Everyone Else Has a System

Chapter 70 Planning For The Future#2

Chapter 70 Planning For The Future#2

While Isaac's arrival was a bit surprising, Williamson's arrival was totally within expectations. Elizabeth in the previous timeline told me about how Williamson arrived even before Viscardi left Bryxton.

No way in hell he will leave his granddaughters by themselves in a foreign land after witnessing what happened with them last night.

Though, I would have preferred to meet him a bit later, but still it is not that bad I suppose. After all, I still have another hour before I need to meet Claus and his superior.


Zero relaxed against the seat before he stared deeply into the eyes of Elizabeth as he spoke,"Have you heard about the Pearl of the Moon Goddess?"

Williamson, Elle, Anna and Eliza had a questioning expression on their face before Williamson inquired,"Is that an artefact? Does it have anything to do with the moon style?" with a bit of curiosity and Zero smiled a little before speaking,"do you know any place where we could train freely without anyone noticing?"josei

Williamson pondered before looking at me as he called someone,"do you have a training place in this hotel?" and I looked at him with a bit of curiosity as I spoke,"do you know the owner of the place or something?"

He smirks at me before speaking,"I bought this place." I looked at that old foggy, acting all smug at such a childish thing. I then shake my head with a wry smile then sigh before Williamson spoke"Hmmm.. Okay. Clear that place in 2 minutes. We are heading there."

He then cut the call before speaking,"Floor 34 has a free gymnasium that has a multipurpose base, so we can go there."

I then nod at him as I sigh before walking towards the lift. Williamson took Isaac with him and the rest of the three girls followed behind me with curiosity consuming their minds.

After a few moments, we reached the floor and we could see a huge empty floor all around us and then I signal them to wait before I move a bit farther from them.

Reaching the centre of the room, I look around, stretch a bit before taking out a sword and then making a few slashes in the air to get used to this sword, before I take a stance a bit similar to the Moon Style and make a few slashes again.

Watching my stance, Williamson's eyes turned open wide and so did Elle's and Anna's. They felt something from my swordsman ship that they haven't before.



A smile forms on my face as I mutter,"Pearls of the Moon Goddess: Attack Form," before making a slash again… without any mana.


A slash occurred that took almost half of my stamina and I stumbled on my knees as I began heavily panting, but looking at the broken wall right in front of me, it looked like I demonstrated the power of this skill well.

Then I turned to them with a smile as I spoke,"so how about we make a deal with this skill as a bargain?"

Williamson gulped as he looked at me before looking at the broken wall. While Zero couldn't gather much sword skill with his stamina, it would be a different thing if Williamson could use this skill with his stamina pool.

Anna and Elle too knew the importance of this manaless skill and they couldn't help but be even more curious about the sword style. More than ever, it was too similar to the Moon Style, so it won't be difficult to integrate it into their daily routine.

It was as if it was custom made for the Rose family.

'I created it for me. After all, I needed a way of fighting with my blood sacrifice activated where my mana is useless.… Now I am passing this on to you. I hope you can make good use of this sword style. Williamson Rose,' Zero thought as he stood back up and then moved towards the people looking at him with astonishment.

"There are 6 stances of the Pearl of the Moon Goddess' Style: Attack, Defence, Hibernate, Strategize, Berserk and Sacrifice. I will be teaching you the basic three, if you can provide me with one thing when I ask for it," Zero speaks as he peered deeply into Williamson's eyes, who was observing him with a serious gaze.

"And what is it that you want?" Williamson asked with a questioning gaze and Zero replied,"I want you to support me unconditionally when I will ask you for it."

"Too vague," spoke Williamson as he looked at Zero and Zero spoke again,"I won't be using it to kill you or anyone from your family or any of your ally," and Williamson shook his head in slight dejection before speaking,"Until you tell me exactly what you want, I won't be accepting your deal."

"Hmmm…. Then how about this? You will not kill a certain someone when I will ask you to? Due to certain circumstances, I can't tell you anything more than this," Zero spoke again and Williamson didn't look like he was satisfied with this answer, either.

"I guess I will be leaving then," spoke Zero as he began walking towards the lift and Williamson arrived right in front of him as he spoke,"and what makes you think you can walk away from here?"

'So, is he going to force me? Now, what should I do? This is getting nowhere,' I thought before turning back towards Anna and speaking,"I am giving you a chance to explain to Williamson what will happen if he doesn't move from here."

While Anna might have seen Zero's Second Moon, it was quite sure that she did not know about this move being a sacrificial skill.

"Grandpa… you should accept Zero's deal," spoke Anna with a half horrified face as she tried to muster some courage. Zero looked at him with a bit of a smile, as if everything was going according to his plan, and Williamson looked at Anna with a confused gaze as he asked," And why exactly should I?"

"Well… it is much better to be on his good side than to be on his bad side… because if he gets angry, he has the power to kill you a thousand times over…" Anna spoke with fear as her eyes never left Zero, who was smiling at her with a bright expression as he thought,'perfect.'

Williamson, a bit taken aback by her words, observed Anna's face before asking,"did something happen while you were in the process of demonification?"

Everyone present there was shocked, looked at Zero as if he were a monster before Anna replied, surprising them even more,"there was an enemy inside that dimension or something, which looked like a demon, a real one with horns and stuff. At first, I was hiding from the demon in hopes of survival, however just a few moments later… Zero arrived inside that dimension… and killed that demon easily as if he was killing a fly."

Gulping in between and stopping to see my expression, she finally finished the telltale of what happened in the demon dimension. Funny how a small critical point can create such a misunderstanding.

'As long as it's in my favour, I guess it's fun,' I thought as I looked at Williamson looking at me with a doubtful expression before he spoke," Are you sure that demon was strong? I do not doubt your words, but I don't see anything special about his power level. As far as I can tell, he is only as strong as an E-Grade with the skills matching that of C-Grade. Maybe he has a few more skills to do what he can, but can he really defeat me?"

"That demon… was at least as strong as Lady Merlin," spoke Anna, making Eliza and Elle confused but an extremely shocked expression forms on Williamson's face as he observes my nonchalant smile.

"Are you sure? Are you talking about the same Merlin…?" Williamson asked with some doubt in his words and Anna nodded ever so slightly before speaking,"I am 100 percent sure about this. I have felt the danger equal, if not more, than that of Lady Merlin. If I had to say that if Zero and Lady Merlin fought in a one-to-one battle, using their most powerful move… Lady Merlin won't last for even a single second."

Williamson looked at Zero with a deep gaze before he pondered over something and then brought out a Mana Contract in which he wrote only one sentence.

[Zero shall answer one question of Williamson without hiding anything and that is,'How strong are you?' "]

And passed it to Zero, and he looked at it for a few moments before using his own blood to complete the process and then he looked at Williamson with a slightly dominant look as he spoke,

"If I use my most powerful move without holding any kind of weapon…. I can obliterate 3 generation's worth of your people in a single strike. Happy now?"

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