Everything will be my way!

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Kyon returned to the banquet hall and found a new guest there – Flitz.

The old man didn’t look so good with his pale face and sunken eyes. However, even now, he looked much better than the day Kyon met him last. The formacist was talking to Bai. They were on close terms.

«Oh, here is my new grandson! Let me introduce you. This is Kyon. Kyon, this honorable gentleman is well-known Flitz.» – Bai cordially introduced them to each other.josei

Kyon calmly shook the old man’s hand, while Flitz stared at the boy, stunned. He couldn’t say a word.

«Nice to meet you!» – Kyon broke the silence.

«Аh… Yeah… Me too…» – Flitz had a coughing fit. Then he pretended he had never seen Kyon before. – «Let me talk to your grandson in private. I’ll apply the formation and sign the documents then. Do you mind, Bai?»

«Go ahead, old fellow.»

Flitz and Kyon went to an empty room. The old man asked in a strained voice:

«What the fuck?!»

«Reasonable question.» – Kyon asked.

«I thought Bai was talking about another Kyon! I must have gone nuts, but it’s really you! Tell me, little shit… How did you do it?!

«Well, as it usually happens… One, two, and you are the patriarch’s grandson.»

«I’ll punch you for your jokes! Are you holding Juno hostage? Have you poisoned her and hidden the antidote? Or did you pull the wool over their eyes? You are an ordinary fucking slave!»

«Be careful with your words. You call a slave someone who is one rank higher than you. How should I call you, then?» – There were imperious notes in Kyon’s voice, inherent to a noble gentleman.

«You… It’s impossible!» – Flitz shook his head in disbelief. Kyon looked more aristocratic than most of the Stones. There was not even a trace left from the former slave! But only three months ago Flitz brought him to Juno as a punching bag… Was it a practical joke? Was heaven pulling his leg?

«Tell me how you happened to be Bai’s grandson?!»

Kyon crossed his arms. «It’s not about Juno. She has long known about my powerful master, so she was smart enough to help me become part of her family.»

«What fucking master?! You are a former slave from the mine! If I tell Bai all about it, he will kick you out of the family at once!»

Kyon frowned, visibly annoyed. He raised his hand and released all the nine attributes at once. Multi-colored flashes lit up the room.

«You know nothing about me, Fitz. The lessons that great TsyJi has given me differ from what ordinary people go through. I got out of the mine and rose from a slave to the patriarch’s grandson in just three months. I have his blessing. I would have defeated the princess in the tournament if she hadn’t used a dirty trick. Don’t you dare to stand in my way, or you will lose everything precious in your life that is already coming to an end.»

Flitz looked at Kyon’s hand, shocked. He could clearly feel all the nine elements. Nobody could ever bend more than five, but this boy was using all nine!

Flitz recalled Kyon’s high level of the battle fist. He could feel Kyon’s 9th stage of development. And he was only at the 2nd when they first met. It is impossible to develop so quickly in three months! And even more so, the fact that he had survived in the cage (mansion) with Juno, the sadist, and got her on his side was the most solid proof.

{Fuck… Is it really so?! The legendary TsyJi?!} – Flitz was shocked. He could see a danger in Kyon’s cold eyes that he had seen only among the most dangerous killers. The formacist could not compare Kyon with a once weak slave. In just a few minutes, Kyon had risen to the highest level in the old man’s opinion.

Flitz recalled his promise to become Kyon’s servant if he became a descendant of direct blood in a month… The boy had smashed all his expectations. He had defied common sense and accomplished the impossible. His talent deserved a legendary master.

Years of experience helped Flitz calm down. He closed his eyes and spoke softly in a hoarse voice:

«I am sorry, Kyon… I apologize for being rude and biased. I’ve lived for thirteen decades and understood long ago that there are all sorts of miracles in the world. Life can surprise you… I do not care about your master or your powerful talent. All that counts is your help to get my little Marina back. I will never cross your path. I will keep quiet.» – An apologetic smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

Kyon nodded to Flitz’s wise decision. «Well said.» – He thought of recruiting the old man but changed his mind. He had to reach the Student degree of Synergy (2) to do it. Besides, there was no use of Flitz now (except for returning Marina his debt.) Flitz’s development at the end of the superior phase was too small for a personal guard and a living “weapon.” Kyon didn’t need his Formacy skills, either. The boy had gotten the first rank. What could be higher than that?

«By the way, Flitz.» – Kyon added. – «Remove the tracking function from my formation.»

«You don’t want to be under the all-seeing eye of your family, do you?»

«Kind of.»

«Alright, no problems. Your life, your rules.»

Flitz removed Kyon’s old formation and applied the new one, assigning the 1st rank in the Stone family to him. After some paperwork, Kyon officially became the patriarch adopted grandson.

Then Kyon and Flitz returned to the banquet hall, where the new family had a toast and congratulated Kyon on officially joining the Stones. Kyon was given a diamond token that he could wear on his chest to demonstrate his status. Juno and other Stones of the 1st rank had a similar one.

Then Kyon shook hands with Flitz, said goodbye to Bai and Diana, and headed for the most elite building.

It was time to see Juno and gain some dark emotions.

Kyon entered the most elite residential complex of the Stones, went to the top floor and got into Juno’s room, avoiding unnecessary questions of the guards.

They already heard the latest news that the patriarch had officially adopted Kyon (more precisely, Kyon had become his grandson.) The merciless demon-servant had now the first rank! From now on, the guards had no contempt or desire to kill the boy. They were still confused and even a little afraid of him as well as the young lady.

Juno’s luxurious room was mind-blowing with its top-notch interior, soft carpets on the floor, furniture made of rare wood, and magnificent crystal chandeliers shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Kyon saw Juno lying on the bed, her face buried in the pillow. He could feel lots of negative emotions emanating from her: grief, sadness, resentment, and despair.

With the help of echolocation, Kyon quickly discovered three secret nephrite wiretaps and deactivated them. One of them was in her bed. XiaoBai was a hell of a spy. He really had ways to get information! What if there was one in the toilet, too? Kyon decided not to check it up. He didn’t want to ruin his impression of the fat profiteer.

Kyon sat on the edge of the bed and pinched Juno’s snow-white thigh.

«How are you doing, sis?» – An evil smile played on his face.

Juno looked up from the pillow and stared at him with deep aversion. Her eyes sparkled with tears, her face turned red. Anyone could see that the little angel was greatly upset, and now the offender should be executed.

«When will you disappear from life, monster.» – Juno said softly. There were notes of hatred in her gentle voice, murmuring like a spring brook.

«You can’t talk like this to your brother.» – Kyon giggled.

Juno turned away. Bitter tears poured down her cheeks. The girl sobbed quietly, trying not to show her pain. Heartbreaking sorrow was tearing her up, and he was mocking her. What a jerk! He can’t be a human being.

«By the way, I’m going to visit the elite section of the library soon. Oh, I completely forgot, only descendants of direct blood can enter it…» – Kyon said sadly, dropping his head. Then he perked up at once. – «Oh, yes! I am now a descendant of direct blood! Of the first rank, no less!»

Juno let out a whole river of negativity. Kyon was like a flower, while the girl was his bright sun.

Kyon grabbed Juno by her slender leg and began to pinch her.

«Do you remember, little sister, you mocked me when I intended to qualify? What do you say now?»

Juno jerked her leg, trying to breaking free from the clinging leech.

«You must call me a big brother, sis! I’m from a noble family now! Hehe…»

Juno trembled with rage, and her breathing quickened.

In the heat of the moment, Kyon pulled Juno’s skirt.

«Little sister…»

She grabbed her skirt, turned around and kicked Kyon out of her bed. «Shut up! SHUT UP YOUR TRAP, BASTARD! I WILL KILL YOU if you call me a little sister once again! I will never call you big brother! You are my assistant!» – Juno yelled, her voice laced with loathing. She sounded hysterical.

«What if I remove your formation?» – Kyon asked, hardly holding back laughter.

Juno gasped, her eyes became even larger.

«Are you serious?!»

«No! Ha-ha-ha!..» – Kyon was rolling on the floor laughing. – «Call me your dear big brother, please!»

«Dear big brother…» – Juno whispered through tears, following his order, and turned away. She felt sorry for herself for being so pathetic and helpless. Once she deceived the jerk at the hot spring, and now he was making a fool of her… It was so stupid of her to believe that he would remove the formation after he became her foster brother

{Goddess, please let me break all his bones… I will be your faithful slave until the end of time…} – The triumphant bastard depressed her worse than any beating or humiliation.

Kyon got up from the floor. He moved his fingers intending to grope Juno’s most intimate places to squeeze out even more sweet negative juices from her. However, to his complete surprise, the door creaked, and Bai came inside.

Kyon’s heart sank. Too fast! Did he rush to his dear granddaughter as soon as he finished celebrating? Kyon put on a guilty face and looked at his grandfather.

«My little Juno? Kyon? What are you doing here?»

«I wanted to comfort my sister…»

Bai approached the bed and saw Juno’s tear-stained puppy eyes, looking at him. His heart trembled with pity. «Why are you crying, my sweet little Juno?!»

When Juno didn’t react, the patriarch hugged his precious girl. He had his explanation concerning the reason for her tears.

«I’m sorry… I should have told you of our decision to adopt Kyon… It was selfish and stupid to do it behind your back. Forgive your grandfather…»

Juno shook her head without saying a word.

Bai pulled back from her, surprised.

«Is it something else? Why are you crying then?»

Juno looked into his eyes in silence.

«Did Kyon hurt you?»

Juno nodded, her eyelids closed, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. The wicked girl looked like a hurt charming angel.

Bai flinched with rage, slowly turned around and slapped Kyon in the face.

«Don’t you dare to hurt my granddaughter! She is my life, my everything! No one, not even my grandson, has a right to mess with her. Next time I will not be so kind. Get out of here!»

Kyon indignantly rubbed his flushed cheek and looked at Juno. She smiled mischievously, secretly from Bai. The little devil was gloating just like some little sisters who hide behind their parent’s back after they play a dirty trick on the elder brother.

{I’ll get back at you, bitch.} – Kyon left Juno’s room. Three turns in the core of darkness weren’t too bad. If the defender-grandfather hadn’t come, Kyon would have squeezed out of her five or even eight turns. Never mind… He had plenty of time.

It was noon when Kyon went to the library, or rather to the elite section to study everything there.

An immense building in the Greek style appeared before him.

Kyon entered the library and went to the top floor. An impressive guard from the Grand family was standing at the door deny the entry to the unworthy intruders. Kyon had become worthy, though. A single call to the right person, a pistol in the spatial ring, and he belonged to the first rank, which greatly simplified his life and gave him lots of benefits.

Kyon showed his wrist to the guard and went inside.

As soon as he entered the room, Kyon felt the atmosphere drastically change. There was an isolating sound barrier, quiet background music, the smell of flowers and books everywhere. The air was saturated with the spirit of secret knowledge.

Kyon climbed the stairs and saw a spacious room with a compelling interior. Bookshelves were leaning against the walls, with a diverse flora blossoming on them. The curtained large windows created a pleasant twilight. About a dozen reading tables were scattered around the room. Some were against the walls, while others were near the bookshelves. A few tables were in the middle of the room. Everyone could choose the most comfortable way to study.

Two boys were sitting at the tables in the center. Both of them were the descendants of the direct blood of their families. Only the cream of society had access to the elite section of the library. The best of the best are cherished and respected. They get the best masters and resources. 99% of people with the same surname have a high opinion of them. The other families honor their origin.

Only one descendant of direct blood, Tsayan, arrived at the Stone party. He was incredibly strong and arrogant. Now Kyon could see two guys of Tsayan’s rank. But Kyon was of the 1st rank now! He had gone from rags to riches and had yet to experience the intoxicating taste of his high position in society. Tsayan was no longer fit for him and, theoretically, should talk to Kyon respectfully and politely.

The boys were whispering about something.

«Jeremy, are you sure that the girl you can’t stop talking about will really come? We’ve been waiting for her all afternoon…» – One of them asked suspiciously, pushing his blond bangs aside.

His friend was visibly nervous. He swallowed too often, looking now and then at the door. «I have never seen anyone like her in all my life, Arsen… Even if the chances are one to a million to find her here again, it’s worth waiting! Let’s stay here for another hour or two. She must show up.»

«You’re so naive. You’ve always had a weak spot for beauties. If she isn’t good enough, I’ll kick the crap out of you.»

«You don’t hear me, as usual. I told you yesterday, it’s not about her beauty! Or rather, it’s not only about her beauty… This girl’s aura can penetrate your heart with icy cold. She must be a stranger from a noble family. I wish I could marry her… Then my life would have a meaning. Oh, I wish she would just look at me…» – Jeremy was lost in his dreams.

«You’re a fool… With this attitude, you put her above yourself and kill all your chances. You are elder Milonov’s fucking son! And who is she? An ordinary beautiful girl! Your presence should be a gift for her! If you know what you’re worth, even unapproachable girls yield. I will prove it to you today. I bet she’ll be warming my bed tonight.» – Arsen blurted out with a confident look and pushed his bangs back from his eyes.

Kyon took the first book from the furthest shelf. Fortunately, the talkative boys had ignored his presence. They might soon get tired of hanging around here, and he would read alone.

The book impressed Kyon with an abundance of facts. He was thrilled to discover even more good books.

A few minutes later, Kyon stopped flipping through the book and froze, stunned. He suddenly could feel someone sitting quietly in the attic. With his modernized hearing, Kyon could clearly hear people’s heartbeats ten meters away like finger snap in front of his nose. However, he caught this heartbeat only a moment ago. It was so unexpected as if this someone had just materialized from nowhere.

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