Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter


Chapter : 193 Prepare in advance

Remember in a second【】

The Weishui River was hundreds of meters wide, and the river surged, more than doubling in width. The shallows along both sides of the river were completely submerged, and the ferry was covered by the river.

Su Qingluo braved the rain to cross the river, facing the wind and waves, his petite body stepping on the reeds, heaving up and down with the turbulent waves.

Came to the other side of the river, chose a relatively secluded place, sneaked ashore quietly, jumped onto the eaves with a few vertical jumps, and quickly moved along the roofs of each house.

Daliushu Village has a relatively high terrain, and the surging river has not yet reached it.

Su Qingluo hurried all the way through the wind and rain, and after a stick of incense, he came to his grandfather's house and appeared in front of the old couple.

Li Xiu'e's old father, who experienced a flood in his early years, still remembers the horror of the flood.

Hearing her reason for coming, she immediately decided to move the family to the cave for a while and wait for the rain to stop before coming back.

Li Xiu'e's eldest brother is a filial son, and he listens to whatever the old father says.

The family hurriedly packed up, planning to go up the mountain early the next morning.

Su Qingluo told Li Xiu'e's confession without saying a word, settled one matter on her mind, and returned immediately.

When returning to the ferry, I deliberately turned a corner and went to the Royal Courtyard.

Inform the two masters of the flood and the potential for floods, and ask the masters to make preparations in advance.

Xu Yanru and Zhang Wenlin attached great importance to this matter, and when ordered to do so, all the guards were mobilized, going door to door to persuade the villagers to go up the mountain to avoid disaster.

All the attendants in the royal courtyard are fully prepared for the flood, and must minimize the loss after the flood.

At the end of July, it was the time for the summer vacation, and the hut academy was already on vacation. Su Qingluo passed by the academy on his way back. Seeing that the gate was closed and there was no one inside, he was relieved and left quietly.


By the time she crossed the river on reeds and returned home, Su Hu and his wife had packed the important belongings of the family into earthen jars and buried them in the cellar.

Gaifeng and Jiyu, the two royal guards, were too embarrassed to stay in the room, and they were busy with each other.

Packed up everything he could bring, packed the food and vegetables in baskets, and placed them under the eaves, waiting for Wang Meng to find the cave and come back, and immediately transport them up the mountain.

Su Qingluo entered the door despite the wind and rain, and just as he took off his rain gear under the eaves, a soft and cute figure ran out of the main room.

The little prince hugged his sister's arm, eagerly wanting his sister to hug him, with suspicious tears in his eyelids.

"Mother, don't worry about grandpa's family."

Su Qingluo picked up the little Mengbao and patted his back to comfort him.

"What did your uncle say?"

Li Xiu'e's eyes lit up, showing joy.

Su Qingluo smiled brightly: "Uncle said to let you rest assured that he will take his family up the mountain tomorrow, hide in the cave for a while, and come back when the rain stops."

"That's great, I'm relieved."

Li Xiu'e's heart that has been hanging all afternoon~www.mtlnovel.com~ finally settled down.

"Sister Yu, what do we all need to bring? Do you want to bring pots and pans?"

Su Hu asked his daughter habitually.


Su Qingluo replied straightforwardly: "Take everything you can bring, and chop some firewood and dry it in advance."

"Let's chop firewood."

Gai Feng answered: "Just cut around the cave."

"Chop more for spare."

Su Qingluo thought carefully: "It's damp and cold in the cave. I'm afraid that Xuan'er won't get used to it and get sick from the cold. I need to keep using firewood to drive away the cold air."

"Okay, leave this to us."

Gai Feng nodded and exchanged a glance with Ji Yu, the two silently put the long sword into the bamboo basket.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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