Everything will be my way!

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

The call from the formation permeated his entire mind, forcing him to follow the queen’s insinuating voice. Her voice must be a trigger for hypnotic suggestions.

Kyon looked at the insidious seductive woman with cloudy eyes.

«Where shall I begin?» – Vlada muttered thoughtfully. She approached Kyon and took the ring off his finger to check its contents. She didn’t find anything interesting, though, apart from three firecrackers and a black sword.

«Where’s the money you got from the phoenix?» – The queen asked Kyon.

«I gave it to my brother XiaoBai. He promised to multiply my profit in a year. I tend to trust him.» – Kyon replied impassively.

The queen was a little disappointed. She took the explosives, anyway, to study the technology that was used to create them. If it was possible to copy it, the demons might gain an advantage over their enemies. If only she knew Kyon’s opinion on this matter… After that, Vlada took the sword and checked its condition. Everything about it, its strength, sharpness, craftsmanship, was worthless.

In fact, the real Scourge, firearms, bullets, poisons, and everything that demons should not see was in the ring under Kyon’s skin wrapped in the impenetrable cloth. The ring that fell into Vlada’s hands was a fake used for distraction.

Vlada put the curiosities in her ring and sat in the chair opposite Kyon. – «To begin with, tell me how you found out about the secret passageways?»

«My grandfather has ties in the Department of Security. I used my status of the patriarch’s grandson and did my research.» – Kyon said in a careless tone.

Vlada snorted. She had completely forgotten that these pathetic human beings love to build all sorts of mazes and secret passages. And the most frustrating was that the high ranking investigators were fully informed about all of them! How dared they open her palace to the public? She would have to do something about it and soon.

«Alright, next question. Why are you so certain that you are a goddess’s son? Is she still looking out for you? Have you ever met?»

«I can still see her angelic face among the images imprinted in my mind… I know, no, I feel that she is my mother and a goddess at the same time even if we have never met. She might be looking out for me, but I can’t say for sure…»

Vlada didn’t doubt that Kyon was telling the truth, but she didn’t quite trust his memories. She took out a key purity checker to get some facts straight and found out that the total purity of his keys was 900 points out of 900 possible.

{Oh, Persephone, it’s incredible!} – The queen was shocked to the core. Only divine creatures had the gift of cleaning the keys. There was no doubt, Kyon was a human goddess’s son!

Vlada started worrying that the goddess might avenge her son in the future, but there were a few facts that calmed her down. First, gods had a principle not to interfere in human affairs, otherwise, the world would plummet into chaos. Second, rejected kids didn’t enjoy their parents’ protection, such were the ancient traditions. Third, there was still a lot of time until goddess Danna day. She was unlikely to watch him constantly, so Vlada had enough time to return to the demon empire where Persephone, the goddess of demons, ruled. Her Excellence would definitely protect the demon emperor’s future wife from any danger. The principle of non-interference in the affairs of the inferior races was on her side.

Besides, Kara had already enchanted Kyon with a curse, there was no turning back. It wouldn’t get any worse, anyway. The boy was on the hook, and his love had entered the chronic stage. There was no use crying over spilt milk. It was time to move on and never look back.

{This human’s potential is limitless.} – Vlada admitted, thrilled, her heavy breasts trembling excitedly. His cultivation speed must be amazing. Why “must be,” though? He had completed the entire phase in a couple of months (from the party till the tournament)! If he had enough resources for cultivating his unique body and soul, in 20-30 years, he would become one of the most powerful people in this world! It might be a smart decision to marry her daughter off to this genius monster! But… But it was impossible, absolutely impossible! She couldn’t let someone who would lead them all to destruction claim the throne of the demon race…josei

It was pretty sad that Kyon had no chances with Kara, but if he was truly and madly in love with her, it was no biggie. He would become her faithful slave! The subjugating formation was already on his forehead, anyway. Vlada’s bad mood had instantly perked up. There was no need to change plans. She still felt a little sad for the gifted boy: the girl he loved was going to marry the future emperor of demons, give him heirs, and love him with all her heart… As for Kyon, he was going to be a miserable sex slave, an instrument to satisfy his mistress’s sexual appetite. He wasn’t destined to spill his seed in the womb of the woman he loved. A tragic fate was awaiting the poor thing.

Anyway, Vlada couldn’t care less about Kyon’s feelings. Everything worked out perfectly well for her! The only question she had was how else she could use the gifted monster to benefit the demon empire.

{Human goddess’s blood flows in his veins. It’s precious blood…} – Vlada was deep in thought, tapping her fingers against her bare knee.

Pure bloodline and high quality of blood were for demons above anything else. Sleeping with a mid-ranking demon was considered indelibly disgraceful, and having sex with lower demons was worse than death. If even a drop of human goddess’s blood flowed in the veins of her descendants, it would have a beneficial effect on their talent…

The queen smiled greedily. Astarte, the heiress of the great succubi family, would give everything in the world for the boy’s talent. Vlada imagined all the intrigues she could plot using this knowledge… Or she could sign a profitable contract with some perverted family, say, for a hundred years! Gods, it sounded tempting! Vlada was going to consider this great idea a bit later. One thing was clear: the boy was a gift from heaven that fell into her hands!

«Where are your adoptive parents, Kyon? You’ve become a Stone quite recently, after all. Where and with whom did you live before that?» – Vlada asked, curious about the past of this mysterious boy.

Lovr quickly made up a story of his adoption by rather poor people, which was the reason why he couldn’t connect with his spirit until recently.

Vlada thought about the goddess’s choice. Her decision seemed rather stupid. She could have sent her son to the elite family of the human race, where they gave him a proper upbringing and provided him with everything he needed to have a great future. But digging deeper, Vlada could see that his mother’s decision revealed the depth of her care: she let her son see life in all its diversity, from the bottom to the top; she gave him the freedom of choice, used difficult trials to mold him before he emerged from the shadows. All this had made him even more ambitious, which he had proved during the tournament… And when he was trying to make Kara his, too.

In the end, Vlada was quite comfortable in her decision.

«Your mother is wise, but you were unlucky enough to fall into the wrong hands.» – Vlada said in a low voice and gently stroked Kyon’s cheek, feigning sympathy.

An expectant smile played on her lips. – «Now, tell me if you can really make a copy nephrite of your mother’s legacy.»

«I can.» – Kyon nodded reluctantly, wincing as if from a cracked tooth under the influence of the formation.

Was he willing to exchange his heritage for Kara? What a fool! A stupid, naive fool! She was going to make him deliver everything for free! For some reason, Vlada felt immensely pleased to have this fool-in-love wrapped around her finger. He reminded her of those happy days when she ripped off a wealthy human emperor, enchanting him with her beauty and deceiving him with false promises. It was unforgettable! Exciting. Thrilling.

Vlada took an empty nephrite and put it in Kyon’s hand, carelessly patting him on the head as if he were her obedient puppy. – «Copy the movement technique that you used in the tournament. Humor your Empress.» – She made him move over and sat next to him, almost on his lap, enveloping him in her magnetic, seductive scent, oozing with pheromones. Vlada must have never heard of discretion or the idea of personal space.

Kyon could feel the warmth of her body even though her thin nightie, he felt her powerful soul, her imperious disposition behind her perverted demonic character. She could kill him in a split second if she wanted to. It was an extremely unpleasant experience, even if Lovr was only pretending to be helpless. Vlada somehow reminded him of his hated female master, and it was depressing…

Kyon stared blankly at the cloudy green sphere, releasing vibrations of pure energy until there appeared a formation inside the nephrite that looked like little bubbles endlessly circling in the glass ball.

Vlada grabbed the sphere greedily and checked its contents. Her smile disappeared as soon as she realized what was inside. She gave Kyon a piercing icy-cold glance and grabbed him by the chin. – «How dare you resist the order of your empress?!» – She hissed furiously. Her dense aura could crush even a royal phaser, considering the absence of distance between them.

Kyon’s formation inside the sphere was as follows: “I am not giving you anything until I have my beloved Kara. She is the light in this dark world. I am not going to lose my only hope, even if heaven is against me.”

«You are not the empress of my heart.» – Kyon answered in a calm, quiet voice.

Vlada could feel a vein throbbing in her temple. – «I order you to copy the movement technique in this nephrite.» – The queen repeated her order firmly, placing another sphere in his hand.

Kyon turned a steely gaze toward her. – «Not A Chance.» – Kyon snapped his fingers, and the nephrite crumbled to dust.

Vlada’s enchanting eyes bulged out in surprise. She never dreamed that someone would have the guts to refuse her, especially when she was sitting so close! What a daredevil! Vlada had always admired his resilience, but now she faced the other side of his indomitable spirit. How could he resist the orders of the formation?! She was a formacist of the 3d rank, one of the best in the whole empire! Her technique of subjugating humans the best of the demon race heritage! Why was he so strong?!

Vlada gave him a resounding slap across the face. – «Vile miscreant! I order you to stop considering your heritage as something important! I command you to see Kara in me! Now copy the movement technique in this sphere. Make your dear Kara happy!» – Vlada finished impatiently with greedy sparkles in her eyes, handing him another nephrite.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Kyon clenched the sphere in his fist and shattered it into pieces. Then he said adamantly:

«Nothing in the world will make me lose my only chance to win the girl of dreams. You’re wasting your time, Your Majesty.»

Vlada looked shocked for a brief moment, thoughtfully playing with a lock of her hair. As far as she knew, resisting formations was immensely difficult. It required a monstrous will and fortitude. It wasn’t the first time that this cheeky brat had set up for her an unforgettable emotional experience. She still laughed every time she remembered the scene with Herman. Kyon’s self-confidence had ignited Vlada’s interest.

{What shall I do with this naughty goddess’s offspring?} – Vlada wondered, stroking Kyon’s handsome face. He looked really impressive… Her thumb gently ran over his soft lips. She started to understand what would be a perfect way to end her day.

Before Kyon knew it, Vlada’s warm full lips touched his. Her kiss was so gentle, and the situation was so unusual that his heart fluttered with excitement against his will. Her magnetic scent penetrated his nostrils, making his blood boil. Was this treacherous seductive MILF really after him? Why would she?!

Kyon felt her domineering and surprisingly long tongue invade his mouth, so playful and determined, flexible and wet, so weirdly exciting. It briskly reached his deep throat and danced delicately as if probing the soil, then it appreciatingly tickled his palate and teased his tongue.

Kyon convulsively tensed his whole body and relaxed again as if she were trying to drag his soul out of him. He had never experienced anything like this before. His hands reflexively hugged the queen’s thin waist and pulled her closer to him. Her huge taut breasts pressed into his chest as she arched her back gracefully. However, the moment his hands touched her desired butt, it got seized by an inexplicable spasm…

Kyon realized that Vlada wasn’t going to let him get handsy with her and decided to attack her differently, invade the demonic body with his tongue… It was futile. Vlada bit the uninvited guest, showing him his place. She would let him do only what she wanted him to do. He had no choice in the matter. It was pretty unusual and weird for Lovr not to be able to control this sensual process. And rather humiliating.

A few endless minutes later, when Kyon almost forgot how to breathe, two pointed peaks crowning the marshmallow breasts of the excited demoness pricked his chest. She sucked on his lips, greedily taking in a considering portion of his saliva with a drop of blood.

Kyon sagged against the chair, breathing heavily and staring at the ceiling. He had gained an indelible experience. He had no more strength to resist, and to be honest, he didn’t really want to. What was going on here, anyway? How long was she going to violate his mouth? He wanted to be in control, at least of something…

With the air of an experienced gourmet, Vlada clicked her tongue and sexually licked her scarlet, swollen lips. There was still his blood all over them. – «Kara’s curse definitely works. It turned out that my suspicions were unfounded. And yet, you have an iron will, honey.»

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