Everything will be my way!

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Kyon returned to his room, sat in a lotus position and entered into a meditative state.

When he filled the bright part of the core with Juno’s emotions, he seemed to have finally activated his unique body. It was time to get in touch with it!

He focused on his soul or rather, the core inside it. The information poured into his mind transforming into an image.

It was a naked faceless person, ideally dissected in half from the forehead to the crotch. One half was ordinary. The other was flickering like a translucent soul.

Kyon realized that the body of the void showed him its physical and spiritual embodiment: the soul on the right side and the physical body on the left. The inextricable bond attached them to each other.

The head of the image sparkled with blue rays that symbolized Synergy, the negotiator between the darkness and the light. Without it, Kyon would have lost himself, become the personification of the evil, an irritable, aggressive and vengeful bastard; or the embodiment of the good, eager to give others joy, happiness and love.

The image of the divided person had outstretched arms.

The right hand (the spiritual part) was holding a black sphere that emitted rays of darkness from the inside.

The left hand (the physical part) was holding a white sphere that emitted rays of light from the inside.

Kyon understood everything. There was no doubt that the spheres were halves of his core!

When Kyon focused on the dark sphere, the information entered his head. It was a feeling of saturation by about one-twentieth (that is, 5%).

{The counters have returned to zero.} – He made a guess.josei

He checked the light part of the core and found out that it was saturated by about one fifth (that is, 20%).

{Hmm… Juno’s gratitude has exceeded all my expectations! Of course, it has! I saved the damn girl from the wild hungry beasts. Do I need to refill the core with emotions to develop my unique body? Will it be enough to go to the circus? Or read a funny story? Or beat someone?} – Kyon was in a good mood at the moment. His unique body was finally communicating with the owner at the level of an image in his head. Perhaps there are no other bodies so tightly connected with the owner. Apart from Juno’s, of course …

{No, it can’t be that simple. Emotions do not have enough energy to make my body stronger and tougher. I must be missing something…}

Kyon focused on the illusory half of the faceless person. He came up with an idea of total emptiness. He wanted to fill but with what? He didn’t know. The feeling reminded hunger.

{Just as I thought…}

Kyon focused on the physical side. He had a similar feeling but in a different direction. He also wanted to fill it with something.

To sum it up: the divided person without a face demanded to fill three entities, one of which comprised dark / light emotions. The requirements of the other two remained unclear.

Kyon didn’t find anything else. He had to figure out experimentally how to fill in the other two entities. He went to the treasury.

On the way to the second level of the library, Kyon took out several keys with spheres and, following Juno’s example, tried to interact with them. Nothing came of it. Inside the library, he picked up the first medicine he found to find out the needs of his unique body by trial and error method.

Unique bodies usually whisper their requirements to the owner. Sometimes they want some medicine of fiery, icy or earthy nature. Sometimes their development requires complex additives, enzymes, or specially prepared medicine. Sometimes the bodies are tailored to certain valuable varieties of herbs, berries, and fruits (or the component that is inside them). The variety is mind-blowing. That’s why Kyon was ready to spend the whole day searching for what was needed.

A small seed in his hands turned into dust, just like a thousand-year-old mummy. {What?}

The same situation occurred with nest medicine. A little twig of a cedar tree dried in a second. It cracked and fell in ashes on the floor.

{Seriously…} – Kyon put a random blade of grass on his tongue. It turned into tasteless dust and mixed with his saliva. His short experiments proved that he could absorb life from any inanimate organic matter when he touched it with any part of his body.

His expectations of a whole day of searching, fortunately, proved futile. He had found at once what his body thrived on! Well, almost on everything…

Kyon started his research.

Small insects dry out, each twig crackles and crumbles into dust, the blades of grass wither. The corpse of a little mouse turned into skin and bones. That’s a frightening ability! But it didn’t interact with the organic that had a soul, so Juno could sleep peacefully.

This effect reminded him of the attribute of darkness. Only, there was a slight difference. The darkness took the life of matter to the negative side and turned it into something terrible. This kind of interaction brought it to a zero denominator.

Kyon used his eye microscope and saw tiny beams of light emerging from the matter that his body absorbed. Synergy helped him to find their direction. They went his keys first, and then, through the channels, to his soul and core.

He focused on the image of the divided faceless person. More precisely, on the physical half that was holding a bright sphere in the hand.

As he was absorbing the organic matter, this half gave him a weak feeling of getting saturated.

He had found an important clue. Now he had to figure out the nutritional value (or profit) of each product. A few hours later, he found out that insects, leaves and dead animals gave him practically nothing. But the medicine saturated with neutral energy that he had found in the treasury satisfied him much more.

Kyon concluded that he should fill the physical part of the image with medicine. The higher its quality and phase, the older it is, the more satisfying it is for the unique body of the void.

His amazing body could feed on anything. He had never read of such a thing. Every specialist in unique bodies would be shocked by this ability to absorb completely anything organic!

The question of the other illusory half’s requirements remained open. It was holding a sphere of darkness in the hand. Did it absorb something connected with death? Kyon had no idea what to feed it on. He hadn’t found any clues.

He got hungry and returned to his room to have a delicious dinner. Suddenly, he was horrified. Everything his body came in contact with instantly lost its vital juices! The parched beef steak was clearly not his preference.

Kyon was frightened by the prospect of starving to death. If he didn’t learn to control absorption, he was done.

He communicated with his unique body and sent it an order “to eat nothing.” The absorption had stopped! In Kyon’s eyes, his unique body had reached a new level of essence. It had become almost an intelligent being. It communicated with the mind of the owner through senses, through the prism of his soul. Everything turned out to be pretty straightforward.

With his tummy full, Kyon returned to the second level of the treasury and thoughtfully looked at the rows of shelves with low-grade medicine (he had spent the expensive medicine on training and manufacturing in the field of alchemy).

{The effect of “to the hell with.”} – Kyon remembered with a smile the words of his master. It was his lesson in psychology. A fat lady will most certainly say to herself – to the hell with it – after the first piece of cake. A smoker who wants to quit is unlikely to resist a cigarette after one puff. To the hell with it! A gambler who has spent one hundred thousand will definitely lose his last fifty thousand referring to “it’s all or nothing!” So, the boy who had spent all the valuable medicine on alchemy did not care about the rest. The patriarch would kill him, anyway. So let him try three times!

Kyon began to devour everything useful in the treasury. His nimble hands left only dust. The effective content of medicine disappeared in his soul without a trace. He did not worry about the consequences. If the truth was revealed, his situation wouldn’t change much.

By late evening, he had finished the job. It felt that his physical half was only one tenth full.

{What a gluttonous body…} – Kyon thought, distressed. He didn’t despair, though. He had only started. Redistributing resources was his thing. However, he had no time to create them. In the future, when he is the king of the world, he will create many useful things. But now they will take him years to create. It was only reasonable to be a consumer and a boundless egoist, who he was by his nature.

Now he better understood the needs of his unique body. It demanded him to fill up the three entities. The core demanded dark and light emotions. The physical part needed the energy of life. The illusory half wanted something else.

Kyon couldn’t get anything more from the Stones’ heritage. The treasury had been cleared up. He did not want to waste time in vain. The family tournament took place soon, and there were always good prizes! The sooner he went to Boston to arrange his life, the more likely he would succeed. He shouldn’t stay in the mansion. Besides, he had some unkind plans for the princess who dared to cross the former emperor’s road. But how to take his revenge? He would find it out when he had the necessary information on the Grand royal family. The high rank of the Stones was going to help him gain power. High-ranked people are respected. The rank opens the doors. Otherwise, he would have left the Stones long ago to look for other resources. He knew that Juno would help him.

The idea of cultivating his strength and development in peace and security was very tempting. However, Kyon had a different view on things. He would waste years to gain his power alone and it wouldn’t make him as powerful as the whole country or a small imperial army. No man is an island! Kyon he was looking forward to his future greatness along with his power and rapid development of his unique body, as well as his soul.

Kyon decided to go to Boston tomorrow. He wanted to leave the object of his adoration and begin to implement numerous plans to seize power, redistribute resources and build powerful weapons. On his way, he planned to drop by the mine and a village to pick up Byron, the thug.

It was late in the evening. Dinah was heading to the bathroom. She was in a terrible mood. The maid had a feeling she was a dirty slut that had been fucked in all places. Disgusting memories did not leave her head. The noble lady had been deflowered by a boy who she longed to kill!

She hoped to avoid meeting the hated servant and took a detour, away from his room. Suddenly, he came out of the storeroom… He stared at her spellbound. He was admiring her!

Cold goosebumps of fear bloomed all over her body. It was torture to meet this wild horny wolf.

{No… I don’t want!} – Dinah turned away and hurried to leave, praying that the monster wouldn’t say anything. She couldn’t run away, bound by his order that forbade her to attract attention.

Suddenly, she heard his sweet voice: «Wait!»

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