Everything will be my way!

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Meanwhile, Herman knelt down in front of Bai and his grandson, and remained silent for a long time, his dead, empty eyes staring at the floor. He was hoping he could handle the shame, but he couldn’t. He was losing it.

The patriarch whispered barely audible:

«I… I apologize… for…»

«Stop mumbling like a little girl! Apologize properly, lying scum!» – Kyon interrupted him with undisguised scorn. He would never miss an opportunity to get some darkness in his nucleus.

Gloating laughter rolled down somewhere from the Stone zone.

A corpulent spectator in the stands didn’t only weigh but also laughed for ten people.

Herman couldn’t breathe, he wheezed as if struck by some terrible disease. His face took an unhealthy shade of grey, his bulging eyes popped out of their orbits. Suddenly, everyone with cultivation at least a stage stronger than Hernan’s could feel that he had become a stage weaker. It was so humiliating that patriarch Brown felt like he had soiled his pants in public.

His family members pitied him, taking their eyes away and hiding their faces in embarrassment.

«Gods, is it really great patriarch Brown?» – Kyon winced squeamishly.

The audience in the Stone zone was rolling in the aisles. The Browns would gladly tear Kyon apart with their bare hands for his big, dirty mouth, but they didn’t have the courage to protest in public. The head of their family had to apologize… He was guilty.

Kara hid her dazzling smile behind her little hand, unable to hold back the inappropriate giggle. Her trembling big breasts kept happy the men sitting in her vicinity. She appreciated her cunning slave for taunting the pathetic old fart. He was better than any demon in this regard! So evil, rude, tricky, and shameless! The arrogant old man had even lost a stage of cultivation because of him. What a shame!

Strangely enough, Juno smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. It delighted her to watch Kyon make sport of patriarch Brown, the longtime enemy of the Stone family, who brought them nothing but trouble.

Vlada managed to maintain an impartial image of a stern and fair queen.

«I apologize…» – Herman said through gritted teeth. – «for falsely accusing your grandson…»

«Apology accepted.» – Bai waved him off wearily and headed for his platform, Lovr followed him. If he could have it his way, he’d keep taunting the fucking old man until the latter died…

After that, Herman apologized to the royal family, took an oath that he would resign as patriarch as soon as the tournament was over, and returned to the Browns’ platform, keeping his head down.

«Father, are you alright?..» – Usually nonchalant Timothy asked him in a slightly concerned tone.

«Kill him… I beg you to kill him… I don’t often ask you to do anything for me. Please, butcher him the most cruel way…» – Herman whispered fervently, as treacherous tears began welling up in his eyes.

«I will.» – Timothy nodded calmly and jumped off the platform, gently landing on the arena. His elegant aura of the fifth stage in the noble phase spread everywhere, shocking everyone with its power. His cultivation was stunning for his age. He was only 17 years old and not even from the royal family!

«Two on two, against the Stones. I am fighting him!» – Timothy announced loudly instead of Herman.

The judge accepted the summon, pointing to the Stones.

Kyon stood in front of Timothy, frowning glumly. The eighteen stages of the difference in strength was an insurmountable abyss between the opponents. There was no chance of winning against a MUCH stronger adversary. Kyon had no choice but to do the impossible.

XiaoBai prayed with all his heart for the profitable outcome of the battle.

When Juno felt Timothy’s aura, she started nervously shifting from foot to foot.

Diana was worried sick about her son.

Bai nervously locked his fingers together. He couldn’t understand why he would bother about someone who had killed Dinah and brought the family a lot of trouble. Bai didn’t see it coming. He didn’t think he would ever worry about that “demon.”

Vlada knew that Kyon wasn’t stupid. He would most likely give up at the most critical moment. She would only have to intervene and save him if she had to…

Gina and Lana were closely watching the unfolding events. They were curious to see what this insolent and reckless boy was going to do. Until now, he had managed to get away with it only thanks to his sharp mind and ingenuity.

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting.

Kyon nodded to the judge to announce the beginning of the battle.

Timothy turned into an indistinguishable blur, rapidly moving towards Kyon.

In a split second, Kyon took the grenade out of his ring and threw it right at Timothy’s head… A moment later, another one… He knew that he wouldn’t stand even five blows if Timothy got any closer. His attack would be Kyon’s death.

Instead of getting down, Timothy jumped to the right.


The grenade detonated directly at the place where his ear should have been. If Timothy had moved his head to the side (as Kyon expected), he would have had at least a slight concussion. Ideally, he might have died. The shards of the grenade just shattered against the air barrier that Timothy had prudently created in advance.

{Careful bastard…} – Kyon cursed, annoyed. He was lucky that all his previous opponents were reckless idiots with a little brain. This dude didn’t underestimate him even despite his arrogance. He had activated a barrier in advance. Bravo.

A few more explosions didn’t let Timothy anywhere near Kyon.josei

Kyon threw five grenades at once: to the left, to the right, in a straight line, and two of them to fall from above. Timothy wouldn’t be able to dodge from this net. It was intended to make the opponent jump back.

But contrary to expectations, Timothy rushed forward.


Five explosions blasted simultaneously behind his back. The pale judge felt relieved that he was outside the protective barrier this time.

Kyon continued throwing grenades, keeping Timothy away. His opponent had his head screwed right. He was no fool, acting in a creative and unpredictable way. Kyon might run out of the grenades soon.

Timothy decided that it couldn’t go on like this. He took a handful of basic grade spheres out of his ring and began to flick them into the “firecrackers”, blowing them up in flight. This strategy worked perfectly!

The blatant waste of money made XiaoBai jump from his seat. He swore so angrily that a few spectators next to him recorded some particularly eloquent phrases. The tight-fisted guy hated Timothy to the bone.

Timothy gradually reduced the distance with his opponent, quickly destroying all the shells, when he nearly missed the moment when Kyon threw a curve…


At the last moment, he managed to jump a few meters back…

{What a pesky thing?!} – Timothy thought, annoyed. His ears didn’t stop ringing.

Firing spheres was no longer effective since the explosive firecrackers could suddenly change their direction, catching him by surprise.

Kyon had only a dozen grenades left. It sucked.

{To the hell with it.} – Although Timothy had no doubt that the explosion wouldn’t kill him, nor would it cause any serious injury, he decided not to risk the already precarious family situation and his plans for Juno.

Timothy took a run-up and created a bright, sparkling ball of lightning in his hand. A dangerous crackling sound rumbled across the arena. His technique was many times more powerful than that of Juno. Besides, it took him half a second to create it, using a minimum of energy compared to Juno, who had to put much more effort into it.

The charge beam was an elementary, basic technique in Timothy’s arsenal.

Like a ball launcher, Timothy threw the ball at the opponent.

The tangle of lightning cut through the air at great speed, leaving bright sparks, distorting the space, and filling the air with the characteristic smell of ozone.

Vlada and the other influential observers were about to intervene and save the heavenly genius’s life when they noticed a confident smile playing across his lips, which changed their minds.


When the ball hit Kyon, it exploded in a dazzling flash of numerous electric discharges that reached their target. Even noble phasers might get their internal organs fried after that.

When everyone recovered after the flash, they saw Kyon totally unscathed. Throughout the audience, jaws dropped to the floor and eyes popped wide.

{He doesn’t burn in the fire, he doesn’t freeze in ice, lightning does him no harm, either!} – Kara bit her full lip, caught up in the thrill of the moment. She wanted to find out the secret of Kyon’s incredible and downright outrageous resistance to the elements and learn how to do it herself!

Juno gritted her teeth with envy. She suddenly thought of the vacuum barrier that Lovr’s master had told her about. It must be the secret ingredient if his success. She had these thoughts during his battle with Cait. She had to put to good use the knowledge of that high-tech world and get stronger!

All of a sudden, Timothy found himself walking in the shoes of all the Browns before him, who had failed to defeat Kyon neither with the heat nor with the cold elements. However, he managed to get all the unwanted emotions under control, carefully analyzed the situation, and decided to engage his ultimate technique with a big rollback. He should hit from a certain distance to reduce the risk, though. Was Timothy ashamed of being so cautious when fighting with a wimp? Not at all. He didn’t give a damn about what other people thought. Winning was the only thing that mattered, and he would whatever it took to win.

He traced a half-meter sphere at his chest with his hands, and there appeared a bright blue sun that was glaring with millions of electric sparks. After that, he infused it with the darkness element… The bright blue flashes took a dark purple hue, the trajectory of their movements no longer resembled electrical discharges, rather the swaying of thousands graceful tiny tentacles. The sphere made a dull, unpleasant noise; its aura gave the shudders to almost everyone in the audience. Their mood had dropped dramatically, thoughts of suicide and not only that started running through their heads…

The Browns’ eyes lit up. It was the first time they had seen this kind of technique. Kyon Stone stood no chance! It was the end of him, no doubt about that!

Herman rejoiced. He knew about his son’s feature, and it was incredibly powerful! According to Timothy, anyone hit by the Wrath of the Evil God was doomed to a terrible death: the nerve endings would be slowly rotting until the body died from a pain shock. Patriarch Brown might quench his rage after all.

Finally, the purple ball had formed. Timothy spun around like a professional shot-putter and threw the sphere at his opponent. The sphere went straight and true to its target, leaving the opponent no time to flee.

Kyon threw several grenades at the sphere, but they unsuccessfully detonated a meter away because of the damned dark-violet sparks scattering in all directions…

{What shall I do?} – A panicky thought flashed across Kyon’s mind. His unique body was whispering something, but there was no time to listen to it… He analyzed the situation. The sphere wasn’t flying in a straight line, it aimed directly at his feet. There was no way he could dodge, only try and get as far away from the epicenter as possible. But there was a problem: if a shadow of fear or concern reflected on his face, if he tried to run away, then someone from the mighty five would intervene in the battle, and he would lose all his money because he would be disqualified for the external intervention.

Vlada, Nargise, Seva, FatTso, and Fernand really intended to immediately stop the battle and save Kyon when they saw his well-known confident grin. They used to take it for empty boasting, but then they understood it meant that Kyon had everything under control. It might seem absurd, but all the five had changed their mind at once… Or their bodies refused to follow the commands of their minds as if they subconsciously knew that it would only make things worse for the genius boy and his family, which would ruin their possible relationship.

Kyon took a reckless risk. He knew that electricity was the conductor of the darkness element in Timothy’s technique, that’s why he had three reasons to believe he could beat this: 1) the insulation barrier blocked 99% of the electric charge; 2) the vacuum barrier didn’t offer matter for the charge to flow; 3) carbon skin was a poor conductor.

However, the direct collision with the sphere was too risky, so Kyon pulled the adamant shield (the one he had created in the battle with Kiyan) from behind and threw it towards the frightening dark technique…

The shield collided with the dark violet ball three meters away from Kyon. An unprecedented power exploded out in an instant, leaving a ten-meter purple electric cloud. An intense crackling hum reverberated throughout the arena, making the thick protective barrier vibrate helplessly.

Only a little part of the whole technique had reached Kyon. However, the purple lightning that looked like living tentacles had freely passed through the vacuum barrier and the isolation and invaded his body through the skin pores, after which it attacked the nervous system. The pain spiked with such intensity that Lovr nearly lost consciousness… An instant later, the effect completely disappeared. His body suffered significant damage. If he hadn’t upgraded his nervous system back in the mine or hadn’t thrown the shield, Kyon would most likely have died instantly. What a nightmare!

Kyon was slightly shocked. He had read piles of books, had made a series of experiments, but the element of darkness was still a mystery for him. It seemed to have a mind of its own! Somehow, this pest had figured it out to open the pores to get inside… Fortunately, the gluttonous sphere of darkness quickly absorbed the self-similar attribute, transforming it into its own energy and canceling any effects. Kyon decided to be careful with the light and the darkness elements in the future, even when using vacuum barriers.

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