Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 416

Chapter 416: My sister will take you on a tour

"Xiao Ba and the others are still young, so let them not know about these things for the time being."

Zheng Guogong also warned in a deep voice: "In the future, you also have to pay attention, don't talk too much in front of your brothers, so as not to leak the news."


The six brothers responded in unison again, their expressions more dignified than before.


After midnight, it started to rain lightly.

The little prince slept very restlessly, his eyelids were wet and there were tears.josei

Lin Qingluo was worried that he would sleep alone, so she asked the servant girl to place a small bed opposite her bed, and she rested on the small bed, guarding him at night.

"elder sister!"

The little prince seemed to be having a nightmare, and suddenly woke up from the dream, calling his sister hoarsely.

"Ah woo."

Leopard Tooth's hairs stood up in shock, and he screamed in his tender voice.

Lin Qingluo opened her eyes suddenly, raised her legs and slumped down, came to the bedside, hugged her startled little body into her arms, and patted his back gently.

"Xuan'er, be good, my sister is here, don't be afraid."

"Sister, I don't want to go back to the palace, let's go back to the countryside, shall we?"

The little prince was obviously frightened in his dream, his breathing was unstable, and he was stuffy in her arms, sobbing.

Lin Qingluo's eyebrows and eyes were gentle: "Xuan'er, be good, don't be afraid, in a few days, my sister will take you on a tour."

She had originally planned to travel around the world after her tenth birthday, but now it seemed that she had to move forward.

An inch-sized place in the capital city wanders around under the eyes of the Empress every day, irritating her nerves, even if there is a noble king among us, something will happen sooner or later.

In this case, it is better to simply avoid it from a distance, out of sight and out of sight.

"Traveling? When are you leaving?"

The little prince's moist eyelids glowed, full of hope.

"It's the middle of next month."

Lin Qingluo coaxed him softly: "We have just arrived in the capital, and there are many things that have not been settled, so we can't leave in a hurry."

"How long will it be in the middle of the month?"

The little prince looked at her eagerly.

"Twenty days, okay?"

Lin Qingluo smiled and pinched the tip of his little nose lovingly.

"My sister strives to finish all the things that should be done within 20 days, and then we will set off and go to various states and counties to appreciate the great rivers and mountains of Fengqi Kingdom."


The little prince's big moist eyes showed the brilliance of stars.

After a while, he asked tremblingly again: "Xuan'er doesn't want to go back to the palace, but wants to live with my sister."

"Let's stay at my sister's house for two days first."

Lin Qingluo's eyes dimmed: "We'll talk about it when there's a letter from the palace."


Early the next morning ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the rain stopped, and the gorgeous morning light reflected the red sky.

Lin Qingluo pushed open the window, looked up at the clear blue sky after the rain, took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, and showed a comfortable smile.

The sky cleared, and the dangerous day finally passed.


A white pigeon flapped its wings and landed on the window sill, looking at her curiously with its nimble black eyes.

Your Majesty's letter?

So fast!

With a twinkle in her eyes, she took out the note from the bamboo tube next to Baige's right foot, and looked at it at a glance, with the corners of her lips slightly curved.

Carefully tearing the note into shreds, she came to the desk and picked up a pen to write.

After writing, I dried the note, rolled it into thin strips, and stuffed it into the bamboo tube next to the white dove's right foot.

"Cuckoo, cluck, cluck."

The white pigeon circled over the eaves, flapped its wings and flew away.

"Yin'er, Your Majesty has sent you a letter. The memory of the Empress has been erased. He still wants a bottle of panacea. You can give it to me. By the way, monitor the Empress to see what's going on with her now."

The eldest daughter of the group favorite, she is full of luck https://

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