Everything will be my way!

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Kyon got out of bed and walked around the room, collecting the visual formation nephrites. Then he carelessly washed the weak girl and helped her get dressed in a loose black coat. He put on her head a ridiculous wide-brimmed hat to hide her face and the horns.

Kyon didn’t worry about Kara. He had added a couple of formations to her collar, including a visual one. If she got in trouble in the city, he would send a signal to deactivate the suppressing formation. There might be casualties, but he valued her life more than a couple of strangers. With her cultivation in the middle of the lord phase, the demoness would be able to protect herself from any ill-wishers.

Lovr gently kissed his wife on the lips and untied her hands: «It’s time to say goodbye. You must leave Boston before daybreak or they will catch you. I don’t cherish the idea of my pregnant wife being tortured by imperial investigators. Take care. I will pay a visit to your homeland in a few years, no later than the goddess Persephone’s day. My invaluable gift will help our child and you in the future. Have a safe journey. By the way, the formation on your collar will dissipate in a couple of hours.» – He said, gently stroking the princess’s hair.

Kara rubbed her stiff wrists, looking at him with doubt: the cloak, the absurd hat… This cunning boy had planned it all out with his usual attention to detail. – «Do you really let me go?» – She snorted in contempt when he nodded in reply. – «If you’re trying to coax me with fake care, you’re so pathetic and messed-up. A selfish creature like you that puts his ambitions above love, who has raped his own wife, deserves nothing but death. I will finish you off at the first opportunity. I will never forgive you, no matter what you do.»

Kyon rolled his eyes: «Wipe that smug smile off your face, stupid fool! I don’t give a damn what you think about me! You’re mine because I chose you for myself. You don’t get to say anything because you don’t deserve it, bitch. Just get home alive, fucking idiot.» – He snapped and planted a kiss on her lips.

Kara immediately leaped away: «I hope I will never see you again, jerk!»

«I love you, too. See you in a couple of years.» – He playfully blew her a kiss and disappeared into a secret passage.

Over the past few hours, Kyon’s Synergy had upgraded Kara’s nervous system and cleaned all her keys up to 99%, just like it did with Valeera in due time. His extravagance was justified by several factors: his love for Kara and desire to make her strong, talented, and worthy of himself; his disregard for her potential and urge to get her revenge. He wasn’t afraid of fire benders as he was incredibly powerful for his stage of cultivation. Moreover, his high-ranking body of the void helped him evolve with meteoric speed. But above all, he wanted to protect his child. As soon as the princess realized that the goddess’s son could clean the keys, she would believe that a part of his legacy was sealed in their child.

Kyon thought that the princess would never find him, especially considering his disguise skills, and it would be pure nonsense to start a war with Rosarrio, that is, the entire human race, for a ghostly chance to find her offender.

The goddess sighed glumly, watching the stupid boy about to turn the demoness into the bender of all elements. Because of the arrogant brat, her innocent game had reached epic proportions with irreversible consequences. From now on, there was no turning back. It was all or nothing.

Kara climbed the most decent mount in the stable and left Boston.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. All the flames in hell burned in her soul, embittered with deep hatred for her parents and husband. With her mother’s help, the wretched human had ruined her whole life in one night. She would no longer become an empress. She would never have a wonderful harem led by Elsa. Over the past three years she spent in the Iron Throne, Kara’s cultivation had been significantly lagging behind her peers. All in all, she was now a mediocre whore, pregnant with a human child. As soon as her father died of illness, and he didn’t have long left, no one would envy her fate.

After a few hours, the collar lost its power. Kara was relieved to throw it away, but it didn’t get it any better. The burning anger in her chest didn’t subside.

{I feel hot… Why is it so hot?} – Her chest heaved with every breath, steam came out of her mouth, and her tears evaporated before rolling down her cheeks. Was her hatred so great? It was highly unlikely!

Soon her mount whinnied plaintively and reared, dropping the princess on the ground. Then it sped away and disappeared. Spiders, ants, and other bugs instinctively scattered in all directions. The birds flew away in awe. All living organisms within ten kilometers fled, sensing the flaming aura of the divine being, the ruler of heaven and the lord of fire.

Kara curled up into a ball, groaning in agony. Her heart was pounding, her keys white-hot, the channels numb. Her body felt like it was on fire. – {What is going on? Am I dying?}

Kara’s clothes caught fire, exposing her tender and unburned skin. The grass turned yellow and black within a radius of a meter around her, and then it burst into flames. The heat got stronger and stronger with each next instant, increasing the flame radius… two meters, five meters, ten meters, one hundred meters! The trees burst into flames…

A minute later, everything around the princess turned into hellish heat. The air dried up, the ground turned red-hot and cracked, the sky was overcast with smoke. She couldn’t hear a single living creature around her, only the howl of the eery dry wind.

Kara couldn’t even breathe. Her soul seemed to be about to explode with the excessive energy of something incomprehensibly powerful.

{Is it the phoenix body awakening?} – The bewildered princess supposed.

Since she was a child, the princess was told that she was special because she was lucky to be born with the divine phoenix’s unique body. If she were fortunate enough to awaken it during her life, the chances of which were pretty small, she would become the most powerful practitioner in the world with a life expectancy of thousands of years. When she asked why she had this amazing body, her parents told her all sorts of tall tales. Either they did not know it themselves, or they kept it secret for some reason.

Kara suggested that there could be only one reason for her unique body awakening: she had slept with the son of the goddess! His divine bloodline must have influenced her soul and awakened her unique body! However, she was desperately worried now. If everything went on like this, she would die!

{I don’t want to die! I need this power! My dreams… I want to see them come true!} – Her cherry-red eyes sparkled with an unquenchable desire for life.

It took Kara some effort to sit in the lotus position, but when she closed her eyes, she saw a clear image of a cracked egg glowing with bright light. She could feel with all her soul the creature inside, its desire to get out, its capricious disposition, unyielding will, and unbridled energy. Even her father was no match for this power (and her cultivation was still in the middle of the lord phase). Such a strong bond with her unique body took the demoness by surprise. Kara had no doubt that she had something exceptional!

With her heart filled and wonder, the princess sent a mental message to her unique body, and, to her complete surprise, it heard her. The baby phoenix stood still, puzzled. Then it snapped its beak and listened to the voice of its owner…

It was the start of their partnership that lasted a lifetime.

A quarter of an hour later, the princess released an unimaginably powerful burst of energy, marking the birth of the phoenix. It reduced everything to dust within a radius of a kilometer around the epicenter. The ground turned into a lake of seething magma. At the same time, all the inhabitants of the planet and even the distant moons could feel the burning noble aura that impressed with its depth and magnificence even the wisest and strongest representatives of this harsh world.

The completely naked demoness rose to her full height. Her slender seductive body did not change at all at first glance. However, her lonely figure seemed to be filled with invisible pride and grace worthy of the phoenix god. The spirit of the scarlet bird came down and invaded the princess, changing her very essence and raising her to the level that no mortal would ever reach.

Kara opened her beautiful, clear eyes glowing with dangerous lights and sparkling with complex emotions. On the one hand, her husband had helped her activate the body of the divine phoenix. On the other hand, his help was done in the most sordid, degraded way. The bastard had caused her too much suffering to be forgiven so easily!

After some hesitation, the princess had made her final decision. At this very moment, huge fiery wings with a span of five meters grew on her back. With a graceful movement, she soared into the air and flew to her homeland at great speed like a swift phoenix.

Not so long ago, Kara was in the abyss of her despair, and now she was soaring above the clouds. With the newfound power, it was now a matter of time to make any dream come true, be it revenge, dear Elsa and Juno in her harem, or the title of empress. From now on, Kara would be in control of her life and destiny. Her parents could no longer tell her what to do.

A little earlier, Kyon had seen via visual formations Vlada meeting the ladies-in-waiting. She found out that they hadn’t slept with anyone and started to suspect that something was wrong. The queen tried to contact her daughter, all to no avail. Then she checked the formation and found the princess far away from Boston. The worried queen burst into Kara’s chambers and instantly smelled the specific after-sex odor. Her face turned ashen and she rushed to leave the city with horror on her face …

As soon as the queen left Boston, Lovr sent a pigeon with Kara’s transformation ring to Vladimir. Finally, he would receive a recommendation letter to get a job as an imperial investigator. But before going to Dantes, he had to find his parents and stay in Cernos for a while to cultivate his unique body and soul.

Suddenly, Kyon sensed an incomparable burning aura that was emanating from everywhere. It seemed to proclaim its dominance over this world, instilling fear and making everyone tremble. The scared mount whinnied in panic, nearly knocking the rider off.

{What’s going on in this fucking world?} – Lovr wondered.

The large-scale explosion happened a thousand kilometers from Boston with high mountains all the way. Kyon couldn’t detect it with his feathered spies.

He sighed grimly, concerned with his upcoming meeting with his parents. He felt both peace and sadness. Lovr had finally got over the dark side of his mind and felt peace and serenity. He hated the idea that he might have been toiling in the sector next to his parents, that he could have freed them with Xiao Bai’s help. However, he didn’t know their names or their exact location. They were slaves, after all.

Meanwhile, Kyon was approaching the entrance to the first mine. The cool breeze brought in the fresh scent from the rocky mountains. The breath-taking landscapes inspired Lovr, who loved everything beautiful.

Two guards stopped him at the gate. They grimaced in disgust when they noticed how ugly the visitor was and asked to show the formation. The expression on their faces suggested that they would beat him to death if he was someone insignificant.josei

Kyon showed the formation he had received at the wedding ceremony.

«Huh?!» – The guard stood rooted to the spot. – «Are you Dick Baker? The new Prince Grand?!» – his eyes nearly popped out of his head. The news of the wedding had already spread throughout the kingdom, but only few people knew the name of the husband. Given the elite mount, the visitor’s outfit, the diamond token with the Grand Crest on his chest, and the genuine formation of the first-ranking royal, it could be no one else but the prince in front of him! Was it even possible?

Kyon said with a look of quiet, stern arrogance: «How are you talking to me, servant? Do you want to go to the guillotine?»

«Oh!» – The guard caught his breath, nearly wetting his pants. He fell to his knees and began to beg for forgiveness. Even if it wasn’t the prince, it would be reckless to take risks!

Kyon casually waved him off: «Take me to your boss. It’s urgent.»

The monstrously ugly visitor was respectfully escorted to the main office, where the deputy head (the elder) named Mairi greeted him with reverence.

After checking the prince’s identity, Mairi said: «Your Highness, I apologize for the rude behavior of my subordinates. How can I help you? What is the purpose of your visit?»

Kyon got down to business: «Six months ago, two or three slaves were brought to the mine individually by my wife’s order. I want to take them with me.»

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