Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter Vol 2 1245

Chapter Vol 2 1245: The three brothers of the Lin family touted the little kingfisher, looking for mineral veins

"Where's my sister?"

Lin Jinyu took the teacup, but was a little surprised that she didn't see her sister.

"In the orb."

Lin Jinxu pointed to the dark black ball floating on the sand table.


Lin Jinyu smiled knowingly, put down her teacup, and unfolded the map.

Lin Jinxu leaned forward, looked at the circle deliberately circled on the map, and frowned slightly: "Where are these places?"

"This map was presented by a minister of the Ministry of Industry in charge of prospecting for mineral veins."

Lin Jinyu raised his sword eyebrows lightly, showing a little excitement: "This person has rich experience in geological exploration. He has traveled all over Beiming for more than ten years, looking for mineral veins."

"There are veins in these places?"

Lin Jinyang also leaned over curiously, and stretched his neck to look at the map.

"Whether it really exists or not, we need our baby beast to prove it in person."

Lin Jinyu suddenly smiled jokingly, stretched out his finger, and pointed to the top of the tent.

"Yin'er goes out, nothing will go wrong."

Lin Jinyang glanced at the tent above his head, and instantly understood the meaning of the elder brother, and also smiled jokingly, praising him at the top of his voice.

Lin Jinxu also kept up with the rhythm of the two brothers, and echoed very seriously: "There is no mineral vein that the baby of the beast can't find."

"Wait for my sister to come back and show it to my sister. This time, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Lin Jinyu suppressed a smile and rolled up the map.


The little kingfisher stood outside the tent and listened to the wall. He was delighted to hear it, and couldn't wait for the master to come out. He flapped his little wings and flew into the tent, picked up the map and flew away.

"Yin'er is leaving now?"

Lin Jinyang looked confused: "Don't you need to tell my sister?"

Lin Jinyu was calm and composed: "Yin'er and my sister are connected in mind, no matter how far apart they are, they can communicate with each other at the right time through sound transmission."

"Bamboo flutes are fine too."

With a flash of inspiration, Lin Jinxu took out the bamboo flute from the storage bracelet and played it by his mouth.

The sound of the flute is clear and bright, melodious and pleasant.

"Second brother? Are you looking for me?"

Lin Qingluo's thin and thin voice came to his ears clearly.

Lin Jinxu tried to talk to her through voice transmission: "Brother brought back a map, and Yiner went to find the mine."

"Hey, this guy is still so impatient."

Lin Qingluo moved slightly in her mind, left Yuanshi Orb and appeared in the tent.

"younger sister."

Seeing the light in the younger sister's eyes, the three brothers gathered around together.

Lin Jinxu picked up the topic just now: "Can Yin'er go by herself? Do you need us to follow?"

Lin Qingluo jokingly smiled: "It's used to being wild, so don't worry about it."

Lin Jinyu's eyes turned to the sand table: "When will the army start to attack the next city?"

"Not urgent."

Lin Qingluo decided to play it safe: "Wait until Brother Zhan and the Pavilion Master arrive at Ming City and discuss with them."

Lin Jinyang frowned slightly: "When will they arrive?"


Lin Qingluo was confident: "According to the news from the birds, it's been two days."

"Ming City has been captured, what's my sister's plan next?"

Lin Jinyu looked at the two circles on the sand table and subconsciously asked, "Do you want to help them restore the country?"

"Brothers, look here..."

Lin Qingluo took out the biography of the Seven Kingdoms, turned to the page of the Arctic Ice Field, pointed to the northerly direction of the ice field and meditated deeply.

"Which area is an endless wilderness?"

Lin Jinyu looked at her sister's fingers, her eyes flickered, she was a little surprised.

"There, it's not wild."

Lin Qingluo's eyes were burning, and he gave an unexpected answer: "It's the monster forest."

"Monster Forest?!"

The three brothers were startled, and Qiqi took a breath.


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