Everything will be my way!

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Arc 3 – Boston

Previously in Everything Will Be My Way (chapters 30-148):

Kyon buys a promotion on the money he won at the auction in the mine. He is taken to the Stones’ estate. Flitz, the family formacist, has a task to find a punching bag for his sadistic lady, Juno, who despises the lower classes of society. He gives her a rootless young slave – the main character – as a gift. Kyon ends up in a waking nightmare. His young lady, a beautiful girl of 13, bends elements unlike him. She uses the element of wind and ether to beat him to a pulp every day, indulging her sadistic nature. Moreover, a killer-maid, Dinah, tortures him to punish for his arrogance. It’s a different world with its specific rules, where people bend elements and have developed souls that can suppress anyone who is less developed.

Anyway, Synergy helps him to survive, as well as his resourcefulness, and a kind, though naive, Marina. He made friends with her the day he arrives at the estate. While Kyon tries to survive the hell his life turned into, he meets a perverted master Jean. Kyon tricks him and gets the basic grade of all the elements. That’s when things start to get better until Kyon is unlucky to see naked Juno taking a bath in the hot spring. The young lady “kills” him after giving him false hope of salvation. However, Kyon doesn’t die. It takes him many days to recover. He sneaks in a hiding place behind the bushes and gets help from Marina.

His hatred gives him strength. At the same time, he masters the basic grade of pure energy.

When Kyon recovers, he finds a library where he studies the hidden knowledge. He practices elements of formacy on a swan and learns how to enslave Juno with the help of a subjugating formation. He releases a part of hatred, beating and humiliating the young lady. Juno turns out to be strong-willed. She has an uncanny ability to partially resist Kyon’s formation and twice nearly kills her master. Kyon has a choice: t kill her or to cooperate with her cleaning her keys. His love for the beautiful made his choice.

During the next weeks, Kyon is caught in a pickle because of Yegorka with his friends, Flitz and Dinah, the bitch. His hatred of the maid is only growing. Meanwhile, Kyon plunders the ancient tomb, studies the basic grade all the nine elements, creates the world’s best movement technique, adamantium, and legendary unique bodies. He grows the body of the void and chooses the body of the divine lotus for Juno. He plans to take away her power in the future. That’s his idea of revenge.

At the family party, Kyon meets lots of young people, XiaoBai, Juno’s brother, and Kara, the princess Grand in particular. The princess attempts to kill Kyon because she is jealous of Juno but loses to him in the battle. She takes revenge and turns him into a slave of love with her saliva. Kyon has to deflower Dinah to keep himself sane, after which he falls in love with the hated maid on a spiritual level. He can’t stop loving her no matter how hard he tries. Anna, Dinah’s sister, becomes a witness of his making love with Dinah.

Meanwhile, Kyon unofficially gets the name Stone, talks with Marina about her decision to live with Flitz, accidentally captures Juno’s soul with Synergy, meets the 2 conditions for the development of his unique body of the void, absorbs all the medicine in the Stone treasury, and leaves for Boston to pursue his ambitions.


The majestic ridge stretched thousands of miles into the distance. The incredible view of the gigantic mountain range was an excellent proof of how talented nature is in creating miracles.

However, people are nasty and petty creatures who brazenly take the gifts of nature for their own benefit despite the possible consequences. They have created mines to extract spiritual crystals of the advanced phase, that passed from one family to another.

A cavalcade of horsemen was riding in the direction of the main shaft. They were going along a special path rammed by the element of the earth. Neither rain, nor snow, nor heat would ever ruin it which helped the riding beasts animals accelerate to an unbelievable speed. If their hooves touched a fallen tree or a bump, they crushed the obstacle with the help of pure energy.

The five travelers crossed the lands that never ceased to amaze. They swept through the meadows dotted with flowers and peculiar bushes that added to the distinctive charm of the wild nature. They did not forget to admire the wide rivers and beautiful lakes with crystal-clear surface. The endless black sea was hundreds of miles from their current location. On the other side, the pointed mountain range stretched along their path for thousands of miles. That’s where the mines were built.

A blond-haired young girl of dazzling beauty was holding tight to a black-haired young man riding a vicious chestnut-maned stallion.

Three strong male guards, exhausted after a long ride, followed their young lady, willing to give their lives for her.

They met only a bear along the way that was no threat to the riders. Yet, the guards had to get rid of it because the young lady was afraid of furry beasts. The guards would gladly dispose of the lady’s annoying companion, but they couldn’t do that. Usually, the senior guard was honored to help the young lady. Now he was quietly gritting his teeth, his eyes burning the back of the servant’s head.

Kyon had been in the saddle for about eight hours. It was exhausting. The chestnut-maned stallion can develop an insane speed, about 400 km / h. (about 250 mph) Once a day, it can ride even faster for several minutes. But the horses of the guards could not keep up. So, Kyon had to restrain his horse at a speed of 250 km / h. (about 155 mph) In general, the travelers had covered more than 2000 kilometers. (about 1200 miles) They could see the mine on the horizon.

For long journeys, the riding beasts usually have special helmets that protect the riders from the headwind. However, the chestnut-maned stallion was known for its unique ability to control the wind element. The beast reflexively defended the young lady from any inconvenience. The servant on his back was honored to get covered only because the beast had no other choice. The stallion would not want to get another scolding.

Kyon had confirmed some important information. The transport system of this vast world involved long-distance freight trucking. They risked being attacked by wild and dangerous beasts. That’s why the goods were often stored and carried in spatial rings. Specially trained birds and fast mounts with one rider transported these rings. However, merchants of low-to-middle income (at times of high income as well, depending on the volume of trade) deliver the goods with a standard caravan in carts/carriages, and it takes a lot of time. Spatial rings are not the cheapest thing. They also have a limited shelf life.

The guards met the newly arrived at the entrance to the mine. They cast a casual glance at the pretty girl and bent the knee at once with a respectful bow.

«Welcome, Ms. Juno Stone! We are honored by your visit…»

«We just want to look around.» – The girl briefly explained. – «They are with me.» – She nodded at the boy and her guards and headed inside, her chin arrogantly raised.

Despite himself, Kyon felt nostalgia when he saw the familiar walls of the mine.

As they went further on to the third sector, he recalled the memorable events. Mob, mischievous and straightforward; Bob whose kindness had saved him from the death of exhaustion; caring Martha; Byron, the loyal and committed leader. Each of them was associated with his first appearance in this world, his very first and often uncertain steps in it.

Juno showed her formation to the guard at the border to the third sector, looked at her guards and said:

«Stay here. I will go the rest of the way with him.»

«But lady, there are lots of slaves inside! If they see you, they will go nuts. No one knows what they can do then!»

«My servant will protect me!» – She answered firmly and kept on walking.

The guards were completely confused. What did she want to see there?! The young lady didn’t like the lower classes of society in principle. Something strange had been happening to her lately. Why could the servant go with her, and they couldn’t? He was only of the 8th (1) stage. How on earth could he protect her?! The couldn’t put the two things together?

When she was alone with Kyon, Juno coughed politely. Then she cautiously asked:

«Master, will you be so kind as to tell me why we are here?»

Kyon did not say anything, as usual. He continued to examine the surroundings, deep in thought. He wanted to explore the place where he had first appeared in this world, to find at least some information or a clue. Also, he wanted to meet Martha and talk with her for a minute or two. He wasn’t going to see any slaves. They were nobody for him, not worth a moment of his time.

Kyon came to the familiar door to the hospital and knocked quietly.

A pretty dark-haired woman in a white coat opened the door. She was about 30. Kyon recognized her pleasant herbal smell.

Her bored expression had immediately changed to surprised.

«K-kyon?! Is it you… What are you doing here?! Did they send you again to the mines?!» – She glanced at his charming companion and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

{Hm… So, Flitz had brought him from the mine?} – Juno thought with interest, looking up and down at the nurse. For the first time, she had met someone who knew her assistant. She had at least some information about his past. Juno caught herself thinking that his endless mystery had been haunting her. At some point, she became eager to find out in what family he had grown up and how he had become a slave.

«Far from it, Martha.» – Kyon smiled, went inside and closed the door in front of Juno’s nose.

The girl grumbled and stamped her foot. How many times had he closed the door in front of her nose?

«Who… Who is this beautiful girl?!»

«Let’s not talk about her now.» – Kyon shrugged it off. – «Tell me what you have been up to?»

The woman looked at the door with some confusion and shook her head, throwing out unnecessary thoughts. Then she said with a sigh:

«It’s… It’s alright. Tell me how you got here.»

«It does not matter. Why are you so sad? You’ve been promoted, haven’t you!»josei

«How do you know this?»

«I set this whole thing up.» – Kyon decided not to hide the obvious.

Martha was at a loss for words.

«You? Wait… But the order had come from the highest authorities! And you are just a slave… Uhm… Where is your formation?!» – Martha was surprised even more.

«I happened to be a slave in the mines by a stupid accident. Now that I have my status back, I put some pressure on XiaoBai to get you promoted.»

«Elder Ben’s apprentice?!» – Martha was filled with amazement.

The elder was not the kind of person who ordinary low-ranking workers could meet at least once in their lifetime. The great elder of the Stones was the elite of the family. He had never cared for ordinary people. And suddenly, the former slave said that he had put pressure on the patriarch’s grandson and Ben’s successor!

«Are you kidding me?! It’s not funny at all!»

«I don’t have much time to go into details. Take it for granted. Now tell me why you are so sad? Don’t you want to leave this rotten mine?»

«Оh, Kyon…» – The nurse sat down on the nearest bed and clutched the blanket in her hands. Then she said with undisguised grief in her voice:

«Mob… They killed my dear Mob…» – She said the last words and burst into tears.

«Who? Tell me everything.» – Kyon quietly asked after a short silence. He couldn’t care less about Mob, but he cared for Martha.

She wiped the tears with her trembling hand and told him:

«A week ago, he was carrying out his duties in the working area. Some wardens had a conflict that he had to resolve. About an hour later, more than ten mutilated slaves were delivered to my office, among them were two warders and silent Byron. And two days later, my man was found dead under the rocks! They had beaten him to a pulp! They… These beasts in human guise had united to kill him! Only Byron could organize everything! He had always envied Mob! He was jealous, too, because I had chosen Mob! And he… He killed him… But my Mob changed! He no longer hated slaves! They killed him like damned wild beasts! There was no evidence, so they got away with it… Byron was released recently…» – Martha burst into tears again. They killed the man who cared for her, who wanted to marry her, who was her true love.

Kyon was slightly surprised by this story. He gently held Martha and let her cry in his shoulder.

Kyon gave her a few minutes of comfort. Then he wished her good luck in her new job and said goodbye. Her grateful look pleased him with a turn of his light sphere.

Kyon had taken advantage of this unfortunate woman too many times. He had deceived her too often without giving anything in return. He was no ungrateful bastard, though. He was willing to spend five minutes to change her life for the better. Otherwise, his masters hadn’t brought up a future god, but a complete scumbag who didn’t pay his debts.

The fact that Xiaobai was of some assistance with Marta’s promotion would spread rumors in the estate hospital about her connection with the patriarch’s grandson. It would guarantee her protection from the authorities and even ensure that certain unmarried noblemen would be courting her. Kyon had no worries about her future life. Their paths had just diverged once and for all.

There was left a little debt to Anna and a huge one to Marina. It was a kind of debt he was obliged to return or there would be no rest for him.

As for Juno and Dinah, the situation was exactly the opposite. Everything was clear with the girl. Concerning his beloved maid, she had the punishment she deserved. Even if he loved her on the verge of madness, the debt was still there. It would be paid gradually as she would go through humiliation, abuse, dragging through the mud. He would turn her from the noble lady to a sex hungry hoe.

The golden-haired beauty met Kyon outside, displeased, her arms crossed at her chest.

«Master, you should hire a teacher in manners. It would do you good. You can’t slam the door in front of the girl’s nose! It’s the second time, by the way!» – Juno grumbled indignantly.

As usual, Kyon did not deign to answer his girl slave. He resolutely headed for the place where he had once appeared half-dead.

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