Everything will be my way!

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Hundreds of thousands of people looked at Kyon accusingly.

Kyon yawned widely, stretched out, and then said in a confident, loud voice:

«As far as I can recall, I did not accept any favors. If the idiot was out of his mind, it’s his problem. I mean, it was his problem. We are fighting here for the future of our families. We’re risking our lives, not playing giveaway!»

«It doesn’t change the fact that you have brutally killed the participant who took pity on you! You will pay for what you’ve done, rotten bastard!» – Herman barked.

Kyon might as well ignore these stupid accusations, but he had another plan in mind. He wanted to impress the two prim and proper demons, occupying the royal box. It was imperative to raise his importance and value in their eyes. Kyon couldn’t miss a chance like this. He couldn’t care less about what other people thought.

Kyon laughed loudly, turning toward the Browns’ platform. – «Patriarch Brown should buy glasses if he didn’t see Arsen’s intention to behead me. He wasn’t going easy on me, and I returned the favor. Do you take yourselves for higher beings who can never do wrong? Or does the patriarch believe that killing in the tournament isn’t allowed? You should have read the rules before the tournament started!»

An overweight guy laughed loudly somewhere in the bleachers. The Stone zone couldn’t help laughing either.

Patriarch Herman banged his fist against the railing. – «Wasn’t going easy on you?! How could he possibly not be going easy if he died in an instant?! No one in their right mind would believe in the instant victory of some greenhorn who was eight stages weaker! Even brilliant lady Juno, legendary Elsa’s sister, had some trouble with a similar opponent! How dare you fool all of Boston, including Her Majesty?! You will have to pay for disrespect with your pathetic life!»

Thousands of spectators nodded in agreement and began to cheer out of habit. However, this time not all of those present supported them.

There was a gap in his arguments for a reason, and he got Herman hooked. He walked right into the trap. – «Are you accusing me of lying to Her Majesty and all of Boston? It means that my honor and even my life are at stake. But what if you’re mistaken or brazenly lying? Will you apologize? It won’t do! It will be only fair if you offer something of equal value! You will kneel before patriarch Bai and apologize for your arrogant attempt to tarnish his adoptive grandson’s name! And you will apologize to Her Majesty and Princess Kara for wasting their precious time on a deceitful scumbag like you!»

«HOW DARE YOU! LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!» – Herman wailed, turning crimson with anger.

«Well, sorry is just a word. I want something really equal in value!» – Kyon went on with a straight face. – «You will also give up your post of the patriarch!»

The Browns, including Herman, had never seen such insolence. They nearly choked with anger, stuck in the midst of absurdity. How dared he compare his worthless life with the post of a patriarch in the great family?!


Princess Kara tugged her mother by the hem of her skirt. Just look at this little weasel! It was going to be a thrilling show to honor her! She couldn’t wait to watch the old fart (who encroached on the life of her property) humiliate himself, give up the status of the patriarch, or even die of shame! Gods, her slave was such a darling: he knew how to please his princess!

Queen Vlada knew that her daughter wanted to “have some fun” (she wouldn’t mind, either). She waved her hand, releasing a dense, powerful aura that made all those present in the arena breathless. – «Enough!»

Herman shut up in mid-sentence. Everyone was silent, waiting for the queen to speak.

«I’ve made my decision. If Kyon Stone, patriarch Bai’s grandson, turns out to be a liar, he will be executed for his disrespect to the royal family and all the citizens of the kingdom! However, if the accusations happen to be false, Patriarch Brown will pay the price equal to the life of the first ranking family patriarch’s grandson. As the young man said, he will apologize and give up his post of the patriarch.»

Vlada didn’t give a damn about Herman’s authority in the kingdom, his influence, and future “domination” over other non-royal families. Compared to her, he was a dog in front of a tiger. So she decided to spice up this boring tournament with something exciting and offer exciting entertainment for her daughter and herself.

«But…» – Hernan instantly turned and swallowed all his objections under Vlada’s steel gaze. All the Browns heard the queen’s words. Her wish was their command, which meant they could lose the patriarch and be humiliated in front of all Boston.

The oppressive aura had disappeared.

A sigh of relief spread across the stands, and everyone began to discuss what had just happened. No one was any longer sure that Herman’s accusations were true. Anyway, the queen’s decision was only fair. The thrill of the final battles in the tournament was growing.

In fact, even if the queen had ordered Kyon to fight naked, the crowd would have also considered her decision to be absolutely reasonable and justified…

«Patriarch, let me turn him to dust!» – Kiyan Brown, second-best in his family, implored Herman, wishing to avenge his father and all the humiliation the Browns had to endure.

The patriarch would gladly agree, but he could feel the queen give him a warning stare, leaving him drenched in a horrible cold sweat. If he released a bloodthirsty tiger against a field mouse, his reputation and prestige of his family would be ruined forever.

«No, I can’t send you. Cait, it’s your turn! Don’t let us down! Be as hard as nails! The sooner you will kill him, the better!»

«Yes, sir!» – A beautiful fair-haired girl bowed to him.

«One on one! Against the Stones! Cait!» – Herman thundered throughout the arena, announcing the third and the last summoning 1on1.

A seductive young girl with appealing curves jumped from the platform, her long golden hair flowing like sun rays. Kyon rated her sophisticated facial features as 6.5 out of 10, which, all in all, was a great result… Cheers, whistles, and applause from young and not so young spectators only confirmed his assessment.

Cait, nicknamed Hot Sun, was the most popular girl in the Brown family. She was a little spoiled by general attention and adoration. However, her beauty wasn’t the only reason she was so popular. Her cultivation and talent had played a major role in her success. Cait was the fifth in the young Brown generation, and she was two stages stronger than Lee Stone, number one in his family (3.9).

She stood in front of Kyon, charmingly tossing her mane of golden hair behind her shoulder. – «You are so young and undeveloped but have already gained fame that many will envy. What is so special about you other than arrogance and a long tongue?»

Thousands of guys all over the arena put their listening ears, swallowing their jealousy.

«The expression on your face when you’re talking about my long tongue is a bit confusing. Let’s put romance aside and focus on the upcoming battle?»

«Shut up, jerk!» – Cait snapped, her cheeks flushed a pinker hue. His words made her uneasy in front of a huge crowd of people, something which had never happened to her before. – «You have signed your own death warrant. You will know why they call me Hot Sun.»

«Come on, Cait! I love you!» … «Burn the bastard to the ground! Turn him to ashes!» … «You’re the best! Carbonize him! Scatter his ashes on the solstice from the highest mountain in the world!» – The spectators yelled to support their idol.

Kyon had an aha moment. – «I know! They call you so because you are as beautiful and inaccessible as the sun.»

«It’s only half of it… The truth is that no one can touch me without my permission or they will burn to the ground!» – Cait spread her arms and burst into flames like a miniature sun. Fire-resistant clothes saved her fans from possible over-excitement. Her scorching aura burned the skin…

Juno watched the blazing pompous trollop with undisguised hostility. She was so annoying! Her arrogance knew no bounds! Juno would gladly knock her down a notch or two…

Kyon grinned carelessly. – «You know what? You are an empty shell hiding behind a mask of arrogance, an ordinary fool, naively convinced of being irresistible.»

«How dare you talk to lady Cait like this, jerk?!» … «Who do you think you are, underdeveloped skunk?!» … «Incinerate him now, lady Cait!» … «Give him the sun cremation!» – The most ardent fans screamed hysterically, defending their insulted idol.

Cait snorted coldly. – «How can you back up your words? With your death?»

«Wait and see.»josei

Cait rolled her eyes and nodded to the judge.

The judge gave a signal to start the fight. Since Kyon was the last participant, he could be summoned in defense any number of times in a row. The ban on resummoning no longer worked.

Kyon slowly headed toward Cait with a bored expression on his face.

She immediately raised her hands, releasing a column of deep orange flame.

When the heat + the wind elements reached Kyon, they collapsed in a deafening explosion letting off a scorching cloud that could instantly turn flesh to ashes, leaving a heap of charred bones.

{That’s it?! What a weakling! He even didn’t have time to react!} – A strange disappointment stabbed through Cait unexpectedly and inappropriately. – {All talk and no action? Just another big talker…} – She lowered her hands, shutting down the technique, and froze in surprise, not believing her eyes.

Kyon’s silhouette loomed in the center of the fiery cloud, slowly but steadily approaching her, completely unscathed. He didn’t seem to mind the raging flame around him.

«How is it possible?!» – Cait cried out.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators gasped at the scene that defied common sense. Only the Stones, who had witnessed his battle with Yegorka didn’t look surprised, even if they had no explanation for this phenomenon.

«Huh?!» – Kara raised her delicate, graceful eyebrows, looking totally perplexed. When she fought with him, Kyon used the damned fire-resistant green skin and the cold elements, but she couldn’t see either at the moment! Even if he were using the cold, it would be of no help against the direct collision with the extreme heat, especially given that his opponent was 12 stages stronger than him!

{I… I don’t understand… How can he ignore the flames? What a cheeky trick! Has he always had this incredible skill?! Then why did he block my flame as if here were scared?! Or… What if… Was it just a game?!} – The princess thought she knew her slave too well and made the same mistake twice: she had underestimated him again! She felt angry, frustrated, and yet she couldn’t help admiring her slave!

The sect envoys, Fernand and Vlada closely watched the battle.

{My element of heat does him no harm?!} – Cait refused to admit it. She used then the fire vortex technique, enveloping Kyon with a five-meter hurricane of flame, much more powerful than the usual combination of heat + wind.

It was a failure again. Kyon kept casually approaching her with the same deadpan expression on his face. He looked bored and indifferent as if she was just an annoying child he had to deal with.

«Don’t underestimate me!» – Cait screamed angrily and launched a fiery fist in his head.

Before she knew it, her target blurred, and something whistled through the air to her left…


The slap found its target.

Kyon spotted her literally scorching hot bottom next to himself and gave her a nice kick, sending everyone’s darling flying. In other words, he returned the sun to heaven…

The humiliating scene and the loud smacking sound were like a balm to Juno’s soul. A happy smile played across her pink lips. All her pain was instantly gone.

Cait’s fans jumped from their seats, howling like wounded animals, grabbing their heads.

Herman and many others could not believe what had just happened. Only a few people had cultivation strong enough to understand what was going on.

Cait nearly died of embarrassment. She had been kicked in front of hundreds of thousands of people! How could he be so fast for his level of cultivation? How did he manage not to get burned? Her unique body of the bright sun gave serious burns even to equal opponents within a meter radius. And he only got his shoes burned!

The truth is that carbon skin is not only ultra-strong, it also has a low thermal diffusivity, comparable to that of adamantium. Kyon’s skin didn’t warm up / cool down when it came into contact with matter, and even if it did, then the cold / heat element helped him keep the temperature balanced. In combination with the vacuum barrier, his protection had become even more effective.

«You’ve signed your own death warrant, boy!» – Cait hissed viciously. She was still wreathed in flame when she drew a long blazing sword.

Thousands of experts gasped. Cait used the Burning Beam only when she was determined to give it her absolute everything! He managed to psych her out in a heartbeat! Was it justified, or was it another cheeky provocation?

Kyon pulled out the perfectly black Scourge from the ring and beckoned Cait with a quick bend of two fingers. The twelve stages of the difference in power did not bother him.

«Do you think you’re really cool? What are you trying to prove? Let’s see how you like it!» – She ran her fingers along the blade, covering it with her blood. The flame around the sword got colored with a blood-red hue, swirling into a dense whirlwind that snaked around the weapon. Within a five-meter radius, the air was shimmering, distorted by extremely high temperatures. Under these conditions, the flesh would turn into ashes, ice or water into steam, and stone into magma. This ultimate technique could only be used once a day.

Cait rushed forward and stabbed Kyon in the chest.

«Solar flare!» – Her sword turned into a dazzling scarlet ray, so swift and dangerous that it could kill even those in the noble phase.

Kyon ignored the heat. He sent some dust in Cait’s eyes and hit with the 100-kilogram sword at the most vulnerable spot near her wrist, knocking the weapon out of her hands.

Before she knew it, there was the pointed tip of the sword near her neck, and the icy voice, devoid of any emotions said:

«Give up, or you’ll die.»

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