Everything will be my way!

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Kyon mounted the chestnut-maned steed and headed for the Stone territory. His way ran through downtown Boston, so he decided to drop into the central royal library, the kingdom’s largest storehouse of knowledge.josei

Juno, who was sitting behind him, was quieter than a mouse. But Kyon did not need words to feel the whole range of emotions she was experiencing. He enjoyed the suffering of the little demon. And the girl, who could feel his joy, became even sadder.

Juno’s guards joined them along the way.

Soon, the five riders arrived at the library. It was a colossal building in the Greek style made of exquisite white marble, adorned with columns and numerous wide steps. It was the symbol of knowledge in the kingdom! And of amazing architecture. It distinguished people from the other races.

Juno received a couple of pokes with an elbow in the side, that helped her to come back from a mental trap, and looked around. She got off her horse and ordered a guard to take the mount to the menagerie. Meanwhile, she went to the library, ordering her other guards not to bother her and wait outside.

At the entrance, the library guards met Juno and Kyon, checked their formations and let them inside. Free admission was free only for those who had the 4th and higher rank. The rest of the visitors had to pay a great deal of money to get through. A presentable look was a must.

Juno wanted to ask Kyon a logical question but then changed her mind. He wouldn’t answer, anyway. He was always silent as a grave.

Kyon had been studying four floors of numerous sections of the library for about half an hour. The information stored here was ten times more than in the secret library in the mansion. It would take him several months to learn… He did not have so much time.

{What should I do?} – Kyon decided to put off this question for later. He got interested in the passage on the fourth floor that led to the attic. A fierce guard stood at the entrance, keeping away unwanted visitors.

A sign at the entrance read: the elite section of the library with exceptional information.

Devilish lights flashed in Juno’s eyes, a smile crept into the corners of her lips.

«Master, do you want to get inside? I know you do. Follow me.» – With these words, Juno went to the guard and showed her formation. He opened the passage for her.

«I am with her.» – Kyon said and showed his formation.

«This place is off limits.» – The guard snapped.

Kyon was not surprised to see an outright mockery and malice in Juno’s eyes. – {Little bitch, I will beat you in the training session! You will pass out in agonizing pain!}

«What’s the matter, master? They didn’t let you in? Ah… I’ve completely forgotten. Only descendants of direct blood can enter here! What a shame.» – She giggled slyly and returned, a light floral aroma trailing behind her.

Emotions that her assistant was emitting was a life-giving ointment for her soul! The bastard had earned her revenge for all her suffering in the mine! Although… She didn’t have to complicate things and divide hatred into the components.

Kyon asked the guard:

«May I pass by proxy?»

«No.» – The severe looking man answered.

The wicked smile of the golden-haired devil got even wider. – «Master, do not worry! When you receive the 2nd rank, you will definitely get inside. But unfortunately, this grand event won’t happen any time soon. Please, do not get discouraged!» – She wanted to stroke Kyon’s cheek man for greater effect, but she was afraid to get a slap in the face. He was cold like an iceberg on the outside, but wildfire was burning inside!

Kyon lived by the rule: knowledge is power! Before seizing power, he needed to get more information about the structure of the royal family, ways to rise over them, their weaknesses, which methods he would use. The elite section of the library was an ideal place where he could get the maximum of useful information in the minimum time. But he couldn’t get there. It was essential to obtain official high status. Kyon couldn’t forge the family’s formation at the level the laws of this world worked. He had to qualify at the Stones, and Juno had just reminded him of that.

«Do you think I can’t qualify?»

«Of course, you can!» – Juno retorted. – «In nine months. Or even more! When you upgrade one and a half phase of development, and preferably two and a half! Practitioners in the Noble phase only get qualified. However, your monstrous talent, is enough for your phase. By the way, you can’t get to the family tournament without a high rank. You won’t be allowed to enter tryouts! You won’t even pass them, anyway. It’s not a mini-tournament at the party.»

«Someone underestimates me too much. Didn’t your ass hurt after the incident at the dwarves? You must be not only a sadist but also a masochist.»

«Nonsense! You were lucky! In any case, the qualification is held once every six months. The next one takes place a few months after the tournament of families. You won’t gain enough strength in such a short time. Therefore, you will have to wait another six months!» – She smiled. Her spirits soared at the idea of her desperate assistant’s crushing defeat. However, her smile disappeared when she felt his emotions, they were alarming.

Kyon said coldly:

«Where did you get your stupidity from? I will gladly grind your silly expectations into dust. You know, when you fall in love with me, I will drag your feelings though the dirt.»

Juno’s cheeks turned red with rage. «It’s pure nonsense! I have never heard anything more absurd! You might be Lady’s Fortune son but my family won’t buy it. You can’t qualify as a descendant of direct blood with the help of luck. Don’t get upset, master.» – Juno finished her little tirade and undid her hair, it tumbled down in golden locks.

It wasn’t the first time that Kyon had caught himself thinking if Juno were ugly, he would beat her more often and harder. Beauty was too valuable a resource in his understanding. His revenge would be specifically oriented (not an ordinary murder, which he had given up).

Kyon intended to follow his plans. He had to enter the tournament and the elite section in the library. Qualification takes place in three months. That’s all right! He had earned respect among the young Stones for a reason.

Kyon took out a sound transmitter and called Stephanie. Number 3 Stone had personally put her frequency number in the pocket of his trousers at the party.

{Who is he calling?} – Juno wondered.

«Hello, Stephanie.»

«Kyon! It’s you!» – He heard her joyful voice. The girl had been unsuccessfully searching for Kyon. He was absent from the general tracking database. She couldn’t find him anywhere even if the searching function was added to any formation of the 3rd-rank family member. And here he was! He showed up himself!

«Yeah. Look, I have an important request. If you can do it, ask me for anything. I will try to help.»

«Are you serious? Tell me!» – She did not dare to refuse him.

Kyon asked Stephanie to arrange for him a solitary qualification for a descendant of direct blood. Exactly in two weeks. In a quiet way. The less people know about it, the better.

Stephanie was in shock. She tried to prove to Kyon the absurdity of the request. Not every nobleman (4) can pass it, and he was in the first phase at all! And yet, Kyon had convinced her.

He found out that qualification for one person had been carried out only a couple of times in the history of the family. It was too much honor! Once Elsa decided to test her strength, and they organized one for her. As a result, she was disappointed with the level of the qualification. She passed it and did not feel a thing.

To fulfill Kyon’s request, Stephanie would have to use all her connections, especially Elder Bo, Lee’s grandfather Lee, who had the highest authority in the family. Only he (apart from the patriarch himself) had the power to organize qualification for one person.

In exchange, Stephanie asked Kyon to teach her some techniques. She was upset when he said no.

«Kyon! You promised me!» – Stephanie protested.

«Let’s practice together.» – offered Kyon.

The girl agreed but made Kyon promise to have several training sessions with her. Workouts with an adversary who had a high level of the battle fist were priceless! Even a single additional battle fist would significantly enhance the quality of her strength.

They finished their conversation.

Juno began to understand why the assistant showed himself at the party tournament, why he played on the family strife and put forward himself for the leaders of the younger generation. Now top 3 Stone is ready to be his doormat! Quite an unusual service for her. Stephanie will have to break her back to organize the qualification! All for the sake of training with the bastard! What a brainless sheep! The lessons with Kyon are not that expensive! Juno had found it out the hard way. He would only humiliate her and beat her up. Cruel bastard!

«Are you crazy?! The qualification is in two weeks?! You have neither strength nor skills for that! You will destroy Stephanie’s status! She will make a fool of herself! When the elders see your immense arrogance and failure, they will punish you to the full extent!»

«Hmmm?» – Kyon drawled with a smile. – «Since when do you worry about other girls? Are you afraid to lose to me again? I wonder how you will feel when I get the status of a descendant of direct blood in just two weeks? And when I am allowed to the library? And finally, when I sign up for the tournament of families? Will you choke on your own words? Or will you be crying at night, regretting your short-sightedness?» – Kyon finished confidently.

Juno was speechless. She bit her lip till it started to bleed. «You… Stupid… Naive… Idiot!» – She turned away and crossed her arms over her chest. What if he would really exceed her expectations? Maybe then she’d better hang herself right away. She had already gone down this road before. Life didn’t teach her anything. Her master was a real monster. Was he capable of turning mountains? Bullshit… He was her sworn enemy, not a god!

{It’s impossible! It’s all pure nonsense! My assistant is as thick as a plank. He can’t estimate his strength!} – Juno convinced herself and calmed down a little. This time she would be right! She wouldn’t lose. She was tired of losing.

Kyon should have punished the wicked girl for her insults, but he decided to wait for a better time.

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