Even After Death by Lilting Champ

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Chapter 510

The babies were having fun in Olivia’s womb. She was only four months into the pregnancy, so the fetal movements weren’t strong. Olivia could only vaguely feel them, unlike in the later stages of pregnancy when they would become more pronounced.

Olivia touched her stomach gently, and the babies settled down. Recently, the babies had been very docile. Olivia had terrible morning sickness in the earlier stages of the pregnancy, but at the moment,

she felt fine.

It was probably because her babies were being considerate of her.

Olivia smiled warmly when Mona mentioned her babies.

“I don’t mind if they’re boys or girls. I just want them to be healthy.”

Mona rested her chin on her hand. “That’s true. I think I see it now. Health is the most important thing in life. It’s more important than wealth or status.”

Olivia sighed and said, “After losing so much, I’ve realized that all I want is to have my family healthy and by my side.”

“Look at you. You’ve become more beautiful after your pregnancy. Your mental state is healthy too. No matter the gender, your babies both love you. Even I’m getting envious.”

Olivia joked, “If you want kids of your own, I don’t mind giving you time off so you can find someone.


“I don’t want that. I like being single.”

“Really? Why did I hear you talk with a sickly, sweet tone last night? Your voice was so velvety when you were talking to your upperclassman.”

Mona blushed. “Stop making fun of me,


Olivia nudged her lightly and said, “Seriously, tell me. Is that upperclassman of yours someone you like?”

“I’m just a secret admirer of his. We went to the same high school. He was a very outstanding person. He helped me a few times, and for that, I’ll always be grateful. I worked hard to get into the same university as him. I wanted to confess to him after I got into university, but he went overseas as soon

as I got in.

“But, he’s coming back next week to further his career.”

Mona’s eyes lit up when she talked about her upperclassman. Olivia could see traces of her past self in Mona’s cheerful expression.

She used to be so optimistic about love. Her eyes would shine every time she talked about Ethan.

Chapter 510


Mona shook her head. “It’s always the love from the adolescent years that sticks with you. His gentle gaze, his sharp brows… And the look he had when he ran around the field wearing his white shirt.

“I could never forget how he looked. And he’s been on my mind since then. I can’t even look at another man.”

“That’s nice.” Olivia could at least relate to her on this matter.

“You’ve also secretly admired someone before, Olivia?”

“Yeah. I was just like you. I was head over heels for him.”

“Then what happened?”

“Then…” Olivia chuckled lightly and said, “He died. He died in my memories. Every time I think about him, I feel pain and regret.”

Mona quickly realized who Olivia was talking about. “Is that person… Mr. Miller?”

Mona had been with Olivia for almost half a year. She was curious about what had happened between Ethan and Olivia. But Olivia hated Ethan with every fiber of her being and didn’t want to talk about their past.

It was just like what Olivia was doing at the moment. Her smile would fade as soon as Ethan was brought up. Then, she would try and change the subject.

“Next week, you should go meet your upperclassman at the airport when he returns.”

“No, I can’t do that.” Mona declined without a second thought.

“I thought you haven’t seen him in a long time. Don’t you miss him?”

Mona said sternly, “You’re more important than him! It’s chicks before dicks. I said I’ll be here with you until you go into labor. I won’t give anyone else the chance to hurt you.”

“It’s just speculation. We have no proof that someone is out to get me.”

“It’s better to err on the side of caution. I don’t want any accidents happening. Some accidents will scar you for life. Olivia, I promised I’d take good care of you. My upperclassman is coming back for the long term. If we’re meant to be, I’ll see him again. But if we’re not, then there’s no point.”

Olivia smiled in resignation and said, “You seem to have it all figured out.”

Mona stuck her nose up. “That’s for sure. Nothing is more important than your safety. I’m still waiting for the babies to be born so I can be their godmother.”

“Alright, then I guess we have to inconvenience the babies’ godmother for a while longer. We’ll get to your love life a little later.”

“Nothing is even happening yet. Stop making fun of me.”

Olivia patted Mona on the shoulder. “You’re pretty and have a good personality. No one can resist

Chapter 510

“You’re too kind,” Mona said softly. Her cheeks were blushing like the evening sun.

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