Everything will be my way!

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Kyon gave the girl a book with the biography of another general. She had already studied and analyzed the first general out of 12. The young lady had discovered that even if Richard was considered the hero of the empire, his family needs were his priority.

Kyon continued studying books. He only had to go through a few more books, and he could organize a quick path to the top of the kingdom.

Two hours before the working hours were over, Kyon found out that there existed a fourth grade of the elements, the master grade. Only geniuses among geniuses can get the master grade. It goes after the superior grade that only a few people have (on the condition it’s available in their family heritage). The master grade is the rarest heirloom. It’s invaluable. Its history originates from ancient eras, when talented masters devoted their whole lives to their creation, and talented practitioners mastered them all their lives. Wealthy families cannot afford such luxury. Even the royal families don’t have in their treasuries anything above the superior grade.

{Hmm… When I master the superior grade of darkness and light, will they automatically get the master grade because of the gluttonous sphere-keys?} – According to Kyon’s calculations, any element of the master grade would be about six stages more powerful than those of the basic grade. It’s a significant advantage in the battle, more than half of the phase.

A quiet voice, devoid of any respect came from behind:

«Can I have a moment? We have to talk.»

Kyon turned around and saw a bull-like descendant of direct blood, who, apparently, was not aware of his rank. His eyes were cold with contempt and hostility. The new fool felt superiority in front of the practitioner of the first phase. How naive of him.

No sooner had Kyon waved him away with his token, when the beefy guy suddenly tensed, turned pale and left, staggering. A foul-smelling liquid dripped from his leg. What a miserable mistake of nature. It wasn’t hard to guess who was the reason for his retreat.

Kyon looked at the girl in black. She defiantly slammed the book, making it clear that she had finished reading, and it was time for him to come to her and examine her knowledge.

{What the…} – Her behavior bewildered and confused Kyon. Was it really so hard just to ask? She must have been sitting silently for five minutes… The girl was too proud or standoffish. Or maybe she had really just finished reading the book and was giving him an elegant hint to come up to her.

Kyon went to her table, followed by the envious glances of the seven guys. The descendants of direct blood filled his dark core faster than usual. They could not believe that the powerful girl had become his patron!

Kyon sat down and frowned. The lady’s eyes seemed to tell him: “We are even now.”

«Uh-huh, young lady! Don’t take what’s happened here for a bargaining chip! First of all, it is your fault that they are jealous of you. Second, I have everything under control, and third, my service is disproportionately more expensive than the spoiled pants of that bull.»

He could hear discontented exclamations from behind, interrupted by a low growl.

However, the young lady stayed cool like moonlight. Her face was impenetrable. She was meaningfully silent.

It was impossible to say what was on her beautiful mind Kyon took her silence for consent. – «Alright, let’s get started.»

It was getting late at night.

The girl looked at Kyon calmly and expressionlessly. However, deep inside, she was mystified. The boy’s level of book analysis was immeasurable. There was no other historian in the world who could read between the lines like him, picking out the unexpected truth behind tons of understatement, distortion and lies. Where did this monster come from? Why didn’t he show any interest in her like the rest? He must prefer boys, after all.

«It won’t do.» – Kyon said, disappointed. – «It’s like talking to myself. You do not take any part in revealing the truth. I am wasting my precious time. Do you at least remember what I say?»

The girl frowned. The little jerk didn’t value the time spent with her at the same table. Any boy present here would be happy to give away his kidney for her attention, and this one…

«Choose your words carefully, boy. I have promised to pay for your service, but you are pushing it. Are you asking for trouble? My patience has its limits.»

{Does she take me for a child? Too bad.} – «Alright, here’s your homework.» – Kyon handed her a list of books. – «Try not to drag it on for too long. My time is expensive. I don’t want to wait.» – He rose from the table and went to the exit with a straight face.

It was about closing time…josei

The girl closed her eyes and breathed in deep, trying to calm down. The puppy imagined himself to be a brave lion. But even predatory feline turned into obedient kittens when they noticed her presence. What was the reason? Why wasn’t he afraid of someone with a powerful developed soul and an icy-cold aura coming from her past, someone who could kill him with a careless movement of her finger? The kid was smart and weird, but this is not enough for his immense self-confidence.

She had a rare feeling that she last experienced in her early childhood. The girl who was always impassionate and calm was torn by a desire to put the puppy in his place.

Meanwhile, Kyon left the library and idly glanced at the two shadows following him. He had asked Bai to give him some powerful guards, but the two tough guys at the beginning of the fourth phase did not inspire a sense of security in Kyon. He trusted his pistol in the ring much more.

{If only I could hire the girl in black…} – This idea seemed tempting and quite feasible. A personal bodyguard with the power of Kara’s level, who was familiar with the high-ranking concealment technique and also unspeakably beautiful… It sounded refined and classy.

It would be difficult to attach this unemotional snow queen to himself. Unless she was interested in money. However, powerful people are expensive. He was unlikely to afford this proud lady.

Kyon observed that she had something in common with Dinah. They both must be assassins. However, the way they dressed differed considerably. Dinah always wore a sexy uniform, but the girl in black preferred modest clothes. She seemed to be a quiet type, but she could easily turn into a beautiful rose with black petals. In fact, her tights with a diamond pattern were captivating, and her eyes scared and mesmerized at once. Besides, Dinah was too arrogant. Compared to her, this girl was devoid of arrogance at all. Or maybe, she wasn’t interested in revealing this trait.

Both of the girls had a cold aura. Only their coldness was radically different in nature. Dinah’s presence sent chills down the spine because she was a professional killer who could end a life at any time. The girl in black didn’t inspire danger alone. She emanated chilling cold that could be described as an immense emptiness. It was depressing, evoking ill-disposition and apathy.

The girl in black piqued Kyon’s interest. She was challenging. She seemed to be saying, “Come on, try and surprise me. Find a way to intrigue me. No one can do it, and you can’t, stupid boy. It’s a lost cause for you.

Kyon spent the rest of the night in his personal training room. He hadn’t had a chance to train with Juno so far. Either his slave was deliberately avoiding meeting him, or she didn’t want to adjust her usual sleep / wake schedule for his sake. He does not insist, anyway.

When Kyon woke up after a two-hour sleep, he took a shower and returned to the library.

As soon as Kyon stepped out of the sound-proof barrier, his eye twitched nervously. Judging by the sound of the beating of hearts inside, sixteen bastards of direct blood were wagging their tongues in his absence. Everyone whispered loudly about the girl in black. The mentioned Kyon from time to time, and not with kind words.

{Shit! They are so disappointing.} – Kyon was outraged by the absurdity of the situation. He understood that the age of 14-18 years old was the period when hormones acted up and keep them awake at night, but they could try and control their carnal cravings or at least set more realistic expectations.

Kyon crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall at the door. They wouldn’t let him read quietly, anyway, especially given yesterday’s incident when the girl everyone adored stood up for him.

A quarter of an hour later, the beautiful girl materialized next to him, bringing in her amazing magical scent. Her slender body pleased the eye, her aura frightened the weak and timid.

Kyon looked at her reproachfully. – «Your fans are too wild. Drive them away.»

«Are you waiting for me outside because you are too afraid to go to them?»

She touched a nerve. It sounded too humiliating. Kyon could not stoop to making excuses. He said firmly:

«If you go on like this, you will study the biography of the generals alone.»

The girl snorted and proudly entered the room.

Kyon heard their stifled groans and desperate cries followed by the heavy footfall to the direction of the door. The panic-stricken boys left the library running, crawling, and even rolling like an avalanche. Their faces tensed into a grimace of horror.

The guard at the entrance was struck by what he saw and made no complaints about the mysterious girl in black. She scared even the elite guard of the Grand family.

The descendants of direct blood are speechless. Their legs were shaking, they broke out in a cold sweat. The boys had never experienced so intense fear of death. The girl who had entered the library brought in the atmosphere of murder and despair.

Kyon nodded impressively and went upstairs. Now their jealous eyes wouldn’t disturb him from reading.

«Don’t go there, fool! You’ll die! She’ll kill you!» – A pale boy warned Kyon in a trembling voice. A new one.

Kyon did not turn around. The group of boys watched him go.

«It’s him!» – The big beefy boy recognized Kyon. – «The one under the lady’s protection! He must have asked her to drive us away! Bastard! It’s all because of him!»

«What do you mean, drive us away?!» … «Are you serious?!» … «Were you talking about this kid?!» … «You’re kidding me! I don’t believe you!»

The faces of the descendants were distorted by jealousy, rage, anger and the urge to kill.

«Who is he?! How can the little jerk use the service of this powerful lady?!»

«He is a Stone of the first rank! I saw his diamond token!» – Jeremy said, enviously.

«It’s pure nonsense! This scum can’t be a Stone of the first rank! Diana Stone had only three children. I smell a rat!..» – The strongest guy barked.

«Have you not heard rumors about the new addition to the Stone family? It doesn’t sound so delirious to me now… What’s the name of this adopted genius again?..» – The boy looked up thoughtfully and came resolutely to the guard. – «Can you remind me the name of the boy adopted by the Stones, please.»

«Kyon Stone.» – The guard said dryly.

«Yeah! Exactly! The rumors were about him!»

«Wait a minute! Kyon? Kyon! I heard elder Stephan Brown, Tsayan’s father, is looking for him in connection with the dirty lies the Stones are spreading! He wants to get even with the cause of the rumors!»

«By the way, elder Romanov is also looking for Kyon! It’s about his grandson Kaisen, who ended drooling in a wheelchair because of his damaged spine!»

Even if it all made sense and they’d better steer clear from this boy, the descendants of direct blood ignored this fact and conspired to tell everything to those who were after Kyon, that is, to the elders. Perhaps a couple of people of the first rank could ruin his life. Moreover, they were from other families.

Meanwhile, Kyon was flipping through the last unread volumes and giving a flawless analysis to the huge list of books the girl had read in one night.

«Your teacher is pleased. I did not expect such zeal from you. If we were at school, I would give you an excellent mark. As it is, I can only nod in praise. Good job!» – Kyon smiled sincerely in the end, although his soul embroiled in fear begged him to keep his mouth shut.

«You are not my teacher.» – The girl said sternly. – «I don’t need your praise. Just do the analysis of all the generals and the Empress. And stop flipping through your book five meters away as if we don’t know each other. I will pay you for the service some way or another.»

«You won’t pay me “some way.” You will do exactly what I say.»

The girl kept a meaningful silence. Kyon couldn’t tell if it meant that she agreed with him. How should he cooperate with her? What if she was ungrateful?

«So be it, I’ll come up to you in five minutes.» – Just as long as it would take him to finish reading. However, he easily could read and give her a distant at the same time.

In the afternoon, Kyon moved to the seventh general. The once indifferent lady now looked with surprise. Her opinion about Kyon had changed.

The girl fell out of her ordinary gloomy reality and appeared in the world of the mysterious, incomprehensible weirdo. She had never met anyone who could make her see things from a different perspective. He seemed to know each wart on the general’s body. He processed the information so effortlessly that it was impossible to assess the true depth of his mind. She could only guess how good he was.

The lady decided that he was an intellectual monster. Most likely, it was the reason for his self-confidence. How naive of him! In the world ruled by powerful people, the boy derived his confidence from his talent for operating and absorbing information. Was he serious? Why had no one told him the truth?

The girl’s attitude hadn’t changed too much. Despite all his genius, he was just a smart, interesting boy. She wanted to knock him down a peg even more. However, her desire to kill him for his disrespect and looking her in the eyes had disappeared. She decided he was born like this, and it was useless to put him in his place or punish him for the fact of his existence.

All of a sudden, they heard footsteps behind the door. Two men in expensive clothes came into the library, a pale guy followed them. Kyon was surprised to recognize Tsayan.

The three of them were completely unaware of the news about Diana’s new son because of their busy schedule. That’s why they were so determined to find Kyon.

«Father! THAT’S HIM! Kill him, now!» – Tsayan yelled when he saw Kyon, his sworn enemy. A glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes, a boundless confidence that could shake the world. He wished the hated creature would get killed with all his heart. Now his powerful father would arrange everything. His disgrace at the party had wiped out his pride and dignity completely. Moreover, he’d lost a whole stage in development. Today the bastard would die like a dog!

Tsayan had thanked his father on his knees for convincing everyone (not with the help of his connections) that the Stones were spreading dirty lies about what had happened to his son at their party. Nevertheless, Tsayan had to hide from the poisonous looks of those who knew the truth but were forced to pretend they didn’t.

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