Everything will be my way!

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

The first gentle rays of morning sun touched Kyon’s face.

He was eager to test the element of fire. He waved his hand and directed a relatively slow fiery arc towards the dummy. Crimson flames swallowed the training doll and soon went out.

Kyon made a sudden lunge, sending a stream of fire. A mighty column burst from his hand of the same power and speed.

The characteristics of the fire element can be adjusted the moment it leaves the key. The mass, the speed, the power, the range, the shape, the focus can be changed. It’s like you are given a certain number of points that can be distributed into the necessary parameters. Unfortunately, any element weakens significantly with each passing step. That’s why close combat is usually the preferred option. Long-range weapons could be infused with the element, but it would influence their effect and direction.

The worst part was the flame speed, it was extremely low. Any fool could dodge or run away.

Kyon grunted thoughtfully. He added the wind to the element of heat and relaunched the blow. This time, the speed of the arc and stream of flame was five times higher!

The element of wind can eliminate the main drawback of the fire element, its speed. The faster the stream / arc reaches the target, the less energy it wastes.

This powerful combination is often called the inferno element.

He decided to try again, this time with water vapor. The result was a little different, but still, it had a terrifying effect.

Kyon came to a conclusion: the element of the wind combined perfectly with the heat. It added speed and mass. He could learn powerful and fast techniques this way. Besides, it made it more difficult to dodge / defend from them.

Time was flying by.

Kyon recalled his idea of ​​making a plasma fire. He tried to combine ether and fire inside the electromagnetic shell but… It kept crashing because of his insufficient grade of ether.

Kyon proceeded to the last element of cold.

An arc of a frosty azure substance appeared from his hand. It froze everything on its way. The tiny ice crystals formed in the air. It turned the grass into ice and covered the dummy with frost. Its speed was similar to that of the flame. It was slow.

Kyon combined the water and the cold elements, and waved his hand. A large stream of frosty ice hit the dummy like a hailstorm. It was of greater danger and speed (albeit inferior to the wind element).

{As was to be expected!}

The benders who can combine the cold and the water elements are especially powerful. They can create sharp icicles, icy disks, ice fog, and freezing rain. If they add the wind element, the combination is deadly! A quick and dangerous frozen mist can turn anyone into a numb corpse in an instant.

Next, Kyon created water vapor and infused it with the element of cold. With the help of wind, he sent all that frosty hell at the unfortunate training doll. A powerful impenetrable blizzard enveloped the whole dummy. The concentration of cold was so strong and fast that it froze at once, cracked in half and fell apart. And small wonder. The wind speeds up the stream, hence the more powerful effect.

The water, the cold, and the wind benders are much stronger than those who have only mastered the water and the cold elements. It’s hard to imagine ordinary people fight against such demons.

{Note to self…}

The element of ice (water and cold) has combat and defensive potential. You can set traps, fend off the attack, and much more. This element may come handy in some situations. Actually, it’s possible to create ice without the element of water, but the effect is hundreds of times worse.

To sum it up, heat is the energy that warms up any matter it comes in contact with. The temperature gets higher with the concentration of the fire element. Heat and cold are opposite to each other. These elements are completely incompatible. Besides, they have a significant drawback, which is their speed. The element of wind can change the situation, though. The water element can be a nice addition, too.

Kyon heard a soft creak of the gate.

He had emerged from the state of triumphant pride to see two 15-year-olds entering the training ground.

There was an air of indifference about Makar, dressed in his best clothes. His long black hair neatly framed his face. Sicily, his pretty companion, looked stuck-up and arrogant. She was wearing a short skirt and skin-tight blouse. The elegance of the couple indicated their high position among the Stones.

They explored the training ground, spotted Kyon and walked in his direction.

«Hmm… Look at this self-confident boy. He is too well-dressed and too well-mannered for a slave, brother. Are you sure he is the guy?» – The girl whispered with a half-smile.

Instead of answering, the long-haired boy took out his sound transmitter and called Yegorka to clear things up. They would face a certain death if they made a mistake and killed an honorable gentleman instead of a miserable slave…

Sicily could feel with her soul the level of development of the possible target. She burst out laughing when there was no curiosity or interest left.

«Your name and rank, junior.» – Sicily said with icy disdain.

Kyon smelled the rat. He took out his sound transmitter and ordered Juno to follow code 4. The point of the order was to grant her decent freedom to protect him.

Now he had to figure out who those mysterious young people were and what they wanted from him. He needed to play for time as long as he could.

Sicily snorted angrily at the sight of the sound transmitter. «How dare you to ignore my question, junior. I am older than you. Haven’t they taught you any manners?!»

The couple was approaching closer and closer.

All of a sudden, Kyon smiled graciously and spread his arms as if saying he had nothing to hide. «My apologies, lady and gentleman. My name is Arthur. I am of the second rank. How shall I address you?»

Fear replaced the arrogant expression on Sicily’s face. The young man sounded very convincing. She needed to apologize quickly… «Sir…»

Meanwhile, Makar was listening carefully to Yegorka describing the appearance of their target in the sound transmitter. «I see. Yes… I got it, Yegorka. All right.»

He ended the conversation. «Either my friend wants me dead or the bastard is our guy. Let’s finish him off and leave, sister.»

Sicily raised his eyebrows in surprise. «Deceived by a miserable slave!? What a shame…» – With the last sentence, she rushed forward like a shadow, raising her hand to deliver a deathblow.josei

Her brother did the same.

Kyon knew what was going on as soon as he heard the name Yegorka. {Damn it!}

He took the nephrites containing the attacking formations out of the ring and infused them with pure energy. Alas, he had used up all the defensive formations.


A stream of flame shot out of the formation, turned into a fiery wolf and rushed forward.

The stunned girl opened her eyes when her fist collided with the fiery wolf. She did not expect any resistance. Her defensive item worked on time and saved her from further damage. Only, her hand couldn’t be saved.

«Аа-а-а-аh!» – Sicily screamed in hellish pain and grasped her hand, charred black.

«SISTER!» – Makar roared in horror. – «You dared to use an attacking formation against my sister?!» – He fiercely looked at Kyon and pulled out a patterned silver crossbow with a barrel.

Kyon silently activated two more formations. In response to the crossbow, he began creating adamantium on his wrist.

A three-meter wave of hot water and a bolt of blasting lightning emerged from Kyon’s formations. They formed a single powerful wave of sparkling purple. Kyon resolutely directed it at his enemies…

«DIE NOW!» – Makar shouted in a frantic rage. He fired a shot. An arrow sped up and twisted with the element of wind. It was impossible to dodge the strike.

Kyon focused and stuck out his wrist coated with adamantium at a large angle to the flying arrow.

The green rock made a crunching sound and cracked from the impact. The arrow ricocheted far away. The force of the blow sent Kyon flying a couple of meters aside. He hurt his shoulder but regained the balance at once and rushed to the exit.

Meanwhile, the electric three-meter wave was approaching the siblings…

Makar grabbed his sister, who was still screaming in pain, and jumped aside, holding her hand. He dodged the lightning, but it hit Sicily.

The invisible discharge shot straight through her body. The once lovely face shuddered in silent terror. Her hair flashed with crimson flames, blood poured out of her eyes. The lifeless body that once belonged to the cute girl collapsed on the floor, roasted from inside.

«NO! SISTER!» – Makar shouted in terror when he saw the terrible death of his dear sister. His bloodthirsty eyes darted at the slave who was still alive. He took the crossbow once again. He must kill him whatever it takes. He must destroy him!

The gates to the training ground flew open. Juno ran inside together with two guards. She waved her little white hand in the direction of Makar and said in a stern voice: «Cut off his head. And protect my servant by all means!»

Kyon was walking towards her.

The first guard disappeared from the point he was just standing. With his bare hands, he fended off the arrows that were flying at the servant while the other guard caught up with the furious boy. They heard a blood-chilling scream. Makar was silent forever, his head rolled aside.

«Get rid of the bodies and any traces they left. I order you not to tell anyone what had happened. Bring their rings to my servant’s room.» – Juno commanded in an icy voice.

The guards bowed respectfully to the lady and went to carry out her orders.

Kyon looked at Juno in surprise.

Juno flashed a glance at the servant, her green eyes dazzling like emeralds. She flipped her golden hair, turned around and went to the mansion.

Kyon caught up with her. His emotions subsided as if nothing had happened. The unsuccessful killers were dead.

«You could have come faster. And why are being so cold?»

Juno replied without turning around:

«If I don’t have your gratitude for today’s events and the tomb, I’ll kill you, master…»

Kyon smiled. But then he remembered damned Yegorka. {Son of a bitch… I wish I had killed you long ago!} – with those thoughts, he took out the sound transmitter and asked Marina to come to the mansion. Since Yegorka was his enemy now, he had to get rid of him as quickly as could be.

Meanwhile, Flitz was telling Marina another story while she was sitting nearby, listening attentively to him.

When Marina got a call from Kyon, she took a leave to the bathroom with an apologetic smile, promising she would be back soon.

«Uh… my little mouse is gone…» – Flitz took out his pipe with a contented smile, coughed and had a smoke.

At the entrance, Kyon grabbed Marina by her hand.

«Marina, there’s something I need to ask you…»

«What can I do for you?»

«Please, talk to Flitz. Tell him a curious incident has recently happened. Say, Yegorka invited you for a walk and confessed his love for you. Then he kissed you with no permission. Juno has forbidden him to enter the mansion since then. He is waiting for you outside and won’t cool down.» – He finished his tirade and looked expectantly at her.

«Do you want me to kill Yegorka with my own hands?! He’s a decent boy! I won’t do it! What’s it all about?»

«Marina… Flitz won’t kill him…»

«He will! He is the embodiment of jealousy! I won’t do it.» – Marina said stubbornly, turning away from him.

Kyon took a deep breath. He had no wish to coax Marina into agreeing to help him, and there was no guarantee that she would do it. Kyon decided to take a different approach. He went straight to the park when Marina headed off to the bathroom.

Flitz was sitting cross-legged, puffing on his pipe, waiting for the woman he loved to come back.

When Kyon approached him, Flitz smiled and shook his hand tightly as if Kyon was an old acquaintance of his.

«I am very grateful to you, kid. You helped me find Marina, meet with her, make things right… She couldn’t look me in my eyes before, now I can admire her wonderful smile. It’s all thanks to you. Thank you, son.» – He expressed his sincere appreciation.

Flitz’s attitude greatly pleased Kyon. «Oh, I’m glad everything has worked out for you two. You are a good couple. But I feel a pang of conscience. There’s something I need to tell you… Well…»

Flitz frowned suspiciously. «Tell me what you know. Does it have anything to do with Marina?!»

There was a brief pause. Kyon cleared his throat and continued:

«It does… In those days when you were looking for Marina, Yegorka frequently dropped by. One day I accidentally come across him walking with her in the park and… Well…» – There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

The tall formacist stood menacingly upright. He could tell by Kyon’s reaction that he had something important to tell him. «What did you see? Shoot!»

Kyon achieved what he wanted with almost no effort. A little more doubt and uncertainty and Flitz would buy it for sure. The old man was extremely jealous. It was a sin not to take advantage of him.

«I saw him confess his love for Marina. Then he dared to kiss her against her will…»

Flitz couldn’t believe his ears. «He did that… To my baby…»

Kyon continued confidently:

«He disgusts me too, Sir! Yegorka keeps sneaking near the mansion, watching her. Juno has forbidden him to enter the premises, but he won’t give up. What can I say? He is young. Testosterone makes him reckless. His heart starts a galloping beat at the mere thought of Marina. Therefore, you should get even with him once and for all. Otherwise, he will get his way sooner or later. The girls like beautiful, impudent and persistent guys. I hate those bastards!» – Kyon assured him.

Flitz’s soul was absorbed by the rage of jealousy, but he stayed calm.

He laid his hand on Kyon’s shoulder. «I will keep my promise to fulfill one of your wishes. Leave the bastard to me, I will make him pay. He will never forget it.» – He looked like thunder by the end of his sentence. Then he quickly left the mansion. If Yegorka was really lurking around the mansion, he wouldn’t doubt Kyon’s words. Flitz could as well repay his debt. It would be nice to kill two birds with one stone.

Kyon was perplexed. {What does he mean he will never forget it? Is the old man going to leave him alive?}

Kyon planned to get rid of his enemy with Flitz’s help. All the problems that went with Yegorka’s murder (who was the most promising Stone) would fall on the old man. Kyon didn’t feel sorry for Flitz. He would get off the hook, anyway. If not, he would leave Marina alone. If Kyon had sent a guard after Yegorka, major problems could arise in his golden lodge of Juno’s master.

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