Everything will be my way!

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Dinah’s awkward movements became more natural. She was feeling more confident in her role.

«Stop it! I can’t take it anymore!» – Kyon implored. His desire was strong enough, even without the aphrodisiac. He had this burning urge to break out and force himself upon the sly, manipulative maid.

«Shut up and watch me.» – Dinah intoned. Then, after a little hesitation, she pulled off her tight pants the rhythm of the dance, revealing to his eyes the damn sexy black silk underwear. She had nothing but her lingerie on. The hands of the newly made dancer instinctively reached out to cover her intimate places. No! It wasn’t the time to be ashamed. The bastard would soon die anyway. He was her victim, and she was going to make him suffer even more!

Dinah made up her mind. She let herself reveal her most secret places for Kyon to admire. Let him ogle her, desire her, crave her! She continued with her passionate dance. The usually cold-blooded and indifferent killer teased him with her straight back like a born stripper. She seductively moved her tight booty back and forth, torturing the helpless victim.

«Ааа-аа-а-аа-а-ааh! It’s too much!» – Kyon deliberately shouted too loud. However, with every second, his pretense was fading away, giving way to real desire. Every line of her body, every graceful movement were exciting like hell.

Dinah giggled when she noticed the first signs of his despair she had been trying to evoke. It was so thrilling! She had almost reached her goal! A little bit more, and he would definitely lose his mind!

Dinah resolutely approached Kyon and touched his groin with her foot, then she slightly pressed, gently purring in his ear:

«Do you want me? Do you dream of taking me, dirty animal?»

The unusual sensation in his intimate area washed over Kyon in waves of euphoria. He roared with rage, straining all his muscles to their limit to break the ropes. At this moment, he looked more like a fierce beast, not a human being.

Dinah watched his violent reaction for a while. Then she removed her foot and burst out laughing, a light of triumph in her eyes. She could bring her impassive captive to this vehement ardor just with a couple of moves… She was delighted!

The torture of lust continued another five minutes. Dinah showed surprising creativity, teasing the boy in love with sensual moves, stimulating his erogenous zones. She got all excited herself. Dinah didn’t want to stop, but at some point, she regained firm control of her emotions. She had been carried away! She shouldn’t have stooped so low for the sake of revenge.

With this thought, Dinah grabbed Kyon by the hair and said through her gritted teeth, looking him straight in the eye:

«You will never get me, scum. You will rue the day when you took my innocence. Cry, whine, beg me to stop! And then I’ll think about how to end your miserable life quickly…»

Kyon replied quietly, trying to calm his rapid, excited breathing:

«Dinah, you must understand that I have no regrets. If I had the chance to relive those days anew, I would do the same thing, even knowing how it all would end. Do you want to know why? Because I love you!»

Dinah staggered back, staring at Kyon, thunderstruck. An odd but very familiar feeling woke within her heart. She felt the same when the first master praised her for a good job at the time when she was… happy.

Dinah refused to experience these emotions for this bastard. She clenched her fists with boiling anger. The damned jerk didn’t mind this outcome?! He didn’t regret anything because he was in love?! Piece of shit! It turned out she had been wasting her time! She had humiliated herself in vain, just to please his eyes?!

«You will pay for your words…» – She whispered in a trembling voice and ripped off his pants together with his underpants. A bloody red monster appeared before her eyes, full of vigor and desire. The only sight of it disgusted her. Its smell made her retch. Dinah despised this hard, dirty thing that had robbed her of the precious innocence.

Dinah tore a piece of the sheet. Then she squatted down before Kyon, wrapped his penis with the rag, put the dagger to the base, and gazed steadily at her victim:

«You’ll sing a different tune when you lose Kyon Jr.»


Suddenly, something flew through the window and pierced Dinah’s neck.

Dinah quickly pulled a dart out of her neck. It was smeared with some substance. The whole world seemed to freeze. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. Dinah slowly turned her stunned gaze on Lovr. A broad smile bloomed on his face. It was clearly his doing.

Kyon had been stalling for time. He couldn’t call the investigators or his subordinates for the help. The chances that Dinah would kill him otherwise were too high. He needed Byron to this for him, but the big guy was half the city from here, so Kyon had to buy some time. It all worked out perfectly! Byron took a comfortable position on the roof and made a shot with a sniper rifle at the crucial moment…

Dinah swung the dagger at Kyon’s throat without losing another second, but the ropes holding him had suddenly burst all at once. At that very moment, he kicked her hard in the chest with both feet, pushing her to the far wall. Her whole life flashed before her eyes during the flight.

Dinah hit the wall and felt drowsy all of a sudden. She had failed to finish him off… It was an epic fail. She should have killed him right away without putting on the dance show. Did it really have to be this way? She didn’t want the hell to repeat… She didn’t want to be this monster’s whore…

Dinah felt the dropped dagger with a trembling hand and pointed it straight at her heart. However, she stopped at the last moment. Why?! Why couldn’t she just kill herself? Why did she want to live so much? All month long, she caught herself thinking that she would kill herself without hesitation if she was given five seconds of freedom and a dagger. And now, after seeing the damned rapist, her thoughts were all mixed up and troubled. Thirst for revenge warmed her heart, made her life worth living. But was it only a desire for revenge?

Tears of despair sparkled in Dinah’s eyes, the dagger fell out of her hands. Before losing consciousness, she gave her tormentor a scorching look of hatred, hopelessness, and something that she did not even want to think about. Everything was rapidly getting dark inside. She wished this darkness lasted forever…

After what seemed like ages, Dinah opened her eyes. Her vision was clearing up. She was still in the same room. A cool night breeze blew through a crack in the window. Her arms and legs were not tied, her nether regions seemed to be untouched. What was going on?

Dinah looked around the room and saw Kyon sitting on the bed, his legs wide apart, his head lowered to the floor as if he was trying to find something down there.

She quickly rose to her feet and felt a horrible weakness. Her breathing trembled, her heart racing like a cornered doe’s. She tried to leave the room on tiptoe when she heard an irritated hoarse voice:

«Do you know how difficult it is to find the necessary ingredients for a weakening poison at one a.m, bitch?»

«What are you going to do to me?!» – She asked nervously.

Kyon was silent for a moment, eloquently ogling her gorgeous with a predatory stare. Then he snapped his teeth playfully. – «I am going to eat you.»

Dinah bit her lip till it bled. Reflecting upon her recent behavior, she found it absolutely inappropriate and depraved… She felt extremely ashamed of herself. She wished the ground would swallow her up…

«Don’t you dare to touch me, sick, dirty bastard!» – Dinah hissed and dashed to the door, but he instantly grabbed her by the leg and dragged her back.

«A-аа-а-а-аh! Let go of me, you rutty jackass! Mr. Bai will kill you! He will destroy you!» – Dinah squealed.

«I don’t give a shit!» – Kyon grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the bed. Dinah let out a shrilling scream. Kyon pressed her into the mattress, his lips clung to hers. He savored the taste of her saliva, smelled the fear sweat on her body like a drug addict who had finally got the dose after a long break.josei

Kyon had neither patience nor self-restraint to ask her about the location of the letter. The curse did not allow him to concentrate on “what he had to.” It made him plunge headlong into “what he wanted to.” On the other hand, the letter must have already been delivered, so the interrogation would hardly bring any results. He also had no idea what to do with her afterwards. Lovr found out long ago that he could give his subjugating formation only to the unconscious practitioners whose development wasn’t more than several stages above his, or he would fail. Dinah surpassed him in the soul development by almost two phases. He couldn’t possibly enslave her with his formation!

Salty tears were running down Dinah’s cheeks. – «M-m-mm-m-m-mm-mm!» – Her whole body was trembling. There was no trace of arrogance in her eyes. She was just a frightened girl who was being taken against her will.

With his free hand, Kyon was kneading all the assets of his beloved girl, the ones that she had teased him with: her breasts, butt, waist. At the same time, he never stopped enjoying her lips.

Her sexy black bra and panties suggested the idea that she had been subconsciously prepared for this outcome, slutty bitch!

Dinah’s body was a work of art, a single glance at her evoked admiration. A shadow drew a line from the border of her ribs to her slender tummy. The thin waist of impeccable shape begged to be touched. Kyon ran his fingers around, giving goosebumps to already trembling girl. He had a tactile orgasm, stroking her snow-white, silky soft skin.

Kyon pulled away from her and suddenly struck her hard across the face. – «I can’t believe you had the guts to leave the mansion, bitch!» – Another slap. – «How dared you threaten my priceless life?!» – And one more. – «I can make you strip for me even with my hands tied! What were you hoping to achieve confronting me?!» – Another smacking sound. – «You don’t think the role of the future emperor’s whore is good enough for you? You aren’t smart enough to appreciate my potential, are you?!» – One more slap.

The heavy blows made Dinah’s cheeks burn like hell. Tears of humiliation rolled down her face in one continuous stream. Sparks of hatred smoldered in the depths of her eyes.

«Stop beating me!..» – Dinah protested. – «If you love me, let me go!»

«Shut the hell up!» – Kyon barked and shut her up with a kiss when suddenly he shoved her away from him, growling something under his breath, and slapped her again. Then he pulled her against himself and pressed his mouth to her lips. Her tears and prayers became his best reward. The sweet taste of her delicate lips kept his spirits (and something below his waist) up.

Dinah was thunderstruck. She no longer understood what was going on. No one had ever dared to glance at her, the superior made. And this boy, who was six years younger than her, treated her like an angry king, punishing her like a guilty but still beloved courtesan. How should she respond?

Kyon grabbed Dinah by the arms, joined her elbows behind her back and tied them so tight that her shoulder blades rubbed against each other. Then he roughly shoved her to the floor, and he sat on the edge of the bed, his legs wide apart.

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