Even After Death by Lilting Champ

Chapter 1169

Chapter 1169

Chapter 1169

Chapter 1169

Olivia shoved a piece of angel food cake into Mason's mouth in a panic.She almost choked him.

"Does it taste good?"

"Yes, it's tasty."

Mason wanted to talk about what happened before, not the cake.

Olivia added, "Last time I made this, you said it tasted familiar.Have you eaten this somewhere else?"

Mason said nostalgically, "Nowadays, the desserts on the market are catered to the tastes of you

young people.They're all sweeter than before.Back in my day, it was completely different.This is

something I tasted a long time ago."

"An old lady taught me this recipe.She said there was a cherry tree where she used to live.They would

take the cherries and make angel food cakes every fall.

"Life was tough back then.Children didn't even have snacks they could eat.Most families could only

hope for more fruits from the trees they had.But they wouldn't let their children eat too much because

they had to sell those fruits at the market.

"By the way, Grandpa Mason, have you been to Seaburg City before?"

"Of course, I've been there before."

"Oh, what I mean is, have you been there around 50 years ago? There was a place called Warlot

Street.Do you have any memories of it?"

"Warlot Street of Seaburg City?"

Mason shook his head.

"I don't really remember.Those were turbulent times.Even the city names were changed repeatedly."

Olivia's eyes dimmed.

Was she overthinking it? Had he never been to Warlot Street? But the woman in the picture was clearly


"Vanessa, you're acting weird today.You can ask me directly if you have any questions.You've saved

my life twice.I'm indebted to you.I'll tell you whatever you wish to know."

Olivia made up her mind.

Even if Ms.Nat was his enemy, it should be fine if she was just asking about her.

It would be great for her if Mason actually knew Ms.Nat.

"Grandpa Mason, the thing is, I happened to see a picture when I was drinking tea just now ..."

Before she could finish her sentence, someone barged in.

"Dad, are you okay? I heard there was another attempt on your life!"It was Krystal.She rushed in with a

worried expression.

"I'm fine.Vanessa saved me in the nick of time."

"Her? There were so many people on the scene.Why was she the one who saved you?" Krystal asked.

She felt like something was wrong.

"Why are you so rude? She saved my life.Instead of thanking her, you're suspecting her?"

Noticing the anger in Mason's tone, Krystal's tone softened.

"Dad, I'm just worried about you.If I knew this would happen, I would've gone with you."

"It's fine.I'm unharmed."

Krystal muttered under her breath, "You've been having bad luck recently.Who are the ones trying to kill

you? And she just happens to save his life both times too."

Olivia's expression changed.

"Ms.Heath, what are you implying? Are you saying I'm related to the assassinations? Please don't

make such bold assumptions without any proof.

"I'm just saying.There's no need to get so worked up.Are you actually feeling guilty?"

"Enough! Get out if you don't need anything.You're giving me a headache."

Mason felt annoyed at the sight of Krystal and Tatiana.

Krystal stomped her foot and ran out with tears in her eyes.She ran into Tatiana, who was walking into

the room.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Mom, I said that woman's bad news, but Dad doesn't believe me.I feel like something's off about her."

Tatiana pulled her away.

"Don't say these things to your father."

After they got to Tatiana's room, she said, "I feel like something's off too.Look at this."

She took out a picture.It was a photo of Brent escorting Olivia away from the scene.But it was a picture

taken from behind.Her face couldn't be seen.

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