Everything will be my way!

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

«Well, tell me how many points you got? What’s your room number?» – The leader of the fan club asked with a bit of curiosity and brotherly concern.

Alex’s face darkened. He heaved a sigh and took out his black uniform.

Artemis made a wry face. – «Fuckng little shit, you have disgraced me! How could you get less than eighty points with your talent?»

«I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault! I lost fifteen points because of the sick freak! I could have lived on the fourth floor if he hadn’t set me up! Right, guys?» – Alex looked at the new students standing behind him.

The boys nodded in agreement. They were in no hurry to enter the dorm because of Alex, or rather the chance to take revenge on the freak for their ragged nerves and wet pants.

The next few minutes, Alex Grand, supported by “the 300 sufferers,” told his big brother an eloquent story about humpback the 301st and his tricks at the entrance exam. He did his best to make Artemis feel sorry for him and motivate him into action. Still, his brother’s reaction did not satisfy Alex, so he specifically mentioned that the freak was accommodated in room number 1 after he cheated to get 100 points.

When Kara’s fans heard this news, they went ballistic.

«The bastard will live in the prince’s room?» – Artemis stamped his foot and shouted angrily. His henchmen looked equally furious with their red faces and blood-shot eyes, their fists clenched tight, ready to batter the jerk. They were boiling with rage! Some show-off dared to live above them? An unforgivable audacity!

«The bastard doesn’t give a shit about Cernos prestige! He also has sentenced my little brother to life in the basement like a lousy gutter rat!» – Artemis exclaimed vehemently

Alex blushed at his hurtful words: {Gutter rat yourself! Did you have to put it like this, moron?!}

«Alright, I heard you, little one! My family name isn’t Grand if we don’t make mincemeat of Dick Baker today! He will live in room number one in the wheelchair, eating with a feeding tube.» – Artemis said with righteous anger, ready to fight for justice, and gazed thoughtfully into the distance.

He wanted to make a good impression on the new students, show that they were all respectable guys with a righteous mind, make them feel respect for his recognized as the strongest group in Cernos, the fan club of Princess Kara.

«Don’t forget that his bodyguards are too strong…» – Alex reminded his brother.

The leader’s wingman, a dumb bulky boy, who looked like a bull, snorted coldly. – «Too strong? Ha ha ha! I will grind them into dust! I’m so fucking angry now! My brothers and I will punish the cheater who is going to live above us whatever it takes!»

Before the wingman finished speaking, Artemis smacked him upside the head, which nearly sent him tumbling to the floor. The stupid, dimwitted cretin was discrediting their great club in front of new students! The senior student should evoke awe and admiration with a single look.

The freshmen looked at each other uncertainly.

Artemis patted Alex’s hair to smooth out the effect after the incompetent bruiser’s rude speech. – «I will personally beat the freak and his guards to avenge my little brother. I mean it. As for my good-natured clubmates, they are always ready to stand up for what’s right. You have nothing to worry about.»

Alex was deeply moved. It felt so nice to know there’s someone ready to help you in any difficult situation. He wasn’t used to his brother taking care of him.

The other 300 students grinned maliciously, anticipating Dick’s imminent punishment. When was he coming out of the bathroom? They intended to wait for him. It was an event not to be missed!

«Oh!» – The wingman exclaimed nervously. – «Her Highness is coming! Get back in the line!»

A carriage pulled by six snow-white thoroughbred horses was approaching the residence hall.

The fan club guys instantly drew themselves up. Artemis lost interest in Alex, his problems, and everything else. He proudly puffed out his chest, ready to meet the lady of the heart.

Kara wearily closed her eyes. She had a throbbing pain in her temples. The princess had a huge fight to get room number one back (in the girls’ part). Her mother had ordered the principal to accommodate her according to the grade she earned at the entrance exam. A score of 94 points guaranteed her a room on the 4th floor, but Kara would rather die than live there!

The carriage stopped. The coachman in gold livery hurried to open the door before the princess. Kara’s delicate foot in an elegant shoe touched the ground almost weightlessly.

The ten Grands fell on one knee and thundered in unison:

«We salute Her Highness, Princess Kara Grand!»

The sultry princess glanced with indifference at her loyal fans and stared at Alex, who was standing nearby. He was getting on her nerves during the entire exam and dared to emphasize her low score in the end! She wouldn’t beat him personally to retain at least some dignity but now was her chance…

«Artie Grand, it’s time to prove your loyalty to your princess.»

«Your Highness, my name is Artemis Grand…» – The leader of her fan club babbled with deep resentment in his voice. The princess just messed up his name, and he already wanted to go hang himself! How long had he been in charge of her fan club? How many times did he try to impress her? And she didn’t even care to say his name properly!

«I don’t give a damn. I will call you Artie. This boy is accused of insulting the princess and violating the order at the entrance exam. I order you to beat him to a pulp as punishment!» – The demonically charming princess said irritably, nodding at Alex.

Alex goggled at her in total disbelief. – «Your Highness, I apologized and I meant it… If you still hold a grudge against me, I beg you to forgive the fool! I screamed because of Dick, the cheater! He has deceived everyone!» – Alex rapidly turned pale, realizing that no one was listening to him.

Kara didn���t say anything. She gave Artie, or whatever, a meaningful look…josei

Three hundred onlookers watched with interest. They knew that the princess was angry with Alex for a reason. He deserved to be punished anyway. Who would ever blame the princess?

The brothers stared at each other in silence.

«Artemis…» – Alex’s quiet voice was full of hope.

«My name is Artie, moron!» – He approached Ales at phenomenal speed and without hesitation hit his brother in the gut, sending him high in the air. Then he started battering him mercilessly like a beast intoxicated with bloodthirst…

«A-a-a-a-a! А-А-А-АH! Enough! Brother, don’t beat me! Please! I am begging you! А-а-а-а-а-аа-а-aah! Have mercy on me, brother! А-А-А-АА-А-ААH!» – Alex screamed at the top of his lungs, begging for mercy, but Artemis wouldn’t stop.

The witnesses of his lunacy stared at him with their mouth wide open, watching the elder brother ruthlessly batter the younger one, although a minute ago, he beamed with brotherly love and care… Was he going to kill him to death just to please the princess? Kara’s fan club seemed to be madly devoted to their idol. They wouldn’t hesitate to cut down their own families for her sake! The new students looked at Artemis with contempt and fear of becoming a new victim of the crazy Grands. Where the hell did they get to?

After a minute of cruel beating, Alex began to forget his name. His entire body was covered with bumps, bruises and hematomas. His nose was so swollen that it looked like a pig’s snout. His face was swollen to a pig’s snout. He was curled up in a ball, depressed and crushed, moaning hoarsely, scared to die.

Artie dusted his hands off, feeling a sense of accomplishment, and bowed gallantly to the princess. – «Are you pleased with your servant, Your Highness?» – He had been dreaming of getting her praise. Beating up Alex to get the approval of his goddess for the first time since the club was founded? It was totally worth it!

His nine henchmen silently envied their leader’s success. He had proved himself worthy! Lucky guy!

The princess rolled her eyes dismissively and was about to enter the dorm when she heard the sound of heavy steps.

Two hefty men in smart suits and black glasses on their square faces that looked like carved in stone were approaching the residence hall. The humpbacked fat freak trotted carelessly between them, enthusiastically licking vanilla ice cream.

Kara’s thin eyebrows arched with interest. A gentle but totally unkind grin played on her lips. He had cheated to get a hundred points and outshadow her on the leaderboard. Was he really hoping to get away with it? The hell he would!

«Artie, if you want me to recognize your fan club as valid and at least marginally useful, beat this ugly guy to a pulp. For my sake, of course.» – Kara did not consider it necessary to justify her order. Dick’s guilt was obvious.

Since the very day her fan club was created, Kara had completely ignored it, showing no interest in her fans. All their attempts to please her or get her attention didn’t end well. When the ten fans heard the first-ever request from their beloved princess, they experienced a surge of energy and enthusiasm. They were beaming with joy. It was their easy chance! What a stroke of luck!

«Your wish is my command, Your Highness!» – Artie intoned delightfully and with a loud battle cry – «CHARGE!» – rushed forward, the nine smiling henchmen followed his example.

Dick Baker dropped his ice cream in surprise… It made him furious.

The kids at the middle to finishing stages of the noble phase had recklessly attacked the elite professional enforcers of the investigation department. How would their collision end? It was predictable.

~crash~ ~boom~ ~bang~

Before anyone knew what was going on, the ten energetic, healthy, and inspired heroes turned into fresh mincemeat, their cries of pain echoing all over Cernos.

Dick pointed his trembling finger at Artie, his face crimson with anger. – «ASSHOLE! You made me drop my ice cream! It’s sacrilege! Get him and beat him to a pulp!»

The two bodyguards immediately grabbed Artie by the arms and delivered powerful blows to his stomach and head. His face was so swollen that he looked like a pig. To the accompaniment of heart-rending screams, they heard the crunch of broken teeth and crumbling nose cartilage.

«А-а-а-а-а-аа-ааh! АА-А-А-АА-А-АH! MERCI! А-а-а-аа-а-ааh! You’re killing me! Princess, save me. I am begging you! Аа-аа-аа-ааh! Gods, it hurts!» – Artie screamed his bloody head off, looking less and less like a human being.

{Didn’t he say that his family name wasn’t Grand if he didn’t make mincemeat of Dick Baker?} – Every new student thought with contempt.

Soon the bodyguards released the maimed boy. Artie hurt so much that he couldn’t remember his real name. His entire body was covered with bumps, bruises and hematomas. He was curled up in a ball, depressed, crushed, and humiliated in front of his beloved princess, making wet, gurgling sounds, scared to die.

The onlookers had a strong sense of déjà vu and fear of Dick and his bodyguards. They whispered to each other, feeling frustrated. If the strongest group of Cernos failed to punish the jerk, then who would? It looked like he was going to get away with it, after all.

Only battered Alex, who was lying nearby, burst out laughing like a sick hyena, gloating over his brother’s misery: {Serves you right, fucking douche! You are not my brother anymore! Die, damned degenerate! !} – How could he give up his brother for a pretty face… Fucking piece of shit.

Kara made a scornful grimace. – «You are nothing but trash. What’s the point of your fan club if you are unable to accomplish even the easiest task? You only pretend that you are willing to do everything for me, but in fact, you are good for nothing!»

The ten battered senior students whined plaintively. The words of their dear princess hurt more than any beating. All their efforts went down the drain.

The princess put on a vicious smile. – «I guess it’s true what they say, if you want a thing well done, do it yourself.» – She slowly stretched her neck and walked towards the guards with poise and confidence, releasing a searing killing intent.

All of a sudden, an elderly mustachioed man materialized near the princess. Judging by his suit – a carefully ironed tailcoat, white gloves, shoes polished to a mirror shine – it was a traditional butler. – «My lady, let us handle the dirty work.»

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