Everything will be my way!

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

The Stones were astounded when the lucky genius left the party hall and never returned. They had too many questions and attractive offers to the gifted boy.

He had piqued Stephanie’s interest so much that she decided to find him with the help of her friend Lee, Elder Boe’s grandson.

«Please, Lee… Ask your grandpa to grant me access to the family center! I have to find Kyon! Help me out or I will have to ask my father, and he will turn to Boe, anyway! Please!» – Stephanie begged Lee when they were in the same carriage on the way to Boston.josei

Lee crossed his arms over his chest and exhaled in exasperation. «Alright, alright. You’re exhausting me. I will help you to find him. But you will owe me a favor. Just stay away from that half-wit.»

Stephanie was delighted and smiled charmingly. «Thank you, Lee!»

She knew that all the Stones above the fourth rank could be tracked within the family formation in case of death or any other emergency. The signal went to the family center where, if the need arose, the carrier could be found the in the real-time mode.

Kyon must be in the database because he wore a token of the third rank. When she had access to the data, she would find his rare name and track his whereabouts in any corner of the kingdom. Also, she would find out his full background to put the heat on his unique personality.

Stephanie supposed that the adults in her family would never believe in the story the youth would tell them. They would rather believe in the mass conspiracy of the young people, a good joke or a terrific deception on the part of a certain Kyon. That’s why she decided to make friends with him before everyone else while there was an opportunity.

Tsayan Brown opened his eyes and saw a white hospital ward. He had been sleeping badly for the last three days. He kept having a nightmare of his humiliating defeat followed by exhibitionism and self-defecation in front of the large audience of the Stones and other families. His delirium was getting especially annoying when he saw the girls laugh at him malevolently and the guys mock him scornfully. He was also shocked to find out he had lost the most valuable tenth stage of the second phase. His nightmare’s climax was the arrogant, black demon! He was to blame for everything that had happened to Tsayan.

«Аh?» – Tsayan woke up. He touched his chest where three cuts intersected at one point and gave a heartbreaking scream. – «А-а-а-а-а-а-а-аh!»

A nurse burst with lush forms and a mop in her hands barged into the room.

«The shithead has soiled himself again?! Oh, he is awake! I am sorry, Sir… Looking after you is getting on my nerves. I can’t do it anymore.» – She carefully hid the mop and dirty rags behind her back.

Tsayan gave the woman a black look and howled like a wild thing.

The poor nurse jumped with fright and ran away screaming for help.

Tsayan realized with horror that he was at the ninth stage of development. The nightmare had come true! The memories of the horrible incident were giving him a headache and mental pain. It was the most crushing humiliation in his life… He had been brazenly stripped and dishonored in front of the audience!

«It was not a dream?! Ahhhhhhhh! Son of a bitch! Kyon, motherfucker! I’ll kill you, piece of shit! You will choke on your own blood, dickhead! I swear to god!» – Tsayan yelled. He thought about the upcoming trouble with his reputation, the nickname they would give him, the contemptuous glances of his relatives. He was too scared to imagine his father’s, the elder, violent reaction.

Two large men burst into the ward. They twisted the boy’s arms behind his back and sedated him.

Tsayan heard the snippets of their conversation in a half-conscious state.

«It’s totally fucked up… The third crazy for today. Pumba Brown was the first, next was Kaisen Romanov… Now this kid. The thing is, everyone is talking about someone called Kyon!» – The hospital guard muttered leaving the room.

«Wait a minute. The boy is a direct descendant of the Browns, isn’t he? Let’s call his servants. They can take this piece of shit home.»

«Nice idea!»

After some time, Tsayan woke up in his carriage. The servants bowed their heads and began asking him anxiously about his well-being.

«SHUT YOUR TRAP!» The boy roared and punched one of them in the jaw. The rage rushed into him, filled him to the brim. He was willing to kill everyone!

The journey took more than a day but Tsayan didn’t sleep a wink. As soon as he closed his eyes, nightmares rushed into his head with Kyon the demon in the lead. Exhausted, in a lousy mood, he finally arrived at his family’s estate in Boston.

The unfortunate victim went upstairs to his father’s study. He saw him with his arms crossed behind his back looking thoughtfully through the window like a gloomy thinker.

«Hello, father… Your son has arrived.»

«My son…» – Stephan the elder echoed and looked sternly at the boy. Then he slowly approached him, grabbed him by the collar and shook him roughly. – «Tell me, these rumors are a lie, aren’t they?»

Tsayan turned pale. He lowered his head and stared at the floor. «Father…»

The man shuddered and ran his fingers through his long hair. It seemed that his beloved son had just been killed.

«Oh, gods… Oh, gods… No! It can not be! The gossips are true! How? Why? Where am I to blame?! Could the nullity of the first phase overpower my son, force him to crap in front of the audience!?»

«Father, Kyon Stone, the cunning bastard, is the one to blame!»

However, Stephan did not seem to hear the words of his son. «There are stories from many sources about how my son lost to the enemy of the first phase… I thought it was all a JOKE! How could you do it, dickhead?! Have I raised a sick dog instead of a mighty tiger ?! ANSWER ME!»

With a trembling voice, Tsayan told him his story. He didn’t forget to embellish it in his favor. He made Kyon a cruel demon with great talent. He portrayed himself as an innocent victim of scheming and clever intrigue.

Stephan listened to him to the end and gave his son a deafening slap in the face.

«You’re nothing but a loathsome degenerate! It’s a pity I can’t disown you or my dear deceased wife will never forgive me. You’ve disgraced yourself before an adversary below you more than a phase in development! You’re a failure, a pathetic nobody! A snivelling dog! Didn’t you get enough thrashing in childhood! It’s outrageous! Why did I waste my best years raising you?..»

«Father, I’m sorry! Kyon set me up!» – Tsayan groveled at his father’s feet, crying.

«Shut up! I sent you to the party to put the Stones in their place. How could you lose to him with your power? You could suppress anyone in the second phase! Stupid piece of shit! Don’t even dream of breakthrough medicine in the near future! You should have torn his head off with a flick of your finger!» – The elder screamed his head off, spitting saliva on Tsayan’s face.

Tsayan did not have time to answer when a tall stocky young man burst into the room, his eyes red with rage, his face distorted with anger. He instantly appeared near Tsayan and slammed him in the stomach, roaring even worse than his father:

«How could you lose, you selfish little animal?! How could you, my little brother, disgrace our family?!»

While Tsayan was lying on the floor, Stephan went to the window and crossed his arms behind his back. His eagle’s eyes looked into the distance.

«Kiyan. The bastard who humiliated Tsayan, and at the same time, you and me, must be destroyed. I will get him tracked down through family ties, so you don’t need to bother.» – He looked at the big fellow with paternal love. – «Unlike the younger asshole… You are my pride. I pin my hopes on you. Even if you never surpass Timothy, you are still my best investment. You have to dispel the humiliation your younger brother has inflicted on our family and for this, you must prove yourself in the family tournament. Show your talent in all its glory, and above all humiliate the arrogant Stones.»

«Thank you for believing in me, father. I will never disgrace the honor of the Browns. I am nothing like Tsayan the loser.» – The 18-year-old said proudly and slapped his chest.

Stephan patted Kiyan on the shoulder with a pleased smile.

Tsayan pounded his fists on the floor in a fit of madness. His face was tear-stained. He was panting with anger and hatred. The only thing that could return his dignity was Kyon’s death.

It was 2 p.m.

~knock knock~

Kyon reluctantly left the kingdom of dreams.

«I’m coming in.» – He heard Anna’s pleasant voice.

{Anna!?} – Kyon quickly covered Dinah, who was still asleep, with a blanket and jumped out of bed.

Just as Anna opened the door, it was immediately slammed shut right in front of her nose. It was so unexpected that she almost dropped the tray with dinner on the floor. By the way, the highest maid was doing a great honor to the servant by bringing him food to the room.

«Ah…» – The girl screamed.

There was a strong unfamiliar smell in his room. She was curious about its origin. Anna wanted to know the truth.

«I am sorry, I’m naked… I don’t want to die so foolishly, hehe. I’ll be out in ten minutes.»

«Naked? Hmm… Alright. Are you okay?»

«Yes. Thank you for asking.»

Anna didn’t want to ruin her day with the sight of the naked servant.

After some hesitation, she said:

«Find me when you get dressed.»

And she walked away with a spring in her step.

{It was a weird smell… With notes of some female perfume! Why was it so familiar? Does he have a girlfriend?} – Anna would never believe that it was her arrogant sister of noble birth in the servant’s bed. – {Kyon is very talented, though… I wonder who is the lucky one?}

The maid blushed. Why on earth did she even ask this question? She was so far from relations between the sexes. However, her curiosity only intensified.

{He loved Dinah, didn’t he… I don’t understand anything!} – She was in for long contemplations.

Kyon took a breath. It would be better for Anna not to know who was in his bed now…

His heart contracted painfully as soon as he remembered about Dinah. He made a remarkable effort to turn away from his beloved girl, who was peacefully sniffing beside him and tried not to think about the subject of his adoration.

Kyon tried to concentrate and reflect on what had happened.

To his shock and happiness, he realized that the forgotten memories of Kara had returned. It means Synergy had performed the trigger of memory return when the curse was weak enough. The spell had weakened! His crazy and unlikely plan had worked brilliantly!

Now Kyon had his reason and sanity back.

Kyon analyzed his physical condition. He found out that the curse had weakened by 90%, and he could once again control his body without turning into a madman in love.

As a result of the memory return, the curse began to work for Kara. The mere thought about the princess gave him desperate mental pain. Perhaps this is how he felt right after the influence of her charming look. If he met her now, he wouldn’t be able to restrain himself. It was infuriating.

{What a bitch! I love and hate her at the same time. I adore the wonderful image of the princess despite her daring attempts to kill me. It’s unforgivable folly. I have to get rid of the curse as soon as possible and take revenge on the arrogant minx.}

Now that the curse began to make him fall in love with Kara again, Kyon decided to get rid of his love for Dinah. But before he started, the memories of the hot rough night came back against his will. His heart started beating faster, his privy member hardened. It raised the question why Dinah ended up turning into the goddess of sex? It doesn’t happen out of blue… And why did she arouse from him violating her? He didn’t give her any aphrodisiacs, did he? Girls need to be in a certain mood to get excited, don’t they? Dinah wasn’t in any special mood yesterday. It’s so strange. It does not add up at all. She must have her little secrets.

Kyon infused his brain with Synergy to start the love-destroying chemical reaction.

He moaned in a short while.

{Why doesn’t it work?}

He tried to eliminate these feelings, but any changes returned to the initial state almost at once. And no matter how much Synergy he used, his love didn’t budge. It stayed at the same point.

Apparently, his soul was the only possible reason. Only the soul could have such a powerful effect on the brain leaving even Synergy helpless.

{Did the curse work for Dinah, too? And why was it so powerful?!}

Kyon frowned. He sat in a lotus position and focused on his feelings. He knew that if he stopped blocking his love of Kara, he would go crazy in a couple of minutes. Moreover, he would turn into a weak-willed slave of his all-consuming love never resisting it on his own will. Synergy recovered a bit faster than it was spent to prevent the disaster. He could keep his mind in this fragile state for as long as he wanted. He could be himself without any flaws or limits.

However, he didn’t observe a similar effect with Dinah. His love for her didn’t increase. It was fixed at one point. As a matter of fact, it was located at the edge of madness. Kyon did not feel any suggestible love for Dinah. It means the curse had nothing to do with this love. It raises the issue of what these nearly crazy feelings were based on.

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