Everything will be my way!

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

«God damn it! He did it again!» … «I can’t believe my eyes! How did he do it» … «Why didn’t Kaisen dodge?! Is he stupid? Or an idiot ?! Maybe he hit his head against the wall in his childhood?!»

The outrage was caused by Kyon’s movements which seemed slow and ridiculous from the outside but nevertheless met the target!

This is what really happened on the arena. Kyon swiftly arched his back and smacked the enemy on the cheek just as he did the last time. No one understood the real universe hidden behind his simple movements: a blind spot, wind flows, balance, the perfectly chosen moment, inertia from the backswing, his own weight, arm strength and pure energy…

«Why didn’t he dodge?! A scumbag! Even a turtle reacts faster! I’d say he can’t fight at all if he is losing to the Stone’s sucker. Ugh.» – Tsayan concluded and spat contemptuously. The others nodded in agreement.

The boys from the Stone family laughed to tears. «Just look at his face! Can’t you see the red ass? It is a masterpiece! A piece of art! Only a genius could create the picture Red Ass Monkey with two perfect slaps! Ha ha ha!»

The guests took a closer look and burst out laughing.

Juno leaned her back against Kara’s soft curves. Damn it, how cozy and warm! The most comfortable pillow in the world!

«Why do you support that wimp?» – asked Kara. She was not interested in the fight, she was focused on the cutie sitting on her lap. Even the princess found it hard to resist her beauty, fragrant young body and inner world.

«He is the last participant of my family. Of course, I am on his side.» – Juno answered calmly.

But the princess did not believe her. She had noticed the way her friend looked at the mediocre boy. Her incomparable intuition whispered her something impossible. Moreover, he seemed pretty familiar to her…

Kaisen stepped away from the barrier touching his cheeks in shock. His gums got swollen and hurt like hell. They took his words for shit. Juno and all the others no longer believed him and taunted him. No one likes pompous windbags, especially the Romanovs. The members of his own family looked at him with contempt. And the Stones laughed out loud.

He couldn’t understand who he was dealing with. Was his opponent a scum or some mysterious omnipotent master?! Why was his blow so painful? Why did the bastard dodge his swift attacks?! And how did he disappear from sight at the last moment? Kaisen’s patience snapped, his red face turned white with rage. It was too soon to admit defeat, he had still things to do! He could regain his dignity only by fulfilling his promise of the three blows.

«There you’re wrong, little bugger… I gave in but you hit me real hard! I LET YOU SAVE YOUR FACE TWICE! Son of a bitch… And you haven’t appreciated my generous gift…»

Juno giggled. {Oh he’s so bad…}

The audience wondered “is he joking or is he really dumb?”

Kyon said:

«Who is yapping here like a mongrel dog that should be crushed like stinky shit?»

«YOU! I will kill you! Ahhhhh!» – Kaisen roared completely losing control. He had never been insulted like that… He is one of the strongest Romanovs of the 3rd rank, he won’t tolerate humiliation!

Kaisen’s whole body was shining with electric sparks, his hair stood on end. The azure radiance emanating from his skin gave him a resemblance to the great dragon of lightning.

«Kaisen is developing the storm body!» – An expert in this area cried out. – «In this state, he is incredibly dangerous! When my brother was fighting with such an adversary, he almost died from contact with his body!»

Everyone was staring in awe at Kaisen sparkling with power. If his words were not a lie he would defeat the boy in a split second! The Romanovs were the keenest supporters of their kinsman.

However, Dinah wished for his triumph most of all. She kept biting her lips until they bled.

Kaisen rushed to Kyon. In his every step there was incredible power, rage and desire to crush his opponent. He came as close as could be and released a stream of endless sparks from his mouth that could destroy a herd of elephants. He looked like a legendary dragon spewing flames.


{He is dead!} – The audience thought. Everyone expected to see the charred flesh.

Juno couldn’t breathe with excitement. Her eyebrows crawled up her forehead. She’d never survive such a stream.

Kyon activated insulation. With a swift movement, he shut the “dragon’s” mouth, with his other hand, he grabbed him by the neck and drove him to the ground with all his might.

A small bump grew in the ground and dug into Kaisen’s spine. There was a terrifying crunch of bones.

The dangerous glow of his body had disappeared at once. Kaisen made some inarticulate choking sounds. He jerked, kicked and twitched as if he was having a fit.

«It was the third blow.» – Kyon muttered dusting off his hands that were still steaming.

The dumbfounded audience couldn’t not believe their eyes.

«It’s impossible!» … «Did he win?!» … «Kyon crushed him like a bug!» … «The boy ignored the storm body and broke his back!» … «You must be fucking kidding me?! What is going on here?!»

Everyone knew that the ether element is extremely dangerous. Yet, Kyon had outsmarted the practitioner who was nearly a phase above him in development using nothing but pure energy. He’d effectively driven him to the ground. He wasn’t hurt by the electric discharge, not a bit! It looked like a miracle! When the adversary is five stages higher in development, they are beyond reach. It’s better to avoid them, run away from them, and hope for the best. But Kyon had deceived all the expectations, he’d broken the veil of logic and common sense!

Moreover, there was nothing special in his movements. His speed was low, his actions were simple and uncomplicated. How could he stay safe and sound?! Why was Kaisen’s back broken? It was pure madness!

Kyon and Kaisen used only one element. That’s why no one noticed the quiet vibrations in the space that Kyon had been emitting with the ether element. His using electricity remained a secret for everyone.

«Kyon Stone is victorious!» – The judge announced shaking everyone out of stupor.

«Our family has won! Hooray-ay-ay-ay!» … «A Stone made it to the seventh round! We’ve won! We’re in the semifinals!» – The two Stones cried out loudly and rushed to the hall to tell their kinsman about the incredible incident.

Dinah stood staring in silent amazement. {He survived?! And won!} – She must have greatly underestimated the boy. She remembered the time when he blocked her electricity attack with bare hands. The girl understood the reason and calmed down. He was immune to electricity. And his opponent was a rare idiot.

Anna could see now what lady Juno had in mind when she spoke of her servant’s certain skills and abilities. Did he give in when they were fighting? Was her victory a fake? If so, why did he go toothless and beaten for two months?! The lady didn’t have the strength to mutilate him like that! Where is the logic?! The damned questions haunted her.

Cornelia wiped sweat from XiaoBai’s forehead. The fat guy was really scared. For his dear money in the ring…

Richie Brown blushed, stomped his feet and growled:

«Fuck! How is that possible?! I’ve lost the third time in a row!»

Kara noticed a smile on her baby’s face and turned a displeased look at the winner. The intuition was whispering to her that Juno was too eagerly reacting to Kyon’s actions and words. The princess did not like so much attention paid to mediocrity. It was suspicious…

«You mix apples with oranges. This impudent Stone is nothing but mediocrity… Kaisen was a weak adversary, that’s all. He was a complete disappointment on the Romanov family.» – Tsayan said grimly.

The Romanovs (3) shamefully lowered their heads, dragging Kaisen’s paralyzed body out of the arena. Rage towards Kyon had swallowed up their souls. They had suffered a serious slap in their dignity.

Kyon had always ruthlessly dealt with those who tried to kill him at least once. Kaisen was no exception. The arrogant fool was paralyzed until the end of his life and was doomed to relieve himself in the diaper.

XiaoBai announced the next round, the judge introduced the next fighters:

«Tsayan Brown, the peak stage of the advanced phase against Kyon Stone, the seventh stage of the base phase!»josei

The guests scrutinized the mysterious boy with low development. Who the hell was he?! One thing was clear. It was impossible to defeat the opponent who was 13 stages higher in development. Nobody doubted Kyon’s impending defeat.

Richie handed a huge bag with money to the banker. «That’s it, son of a bitch! I’m sure of my kin! He will tear the boy to pieces! If not, I will renounce my last name!»

«Alright, alright. Take it easy, young man.» – Xiao Bai’s friend, the bookmaker giggled. The gambling client had brought him large sums of money. He was the best player in the world!

Dinah looked at Tsayan and nodded to herself, pleased. {Not a chance.} – Her “master” was going to die! She wondered if the jerk would be smart enough to give up? It would be too bad. Then she’d have to do everything herself.

Anna clenched her fists, rooting for the lady’s servant with all her heart.

XiaoBai was soaking wet with excitement, but the sweet girl kept wiping sweat from his forehead.

Tsayan made his dramatic exit to the center of the arena. He tried to discern hints of anything outstanding or dangerous in the opponent. All in vain… He was just an ordinary lucky guy, 13 stages below him. How did he get to the 7th round? It was a disgrace to fight such a weakling. He had to quickly kill this scum before the guests started thinking low of him.

It was funny, the guests believed more in Kaisen’s intentional defeat than in the practitioner who could defeat a more developed opponent.

«Kyon… Kyon… Kyon… How many times I’ve heard your name and it’s nothing but an empty sound…»

A stern voice interrupted his tirade:

«Tsayan… Tsayan… Tsayan… How many times I’ve heard your name and it’s nothing but an empty sound…» – mocked him Kyon.

«What did you say?!» … «What did you say?!» – They both asked in unison. Their faces distorted in a wolf’s grin at the same time.

{The kid has the balls of steel!} – Most observers thought, utterly shocked.

A scowl of irritation twisted Tsayan’s face. «Forget it. You are not worth my time. I have humiliated the strongest in your family. You are nobody compared to him.»

«Great. Share your impressions when “nobody” humiliates you.» – Kyon smiled.

Tsayan’s eyelid twitched, a faint, predatory smile played on his lips. He had the urge to finish off the impostor. For the first time, he’d met such a cocky opponent, in addition, inferior to him in development! A yapping puppy, indeed. Kaisen was right but he shamefully lost the battle. Miserable degenerate…

Kara convinced herself once again her intuition regarding Juno and Kyon was right when suddenly a little sound transmitter rattled on her side. The princess took it in her hands, closed her eyes in exasperation and whispered:

«Baby, I’m off to the restroom. I’ll be back soon, don’t miss me too much.»

Juno briskly jumped from her lap, enjoying the freedom.

«Take all the time you need.»

The princess gave her a gentle smile and tenderly stroked her cutie’s shoulder. «Purr purr.»

Just as she left, a crowd of the Stones came running from the hall to the training ground. They turned their eyes to the tournament grid and got sullen.

«Really?! We’ve made it to the seventh round?!» … «Ha! I do not believe it! Our family is in the seventh round!» … «Did that boy overpower his opponent?!»

«Did Kyon win?!» – Stephanie exclaimed looking doubtful at the black-haired boy. She had never taken him seriously. She thought he was a funny guy who kept up the morale in the Stone family. It was a miracle but the boy had won! Did he happen to fight a half-dead opponent again?

«It was awesome, Ms. Stephanie!» … «He humiliated Kaisen. He turned his face into an ass and then broke his back! I can’t put it into words… He beat the shit out of him! Pardon my French…» – The joyful Stones kept interrupting each other.

«I do not understand you guys… He broke his back? His opponent was almost a phase higher?!» – The girl asked. It was impossible but… The strange looks on the guests’ faces puzzled her. Could it be true?! Or was everyone there crazy?

Lee came up last, gloomy. He was not too pleased that his family had made it to the seventh round. When he saw the name of the winner – Kyon – Lee grimaced as if he had bitten into a sour lemon, his lips parted in an ugly squeamish grin.

* beeeep *

It was the signal to start the battle.

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