Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 60 One Long Night#23 Consequences

Chapter 60 One Long Night#23 Consequences

"Freedom at last. Finally!" exclaimed a feminine voice coming from an aged man who had the exact same face as that of Mark Ingrid, the father who begged Zero to save his daughter.

Before Lucia's body could reach the ground, a shadow dashes at an extreme speed and catches her before landing on the ground. Reaper looks at that blonde-haired man who observed Lucia with his golden eyes as if he were observing his daughter.

Zero then turned to observe the man… or perhaps the woman inside that man who jumped down from the highest floor and then reached the floor with a refreshing smile on its face.

"She is… the First Queen of the Vampires," spoke Lucia as her wounds began healing at a rapid pace and once again, she took her stance as she glared at that woman.

William narrowed his eyes at the Queen and the Queen looked back speaking,"are the vampires of today's era this week? And what am I watching right now? Food wearing such luxurious clothes with such pride in their eyes."

The Queen begins looking around, her eyes stopping at the blood dyed Reaper for a few moments as she licks her lips for a few moments, before moving on to the others. Her gaze, which sent chills down everyone, made everyone except a few takes a couple of steps back.

She then glares at William with her eyes fixated on the duo,"and what is this I am looking at? A descendent of Scarlet and a descendant of Sol, standing side by side as if a couple? How pathetic! Looks like I need to change everything from scratch."

The other people who could feel the surge in mana around the Queen looked at her with seriousness in their eyes. They looked at Lucia with a slightly shocked expression before turning their focus back at the Queen.

William then steps forward and takes out his golden sword, Caliburnus, a named sword and then looks at the Queen with a piercing gaze. The Queen smiles at his movements and starts clapping.josei





"So the descendent of Sol is trying to step forward, huh?" the Queen spoke with a smirk before she vanished and then appeared right before William….


Immediately, William slashed as if waiting for that moment, cutting down the Queen into two. However, the Queen's soul then shifts to another person and one of the guys standing there moves forward as he claps.





"That was really neat, you know? How about we try again!! Blood Sacrifice: Never Moon" she speaks and then immediately attacks William as fast as she could. However, even now William blocks her attack and then


Cuts her into two pieces… she was fast, much faster than before, but even then she couldn't get closer to William.

"[Solar Burn]" chants William with eyes getting fiercer as the moments pass. Another man moves in front with a curious smile before speaking.

"Looks like you are much stronger than you appear, well I guess you are one of those special Sol soldiers… then I must entertain you with something special in return as well," she says as she clicks her fingers and the atmosphere starts turning more and more bloody red.

"Blood parade…?" Lucia widens her eyes as she looks at the skill which the vampire Queen just unleashed.

Blood parade was one of those moves, where you create blood all around you, creating a field in which you can control most things. The special thing about this field is you can make it poisonous while simultaneously making your allies much stronger than before.

However, as she unleashes the blood parade, the body in which she is evaporates before she possesses another one of the guards of the casino. William dashes towards her, but this time she, albeit with some difficulty, blocks his attack.

"Looks like we are closer than our previous exchange," she says before laughing like a maniac. Her eyes observe William's concentrated face with a smile before she tries to push William away. However, that creates an opening for William and he kills her again.

Once again, she possesses another man and moves forward slowly while pondering over something as she speaks,"Hmmm.. Even this much isn't enough to stop you, huh? You really are strong, aren't you? Plus, with those skills, you could easily match one of my vampire Commanders. Too bad your filthy sol blood doesn't allow possessions."

William looks at her with the same expression as before, while he seems to be thinking about how he should end this. No matter how he kills her, there seems no end to her revival. His eyes looked a bit worried, and Lucia's wasn't any different.

Everyone else who was scared before now stayed silent there without making any move. The Queen might have charmed them to stay here and not move.

William's eyes then reach Reaper's still body as he was looking at the body of the man whom the Queen first possessed.

'Looks like even Zero can't escape her charms, huh? But why did she spare me from her charm? She is treating me like a toy, isn't she?' thought William as he observed the Queen, but the Queen, understanding what he was thinking, spoke,"it's that Scarlet girl behind you. She is the one who had erased my charm magic using her own. She is quite special, isn't she?"

The Queen's smile had a tinge of disgust as she looked at Lucia. Perhaps she didn't like Lucia helping out William. She then began moving towards Lucia and William came in between them as he spoke to Lucia,"Can you bring back Reaper from charm magic too? He might have something."

Hearing his words, the Queen looked at William with a confused expression,"Reaper?!" she asked before looking around and her eyes stopping at Reaper.

"What about him?" the Queen spoke with a slightly piqued interest. The Queen then looked back at William and then at Lucia.

"I can't… her charm magic is too strong. I can barely stop her from charming me and you..anymore and I will lose control," Lucia spoke with a pain filled voice as she barely kept herself standing.

"Hmmm… a man with about an E-Grade potential who right now doesn't even possess complete mana. He is average from almost everywhere I could see him. Though, I do sense a small tingling danger from his blood… but that's about it? Is there anything special about him?" The Queen spoke with obvious confusion in her voice as she read through Reaper's current power level based on the mana he has.

"Well… I want to see.. What does he have that would make even a man of your calibre look for hope," spoke the Queen as she looked at Reaper and commanded,"Look here."

However, Reaper did not move. He just kept looking at that man whom Queen first took control of.

"LOOK HERE!!" a bit enraged at the result, the Queen activated her charm to full and commanded Reaper once again and this time Reaper turned at her with slight annoyance as he spoke,"keep yourself quiet. Your time will come."


Pure Silence

William, Lucia and even the Queen looked at Reaper with a blank expression as they heard his voice. Then Reaper walked towards that dead man one step at a time. His eyes were concentrated on him without even glancing at the Queen and the others.

"Looks like you really died, huh? Well, I fulfilled the promise of saving your daughter. I will also make sure she gets a good life. Sorry about your wife, though. I will make sure she gets a proper burial and the guys who are responsible, a painful death," spoke Reaper as he closed his eyes with respect and then spoke,"Rest in peace, Mark Ingrid. You didn't deserve this… I hope your next life will be much better."

Reaper then turned at the Queen and looked at her with a serious expression as he spoke.

"Maria Rosalyn Scarlet."

Hearing his words, the Queen slightly widened her eyes and couldn't help but be more curious about the kid in front of her. "You don't belong to this age and time. It's about time you pass on from this world," spoke Reaper as he takes out his scythe and then moves one step at a time before he reaches close to her and then places the scythe on her neck.

"Who are you?" with a glare in her eyes, she stared into the eyes of Reaper in front of her.

William and Lucia too observed the whole situation with careful movements as they kept their guards up. Their eyes were fixated on Reaper and Rosalyn, who were more or less glaring at each other.

"Who I am does not concern you. All you need to know is that you can't save Marielle even now. No matter what you do, he will die a painful death in the end," spoke Reaper as he looked into the eyes of Rosalyn."

And then…

The scenery changes and Reaper finds himself in a blood filled world where as far as you can see, there is only blood.

Reaper then looks behind him where an extremely beautiful woman was standing with a serious look on her face.

"Now… Why don't you and I have a chat?" she spoke as she created a set of tables and chairs in between them.

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