Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started a Farm

Chapter 578 - Becoming Saint Through Immortal Arts, Demon and God in One Body!

Chapter 578 - Becoming Saint Through Immortal Arts, Demon and God in One Body!

Chapter 578: Becoming Saint Through Immortal Arts, Demon and God in One Body!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Did I... become a Saint?”

Jiang He stood at the edge of the Chaos within the world in his body, watching blankly as a thousand phenomena enveloped this realm within him.

He had considered becoming a Saint through immortal arts, but did not expect it to be so easy!

Had he somehow grasped Temporal Dao just by observing the growth process of his crops?

Wasn’t it supposed to be very difficult to learn?

After learning Esoteric Word: Dimension, he was just a line’s breadth away from mastering Temporal Dao. That was why it came as no surprise that he actually mastered it... but what on earth was Blessed Violet Qi?

“Taishang Laojun said that it came to be during Creation...”

“And perhaps the world in my body shares the same principle in creation?”

Jiang He thought about it, and realized that the reasoning was there.

Since the world in his body had appeared out of nothing, was that not creation itself?


An endless rumble echoed beside his ears then.

As Jiang He’s immortal arts improved, the world in his body expanded rapidly too. Time seemed to have accelerated for the entire inner universe, and it soon grew from a single planetary system to five!

And now, the diameter of the world in his body was a million light years in diameter!

He could employ more than ten times the World Strength he could before as well!

Most wondrously, as the world in his body continued to expand, Jiang He’s World Strength continued to grow and he slowly observed a manifestation of himself becoming Saint through martial arts.

The most significant difference in becoming a Saint through martial arts against the fourteenth-tier was World Strength, which was the power of creation.

As an idea occurred to Jiang He, he reached out and pulled Dumbo to himself from the distance, before slapping out at the dog!


Dumbo was scared witless when it saw Jiang He attacked him, and screamed shrilly, “Mercy, Master! Meow, meow—”


Dumbo then realized in shock that Jiang He’s slap did not hurt it at all, but its physical structure was altered so that it became a cat.

Having cultivated to its current level, Dumbo naturally learned transfiguration.

However, ordinary transfiguration merely changed appearances, whereas profound ones would only progress up to changing an individual’s auras or even style. In contrast, physical structure and essences could hardly be changed no matter what.

That being said, the power of creation was different.


“What did you do to me?”

“Meow... I don’t want to be a cat!”

“Master, I beg you—please, change me back!”

Dumbo was crying out worriedly, though it could only make the sounds a cat would make.

“Shut it!”

Jiang He slapped it, snapping, “Don’t move! I’m looking into this!”

After that, he carefully studied Dumbo from head to paw and clicked his tongue in wonder. Then, he slapped Dumbo again, and Dumbo whimpered like a cat before turning into a snake.

“So this is creation?”

“Now it’s not surprising that anything could grow in my farm... In the end, it’s all because of the power of creation, huh?”

Creation makes something out of nothing, even altering an object’s structure and essence.

Jiang He tested it, and found out that he could make gold or immortal crystals out of a normal piece of rock, or even grant it life.

Nonchalantly poking Dumbo, Jiang He reverted it to its dog form before calling the Cloudscraper Vine to him.

It had the tendency to dwell in the river of stars now, keeping its tremendous form floating among those cosmic bodies since it was basically as large as a star now.

As a matter of fact, it did not gain more tendrils after evolving up to 2048 as if it had reached a limit. Its tendrils would not split no matter how it evolved afterwards, but each tendril became thicker and larger after each evolution!

Right now, it was Demi-Saint pinnacle in cultivation, with each tendril stretching a hundred thousand kilometers long and being as sturdy as a soul treasure. The spikes on the tendrils were like spears, and aside from powerful offensive ability, it was also highly toxic—even a Grand Luo’s would be quickly maimed if he was pricked.

It was no exaggeration to say that the Cloudscraper Vine was a legion of Grand Luo soldiers.

The only shortcoming it had was its monumental size, slow movement, and inability to change forms as a unique plant entity. Jiang He had even fed it transfiguration pellets, but to no avail.

If it could change forms, it would be able to resolve its slowness.

Now, Jiang He pointed at it and the power of creation flowed.

The cosmic sized plant suddenly twitched, half of its colossal tendrils flailing wildly as immortal light and Dao presence spiraled over its tendrils.

In the next instant, the tendrils shrank and turned into a luminous orb with blinding immortal light.

The luminous orb shrank visibly, and was soon the size of a planet... and in less than three minutes, its diameter was just 450 km.


Outside the luminous orb, immortal light erupted into tiny shards of cosmic lights, dispersing into the air.

With that, the luminous orb—the Cloudscraper Vine, that is—turned into a girl!

A girl?

Jiang He’s glared.

Had anyone ever seen a girl who was 450 km tall?

The matriarchs of Insectoids were already dozens or even over a hundred kilometers tall. Still, their appearances were devilishly seductive, and their body ratio neared perfection despite their gigantic form, which was why they did not appear jarring.

The Cloudscraper Vine, on the other hand, had a young girl’s face and a barbie doll’s figure.

With leaves covering her 450-km form as way of simple clothing, she extended her firmly muscled arm and greeted Jiang He, “Thank you, Master!”


Jiang He gaped in utter disbelief.

A loli voice?

“Can you become smaller?”


With that, the Cloudscraper Vine shrunk rapidly again to just a hundred feet, blushing and mumbling shyly, “This is my smallest form, Master.”

“Acceptable... this isn’t so bad.”

Jiang He continued to test his power of creation afterwards. Aside from altering all existing things, it also had the marvel of bending Temporal Dao.

“After becoming Saint with martial arts and gaining exponential abilities, and with the world in my body expanding by leaps and bounds... I wonder how many moves it would take me to kill weak Saints like Lord Swelling Sky or the Nine-Headed Insectoid Saint?”

Jiang He looked around.

While the world in his body was still growing, the crops among the stars were ripe.

He went ahead to harvest everything, gaining loads of Farm Points and EXP.

In fact, the world in his body would expand quickly whenever he harvested crops.

“If I keep this up, it won’t take long for this world in my body to become a constellation... after endless ages, it just might become a complete universe!”

And should that happen, how powerful would he become in a fight?

He might destroy an entire universe in one strike if he unleashed the full brunt of World Strength at that level, yes?


The world in his body quaked just then—the battle outside had clearly escalated.

Jiang He subtly released a strand of his World Strength to observe, and found that the Sky Horse Constellation was now completely vaporized. The Daoist of Guidance, Grandmaster of Heaven, and the Primeval Lord of Heaven were each fighting pairs of Demons and Gods, whereas Taishang Laojun and another clone fought the God Emperor and the Demon Emperor.

Suddenly, both the God Emperor and the Demon Emperor bellowed.

Their auras hence tangled and fused, and soon magnified, allowing them to instantly turn the tide and surpass Taishang Laojun’s two clones.

“Brother!” josei

The Demon Emperor growled coldly. “Did you really think we were helpless against you?!”

Weirdly, however, the God Emperor spoke those very words simultaneously from the Demon’s Emperor back. Since their voices were different, it chilled the bone when their voices overlapped.

Most importantly, Demonic Qi was welling out from the God Emperor’s body, while a sacred aura ignited upon the Demon Emperor’s body.

They were now half Demon and half God—even their physical forms showed signs of fusing.

“Demon and God as one!”

Taishang Laojun broke off and pulled back, though his expression remained serene as he spoke calmly, “Just as I’ve thought... I had never seen you two when I observed the distant past, and instead found a Demon-God with an aura that was half-sacred and half-dark fighting Pan Gu in the Chaos. I guess that must have been your fused form!”

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