Everything will be my way!

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

XiaoBai had a nephrite with the unique formation that created a spectacular tournament grid. He entered the information about the participants, and it automatically created the “best fit” for the fighters. The application was not new. They always used it in tournaments. It didn’t not allow battles, at least in the beginning, with large strength gaps between the fighters.

Xiao Bai put the nephrite to the guests’ wrists and added their identities to the formation that processed the information as if some kind of computer program.

When Kyon saw the procedure he had to go through, he proceeded to the next step of his plan. It was obvious that he couldn’t get registered as an ordinary slave, he had to find a way to get in.

When everyone who wanted to fight had signed up, that is, the most of the present, Kyon whispered something to XiaoBai and went with him to a quiet, secluded place outside the hall. If he hadn’t got to know him before, it would never have worked.

«Let’s make a deal, buddy.»

XiaoBai gave a little gasp:

«Do you want a bet? Well, of course, you do. Why am I asking? Fights without bets are like a man without his manhood. You shouldn’t distract me with such trifles. Visit the banker right before the start. Remember you can’t bet against yourself. The rate, in this case, is underestimated, anyway.»

«You don’t understand, XiaoBai. I am not talking about an ordinary bet. I want to stake forty-eight thousand spheres on my victory.» – The fat guy’s eyes widened with surprise and then sparkled with greed. – «It’s everything my parents left me, besides the mansion.» – Kyon said and took out the necessary amount from the ring. He kept a thousand just in case. That’s the way the financiers had brought him up.

XiaoBai took the money without delay.

«I take the bet! If you’re so eager to lose, buddy, I’m always happy to have business with you! Hehe. Give me your hand, I will put you in the database.» – XiaoBai was about to reach Kyon’s wrist when he shook his head.

«Not so fast, XiaoBai. I have two conditions. Firstly, I want to study the list of the participants in your nephrite and put my name where I see fit. Secondly, the stake for my victory is ten times more.»

XiaoBai clutched at his chest when he heard that.

«You mean… That is, if you win I owe you almost half a million?!» – The sum, by his standards, was murderous, worthy of a heart attack.

Kyon nodded decisively. He’d lost the first bet so that Xiao Bai believed he could screw the “loser” again and again. His greed would help him make the right choice, to Lovr’s benefit, of course.

The fat guy didn’t think long. He remembered that soon he’d have to give Juno a big sum of money from his own savings, he estimated the chances of the naive boy and decided that 48 thousand spheres that he needed so much were practically in his ring. XiaoBai anxiously looked around and agreed in a solemn whisper:

«You know, you can’t edit the tournament grid, to say nothing of entering your name wherever you like. It’s punishable by the laws of any family. But for you, I will make an exception.» – He put his wrist with a 1st rank formation to the cloudy green stone, thereby opening access to the data, and handed it to the boy. – «Study the information quick and tell me the desired opponent.»

«Thanks.» – Kyon nodded happily and began to study the nephrite with an insidious grin on his face. He wasn’t studying it at the level of the ordinary user, but at the level of the master formacist. He dug into the chip of the formation, studied the code, analyzed it completely and thoroughly editing it for himself. The fat guy had given a brilliant “hacker” full access to the “program” without suspecting it.

Kyon’s initial plan was simple. He wanted to prove himself in front of the Stones. He was strong enough which was good but ineffective. It would cause a lot of envy and, possibly, make him a few enemies in the family. Therefore, he decided to play on the emotions of the masses, or rather, on the confrontation between the families.

Tsayan’s proposal was very helpful. He’d changed the rules of the battle lowering the maximum development to the 10th stage of the advanced phase. He was the main figure in his plan but even without him, everything would have worked out.

The task was easy. He had to tense the atmosphere setting the families against each other. Then he would confront the Browns, thereby gaining the favor of the Stones. After that, he would win and gain universal respect. The Browns would become his enemies but he couldn’t eat the cake and have it, not in this case.

Taking into account Tsayan’s utmost confidence in his victory, he decided to pit him against Lee. Kyon disapproved of Lee’s recent behavior. He would see how it played out during the tournament.

Two minutes passed.

XiaoBai was already impatiently stomping his foot.

«Are you done yet?»

Kyon smiled, put his wrist to the nephrite and handed it to the fat guy.

«It’s all set. I have entered my name in the right place.»

«How did you do that?! Who taught you?!»josei

«I know the basics of formacy.»

XiaoBai looked at him incredulously, looked into the formation and saw his name.

«He he! It’s there, indeed!»

«Thank you. It’s nice to have business with you.» – The boy flattered him

«Ha ha! No formalities when we’re alone.» – XiaoBai chuckled, gave Kyon a conspiratorial pat on the shoulder and went to the hall. He couldn’t care less where Kyon had entered his name. The boy was at the miserable 7th stage of the base phase.

{Wise guys always take advantage of fools.} – He recalled the phrase he coined in his childhood, wise beyond his years.

Meanwhile, Kyon almost laughed like a classic villain from the movies. In just two minutes, he had completely studied all the code lines of the tournament formation and changed it for himself.

The sly guy was rubbing his hands when he returned to the hall. He was in a really good mood.

Kyon returned to his table and looked around the hall. He was sure getting to know XiaoBai would be very profitable. When the fat guy discovered his fighting skills and financial streak, he would certainly become his friend. Anyway, Kyon’s paramount goal was half a million spheres apart from faking the entrance to the grid. Money in this world decided a lot. He could go much further if he was rich.

A sudden loud knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. At that very moment the orchestra stopped playing, the voices died down. It all happened when Juno arrived but there she was sitting at the table, glancing at Marina who was dancing with a handsome blond man. Who else could have come? All the important guests were already there. Some of them, however, were rotting in the ground, but it’s not the point.

Kyon turned to the entrance and stood still.

Juno took her insightful eyes off Marina, looked at the guest that had entered with so much noise and immediately jumped to her feet like a frightened kitten.

Many guests opened their mouths in amazement. They had never expected that person to come.

No one would get the valuable Rising Hawk medicine. It was too sad.

Lee and Tsayan swallowed nervously. They would never be the kings of the party. One of them wouldn’t get the expensive prize and dance with Juno, that is, he would lose everything. As for the second guy… His mood darkened like the sun during the eclipse. Tsayan was at the peak of the second phase… Now he had to count on the breakthrough medicine his father had promised to give him. But he had to humiliate the Stones to get it. He could only hope the grid would choose a successful battle for him. He had to prove himself and defeat the best fighter in the enemy family.

The clicking of high heels on the floor interrupted the dead silence of the hall at regular intervals.

All the men present licked her in their minds from the top of her head to her toes. The girl was smoking hot with ripe cherry red hair. Only the toughest could keep stone faces.

It is impossible to keep calm at the first warm rays of the spring sun, when a shooting star flashes across the sky or during a volcano eruption. So it was at the sight of the girl. The bright look of burgundy-colored eyes was an exquisite gift for anyone looking at her. At the moment, only Juno was privileged to have it. The magnificent lady was heading to her… Princess Kara Grand.

Devilish charm is an ideal term for her irresistible beauty. The girl was wearing a delicate wine color dress, smoothly flowing around her voluptuous curves. Her refined shoes with high thin heels, her slender long legs, seductive hips in a dangerously short skirt which perfectly emphasized them hit like an arrow straight to the… heart. Her tiny waist, tight, distinguished D-cup boobs together with a daring cleavage that showed her fragile-looking collarbones, shoulders and a thin snow-white neck smashed the guests’ immature minds on the spot. And the finishing touch to the beauty of the unexpected guest was her face. She looked like she’d just had long passionate sex. There was something wild, intriguing, alluring about her. Her earrings matched the color of her eyes. There was a ring on the finger and some gloss on the lips. Any man would change the world for her sake.

Kara gave the impression of a calculating demoness. She knew well what she wanted and how to get it. She was focused, held her back straight and had a determined walk. Her every movement reflected her proud character worthy of a princess.

Kyon had always had a soft spot for the fair sex but he was watching the seductive girl dispassionately, self-controlled. His experience with Dinah and Juno had taught him to keep his emotions in check. At least outwardly.

Suddenly, a powerful stream of hatred overwhelmed his mind. His face distorted in an urge to break the dazzling beauty’s neck right here and right now. He suppressed an unexpected bloodthirst and calmed himself with an effort. He was stunned and bewildered. {What the heck?! Did my soul react to this girl?! But why?!} – Other guests did not experience anything like that. It must have happened to him only.

Juno, who looked frightened before, broke into a broad smile. «Кara!» – with a happy cry, she got up from the table and hugged the Princess. She smelled wonderful.

Kyon was shocked to realize that Juno and Kara were friends. Why hadn’t she told him about this guest before? She had the corresponding order, didn’t she? Apparently, she came uninvited. She was just let inside. No wonder, nobody would stop the only Princess of the Kingdom.

«It’s so nice to see you, dear! You are even more beautiful… Muah» – She kissed the girl on the cheeks a couple of times.

«Enough!» – Juno gently pushed the Princess who was clinging to her. – «Why did you come without telling me? And why are you late?»

Kara looked at the stage, snapped her fingers imperatively and the orchestra continued to play the melody, starting with a nervous high note.

As soon as the music played, the guests started whispering to each other.

«This is Princess Kara! Queen Vlada’s daughter! What is she doing here?!» … «Why did the princess herself come to this miserable party?!» … «I heard Princess Kara was brilliant Elsa’s friend… Juno is her sister, after all! Maybe we should welcome her? I would be delighted to meet her» … «Do not even think about it. You are not fit to welcome her!»

The princess sat at the table, holding Juno’s hand.

«I wanted to make you a pleasant surprise, but I had to stay with my mother for a while.» – She raised her eyebrows in surprise. – «You’re already at the seventh stage, my dear!» – The princess gave her friend another tight hug. – «At this rate, you will surely catch up with Elsa…» – She said her sister’s name with special tenderness.

Juno grimaced and pushed the girl again.

«I will. There’s no other way…»

Kara asked impatiently:

«Speaking of Elsa, you know she’s in the order, don’t you?»

«I do… and how do you… Ah … you don’t have to answer.»

«The informants told me. But you must know more. Tell me, how is she doing there? What’s new? Does she have many admirers?»

«Kara… Did you come here to talk about her?»

«I’m sorry, dear. It’s not on purpose, I swear… Elsa and I have always been rivals. Tell me, how do you like the party?»

«The battle starts soon, and I will dance with… It’s obvious with whom.» – Juno sighed heavily when she saw a captivating smile on her friend’s face.

Kara looked around the hall (almost everyone was looking at her) and noticed a rounded figure. She headed off to him in her favorite royal manner. No top model could be a match to her…

«Greetings, Your Grace!» – XiaoBai croaked with excitement. He tried to get out of his chair to pay respect but was stopped with a gesture.

«Hello, chubby. Long time no see. Sign me up for the fights.» – She had known XiaoBai for a long time, he was Elsa’s brother, after all.

Some boys had approached the princess to greet her on behalf of their families but Kara released a great pressure of energy without even turning around. Their knees trembled, they rushed back to their tables, trying to calm down. They were made clear they were not fit to even greet the princess.

Kyon was sitting a few tables further. He frowned carefully examining the girl’s every curve. {Uhm… So I have to defeat the princess to get the prize and win the bet? What the…} – He had a good reason for concern. There always seemed to be someone significant to interfere with his plans.

As soon as the princess returned to Juno to continue their conversation, the boy hurried to Xiao Bai. The modified formation suggested Kara should be placed on the very left side of the list. It was exactly what he needed. He had come up for another reason.

«XiaoBai, tell me about Princess Kara. I have never seen her nor heard of her.» – Above all, he needed information. He had to know the possible consequences, who he was dealing with.

XiaoBai cast a glance at the time inside his formation, threw a couple of grapes into his mouth, lazily leaned back in his chair and said chewing loudly:

«Princess Kara is Queen Vlada’s only daughter. Her origin has never been made public but I venture to suggest that she comes from another empire. About three years ago, her mother married King Michael. Kara got the title of the first Princess. The king has no sons… Except for Prince Charles, a bastard born from a concubine. Accordingly, the Princess stands above the jerk I once lost a bet to…»

The conversation with XiaoBai continued.

Kyon found out some details, like the fact that Kara is now the strongest of the young generation in Cernos (1), and therefore in the whole Kingdom. He learned that she is short-tempered and has a weird dissolute character. She always dresses provocatively. Her non-verbal gestures like a mysterious alluring smile can be considered as a call for action. Her glance can cause a fever and compel to commit an unforgivable misdeed for which you must be executed. XiaoBai added that Kyon shouldn’t be mistaken about her availability. It’s impossible to please her, she is absolutely unattainable. She has her own fan club in the best school of the Kingdom whose members, by the way, are no wimps, but she doesn’t even pay attention to them.

Once at the wedding in the Dantes(0), a young gentleman of the Clintons (2) (Royal) proposed to her but was humiliatingly refused. Surprisingly, he never dared to bother her again.

{It’s bad… So fucking bad… If I win she will surely find a way to ruin my life… I don’t want any problems!} – Kyon bit his lip looking at the stunning girl talking with Juno. If he loses his last money in the bet and the prize, all his plans will go down the drain. Well, almost all. He will prove himself this way or another.

He decided to play by ear. Perhaps the victory would do him honor and Kara would be interested in him. The Grands have ten if not hundred times more resources than the Stones. Besides, she is clearly in his taste. Very captivating… Waking up with her in the morning is pure bliss, no doubt.

As soon as XiaoBai finished his story, he once again looked into the formation and having trouble rising from the chair, went to the stage and announced to everyone the time for the battle had come.

The crowd of belligerent youth hurriedly left the assembly hall, went to the wonderful park and from there to the training ground where servants, guards, and special judges were waiting for them. The ground was big enough for everyone to have a lot of space. Each participant’s heart was beating fast with excitement. If lady Juno or even Princess Kara noticed them, they could die without regrets.

(Hair color: https://ibb.co/xCcrm4b )

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