Even After Death by Lilting Champ

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Jeff’s words almost made Olivia cry. She had so much to ask him.

She wondered if he knew about her origins. But when she met with his worried gaze, she decided against telling him.

She couldn’t rush things. Jeff was still recovering and could not take such a huge blow.

“I’m fine, dad, really. I just matured and am no longer as childish as before.”

“Good to know. If he’s still as good to you as before, I have nothing to worry about.”

Jeff patted Olivia on the head and said, “Dr. Blackwell told me that I can walk on my own after one

more week of rehabilitation.”

In the past few days, Jeff had been able to walk a few steps with some help. Even if recovery was hard, Jeff toughed it out.

He didn’t want to be a burden to Olivia. He also wanted to be able to function as usual so Olivia

wouldn’t have to worry.

“That’s good news, dad. Keep it up!”

Jeff felt better after seeing Olivia smile. “I’ve been feeling better these days, Olivia. I want a phone so I can catch up with the news.”

Olivia was alarmed. Ethan’s wedding with Marina was all over the internet.

“It’s not good for your eyes, dad. Let’s wait a little longer so it doesn’t impede your recovery.’

Olivia brought Jeff back to his room. Ethan gazed at them. One had an arm limp on her side, and the other couldn’t walk.

He felt even more guilt as he watched on.

He caught up to them and said, “Let me do it, Liv.”

Recently, Ethan would personally do things like these for Jeff. But Olivia would not look him in the eye no matter what he did.

She would at least put up with it when Jeff was around, but she would leave when there wasn’t anyone

else around.

She didn’t feel the need to stop him. He was treating Jeff well because he wanted to play the part of a good son-in-law. Jeff also enjoyed it.

Jeff noticed the fleeting look of disgust that appeared on Olivia’s face. He had brain damage, but it

didn’t mean he was blind or senile.

He could tell his guess was correct. Something happened between Ethan and Olivia.

Chapter 430


“Ethan, you’re so busy every day. I have plenty of people taking care of me. You can leave me alone and spend some time with Olivia.”

“I will spend time with her and keep helping you as well. Do you feel better today, dad?”

Ethan wore a gentle expression, unlike the cruel and heartless one he usually had.

“Much better. I can walk on my own in one week. Ethan, thanks for getting me this medical team. They do good work every day.”

“No need to be a stranger, dad.”

Ethan helped Jeff to the dining table and pulled a chair out for Olivia.

“I’m a little busy today, Liv. I’ll cook you some soup tomorrow when I have the time,” Ethan said.

He began to bring the food to Jeff and Olivia. He played the part of a loving husband well.

Olivia replied emotionlessly so Jeff wouldn’t suspect anything. Jeff noticed what she was trying to do, but he didn’t speak up.

After the meal, Ethan brought Jeff back to the room for rehabilitation exercises.

He would soak Jeff’s feet in herbal baths. And every time he did this, he would roll up his sleeves and get down on one knee.

He didn’t look like the CEO of a company as he massaged Jeff’s feet with a serious expression.

“Ethan, there’s no one else here. Tell me the truth, did you have an argument with Olivia?”

Ethan’s hands froze. He didn’t expect Jeff to pick up on it so soon.

“Why would you ask that, dad?”

Jeff replied without hesitation, “Her eyes used to light up when she looked at you. But now, there is only hatred.”

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