Everything will be my way!

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

A majestic temple of indescribable beauty towered over the surrounding plateau at the top of the gigantic mountain that penetrated dense, snow-white clouds floating around it. The temple was built in the antique style. The colossal columns of emerald marble and the crystal statues of beautiful naked maidens framed the structure, creating a truly extraterrestrial atmosphere. The endless peaceful landscapes suggested the idea that this place was a truly divine abode.

Inside the temple, a lovely lady was sitting on a soft throne encrusted with precious stones. She was wearing a white, satin robe, accentuating her slender body. Her dark long, slightly tousled hair hung in loose curls down her shapely, perky breasts, and her beautiful, albeit indifferent face with a small pointy nose and piercing eyes seemed deep in thought.

A stately gentleman with a powerful physique was lying at her slender legs. Several years ago, he ruled an entire kingdom until he met her. He was instantly captivated by her charm, voice, looks, and character… Before he knew it, the king completely lost his mind and gave her his heart. Unfortunately, she never returned his feelings, and soon the former king realized that he was not destined to be the one, but he was given an important mission that made him feel happy up to this day. Sometimes, when the goddess was in the mood, he was allowed to massage her divinely soft, perfect feet. That’s what the former king was doing now.

This domineering lady, famous all over the world, was Lana, the matriarch of the Dance sect, sect number one in the whole world. Her immense power, charming appearance, irresistible charisma, and strong personality made kings and emperors bow to her and even fall in love with her.


Lana activated her sound transmitter.

«Your Excellency!» – Her envoy Seva sounded really guilty. – «I have followed your instructions, but there was no trace of Kyon Stone left. Even Patriarch Stone knows nothing about his whereabouts.»

Lana pushed her arched eyebrows together, visibly displeased. Her frightening aura sent energy ripples through the air inside the temple. With a light kick, she sent the former king into a flight, and he landed right at the open entrance gate.

«My lady, I suspect that the genius boy has already chosen the Fat sect. Envoy FatTso has been seen leaving Boston in a hurry. I can go after him and…»

«There’s no need for this. The fat guy has figured out the boy’s game. He wasn’t going to join any sect. His letters were nothing but a distraction. I have seen enough at the tournament to determine his free-loving spirit and reluctance to obey. His carefully planned appearance and elusive retreat proved him to be a creature of logic and calculation. I suppose he was pursuing a specific goal at the tournament, and it wasn’t to find a patron. I think he wanted to make a statement, create an impression that would benefit him in the future.»

Unlike her sworn enemy Gina, Lana could see through people without resorting to logical analysis. She had already drawn some conclusions about Kyon after watching him at the tournament.

«Report to me if any unusual incidents occur in Rosarrio. We will hear of the ambitious goddess’s messenger sooner or later, and it’s our job to catch this goldfish before anyone else.»

«Yes, Your Excellency!»

Somewhere over a hundred thousand kilometers away, the bright starry sky and two large moons shrouded in a green mystery of the northern lights illuminated a very similar temple, captivating with its beauty. This heavenly place must have been created for gods, no less.

In the temple, a fabulously fair maiden was sitting on a soft throne, entwined in a flowering vining plant. Her charm was beyond this sinful world. She was the embodiment of divine purity and virtue. The Universe itself had gone all out to endow her with such impeccable beauty.

Gina was wearing a white ankle-length robe. The sight of her bare delicate ankles and gracious long neck could make any man hers, but Gina hated the opposite sex. Her long blond fell down her firm, pointed up breasts. Her green eyes were partly closed, which gave them languishing and almost sleepy softness. josei

Gina, the matriarch of the Virgo sect, was famous all over the world for her beauty, cruel disposition towards men and unbridled power that could cast down clouds, devastate vast forests, and turn mountains to dust. Only a few would dare to meet her eyes.


Gina activated her sound transmitter.

«Your Excellency.» – Her envoy Nargise said in awe. – «We haven’t found any trace of Kyon Stone. The Stones haven’t heard of him either. His hiding skills are amazing. I suspect that he has chosen the Fat sect as the fat envoy left Boston in a hurry.»

The matriarch slowly opened her eyes, shining with a mystical green light. – «You’re mistaken. If the goddess’s messenger had conspired with the fat guys, FatTso wouldn’t have been in a hurry. He would have left without arousing anyone’s suspicions. I think it’s something else…» – There was a long pause before Gina continued. Unlike Lana, she didn’t read people like open books. She preferred to put logic first.

«What is it? Please, pardon my curiosity…» – Nargise hastened to add.

Gina’s voice had a new hard edge that sent shivers down Nargise’s spine. – «If you had watched the tournament more closely, you would have noticed that each Kyon Stone’s victory made certain patriarchs ashen pale. By the end of the tournament, the most impressionable of them had to be carried on the stretcher after a complete emotional collapse. Huge sums a lot of money must have been at stake, probably with considerable leverage. In anticipation of his imminent victory, the boy made deals with numerous families of the kingdom and bankrupted them all. Doesn’t it speak of his shrewdness and remarkable intellect? Do you think he would waste so much time and effort to rob a relatively poor kingdom if he was looking for a patron?»

Nargise found himself at a loss for words. – «No… Of course, not!» – Tears of respect and admiration for the leader of her beloved sect welled up in her eyes.

«Exactly. The boy is too cunning and careful. We are unlikely to trace his payments, but we will try. He is over ambitious and independent, so you’d better pay close attention to the imperial order, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Finance. If some extraordinary and ambitious young talent appears in the above structures, no matter under what name or image, get all possible information about him and report to me at once.»

«Yes, Your Excellency…» – Nargise replied in an awed whisper.

A day before these conversations took place.

A huge meatball-like young man gave his companion a bone-crushing hug. – «My little brother, my soul mate, you have won the tournament just as you promised! Thanks to you, I have earned such amounts of money that I couldn’t even dream of! Why, oh why it’s Cornelia who wants to marry me, not you?! Why…» – He gave a strangled cry before bursting into tears.

It came as a complete shock for Kyon, to say the least. For the first time in his life, he felt like the most important person in the world, not for some beautiful girl in love, but for his greedy adopted brother!

The light nucleus was spinning wildly: 1 … 3 … 5 … 15 … 30 turns! Kyon’s suspicions confirmed. Emotions had one convenient property: they could accumulate in the soul. For example, Juno had been thinking of Lovr all night long, and as soon as the “trigger” in the form of a confession was released, all her gratitude streamed to the right place. A similar situation happened to the fat brother. He realized what had happened, accumulating bright feelings in his soul, and as soon as he raised this topic, they all went to Kyon.

All of the above means that the Lovr doesn’t have to be in the center of the events to harvest the emotions. He could do it later, triggering an intense emotional response, either negative or positive, and all the accumulated emotions would stream to his nuclei. Kyon had found out that the necessary distance for this was no more than a hundred meters.

Kyon wondered what if it was karma at work. Say, after death, the highest heavenly court counts the emotions the soul has experienced. If light emotions prevail, the next life will be happy, if dark feelings prevail, the next life will be miserable and wretched. At the same time, the system doesn’t allow emotions from the same actions twice. If the repetition occurs, it doesn’t feel anything.

{Why would gods set up a system like this? Who needs the gods that create a piece of shit.} – Lovr thought that hardened robbers who enjoyed their way of life would avoid negative karma, but those who stole out of hunger wouldn’t. XiaoBai had filled his light nucleus by 30% with gratitude for robbing the entire kingdom, in fact.

Kyon might have considered himself in debt if he wasn’t sure that the stolen money would benefit everyone in the future. All the affected families would live much better when he got stronger.

The light feelings had enveloped his whole being. Kyon had to shake his consciousness with Synergy to wake up. He had recently completed the 1st stage of the unique body, and the light nucleus was already 45% full! XiaoBai’s gratitude was truly unlimited. It was even greater than that of Byron, who had almost single-handedly filled Kyon’s entire nucleus of light after he helped Byron to kill his brother.

«All right, brother, stop crying on my shoulder. Tell me when you are going to get the money. And when will I get my package?»

Kyon was planning to get 10 million spheres on his account for the blackmail. Together with the money received from the bets, it would exceed a hundred million spheres! Any non-royal family of the Iron Throne could only dream of such money.

XiaoBai wiped away his tears and sniffed. His red, tear-stained face looked rather funny, albeit scary. It wasn’t a sight for the faint-hearted. – «You will get the package these days, the money transfer will take about a few months. Those who dare to delay payment will face the best corrupted court system in the kingdom. I can guarantee that the fat brotherhood will fight for each sphere to death! I will have the whole sum in six months max. It will come to my trade guild account. You have the token and the necessary information, so you can use it anytime. It’s all yours. I have already invested my share.»

«Do you understand that the Fat sect that has contact with the trade guild will guess that we are closely connected? How else would you know that the Stones were going to win?»

«Uhm… You’re my brother, so it’s a small wonder…» – XiaoBai scratched his head.

«We will do it like this: redirect the entire financial flow from your Boston cell to Dantes. Let’s expand their search area from Boston to the whole empire.»

«No problem, brother! It’s your right to stay in the shadows. But how are you going to pay for your daily expenses? They will track you, sure as eggs.»

«They won’t, believe me. By the way, when they start asking you about me in the Fat sect, don’t deny our friendship. You can even say that you are my patron! It will guarantee you a bright future in the sect. They will appreciate and cherish you because you are the goddess’s messenger friend and sponsor.»

«Yeah… I will.» – XiaoBai remembered that he was leaving for distant lands with FatTso and became sad. – «Fucking Cornelia… It’s all because of her. How could she set me up like that? I didn’t want to go to any sect, but she decided everything for me… It’s unfair! She never listens to me! Brother, you swore to save me from her when the tournament is over. It’s time to keep your promise!» – Tears of resentment welled up in his little piggy eyes.

His insistent request left Kyon somewhat confused. – «Uhm… Why don’t you like Cornelia? She is beautiful and quite nice.»

When Lovr noticed XiaoBai shudder and turn pale from these words, he hastened to add:

«I’m sorry bro. I’ve been too busy lately, you know. I will take care of her later.»

«Swear to me you will!» – XiaoBai grasped his brother by the shoulder and shook him.

«I swear…»

A few minutes later, they shook hands, wished each other success and said goodbye. They wouldn’t see each other for at least a few years.

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