Everything will be my way!

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Kirsan, with a fresh bandage on his eye, followed the group of people who had left the main building. They approached the border of the central and internal parts and said goodbye there. Stephanie begged Kyon for something for a long time, but then she left, too, visually vexed.

{Agrh, asshole! Let’s see what you can do without the protection of the patriarch!} – Kirsan secretly followed the object of his hatred. His mind was overwhelmed with rage. Kirsan had to face his enemy with no witnesses around, or there would be problems. Then he could kill the boy with a single blow, or just tear his head off. No attacking formations would help him anymore!

Kyon went into a deserted lane. Kirsan waited for a perfect moment and followed him.

Suddenly, three shadows jumped down on the pursuer.

{What the…?!} – Before Kirsan could come to his senses, they attacked him in full force.

The shadows launched three joint attacks that left Kirsan seriously injured. He sprawled helplessly on the ground like a well-beaten piece of meat.

The same boy appeared in front of three men in formal black suits. He was holding a dagger that gleamed viciously in his hand. A cold grin didn’t leave the boy’s face. There was something about him that frightened the examiner out of his wits.

«I eat assholes like you for breakfast. Are you ready to get your part of suffering before death, pathetic loser?»

«What the fuck… Who are these people?!» – Kirsan asked hoarsely.

«It’s no concern of the future deadman.» – Kyon answered indifferently and stabbed Kirsan at the pressure point on his leg.

«А-aА-а-аа-А-аа-аh!» – Kirsan yelled. – «Sto-o-o-o-o-op it!» – No one could hear him scream. One of the guards had spread a soundproof barrier.

About a quarter of an hour later, Kirsan died in sophisticated tortures. A grimace of horror and pain froze on his face. He met a real demon who was rejoicing in his suffering, cutting his flesh with a smile on his face. No attempt to negotiate with him worked. Kirsan died a shameful death in a godforsaken place.

The three guards that had received their orders from the young lady saw Kyon in a totally new light. Was he really a servant? They didn’t know what to think.

Kyon spat angrily. {Only 3% of the darkness to the core! He was as useful as a snorkel on a fish.}

Kyon had come to a disappointing conclusion. His core of darkness now required much more emotions than it did before the activation of the body. Tsayan’s hatred wasn’t much stronger than that of Kirsan’s and yet, Tsayan gave him 25%, and Kirsan only 3%. Much depended on the approach, though. The tortures alone weren’t of much use. The development of events was more important, that is, the situation that caused the necessary emotions. In the case of Kirsan, everything happened too quickly, like a blur.

Kyon tried to absorb Kirsan’s soul, but it was too heavy and didn’t yield.

{Damn it! Does the difference in just three phases make souls so heavy? I hope the force of attraction will increase in proportion to my unique body development.}

Kyon released the guards with a gesture and returned to his room.

The conversation between Bai and Diana that he heard with the help of a bug still resounded in Lovr’s mind with shock and distrust.

{I imagine how happy Juno will be about her grandfather and mother’s decision! I can’t wait to enjoy her suffering! I wonder what she will choose to hang or drown herself?}

The night came, and then the early morning followed. Bai called Kyon’s sound transmitter. The patriarch asked him to arrive in the central assembly hall at four and make himself presentable. Bai promised Kyon a big surprise.

At the appointed time, Kyon arrived at the large imposing building with a big stage.

A whole crowd of various social classes had already gathered inside. There were ordinary people of the 7-5th rank, the golden youth of the 4th-2nd rank, even the elders with their offsprings, as well as Diana, Juno, XiaoBai, and the patriarch himself.

The atmosphere of uncertainty reigned in the hall. Out of the blue, early in the morning, all the Stones received an order for an urgent meeting in the main assembly hall. Everyone wondered what the reason was: the invasion in the empire? someone important died? an announcement concerning the family tournament that takes place soon?

When Kyon entered the hall, he went straight backstage (the guard let him in) and met the patriarch and Diana there. Both of them looked exceptionally well-groomed and dressed up. Bai was wearing a luxurious embroidered suit, and the lady was in a long dark dress that ideally fit her slim figure. A brilliant smile lit up her face.

The old man went to shake Kyon’s hand at once.

«Good to see you, Kyon. As you might have guessed, I’ve organized this meeting exclusively for you.»

«Thank you, but… Why?»

«You will find out everything soon. It’s a pleasant surprise for you that will open the door to your bright future with great opportunities. Wait for my signal here, and when I call you, come up to me and say a few words to the public. Are you okay with it?»

«I guess so…» – Kyon made believe he was confused.

The patriarch nodded approvingly and went on stage to give a speech.

«Anxious?» – Diana asked quietly, adjusting the collar of Kyon’s jacket.

He caught her sensual discreet perfume. It was difficult to stay calm next to her.

«A little bit…» – Kyon kept playing a part of a nervous boy.

«Do not worry. It will end soon and quickly. Then we’ll celebrate it in our inner circle.»

The patriarch greeted all those present and gradually introduced the topic of the meeting:

«…The rumors turned out to be true. A boy named Kyon really won the tournament at the party. He defended the honor of our family, humiliated Tsayan and almost defeated Princess Kara. On behalf of all adults in our family, I apologize for the mistrust. I have personally seen his incredible abilities. He is a genius among geniuses. Fortunately or unfortunately, the other families still don’t believe this. But the Stones can take any accusations of lying with a proudly raised head.»

Everyone applauded loudly. No one would ever doubt the patriarch’s words. If he said something, it was only the truth. One drop of lies would spoil the ocean of trust.

«As confirmation of my words, I declare that I am going to adopt Kyon, the genius boy! Greet my new son!» – Bai solemnly proclaimed.

Adoption in his case meant taking Kyon as his new grandson because the difference in the age was more than one generation. If Kyon hadn’t mentioned yesterday that he was an orphan, most likely, there would have been no mass meeting.

The audience burst into applause and cheers.

«Is it true?! The patriarch will adopt a son?!» … «It’s heaven’s grace! The Stones will have a new genius of Elsa’s level!» … «He cannot be at the same level as Elsa! She was inhumanly powerful!»josei

There were indignant exclamations among the endless comments:

«I told you, father. But you kept beating me for an hour, accusing me of lies! Now it’s my turn!» … «I’ll show you your turn! Where is my club…»

«The boy who lived is now Bai’s son?! What a twist! As expected from Tsyji’s student!» … «He suddenly disappeared and then suddenly reappeared! That’s our Stone, that’s our Kyon! I told you we would hear about him!»

The golden youth, who no one had believed before, was now overflowing with happiness and pride. The relatives had finally stopped to give them dirty looks!

Diana and Kyon went to the center of the hall where reigned under the commotion, uproar, and loud applause.

Many in the audience could feel the boy’s low development. They couldn’t understand what was going on and were completely mystified.

The three people on the stage made an exquisite picture of a beautiful family. The happy grandfather laid his hand on his grandson’s shoulder. The charming, beautiful mother hugged the boy with a gentle smile.

Almost everyone enjoyed the enchanting picture of the son, mother, and grandfather…

XiaoBai was standing in the first line, looking thoughtfully at the boy. They had recently made friends. XiaoBai thought that Kyon had forgotten about him, he had never called. And then out of the blue, Kyon had become his brother! However, XiaoBai learned not to be surprised anymore.

The fat guy remembered Kyon’s incredible talent and his miracle master, respectively. His grandfather and mother’s decision did not seem strange to him. On the contrary, it was great that they had noticed Kyon and immediately got their claws into him!

Lee was shocked to the core. The hated bastard had somehow become the patriarch’s adopted son! He had qualified! How the hell did he succeed in all that?! The little vermin had taken all his fame, disgraced him in front of the patriarch and grandfather, and now he happened to be a rank above him!

{To hell with him!} – Lee decided not to mess with this genius. He was too frightening, talented, had a powerful master, and was Bai’s grandson to boot. Lee could hate him as much as could be but his own well-being was more important. It was stupid to cross Kyon’s path.

Boe was standing next to him. He couldn’t believe what was going on. Did the patriarch tell the truth? Then he had been beating his grandson for nothing. Kyon was an incredible genius, not an average wimp. It was unbelievable!

Juno was looking at the three people on stage while her world was crumbling before her eyes. The devil incarnate was standing next to her dearest people, who were hugging him. They had taken him to their close circle of relatives, as their own son.

Suddenly, he looked into her eyes… An evil smirk appeared on his lips for a split second. He was the vile demon who was up to steal the most precious in her world. He had already taken her grandfather and mother, her freedom, belief in her unique talent, and maybe her soul. He had given her a desperate feeling of helplessness and inferiority, as well as a lot of bitter envy. Only the flower in her soul was a perfect gift…

{They are my parents, not yours! MONSTER!} – Tears of despair ran down Juno’s cheeks. She ran away from the hall, unable to stand Kyon’s joy anymore. She didn’t have faith in herself, her heart did not want to beat. Some arrogant thief from lower classes of society was the reason for her misery. It was a bitter irony. She had never regarded slaves as people. Now one of them had exceeded all her expectations. She seemed to have become a rootless, weak, worthless slave, absolutely powerless in front of someone much higher in status and way more talented. However… It didn’t seem. That’s how it actually was.

Juno ran into her room, buried her head in the pillow, and gave way to tears for the first time in a long time. The monster had no right to invade her measured life so unceremoniously! He would never be her family! She would never call him a brother! She would never forgive her sworn enemy!

Juno gave in to her sudden weakness for long hours. Her hatred had always saved her. Now that her assistant had become omnipotent, she lost faith in herself, in the very possibility of taking her revenge on the scoundrel. Juno stayed in her room crestfallen, shedding tears for a long time…

Kyon happily watched Juno run away. He said a few words to the huge audience and returned backstage with his parents-to-be.

Bai and Diana’s decision had exceeded all his expectations. Heaven must have given him luck along with the powerful bolt of lightning the moment he mastered the nine elements. People believe for the reason that heaven favors those who bend as many elements as can be.

And yet, the adoption of geniuses was a frequent event in this world. The most valuable were those who had mastered four elements, let alone the heavenly geniuses. They go off like hot cakes to the elite of the most influential empires in exchange for their free will that Kyon could not afford to lose. The gifted child acquired the family name and rank inferior by one to the oldest in the kinship. The patriarch had the 0th rank, his son (in this case, the grandson) would have first. If Bai were not a patriarch, the child would have received one rank below Diana, that is, the 2nd.

Rumor has it that Timothy Brown was also adopted. He was now the leader of the younger Brown generation. His father, the patriarch, revelled in absolute glory. All the other families recognize the future domination of the Browns. All because of their adopted genius. So, Bai’s decision was well-founded. There was no point for Kyon to think it was luck.

As a result, Kyon received the 1st rank. His bumpy path on the verge between life and death turned into a comfortable road lined with signs and a red carpet laid along.

Meanwhile, Bai tried unsuccessfully to get through to Juno, then he dialed her guard. The man said that the lady was in her room and didn’t want to see or hear anyone.

«What’s the matter?» – Diana asked, concerned.

«Juno got offended. We should have asked her first… Or at least get her ready for the news.» – Bai answered anxiously.

«You told me Kyon is her friend. I am sure she’ll get used to it soon.»

The patriarch hesitated, but then nodded in agreement.

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