
Chapter 824 Refining the Heart of Seven Apertures

Chapter 824 Refining the Heart of Seven Apertures

Chapter 824 Refining the Heart of Seven Apertures

Translator: podao001

“What? You do not want to go back with us?” Heavenly Premier Absolute cast a shocked look at Chen Feng.

When they had opened up a spatial passageway earlier, Chen Feng had spoken up, informing them that he was not returning with them.

Hearing that, the four of them felt shocked.

Heavenly Premier Absolute considered for a moment before saying, “Outer space is too dangerous. You should return to Eternal World first. It wouldn’t be too late to explore the cosmos once you have cultivated up to the Earthen Immortal stage.”

“Yes. Given your present level, it will be hard to find your way back if you get lost,” Heavenly Premier Four Cardinals said as well.

“Fellow seniors, thank you for your concern. However, I have some personal matters that I have to take care of. Besides, I do possess an Immortal artefact. Safety should not be an issue. If there are any dangers, I can leave,” Chen Feng said smilingly.

“Sigh! Youngsters these days are getting increasingly bold. You don’t know how dangerous the universe can be.” Heavenly Premier Absolute shook his head. No matter how you cut it, Chen Feng was a student of Absolute Academy. He would surely become a pillar of the academy in the future. It would be a terrible loss to have such a talent die in outer space.

In the end, no matter how hard they tried to dissuade Chen Feng, he remained firm in his decision to stay behind. Helpless to do anything about it, they then left.

After the four Heavenly Premiers had left, Chen Feng floated alone in space. Observing the expansive universe around him and the flashing stars, he felt as though he was dreaming.

Naturally, it was extremely rare for starter-level Human Immortals like Chen Feng to explore the universe. The average starter-level Human Immortal would be incapable of even breaking away from the restraints of their homeworld, let alone explore the highly perilous universe. As Chen Feng himself had witnessed earlier, even Ascendant Immortals could die to a void storm.

Although the universe is filled with dangers, it has places with pure spiritual energy and various types of wondrous objects for cultivation. If I can find a grotto-mansion left behind by an ancient Immortal Human, that would be great. However, such fortuitous encounters are extremely rare. Chen Feng then took a step forward as he began roaming the void of space.

The power of the Heaven Piercing Lance encased Chen Feng, allowing him to roam through outer space as though he was walking across flat terrain.


Suddenly, Chen Feng leapt forward, jumping atop an asteroid. The asteroid was as big as a building, weighing at least five million kilogrammes. Hard and smooth on certain areas, there were some holes on its surface. Surprisingly, it had remained intact despite having encountered a void storm before.

The asteroid was presently advancing through space in a certain pattern at a leisurely rate. Around it were several other asteroids of varying sizes.

It was a cluster of asteroids.

Chen Feng stood on the asteroid, seemingly riding a chariot as he appreciated the beauty of the cosmos.

In the beginning, it had been a novel experience, exciting even. However, as time went by, roaming across the vast universe on his own gave him a feeling of loneliness.

Thus, Chen Feng sat down cross-legged and began cultivating himself. Previously, he had observed a fight between Ascendant Immortals, giving him a great deal of knowledge. At that very moment, as he was within the still and empty space, the knowledge and strokes of inspiration he had sealed within himself earlier were all released. Due to that, Chen Feng could not stop himself from entering a cultivation session.

Thus, a wondrous sight unfolded in space. A cluster of asteroids flew across the endless universe; their objective unknown. Atop the biggest asteroid was a human cultivator who sat there quietly without moving, looking like a statue.

Within the endless universe, time seemingly lost all meaning. After an indeterminate amount of time, Chen Feng finally snapped open his eyes. Two streams of black light flashed out, piercing through the asteroids in his path.

Next, Chen Feng’s eyes blinked. Black-coloured spiritual light flared outwards. Raising his head, his eye power rose greatly and an overwhelming atmosphere of power emerged from them.

The Magic Eyes of Darkness has finally levelled up! Chen Feng felt somewhat delighted. The light in his pupils, two black energy streams, spun rapidly and they seemingly became black holes capable of devouring all forms of energy.

However, it will take some more cultivation to reach the major success phase. josei

It is said that, after their cultivation bases are high enough, most cultivators would choose to explore the universe. However, after all this time, I have yet to encounter even one person. Looks like the universe is simply too big. It is practically infinite.

Or perhaps, there are simply no life-bearing planets around this place. At any rate, life-bearing planets are very rare within the universe.

After considering that, Chen Feng laughed loudly and formidable soundwaves spread into his surroundings, shocking the hundreds of asteroids around him to pieces. In the end, only a few asteroids, the strongest amongst the asteroids there, were left.


Next, energy streams surged around Chen Feng’s whole body as he chose not to rely on his magic treasures to fly through space. He was instead relying solely on the strength of his fleshly body.

As predicted, a formidable pressure bore down against Chen Feng. The pressure came from the various powers existing within the universe. There were the energy particles, turbulent void currents, energy currents, harmful rays of light and rapidly moving asteroids. Every one of those could kill off a Human Immortal.

Power churned throughout Chen Feng’s body and he would occasionally display some moves as he advanced. However, after two hours, Chen Feng was finally incapable of holding on.

And thus, Chen Feng waved and the power of his Immortal artefact encased his body once more. With the power of a formidable magic treasure protecting him, Chen Feng then quickly worked on recovering his strength.

After making a full recovery, Chen Feng once again relied solely on his fleshly body to advance.

And once he had exhausted himself, Chen Feng would utilize the power of the Immortal artefact, rinsing and repeating the process non-stop.

Time passed and Chen Feng could feel his physical strength rising. However, he could also feel the process taking a toll on his mind.

Sigh! No wonder they say only Earthen Immortals would be able to explore outer space. Human Immortals are just too weak to do this. Although I possess an Immortal artefact to help me replenish my strength, my rate of advance is simply too slow.

In the end, Chen Feng simply rode the Heaven Piercing Lance to swiftly fly through space.

His objective was to find a quiet place to refine the Heart of Seven Apertures that he had obtained earlier. After doing that, his heart would undergo a transformation and his ability to take in spiritual energy would increase seven folds.

With the power of the Immortal artefact, Chen Feng’s advancing speed began increasing and he flew constantly through a distance of hundreds of millions of li before finally finding an uninhabited planet.

It was a small planet, seemingly bereft of life. Barren and without trees, all he could see were barren lands and rocks.

After sensing the laws of the planet for a moment, Chen Feng quickly circled the planet to carefully check it. After confirming that there was nothing on the planet, he thrust the Heaven Piercing Lance into the ground and brought out the Heart of Seven Apertures.

The Heart of Seven Apertures was a type of spiritual object that would only emerge after tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years. Items like spiritual herbs, even those that were tens of thousands of years old, could not be compared to this Heart of Seven Apertures.

Fiery-red in colour, the size of a walnut, the seven holes on its surface kept taking in and regulating energy streams. It hovered before Chen Feng.

Chen Feng stretched out a finger to point at his heart.


A bloody hole appeared there. The bloody hole was connected straight to his heart. Next, the Heart of Seven Apertures moved into the bloody hole, following it all the way into his heart.

Next up, Chen Feng began channelling his cultivation technique and the bloody hole disappeared and his heart wrapped itself around the Heart of Seven Apertures.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

His heart beat fiercely and the power radiating out from it shook his internal organs. His heart was beating ten times stronger than usual. Moreover, it was still increasing.

Just as his heart was about to shatter, the Seven Aperture acupoints within his body began spinning into action, sending out seven streams of energy, which linked up with the seven holes on the Heart of Seven Apertures. Immediately, Chen Feng’s whole body shook and a wondrous feeling spread over his entire body.

His heart palpitated fiercely, every beat resembling thunder. The formidable power it generated stirred his blood streams and they gushed forth, circulating throughout his body.

Despite that, it did not feel uncomfortable for Chen Feng at all. He felt an incomparably formidable power emerging non-stop from within, surging and roaring. It was such that he felt his skin would break apart.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Immortal crystals shattered, transforming into immortal energy before flowing into Chen Feng’s body. The scale of power involved required even more energy and Chen Feng absorbed a total of 100 Immortal crystals.

However, that was still not enough. Another 100 Immortal crystals shattered apart and Chen Feng opened his mouth to inhale all the streams of immortal energy. Next, all the streams of immortal energy converged upon his heart. With every beat of his heart, the immortal energy placed there would be gradually refined.

In the end, it took Chen Feng three months to completely refine the Heart of Seven Apertures into his heart. By then, his heart had changed. Although it was still red in colour, it now possessed a crystalline quality. It looked like a crystal. However, the power contained within each heartbeat shocked even Chen Feng. In Chen Feng’s opinion, if he were to bring his heart out, one heartbeat was probably enough to quake a 1,000-zhang-tall mountain to pieces.

A connection had been made between his heart and the Heart of Seven Apertures. With every beat, seven streams of energy would flow in. Channelling his cultivation technique, Chen Feng would cause spiritual energy to surge forward, allowing the rate at which he was absorbing spiritual energy to increase by seven folds.

This was the function of the Heart of Seven Apertures.


Chen Feng struck the ground with a punch. Due to his formidable heart, the formidable power that he unleashed caused the entire planet to shake. It almost seemed as though that one punch would be able to destroy the whole planet.

I have grown so much stronger. I am over ten times stronger now. Chen Feng cast a look of shock at his fist. He had a feeling that he could even blast an Earthen Immortal to pieces with his fist right now.


Chen Feng opened his mouth and exhaled, causing a torrent of energy stream to fly out. Like an astral blade, it flew through a distance of over 5,000 kilometres before coming to a halt.

In other words, Chen Feng was now capable of killing off someone who was 5,000 kilometres away with a breath.

I’ve grown too strong. I can no longer suppress my aura. Looks like it is about time I undergo my Heavenly Tribulation. Fine. If that’s the case, I won’t suppress it anymore. Next, Chen Feng emanated a heroic atmosphere as he roared skywards. Something within his sea of wisdom broke and his aura, completely unbound, converged before charging its way into the firmament.


Heavenly might descended and black tribulation clouds began brewing. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, water and fire supported one another, the five elements roiled and domains began developing. Various types of energy emerged and Chen Feng, who was beneath the tribulation clouds, could feel the planet beneath him shaking.

This is my first time undergoing tribulation under such circumstances. I wonder what kind of Heavenly Tribulation I will face? Chen Feng wondered, his muscles twitching in anticipation as his eyes shone. He was already prepared for this tribulation.

1 li = 0.5 km

1 zhang = 3.333 m

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