Everyone Wants to Pamper the Peasant Girl

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Li Cuicui still does not give up on Fu Erxing

Chapter 84 Li Cuicui Still Hasn't Give Up on Fu Erxing

All along the way, Li Cuicui was talking about her own misfortune in marriage, about the suffering she suffered in her husband’s family, and about her man’s inconsiderateness...and she cried until she burst into tears.

And Fu Erxing just listened and passed, without saying anything.

There is no other reason.

Afraid that Li Cuicui would misunderstand if she said one more word, she began to focus on him again.

Holding the stick, Fu Erxing secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he finally sent her back to Li's house with fear all the way.

Ears can hardly bear it.

But Fatty Li hasn’t come back yet and the door is locked, so Li Cuicui can only sit at the door and wait. "Okay, you wait here for your mother to come back, I'll go back first."

"Brother Erxing, wait a minute."

Fu Erxing was afraid that she would do something again, so he never let go of the stick in his hand.

If she dares to move her hands and feet, he doesn't mind knocking her unconscious with a stick.

"What's up?"

"Brother Erxing, how will I live if I am divorced?" Li Cuicui began to cry again, because she didn't like her husband's family.josei

But if she is divorced, she may not be able to hold her head up anywhere in the future, and will be said to be an old hen who can't lay eggs... Thinking of living in the days of being talked about in the future, Li Cuicui shook her head and couldn't imagine .

Fu Erxing frowned, and could see that Li Cuicui was really scared, and said: "What should come will come naturally, and you can't escape, let everything take its course. If it doesn't work, you still have your parents. Your back."

Li Cuicui was quite disheartened at first, but after what Fu Erxing said, although she didn't say anything, she just felt confident.

"If it's okay, I'll go first."

Fu Erxing turned his head to leave, but Li Cuicui called him reluctantly, "Brother Erxing, can I drop by when I have free time to see my aunt."

Fu Erxing really wanted to say not to come to their house, so as not to cause more trouble.

Facing Li Cuicui's expectant face, he couldn't continue speaking for a moment.

said tactfully: "My mother and the others don't have much time now, I still have a younger sister to take care of."

The meaning of this is quite obvious.

However, Li Cuicui's brain is different from others, "I heard! I heard that my aunt gave birth to a daughter. If there is nothing wrong, I will help take care of her."

Fu Erxing was so frightened that his legs almost went limp.

His sister's family has a lot of people taking care of them, why should she take care of them!


I didn't want to say anything more to her, so I turned around and left.

Li Cuicui looked at his back as he left, and shyly pulled her little hands, "Brother Erxing, you still care about me. You still have me in your heart."

She stood there and kept watching, when Fu Erxing disappeared from her sight, she still stared at him obsessively, as if there was a smell left by him in the air.

Even her old mother Li Dapang didn't find out when she came back. Li Dapang walked over and patted her, and Li Cuicui fell into unrequited love.

This girl!

Look so fascinated!

Looking in her direction, Li Cuicui found that there was nothing, but she still looked infatuated.

So he patted the back of her head, "Girl, what are you looking at!"

Li Cuicui let out a pain, "Mom, what are you doing!"

Seeing that she was about to pair up with Brother Erxing, she shattered all her dreams when she came.

"Why are you so angry!" Fatty Li was baffled by her yelling.

Li Cuicui complained: "It's not that you ruined the good thing about me and Brother Erxing."

Not only the voice, the mother and daughter almost have the same face, but Li Cuicui is a little smaller than Li Dapang.

But not small either.

"Fu Erxing? You're pestering him again, it's not Cui Cui, you're a shameless mother, what's wrong with Fu Erxing, you still can't forget it."

Fatty Li really can't figure it out, but Fu Erxing looks okay.

But it's not to the point of fascination. This girl has been thinking about her for so many years.

Mingming knew that she had a bad relationship with the Fu family.

She is fine, chasing Fu Erxing all the time.

Doesn't have the backbone to be her daughter at all.

"Brother Erxing is good everywhere, he is the best man in the world." When it comes to Fu Erxing, Li Cuicui's eyes are full of stars, sweet.

Fatty Li got goosebumps when he heard it, and couldn't help poking her on the head to wake her up, "Cui Cui, no matter how nice she is, don't forget that she is already married. A married woman is a married woman.

You two will never be able to. "

It was impossible before, let alone now.

Tell her to wake up and stop daydreaming all day long.

"No, it won't. Brother Erxing still has me in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't send me back on purpose. As for what you said, your daughter and I will be kicked out, there is no obstacle.

As for Brother Erxing, just like Liu Guimei, Brother Erxing will find out her true face sooner or later, and then kick her out, and I will have a chance. "

Li Cuicui was very sad about being kicked out, and was about to go home and cry with Fatty Li, but now it seems that nothing happened.

Instead, she was happier.

It means that she has no obstacles in the future, and she can chase Brother Erxing.

"Fu Erxing sent you back? Needless to say, you must be begging others with a faceless face again." Fatty Li knew his daughter very well.

Fu Erxing has no interest in her at all.

"That's not true! My foot hurts."

Fatty Li glanced at it, feeling very distressed, "What's wrong, your in-laws beat you?"

"No, I accidentally dropped it."

Li Cuicui did not say that it was Fu Erxing who pushed it, for fear that Fu Erxing would have a bad impression on Li Dapang.

"You're really too careless when you're an adult." Fatty Li opened the door and dragged her to the house.

"Mother, how is Erxing's relationship with Liu Guimei lately? Are you okay?" During the period of taking the medicine, Li Cuicui never left Fu Erxing in every word.

The couple just had one child, so it's clear that the relationship is not very good.

Fatty Li said angrily, "I think you are wishing that the husband and wife are not good. It's not Cui Cui, so stop being obsessed with it. It's important to manage your family well."

"Mother, I can't even have a child, what kind of family can I have! You don't know how their mother and son ridicule me every day. My husband's family said that they want to give my man a concubine. I have to agree if I don't agree.

Either I agree or divorce me, do you think I can swallow this breath? "

He wasn't the man she liked in the first place, and he asked her to share it with other women.

When the time comes, let that woman come in and have a child, what status will she have in her husband's family in the future!

Now that she meets Brother Erxing, she thinks this marriage is not worth it!

"What! Take a concubine! Otherwise, I will divorce you, damned old godmother, it's too much." Fatty Li stood up angrily, and pulled Li Cuicui to go out, "Go, girl, mother, let's go now!" To vent your anger on you."

Her daughter of Fatty Li is not just being bullied casually.

Xiao Wu wants tickets, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Liu Guimei's sympathetic person is here.

(end of this chapter)

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