Everything will be my way!

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

There was also a third entrance to the arena, smaller in size than the other two. It was intended only for the participants and accompanying persons, not more than three, which means no more than 13 people per family.

Patriarch Bai headed towards the entrance with the participants. His daughter Diana and elder Boe were accompanying. Lee and two girls, Stephanie and Juno, were walking proudly behind them.

Diana linked her arm through her father’s. He hadn’t fully recovered after the heart attack. Ashen pale, weak, with blurry eyes, Bai looked like a sick old man rather than the unbending patriarch of the great family. The Stone pillar had cracked. The patriarch was advised to stay in the hospital, but he wouldn’t miss the important event in the life of his family.

The other participants and the patriarchs looked at the Stones like vultures that smelled carrion. The predatory flock pointed at them with their fingers and viciously sneered, not daring to say what was on the minds out loud.

Herman Brown, the patriarch (with thick eyebrows and bulging eyes), was just passing by. He turned around and said with a hostile look:

«Not at all respected Patriarch Bai, nice to see you! You look pathetic. Are your false teeth too tight? Or did you forget to rinse them in the morning?» – His words were like venom, trying to stir Bai’s anger.

«Anything else?» – Bai asked dryly, his legs were failing him.

Their angry eyes met in an invisible battle. The invisible duel was brief yet ferocious. The Stones felt intense pressure from the proud Browns, the combat aura of the opponents was dispiriting.

Lee, who had recently reached the peak stage of the superior phase, was confident in his victory until he spotted Kiyan (Tsayan’s brother). He lost all his determination in a brief moment.

The hefty guy smiled contemptuously. «Ha! Didn’t my little brother beat the shit out of you? Wait! Aren’t you number one in the Stone family? A pathetic puppy, that’s who you are. You’ve got some nerve coming to the tournament! Did you hear that the tigers of the Brown family are going to fight today?» – The Browns laughed out loud.

«Screw you…» – Lee turned away, gritting his teeth.

Elder Boe encouragingly patted his grandson on the back. – «Don’t get provoked, Lee. Argument is war. If you lose your moral, it will reduce your chances in the battle.»

Boe’s words hit home, but it didn’t change anything, especially for the rest of the Stones. They were ashamed of Lee’s depressed state and rapidly lost their fighting spirit.

Suddenly the Stones turned around. They felt a handsome dark-haired young man stare at them with his hawkish eyes. It was a look of a bird of prey before attacking a helpless, bleeding victim. Timothy’s graceful and dense combat aura was breathtaking. The Stones could hardly stand on their feet, they nearly fell into the mud, struggling to keep balance.

{What kind of monster is he?!} – Usually straight, Lee’s back stooped as if crushed by wounded pride. He realized how mistaken he was, considering himself the greatest indestructible genius in the whole kingdom.

Stephanie and the other participants felt even worse. They wanted to leave as soon as possible. They had no chance of victory anyway. Why did they bother to come? It was a slaughterhouse!

And yet there was an exception…

Timothy looked over the Stones and suddenly noticed a young blonde dressed in a combat outfit. She was a sight for sore eyes! Skinny black pants looked great on her slender legs, her tiny feet looked snug inside her leather boots, the jacket emphasized her slim waist. Unlike the rest of her family, the girl was strong-willed and looked at him without a shadow of fear. The proud fox seemed to challenge the big black wolf.

The weakest participant in terms of cultivation was able to withstand Timothy’s pressure?! The strong-willed young lady won everyone’s sincere admiration. She deserved to be the daughter of Yurich the great! Even the Stones wondered how their lady could be so fearless.

{So beautiful… She had the same look as Elsa. It might be interesting to break this damned little thing. Too bad her cultivation left a lot to be desired…} – Timothy nodded to his plans with a barely noticeable smile. He wasn’t driven by any romantic feelings, not to Juno. He was planning to take first place in the tournament, and then his father would organize everything.

Herman snorted coldly, casting a contemptuous glance at the depressed Stones. He could sense their depressed state. – «What a disappointment. I expected more from family number one. This lousy scam is not worthy of our attention. Come on, guys.»

The group of smug Browns followed the patriarch with malicious snickers and twisted grins.

The patriarchs and the participants of other families almost openly mocked the humiliated Stones. Their sneers and chuckles could crush self-confidence like a multi-ton rock, killing the will to win.

A defiant, self-important voice came from the Romanovs (3). – «Oh, the Stones are not doing so well, right?» – It was an effeminate tall young man with long hair. His family members giggled behind him, even the patriarch smiled, not intending to stop his favorite.

The Stones turned to answer back when they recognized Charlie Romanov, the charming number one. The young Stones lost the desire to start a conversation.

Bai didn’t react to what was happening. He had an indifferent look on his face, completely ignoring everyone. The patriarch had neither the strength nor the desire to argue with anyone. He was too tired of all this shit…

«You have nothing to say? It’s regrettable, but not fatal. Sending this little wuss who is still in the first phase to the important tournament, you show your disrespect. What did you expect in return?» – Charlie smiled, looking down at the beautiful girl.

The members of the other families had realized that the Stones had three adults in their group, which means the girl in the first phase was a participant! Smart Charlie.

«What did you say, hairy bedbug?» – Juno stared at the “smart” guy as if he was a dung fly. She instantly guessed his true intentions.

«Are you talking to me?!» – Charlie asked, trying to look intimidating when suddenly Bai’s fierce aura made him choke. He cleared his throat, not showing his fear and embarrassment. – «I will be generous and give you some valuable advice for free: take your slender legs out of here before it’s too late! Baby girls like you shouldn’t be in the same arena with monsters like me.» – Charlie waved his thick hair with a charming smile, secretly watching the others for their reaction.

The girls squealed involuntarily with delight. They couldn’t take their eyes off the smug handsome boy. Unlike them, Juno didn’t bat an eyelid, giving the arrogant idiot a scornful look. – «Shove your advice up yours! And stop staring at my ass, freaking pervert.» – Juno said with disgust and left.

«Dirty liar! I didn’t look!» – Charlie frantically looked around as if being caught red-handed. The looks around him suddenly turned into sharp daggers. Soft giggles and condemning whispers burst into his consciousness, creating a keen sense of shame. His face instantly turned red, which told the truth better than a full confession.

{Cheeky bitch! How dare you slander me! Just wait till I get you in the tournament. I’ll put you on your knees and teach you to cry!} – Charlie didn’t want to stay in the spotlight anymore and hastened to mingle with his group.

When Charlie noticed Juno’s bold look at Timothy the mighty, he couldn’t help his desire to get to know her better. The girl looked fascinating. Her vibrant personality and high status challenged him. He had never seen girls like her. She pricked his pride, but more, she pricked his interest! In spite of being angry, Charlie definitely liked this wayward devil of a girl.

The Stones took their place in the spacious training room, designed personally for them.

Bai wearily sat down in a chair and closed his eyes. He wanted to forget about the recent nightmare. The patriarch’s poor health wasn’t connected so much with his heart as with his wounded soul.

It was one disaster after another for Bai. His best friend, the family formacist, had fled, and the entire system of the Stone hierarchy hinged upon him. The traitor grandson had killed his dear Dinah, Yegorka, and Kirsan; he had also robbed the treasury and was now blackmailing him for a colossal amount of money, ten million spheres. Everyone in Boston, despite Bai’s efforts, continued to believe that the Browns were innocent and kept mocking the young Stones.

Diana and Juno approached the patriarch.

«You look so pale, father. You’d better return to hospital.» – Diana said concerned, holding his hand in hers.

«Grandpa, mother is right… You need to rest. Your presence will not change anything.» – Juno agreed with her.

«Mr. Stone, I’ll take care of everything. Take care of yourself… You should really get some rest.» – Elder Boe added.

Despite their best intentions, Bai shook his head vehemently, resolutely. – «My dear ones… I am staying. Don’t try to persuade me. I am the head of this family, and I have to do my duty.»

Diana and Juno looked at each other anxiously. They were proud of their father and grandfather, but their hearts ached to see him suffer so. They hugged Bai and comforted him softly, which made him even more vulnerable, he was on the brink of tears.

It was a touching sight. The young Stones perked up. A stream of amazing energy filled their hearts with determination. They had to fight until their last breath! The enemy was strong, indeed, but they were willing to do everything possible so that respected Bai, proud Diana and dear Juno had no regrets.

The first bell out of three announced that the tournament was about to start.

Bai stepped aside with Juno and said:

«Baby, the level of your cultivation is too low to fight today. You’ll have to abide by the rules, or our family will get fined. It means you will have to and surrender. Just say “I give up” as soon as you enter the arena, don’t make your grandpa worry. It’s killing me to know you’re in danger!»

Juno touched sadly her concealing bracelet that faked her cultivation, reducing it to the first phase, and nodded dutifully.

«Don’t blame yourself for coming to the tournament instead of another Stone. In the grand scheme of things, our participants won’t change anything… Our family…»

«I understand, grandpa.» – Juno interrupted him said impatiently but softly.josei

Bai smiled kindly. – «It makes me happy. According to the rules, our turn to summon the opponent will be the last, and it won’t be anytime soon…»

While Boe was instructing the participants, Bai decided to remind Juno of the tournament rules.

The top 50 families in Rosarrio were eligible to take part in the tournament. The royal family had chosen to participate. The lower-ranking families went to an individual competition that had been held several months earlier. There was nothing outstanding about it.

Each family chose ten strongest young practitioners. The better they prove themselves in battle, the more “glory,” in other words, “points” will the family get.

After the tournament, the official judges will compile a new chart of families ranks in the kingdom, based on the number of points they had earned.

The first three places receive the best prizes. For example, today the winner will get an award of 200 Tokens and 10 million spheres. The most active participant will be given: precious high-quality transformation medicine to make a breakthrough into the 4th-5th phase; a selection of high-quality enzymes; and, most important for all young people (except for Kyon), a B ranking technique of movements (single copy).

The awards give families incentive to cherish and nurture young talents to get a high rank, which itself has great value. It grants the family universal recognition, respect, the right to speak first in the disputes, as well as discounts on everything that their heart desires (even someone’s hand in marriage).

It’s expressly forbidden: to take part in the tournament twice in a lifetime; to be more than 20 years old; to use poisons or formations as these battle tools don’t show personal strength. Everything which is not forbidden is allowed. However, deliberate killing was a rare event. Who would want to mess things up with other families? Besides, you can always say, “I give up” and leave the tournament, thereby saving your life.

Each family gets three summons 1a 1, two summons 2a 2 and one summons 3a 3.

When a family accepts a summons, they have a strategic advantage to use appropriate defense. For example, they can send a waterbender if the firebender is to attack first. It all comes down to gathering intel on the opponent. There exist lots of tactics and strategies for any occasion.

How to earn more points to get a higher rank?

The scoring system works as follows: the winner takes almost everything, and the loser gets nothing or just a little bit, depending on the battle.

The winner’s points get multiplied if the loser is from a higher-ranking family. The points get reduced if the loser is from a lower-ranking family.

A successful attack brings a few times more points than a successful defense (it’s only reasonable because the defensive strategy already gives benefits; also, otherwise, the outcome of the battle might depend on the number of summons).

So, every family has to wait for their turn and then successfully attack the participants from the families whose rank is higher or as close to theirs as possible.

There’s a number of regulatory rules that ensure relatively fair play. It’s forbidden to use the same defensive participant twice in a row (unless there is no one else to choose from). It’s not allowed to summon families ten ranks higher or lower than that of the participant. In case a low-ranking family gets a genius like Elsa, she won’t be able to quickly improve their ranking. The result of the previous tournament is also taken into account, which prevents the losing family (even if all the ten defensive participants lose before it’s their turn to attack) from a sudden ranking drop…

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