Everything will be my way!

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Kyon was in a state of controlled coma when a young woman appeared next to him. Her gorgeous snow-white hair reached her feet. A graceful black mask covered her face hiding everything but her beautiful, thoughtful eyes that reflected the whole universe.

{It wasn’t by accident or pure luck that he had found the heavenly pearl of darkness… That’s interesting! Perhaps, I should wait till he dies from his own stupidity, and take them both.} – The goddess made her decision and disappeared into thin air.

In her world, it was an outstanding legacy if someone possessed at least one divine item that could transform the keys. Two items are as good as a whole divine artifact. There were legends that someone owned three items, but envious sons and daughters of the supreme god had united and killed the lucky man. This boy was a nobody in the first phase, and he already had two items at his disposal! More than that, both items were of the same nature. They were heavenly pearls, nothing less. When combined, they give an additional effect. It wouldn’t happen if the other item was different.

This amazing coincidence could not leave the goddess unconcerned. She wondered how the two items happened to be on this miserable, forgotten planet. What is more, this boy found them in less than a month…

Kyon and Juno had been riding the chestnut-maned horse along the beaten track for about an hour. The fresh smell of meadows and the view of the majestic the mountains gave way to a rural landscape with its dung, hay and golden fields. Several huge bizarre beasts plowed the land (not without the help of peasants). The farmers tended to the cattle. They were getting closer to the village where children were playing cheerfully.

If Kyon were an ordinary person, he would think about his sad childhood. However, he was concerned about something else. He recalled the times when he traveled via a portal cannon around the planets, studying the traditions and customs of different nations. He met everywhere at least minimal technologies to facilitate the work! And here they still used the plow. Dark ages…

Meanwhile, they arrived in the village of Kornevo. Kyon had arranged to meet Byron at Mike’s. In fact, it was the only guideline he could think of at that time.

Initially, Kyon had no plans for the big man. He had been counting on some possible benefits that he could get from the Jeng family. Byron was a descendant of direct blood, as well as is his brother Hans. If Kyon had spent “a couple of minutes” to help Byron kill his sworn enemy, he would have had something valuable in return.

However, Kyon was interested in any reward for his work, because his requests had increased considerably. His unique body had devoured all low-grade medicine in the Stone treasury and was only 10% full. Kyon had to look for richer sources, like the Grands (0), or seek abundance. What good was Byron’s family to him?

However, Kyon could benefit from Byron. He could help Kyon fill the bright core with positive feelings. Just like Juno did not so long ago. He had to get maximum gratitude from the big man. Also, Kyon planned to carry out some experiments to find out the most efficient way and place to fill the core with emotions.

The local dwellers looked at the arrived gentlemen with awe and bowed respectfully. They were impressed by the proud beautiful young lady and the majestic steed. High-ranking guests were rare visitors here.

Kyon came to one of the seedy houses with a large tract of land. Behind the low fence, he noticed a tall, beefy man with a bare sweaty torso. Thу big guy was digging the soil. He looked like a statue of a Titan of a smaller version.

Kyon jumped over the fence and headed for the tough guy.

When the hefty man saw the boy, he straightened his back and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

«Кyon? Кyon! Is it you!» – He ran to Kyon, waving his arms and crashed into him, hugging him so hard that his bones cracked.

«Kyon! Bro, you’re here! I’m so happy to see you!» – Byron was excited.josei

Kyon inhaled Byron’s strong smell in his tight embrace and thought that if he was a girl, he would most certainly get pregnant.

Soon Byron’s grip loosened.

«Enough, Byron… I am happy to see you, too. What have you been up to?»

«Life outside the damned mine is wonderful! Mike’s kind wife accepted me into the family when she found out I was friends with the guy who had given them money… Now I help them. Do you want to try her borscht? It’s finger-licking good!»

«No, thanks.» – Kyon handed Byron an empty pill and flicked him on the forehead, infusing Synergy so that the damned scar-formation would disappear.

«Take this pill. In a couple of hours, your mark will completely disappear.»

«Really?» – Byron swallowed the pill without hesitation and looked at Kyon again. His eyes were full of gratitude and brotherly feelings, which caused strange discomfort in Kyon and gave him one turn of the light core.

«Tell me, honestly… Did you connect with your spirit?» – Byron asked nervously.

«I did.» – Kyon answered straightforwardly. – «And you didn’t waste your time. I can feel the third stage!»

Tears of happiness poured down Byron’s cheeks. He used to be a ridiculous joke, a miserable weakling in his family. Now that he had connected with his spirit, he was slowly but surely catching up with the rest. The big guy hugged his “savior” again.

Another turn of the light core pleased Kyon.

«I will not ask you how you did it. I won’t understand. But tell me… Was it you who gave me freedom?»

«It was me.» – Kyon answered with a smile and got a well-deserved extra turn. {To the heck with it! I’m developing a taste for it, I guess! Hehe, it’s that simple…}

They started a short friendly conversation from how he had managed to arrange his freedom to who was that beautiful green-eyed girl on the horse.

Kyon answered briefly, without overloading the hefty guy’s weak brain with unnecessary content. Kyon mentioned he was on his way to Boston to change his life. He described everything shortly, referring to the previous story he had made up back in the mine. Then it came to Byron’s revenge on his brother.

«Will you really help me?» – Byron asked, hopefully.

«I will help you under one condition… You will do what I say. I emphasize – say, not order. Agreed?»

Byron didn’t hesitate. He shook Kyon’s hand. «I’m ready for anything to get my revenge! But … Wait! Weren’t you going to hire someone strong? You have connections, after all…»

«Byron. You must kill Hans on your own with the weapon that I will give you. Only then you will find peace and start a new life.»

Byron’s eyebrows crawled up. «Are you serious?! I will kill this scum myself?! But he is so strong! He is in the superior phase!»

Kyon smiled. «Trust me.» – He took out a pouch. – «Here is a thousand spheres. I’m waiting for you in Boston no later than in two weeks. When you get there, contact me with this sound transmitter. I will give you instructions, and then you will kill your brother.» – Kyon gave him the device and the basic and only grade of pure energy.

Byron looked at Kyon with surprise. He took the things and slammed his hand with his fist.

«I will do as you say! Thank you, my friend! You are a real man! If I don’t die getting my revenge, I will owe you my life!»

«Deal.» – Kyon nodded, then he froze. – «Tell me, my friend. Do you have anything to do with Mob’s murder?»

Byron looked up and took a deep breath. – «Yeah… I did arrange his death.»

«Because he hated slaves? Or were you jealous of Martha?»

«No! Ha ha! It’s something else, Kyon.» – There was unshakable confidence in his eyes. – «Marta was not my wife or anything. I had no spiritual connection with her. And I couldn’t care less about Mob’s preferences… The asshole beat mostly slaves of the 3rd rank, less often of the 2nd rank. He never touched me.»

Kyon squinted, looking interested.

«I knew how strong he was. Even five guys like me would have never handled him. I had to exploit the widespread anger among the slaves. Everyone of the 3-d rank hated Mob! And some people of 2nd rank as well. One evening, I started the conversation with those who hated the supervisor, then I ruled out the most ardent haters and shared with them my plan of action. I wish you could see how many people had gathered! About a third of the sector. Everyone wanted to kill Mob. When the time had come, I assigned Bob some work to do and sent a complaint about fighting. The only available supervisor, Mob, came to take care of it. When he arrived, the crowd blocked the exit and crushed him at once. No one spared himself. Mob stood no choice. In the end, we buried his cold corpse under the stones. It did look like a rockslide. Thus, everyone was beyond suspicion. No one would ever believe in a mass assassination attempt. It had never happened in the history of the mine, ha ha! However… Martha tried to ruin my life, she did, but nobody listened to her.»

«Martha…? She was crying.» – Kyon said angrily.

«Martha cried? She sicced Mob on me! She pointed out to him that we had an affair. One day he entered the common room and ordered to appoint a new leader. Without any reason! I’m no fool. I figured out at once he wanted to make me a slave of the 3rd rank and quietly finish me off! His evil eyes screamed about his intentions! The sick bastard had to die, or it would have been me in his place!» – Byron roared.

Kyon nodded in recognition. If he were Byron, he would have done the same. He had already eliminated his boss Martin. And now Byron had gained this experience, too. It wasn’t Kyon’s level, but still… Byron was a good leader and always listened to his gut, which made up for his lack of intelligence. Byron had felt Mob’s hostile intentions and arranged his murder.

«Alright. You have gone up in my estimation. I approve of your actions.» – Kyon said coldly and shook his big hand. Apparently, Martha had ruined her life herself.

«Thanks. I know about your friendship with Martha. Sorry I had to hurt her…»

«That’s okay. It’s only for the better. Mob was a nasty guy.»

The conversation was drawing to an end. Byron thanked Kyon again, and they said goodbye.

Kyon mounted the chestnut-maned stallion. Juno’s question was on the tip of her tongue, but she did not have time to ask anything. She nearly fell off from a jerk forward.

Boston was a couple of hundred kilometers away. Kyon was planning to arrive there at about 4 pm and see the royal capital of this weird world.

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