Everything will be my way!

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

The girl slowly rose from her seat like a ghost and looked murderously at the retreating guy. Her eyes burned with a blue flame, the embodiment of pure hatred, despair, and sorrow. She was mortally beautiful.

Kyon cursed to himself. He took out his diamond token and began to feverishly wipe it from nonexistent dust, making it seem like “Come on, what’s the big deal!” He could only hope the dangerous lady was a kind-hearted one.

Contrary to his expectations, the girl instantly appeared by his side. Her speed was no match for his. She was holding a curved dagger in her hand. Just one movement and his head would say goodbye to his body.

She looked at the frightened boy and his diamond token. The little brat understood what was going on and didn’t want to die… Her uncle had taught her never to hesitate, to act quickly and for sure. And even more so, never to tell anyone the story of her past. But the hand couldn’t make the fatal movement. Why? Because he was a Stone of the first rank? Hardly. Because of his help? No. Because he was eager to live? No way… Most likely, she just liked him.

A shadow flashed in front of Kyon. It was too early to say goodbye to his life. The girl was already standing with her back to him at the far window, looking at the central square. Her presence cast darkness and misery.

{Alive… Phew…} – Kyon was relieved when suddenly he noticed the ring on his finger was missing. – «Uhm… Where is my ring?!» – He looked at the girl and figured it out at once. – «You stole my ring! Give it back! Now!»

There were lots of valuable things inside: 1.8 million spheres, his pistol with cartridges, the ring that belonged to the 6th brother of the robbers, diverse unique body pills, poisons! She could as well cut off his head, dirty thief!

«Talk to me! Give me the ring, thief!» – Kyon yelled furiously and quickly headed for the girl. A wave of righteous anger swept over him. He had never been robbed. Even ingenious scammers used to screw up. And she just came and took away all his accumulated possessions! More than that, she nearly killed him over nothing! What a savage! He desperately needed money to climb the hierarchy of power.

Kyon approached the girl and tried to grab her hand and unfold it when he felt the sharp blade of the dagger at his throat.

«Do not dare to touch me, or I will open your throat next time.» – Her voice sounded light like a whisper of wind.

Kyon blushed with anger and helplessness. He stepped back. Some blood oozed from the scratch on his neck. – «You… I have done so much for you! I wasted the whole day! But you robbed me like a dirty b…» – He did not dare to finish the sentence. The killer looked fiercely straight into his eyes. It was too dangerous. She could always change her mind, and then goodbye, cruel world.

The brazen boy enraged her. He wasn’t like the rest who appreciated every moment spent with her. However, she had his ring. She would most likely have killed him if she hadn’t the ring as compensation. It made her feel calmer. His anger was so amusing. Perhaps, she would leave him be. Her uncle was usually right, but she wanted to make an exception to the rule.

«The contents of your ring is the price for saving you from two elders and their son.» – The girl said firmly.

«Seriously?! Do you mean it, b…?! Ha-ha-ha!» – Kyon laughed evilly. What a bitch! She didn’t forget the incident and made it equal to his ring! – «I had everything under my control! Besides, you owe me for tuition! I provided you with invaluable information, and you robbed me!» – Kyon was outraged. – «Give me the ring back and we are even. Deal?» – Kyon suggested. The girl didn’t know the value of the contents in the ring. What if he could go off cheap?

The girl in black rolled her eyes. – «Three aggressive men, as well as their guard, are waiting for you behind the door. I will pay for your tuition, protecting you from them until you leave the library.»

«Are you nuts?! I have my own guards outside!»

«The two wimps at the beginning of the noble’s phase? Don’t make me laugh.»

Kyon snarled:

«I’m Kyon Stone, the patriarch’s grandson! One call to grandfather and everyone here will stand on all fours. I don’t need your help! Give me the ring back.»

He told her his name, and for some reason, she had never heard of it before. She snorted with disdain. – «I’d hate to upset you, boy. But your grandfather won’t have time to come here. As soon as you pick up the sound transmitter, I will kindly leave the library. And the trio outside will be happy to tear you and your lousy guards to pieces.» – There was confidence and threat in her voice.

Kyon is speechless. She was blackmailing him! Indeed, his two guards wouldn’t help him against the aggressive trio. Besides, he had lost his gun. Bai would have no time to send more guards. The girl would already be gone. He had no choice. He had to accept the conditions of the cunning bitch. Her wit fascinated him. At the same time, he was eager to spank her beautiful tight bottom.

How ironic! Kyon felt sorry for the poor robbed prince, now that he was walking in his shoes. She had deftly wrapped him around her finger, and for a good reason. Now his invaluable ring belonged to her.

Kyon took a deep breath to calm down. If the girl wasn’t a charming nymph, he would not have reacted so violently. In his subconscious, her high physical value turned any interaction with her into something unreasonably important. His emotions were aggravated, he experienced more acute sensations of his mistakes and victories. The moment of weakness for the beautiful had taken its toll on him.

«Fine, you win.» – Kyon said humbly. He had to stop in time. The lost ring of nothing compared to his future achievements. – «But we must meet again. It’s really important. And it’s about going out with you.»

The girl gracefully untied her ponytail. Gorgeous thick black hair fell on her slender shoulders. – «I’d rather not…»

Kyon’s eye twitched. He took a piece of paper and wrote the frequency of his sound transmitter (no one in their right mind would carry it in the spatial ring, it was soundproof) and handed it to the girl. – «Call me in a couple of days… In the evening. You won’t regret it. I mean it. I am the patriarch’s grandson. It’s an extremely important matter.» – Kyon said confidently.

The girl grabbed the note, defiantly crumpled it and threw it away. – «As I told you before, our interaction is over. From now on, we have nothing in common. Forget me like a pleasant dream.»josei

«Rather unpleasant! Alright, you’re no fool. You will remember my frequency by ear.» – Kyon said his frequency loudly and slowly. The pig-headed girl must call him. Was it just a waste of time? He must reap at least some benefit from his hard work.

«Idiot!» – She said, grabbed his by the sleeve and pulled him out.

Everything blurred in Kyon’s eyes as if he had entered the astral world. – {Invisibility!} – He had never read about a concealment technique that could spread to another person just by contact with the clothes. It must be of “A” rank, no less.

There were no sounds of their footsteps. Inside the “astral” area, they sounded muffled. The same situation is observed with electromagnetic waves. When they left the library, they went through a crowd of people. The two elders in the fourth phase of development didn’t seem to notice them. Impressive! An awesome concealment technique. It could be even of “S” rank…

Kyon asked her when they were going downstairs:

«What’s your name?»

But the mysterious lady kept silent.

Outside the building, the girl whispered softly:

«Goodbye forever.» – And let go of his wrist.

Kyon took a look at her, but she was already gone. A cold spike pierced his heart for a fraction of a second.

{Bitch…} – Kyon thought bitterly when he recalled the old saying: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” He lifted a grim self-deprecating smile. He should have kept in his underwear! For some futile self-confident reason, he was sure that no thief in the world would be nimble enough to snatch a ring from him. He couldn’t have been more wrong. It would never happen again.

The girl in black had received exhaustive information about the Empress and the generals. She had found out all those involved in the extermination of her family, and learned what level she must achieve to shed the hateful blood without consequences. Also, she understood who she was dealing with. Lanatelle’s intelligence was higher than she had expected. The zeroth general was only a little inferior to her. Otherwise, the Empress wouldn’t have stood up for him. Anyway, her unique body of concealment and assassination skills left only one opponent, and it was the Empress of Rosarrio. The rest would never feel her.

The girl in black returned to her room in the upscale Boston hotel, took a refreshing shower, wrapped herself in a soft towel and looked with curiosity at the shiny ring she had stolen from the weird boy. A Stone of the first rank would certainly please her with the contents of his spatial ring.

First of all, the girl took out all the leather bags, because it is in them that they usually stored the most valuable things. She found a bunch of different balls in one of them. Judging by the smell, those were enzymes and medicine. There were three pills in another bag. One of them was exactly like the pill the prince had given to her (it was also blue, and even the energy density was the same.) The other two pills mesmerized with their beauty. They were made in a sophisticated, elegant way. One of them was black with glossy scales. It looked ancient. The other was glowing red, cracked like a real lump of magma, but it wasn’t hot at all. The energy inside both pills was mind-blowing! The density was so high that Charles’s pill was no match for them. They must be tremendously valuable! Unfortunately, there were no instructions attached to them. She had no chance of selling them. What a shame! The beautiful lady was vexed. But as soon as she peeked into the next bag, her grief was gone. She found a fortune of almost two million spheres!

{Wow… So much!} – The lady didn’t expect to hit the jackpot. It was a lot of money! Even for the patriarch’s grandson… What idiot would carry such a fortune in the ring? Exactly, the weird boy. In was totally his style to pull a stunt like this. The girl pressed money to her chest, rejoicing at meeting the smart weird boy. Fate favored her.

However, ring scanning showed lots of other wonders. How interesting…

The girl began to take out one thing after another and lay them out on the floor: food, a pen, paper with drawings, a device for checking the key purity, a couple of strange mechanisms, and a patterned silver thing with an elongated muzzle… There were also lots of little metal cylinders, a beautiful long sword (precious but unfortunately registered!) as well as throwing knives and needles, sharp tools, flasks with a thick, almost odorless liquid. She tried a couple of drops with her tongue and understood those were poisons. It’s odd. Why would he need them? Who was he going to poison? The perplexed girl looked at the duct tape and a long rope when she suddenly took something wet, wrapped in rags.

The girl unwrapped it unwound dropped at once. She stepped back a few steps, her eyes opened wide. Inside the ring, there was a man’s severed head, disfigured beyond recognition!

{Who the hell is he?!} – The girl in black felt uneasy. She recalled the day when the boy was engrossed in the book “Legendary Serial Maniacs.” Then she remembered his abnormal behavior, no fear of her, as well as of the two yelling elders who had broken into the library. One of them was screaming about his paralyzed drooling grandson. The second complained that Kyon had messed with his son!

A chill ran down her spine. The girl did not suspect that she was dealing with a cruel, cold-blooded maniac. Apparently, he bound his victims, tortures him to death, and then cut off their heads… How creepy!

{Gods… He is insane! I knew it!} – She probably should have killed him when he found out the truth about her origin. He was a psychopath! Appearance is deceiving, after all. The delicious treat turned out to be rotten inside.

The girl decided to stop examining the ring, although there were all sorts of little things inside.

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