaahk! Nooo! I give up! Becoming a demon king is a step too far for me!”

“It’s too late to give up now! Be the next demon king!”

Goosebumps broke out all over me while watching that. Those dodging the attack were too focused on their survival to do anything, yet the one attacking had enough leeway to retort to the desperate screams… Even though he was practically fighting 100 people at the same time!

“That… That is the true power of Sir Swinn? The instructor chosen by the Demon God… And the subordinate of the great Demon God’s servant, Lord Marx?”

For the first time in my life, I felt deep in my soul the true meaning of ‘difference in status’. But, what shocked me even more was…


A wolf-race demon male screamed and fell as the sword light pierced his thigh. But then…!

“Aha, a new patient!”

This whole place resembled a war zone, yet a frail-looking little girl who totally didn’t belong here quickly walked up to the wolf-race victim. And then…

“Aru’s hands are healing hands!”

Her small, cute hands rolled into fists, then she began punching the wolf-race dude’s thigh where blood was pouring out like a fountain.


The poor guy screamed until his throat went hoarse, probably because his wound was attacked.

“It’ll all get better with some spit and polish~!” The little girl didn’t stop her punching, however.

“That’s not spit, you knoooooow!”

Amid the golden bombardment, the humming of the little girl and the screaming of the wolf-race dude rang out tragically.

“Alright, treatment, finished~!” The silver-haired girl declared as the wolf-race stopped screaming, then dragged the poor guy out of the battlefield. Their destination was a pile of ‘corpses’ by the side.

“N-no, wait…”

“D-don’t come here… Nooo, don’t come near me!”

“Hiiiieeeek! I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I got injured! Forgive me for being so useless!”

I guess I should correct myself, then. That was not really a pile of corpses. Nope, it was just a gathering of victims that tasted the little girl’s beating. Except that it was apt to call them corpses as they were crawling weakly on the ground, their arms and legs limp and not functioning as intended.

“Here’s your friend! Catch!”

Just how did that small body of hers produce such physical strength? The little girl picked up the wolf-race dude with utter ease, even though he had a much larger body than her, then lightly tossed him into the pile. She then cheerily headed to the area of the golden bombardment with a happy grin on her face.

“That… That is the physical form of the great, noble Demon God’s blessing?!”

I was so shocked. That pile of ‘corpses’ was filled with demons that should’ve been literal corpses. The sword light pierced their arms, legs, and even their abdomens in some serious cases. If not treated on time… No, never mind that, without a highly-skilled healer on standby, all of those poor folks would’ve been having a nice little chat with the Demon God by now.

But that silver-haired girl’s punching displayed a truly absurd level of healing power that worked very quickly. The funny thing was, when the ‘patients’ were interviewed later…

Rather than praising the Demon God, they all seemed to be scared of the Demon God’s blessing.

“Kuhahaha! Only half of you managed to survive this level of attack?! I received far worse training than this at the age of ten from Lord Marx!”

A voice filled with madness was accompanied by a series of explosions next. At this stage, it looked like not just the sky but the entire world was being dyed in the golden hue. Even though I was so far away, I still felt this way, so imagine what it would be like for those actually trying to survive the golden onslaught!

As the explosions rang out…!

“It’s party time~!!” The silver-haired girl cried out in elation and began rampaging around the battlefield.

It was all so shocking to me. Just what could possibly be the great, noble Demon God’s intention to put those poor folks through Hell like that? That’s what I used to think.

But my thoughts had to change really quickly – while watching the demon king candidates going through the same training the very next day.

“H-how can this be…!” I couldn’t close my slack jaw. That’s because I realised something while watching the demon king candidates. “Their… their statuses… are no longer the same!”

Indeed, they were no longer the same people. Only yesterday, all they could do was get hit by the bombardment but today? They were dodging the attacks splendidly!


“You scum instructor!”

“Kuwaaahk?! No, not yet! I can’t fall just yet!”

No, wait! The candidates even went beyond that and reached the realm of actually attacking the instructor selected by the Demon God herself, Sir Swinn!

“To think that you’d bare your fangs at me so soon! Quite useful tools, aren’t you!”

“Shut up! You don’t even know what it’s like to receive the Demon God’s blessing and the associated pain!”

“You never even experienced that hell before!”

“It hurt so much! I… I hate it. I haaaate it!”

What Lord Swinn said led to the candidates yelling and screaming and howling while pouncing on him. Some of them even began emitting dense killing intent.

“Hah…” Lord Swinn looked down on the candidates, and then… “I see. I was wrong.”

…He readily admitted to his sin.

“To think that I thought these weaklings were ready! It seems I’m still too naïve!”

And that sin was evaluating his opponents too generously!

“W-what is going on?!” I gasped out, unable to breathe at the incredible quantity of killing intent gushing out from Lord Swinn so far away.

This killing intent was so intense that several demon king candidates too close to Lord Swinn inadvertently dropped their weapons.

“Did you ask me if I know the pain? Did you really ask me if I have experienced Hell before?!”


The sound of Lord Swinn gritting his teeth reached this far where I was. He was genuinely furious right now.

“You only experienced it for a day, so how dare you…!”

Lord Swinn raised his hand towards the sky, causing the vibrations in the atmosphere to suddenly stop. And the complexion of every candidate became paler than ever before.

The calm before the storm!

That’s what I thought, and the others probably thought the same as me. This silence had to be the one you’d encounter right before a fierce storm.

Everyone must’ve felt it!

“It was only one day. One freaking day!”


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