Everything will be my way!

Chapter 128

Chapter 128


When Kyon saw the rapidly approaching wall of fire he quickly jumped back, took out the shield, lay on the ground and covered himself like a soldier in the trench.


The wall passed through the shield at great speed without hitting the boy. It collided with the barrier and disappeared with no trace. The temperature of the whole arena rose by 60 degrees.

The guests gasped covering their faces from the incoming heat. Its overwhelming aura made the weakest in spirit tremble. Nobody had ever seen such a powerful technique for the 3rd stage of the advanced phase! The princess seemed to have released a fiery god… Even practitioners of five stages higher in development could have lost to her!

It was a miracle but the boy rose again, completely unscathed. He was enveloped in a barely visible halo of the cold element. He looked unshakable like a mountain. His eyes shone with icy control.

Kara did not believe her eyes.

She had used the ability of her unique body to release the essence of the unawakened phoenix body. It has a high energy reserve and an abnormal temperature. Any element or matter like stone or metal instantly melts, evaporates, neutralizes. In fact, the phoenix sphere gives its owner an extraordinary ability to oppose anything! It’s defensive and attacking at the same time. It has a completely different sacred meaning, though… And yet, the boy had to turn into a handful of ashes along with his fucking shield! Still, he was alive, unharmed…

Adamantium, created by the best minds in Lovr’s world, has tremendous heat resistance and incredibly low thermal conductivity. If this rock is put in a thousand-degree furnace for an hour it will slightly heat up. Not every flame can melt a substance whose melting point is four thousand degrees.

Kyon seized a nice moment and rushed to attack the hesitant princess.

Kara came to her senses and activated the Phoenix Blast. The technique was active again after the setback… Her fist shone with a thousand sparks. It was her chance to kill the bug, at last! No shield would save him from the powerful explosion!

Kyon boosted up at unprecedented speed and hit her in the face.

Suddenly, Kara realized the futility of her attempts. There was no way, a royal person could have missed the humiliating blow from some low-grade guy!

Her whole essence was overwhelmed with anger, indignation and bitter annoyance. The trickster had forced her to break the word given to the audience. She had to act audaciously.

The girl raised her development to the 10th stage and aimed the Phoenix Blast to the opponent’s head. Her relatively slow fist turned into a kind of meteor. It was impossible to resist this breakneck speed being at the base phase. Rest in peace, dead-man-to-be.

~whoosh~ ~bang~

Kara did not feel any flesh… The phoenix blast had to be reloaded again and it didn’t destroy the target. At the last moment, the boy had abnormally quickly thrown his head back.

{Again?!} – The princess’s eyes were wide in disbelief. She slowly turned around until her gaze met the boy’s. He was standing with a calm, cold look on his face looking at her with reproach, almost like the last time but now there was contempt in his eyes.

«Princess Kara Grand… I don’t mean to sound rude but if you are after my death why all this show? You raise your development at the most dangerous and crucial moment violating the royal promise! You might as well execute me for the fact that I live and bring trouble to your majesty with my talent.» – Kyon slowly said in an icy voice, with no fear, brazenly staring at her. There were hardly any other daredevils capable of maintaining eye contact with her for longer than a second.

Kyon inwardly cursed himself for not being able to keep his mouth shut. But the bitch was too daring, she got a bloody nerve to kill him. He was not used to skirmishes with girls. In the previous world, all the female-related problems were limited to petty intrigues, ridiculous manipulations, and desperate attempts to get his attention. His master, in particular, drove him up the wall… And this world was like a cornucopia with Juno, Dinah, Kara around him! Each of them was dangerous and beautiful.

Someone in the audience gasped. No one had ever dared to talk so rudely with the first and only princess from the royal Grand family.

{The kid has steel balls!} – Everyone thought, mentally saying goodbye to him.

The hellfire of anger had been burning in Kara’s soul turning into rage, abundantly seasoned with hatred.

«Kyon Stone, don’t you dare to talk to me like that! The actions and desires of the princess are not to be judged by people like you.» – The girl said loudly and authoritatively with notes of threat in her voice, emphasizing the words “like you” to indicate his insignificance.

Kara had always considered herself right in everything, she’d been skillfully manipulating people to achieve her goals and she always had (with a few exceptions). In fact, the princess is free to do whatever she pleases, and none of her deeds would ever affect her reputation in any way. They’d rather add to her cruel temper. But the impudent boy was asking for death…

{Arrogant bitch…} – Kyon was infuriated. The haughty piece of trash popped up in his life, wishing him death, crushing like a tank to reach her goal, ignoring public opinion or any reason.

The situation was taking an unpleasant turn. The bitch had gotten too far. She was no longer looking for excuses but a fight on the pretext of her highest authority and unlimited power.

The guests were like trembling creatures that did not dare to contradict her. If the two jerks of the 4th-rank in the Grand family behaved like kings what could they expect from the princess of the 1st-rank? She was like the phoenix among the crows! Everything was useless against the single-minded snake. He had to act on his own to curb her temper at all costs. It was victory or death!

«Dear Princess Kara! I am happy that you’ll be soon disqualified from the tournament for breaking the rules. You are going to raise the development again, aren’t you? The Grands will take the last place in the low-grade tournament… The sad news will spread throughout the kingdom! And your arrogant personality will make the headlines.» – Kyon said with a mischievous grin.

The audience held their breath. {He’s a cheeky suicide!} … {How dares he dare to insult the princess?} … {He is a madman! A crazy idiot!} … {Come to your senses… She will kill you!} – Stephanie thought bitterly.

Juno bit her pink lip. {What a fool! Kara is not the one to talk back to without consequences! A stupid servant grown in slums…}

The princess surprised the audience once again with her unexpected reaction. Instead of expressing righteous anger, the royal girl covered her lips with her hand and giggled. The unforgettable phoenix eyes twinkled with a ruse.

All her annoyance had completely disappeared followed by sneer and thrill of the chase. She was shivering with excitement to crush the insolent jerk who dared to talk to her so disrespectfully. The one and only idiot had found the courage to address her in that tone. Anyone else would have wet his pants, crawling on his knees begging to forgive him, and this unique weirdo is looking at with no fear his eyes! Cheeky noiret.

Why would she be mad at a fool? His life had already punished him. It’s always curious to meet someone whose behavior goes beyond the norm. She remembered the happy days in the home country. This time, Kara had no doubt in her victory “in a couple of movements.” Therefore, she was being frivolous.

The pleasant princess’s voice sounded with sincere joy. «Gods would envy your self-confidence. Thank you, I am amused… If I increase my development even once I will voluntarily give up my last name and the title of princess.»

All of a sudden, Kara’s smile disappeared as she heard her intuition scream loudly.

{Why are you yelling again, silly? Last time the talented bastard cheated but now he is doomed!} – And yet the strange feeling did not leave her. Was she still playing by his rules? No… It’s not possible.

{What is the worth of words if they are coming from a piece of trash like you?} – Kyon thought gloomily of the stunning girl’s promise. At least the chance she would violate the rules reduced a thousandfold. Now his plan to defeat her was quite feasible even if still risky.

«Did you hear that?!» … «What if he can…» … «Shut up! He is not so good as to defeat the great princess at the peak of the second phase!» … «Oh goddess, he is crazy!» … «The magnanimous princess had mercy on him and did not punish him for his impudence!» – The guests exchanged all kinds of comments. They had a feeling of deja vu. They predicted Tsayan a sure victory not so long ago and he lost! But the princess was going to win, wasn’t she?

Juno was watching both the servant and her friend. She was nervously stroking a golden lock and biting her lips. When Kyon was in danger before, the girl’s heart missed a beat in concern for his life. She wouldn’t forgive either herself or Kara if he died. She did not know what to do. She had no idea what the servant had on his mind. What he had everything under his control? He told her not to said not to interfere, after all… She was worried the last time when he fought with Tsayan, too. However, everything worked out in the end.

The girl came up with a reasonable idea. If the boy needed her help, he would send her an imploring look. Then she would do everything possible to get him out of trouble. She wanted to get involved but she was trying to hold back.

Kyon had a different view in the same situation. Juno wouldn’t stop the ambitious princess but she’d rather create a bunch of problems. Perhaps the girl’s words would be a death sentence for him. It was an unjustified risk. He had to rely on himself and go all in. What if he managed to bring the bitch to the point where she gave up herself! What if he managed to defeat her… However, it was unlikely that the princess would agree to get hundreds of cuts on her beautiful body. Anyway, he couldn’t beat her with his current physical parameters.

The princess smiled. {Finally, the phoenix relic is ready!} – Enough time had passed after her battle with Frantz. She was already looking forward to the epic finale where the daring upstart would be torn into small pieces.

The carefree provocative beauty annoyed Kyon. The pest of a girl was looking straight in his eyes with a joyful desire to end his life as if he was an irritating insect. It had been rightly said that degenerates would always abuse the power they had.

{Who gave you the right to look at me like that? How dare you to decide what happens to me?} – Kyon hated her so much it was sickeningly palpable. His hands itched to squeeze her thin tender neck and strangle her, leaving her no chance of salvation. Perhaps if he survived he would make this dream come true in the future. It would be nice to look the beast into the eyes frozen from fear.

The princess thrust out her ample bosom, spread her arms to the sides and shut her eyes.

The bright yellow light sparkled from her heart to her hands repeating the graceful contours of her body and turning into the silhouette of a bird.

Juno remembered Frantz’s instant defeat and could stand it no more. She shouted:

«Kara, stop!»

The princess was in no hurry to create the self-aiming bird for the future deadman. She looked at the girl in surprise and asked affectionately:

«What’s the matter, honey?»

Kyon darted a quick icy look at Juno which made her jump up in fright. {What are you doing, stupid girl?! I have everything under control!} – The headless little lady would get him killed if Kara got jealous. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Juno said in a trembling voice:

«You will kill Kyon! You promised not to hurt him but all this time you’ve been fighting at your full capacity! Now he is going to die for sure!»

«Hm-m-m…» – Kara uttered. – «Why are you so worried about him?»

Kyon gave Juno another icy look.

«Well… He is a talented member of my family. Of course, I will worry about his life.» – The girl said and looked away.

The hearts of all the Stones warmed up. The members of the other families lamented they would welcome such a beautiful and kind lady in their family!

Kara’s intuition was singing a song. The girl was sure of her plans. «Honey bunny, I’m sure that Kyon Stone will be able to defend himself from a single technique after he defeated Tsayan Brown. Be a good girl and do not bother me to study his skills.» – The girl smiled and quickly released the winged firebird in the direction of the boy.

Juno gasped, afraid. The Stones clenched their fists, and the Browns smiled maliciously.

At the last moment, Kyon literally fell underground and closed the hole with his shield. The bird failed to find its target on the way and exploded in the air.


The bright explosion shook the arena and blinded half of the guests. The fiery aura of the phoenix reflected in their souls causing uncontrollable trepidation inside. A huge crater half a meter deep gaped at the scene of the explosion, the cracked shield was still covering the deep hole. If the bird had collided directly with the ground, the boy would have turned into a charred corpse. There wasn’t probably a single practitioner of the advanced phase who could escape the consequences of that powerful technique.

{He dug a hole? Bastard! I wanted to see him explode!} – Kara was furious. The boy had escaped her attack yet again! The bird was self-aiming but his unexpected immersion underground knocked down its landmark, and it had to explode with shame!

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