Everything will be my way!

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

The obnoxious sound of the sound transmitter woke Kyon up.

«What’s the matter?» – He asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

«Grandfather called and asked about you…» – Juno said, keeping her voice even.

Kyon knew that he was in for major trouble if the patriarch had any suspicions. According to the cage of orders, Juno had to tell her grandfather that she couldn’t talk at the moment and that she would call him back. After that, she had to report Kyon on the call so that he could arrange their further conversation without negative consequences for himself.

Kyon immediately got dressed and went upstairs, carefully avoiding the higher maids. It was already evening, and the servants had crowded at the exit, waiting for the security check.

He found Juno in his room. She was visibly displeased.

«How dared you to forbid me to talk with my grandfather. You are not a master, you’re a real tyrant!» – Juno exclaimed angrily.

«What did he say?» – Kyon asked, ignoring her indignant voice.

«He asked me who you are and how come that you are my servant.»

Kyon grunted thoughtfully. One of the maids must have called the patriarch and told him the news about the mansion, or rather, about the lady of the mansion. Well, it was to be expected… Sooner or later, this call should have happened. He faced a new challenge of how to justify himself to Bai. It was complicated because Juno would sound insincere under his orders, and the old man was unlikely to know anything about Marina. Therefore, an excuse along the lines of “he is my friend’s friend, that’s why I made him a servant” won’t do. Should she refer to his good slave skills? It sounds absurd… To the hell with skills… He needed something much more effective, something that would hit the loving grandfather in a soft spot.

The answer was obvious. All ingenious is simple. However, Kyon needed some information first:

«Does Bai know what you do to the slaves?» – Juno answered with a nod. It was disappointing and gave rise to hundreds of questions like “Why in the hell wouldn’t he punish her?!” or “Why wouldn’t he give her an instructive lecture which includes a hundred strokes on her ass?” or “Does he also despise slaves?! What a rotten little family…” and so on. But Kyon had no time to think about all that. Instead, he ordered the wretched girl to call her grandfather and repeat the words he would be whispering to her.

«Honey, tell me about that rootless boy hanging around you.»

«He is just a slave, grandpa. Flitz brought him a few weeks ago. I practiced moves with him that master Jean had taught me…»

The patriarch knew pretty well what kind of practice his beloved granddaughter had with slaves, but he never talked about it for a good reason.

«…One day I was walking through the park admiring the sunset when suddenly a wild swan popped out at me from the pond. I froze in fear, but then there he was. That boy… He saved me! In return, I wanted to give him freedom, but he expressed a desire to stay… I decided to make him my servant. He is strong enough. As a child, he used to train with a good master. His moves are rather skilled and I can learn something from him.» – Juno said in a flat, monotonous voice.

«What about…» – The patriarch began with worry in his voice.

Juno hastily added:

«They killed that nasty swan, and I’m not afraid of the others. Don’t worry, grandfather, everything is fine… I don’t consider them to be animals. That’s why I’m not afraid of them.»

Bai was silent. Juno could hear his heavy breathing in the sound transmitter. Then he said in a calm, measured voice:

«You are very kind, my dear. You have a big sensitive heart. You feel gratitude to the boy for saving you. But you must understand he is not worthy of being near you. I will be pleased if you just give him freedom, okay?»

«I am sorry, grandfather. I’ve already made him my servant, and I am not going to change my mind. Everyone here knows he is my servant. Moreover, he does not look like a commoner. He is unlikely to ruin my image.»

«But darling, I was told he has no manners…» – said the grandfather in a caring voice.

«He is polite and respectful to me. Perhaps he didn’t get along with my maid and she informed on him. It was Dinah, right?»

«It was her… Why are you talking like this? I mean… Did anything happen?» – Bai asked anxiously. Juno’s voice had a new, hard edge. It made him worry.

Juno sighed noisily.

«Everything’s fine, really. It’s just…» – an insincere yawn – «…I am exhausted… I practice every day. Then a teacher comes and I do my homework… I just need some rest. I’m really fine.»

«Good night, love. Don’t wear yourself out.» – Bai affectionately said goodbye to Juno and finished the conversation.

Kyon sighed, relieved. He couldn’t imagine what would happen if those two met… He could give Juno partial freedom for the time they talked and an order to commit suicide if the little devil intentionally raised the patriarch’s suspicions. It was unlikely to come to this, though. He couldn’t wait to gain enough energy to create wiretap formations.

Hatred sparkled in Juno’s eyes. She felt an invisible collar on her neck. The damned parasite had forbidden her to talk with her grandfather! She would never forgive him for that. It took her a lot of effort to restrain from a snide remark. It would only result in more slaps, anyway. Juno swallowed her resentment and turned away so that Kyon wouldn’t notice her emotions.

«Where is Yegorka’s head?» – Kyon asked her.

«I don’t know… Yegorka is not anywhere in the estate. He has left for Boston. When the guard found it out, he went after him to execute the order.»

«I see… The task of eliminating the fair-haired monkey will drag on.» – Kyon said thoughtfully, stroking his chin.

Juno’s beautiful emerald green eyes were driving him out of her chambers even if she said nothing.

Kyon ignored her efforts, took out a round burgundy ball and ordered:

«Take it.»

«What’s this?» – Juno squinted in distrust.

«It’s a poison that will kill you.» – Kyon said with a sly smile.

Juno assumed an air of a sad caged bird and swallowed the pill. It was obvious that he was lying. But even if it was true what choice did she have? None. It was sad.

Juno’s body started running a fever. She made certain assumptions and stared at the grinning boy like a poor little bunny at a wolf. «It was-s-sn’t… an aphrodisiac, was it? Tell me!» – Her thin voice broke.

When she saw his wry grin, Juno was insane with terror. She rushed to the door with a squeal. «Don’t touch me! I will commit suicide if you do! Aaaaaah!» – Her body was burning.

With a swift jerk, Kyon grabbed Juno by the waist – she was really hot – and like an unwavering beast, he dragged her back to bed, ignoring her efforts to break free. Her reaction was so funny it turned him on.

Juno screamed even louder, shuddered and went limp. She was unconscious when he locked her in his tender embrace, with no chance to resist.

Kyon found great pleasure in pawing her a bit while he was laying her on the bed. He took her pulse. The unique body destruction pill did its job. Fortunately or unfortunately, only one body can be cultivated at a time. He had to destroy the previous one. Her reaction was good on the whole… By the look of things, it wouldn’t be a problem to remove the rudiments of her unique body. Juno wouldn’t lose a single stage of her development.

Half an hour later, Juno opened her long eyelashes. She crawled away from Kyon to the nearest wall, her eyes full of terror. His nimble hand… It was so gross when it got under her skirt but it was over now. She could relax. There was no pain or itching.

«What did you give me?» – Juno asked anxiously.

«I’ve destroyed your unique body. And quite successfully. Here, the new one. It is infinitely better than the one you had before. Take it.»

«Y-you… you’ve destroyed my future! Father created a unique body specially for me but you… you’ve just destroyed it…» – Her big eyes sparkled with tears of despair.

«I told you that I made a new unique body for you that is infinitely better than your previous one. If I have to say it another time you can forget about key cleaning for three months.» – Kyon said coldly.

Juno gulped down her desperate sobs and looked at the beautiful ball wrapped in colorful petals. It smelled nicer than flowers and looked like out of this world.

She gently picked it up, put it in her mouth and washed it down with the water she created. She lowered her eyes to the floor. Whatever the madman had given her, it would never compare with her father’s present… Now her dream was even more impossible.

Juno’s quavering breath broke the silence.

Suddenly she closed her eyes and straightened her back as if her soul fluttered up.

«What do you feel?»

For some time, Juno breathed deeply, enjoying the moment, then she opened her eyes and looked inquiringly at Kyon. «Did you really give me a new unique body?» – Without waiting for an answer, she continued – «Whatever it is, I feel… like I was born again. I feel wings growing on my back. What is this wonderful pill?» – Her recent despair has faded away, she felt exhilarated.

«Remember it’s called the Divine Lotus of Development.»

«I don’t recall the Stones had this unique body pill. Where did you get it?»

«I’ve made it according to the instructions I found in the tomb after I added some improvements.»

«Seriously? A body from the heritage? I do not believe you! Alchemists need months of practice to make at least the simplest unique body, and you say you’ve made it yourself… And even improved it. That’s pure nonsense! Tell me the truth, please!» – Juno demanded.

«Focus on your soul and say what your unique body desires?»

Juno snorted. «Unique bodies communicate with their owners only when they are asleep or at the moment of raising the phase or during the meditation but never when they are awake. What is the point…» – She frowned thoughtfully, listening to something. – «Оh! It cannot be!» – She closed her eyes.josei

Kyon stroked his chin. The unique bodies he created didn’t stand close to other rubbish. Their contact with the owner was much closer than of any other body. They didn’t need either sleep or moments of intimacy with the soul.

«I… can feel it! I feel something!» – Juno opened her beautiful eyes, framed by long eyelashes. Devilish lights danced in her gaze. – «I need spheres! A lot of them!»

Kyon raised his eyebrows in surprise as Juno held out her hand demandingly.

«Master, you took all my money… Can you give it back? Please…» – She asked with a plea in her voice.

{Considering all the money from the treasury that I have wasted, there’s only 50.000 left. That’s not much.} – Kyon could hear his miserly voice inside.

He handed her a hundred of spheres.

At the behest of her soul, Juno took the spheres in her tender hands and squeezed them. The energy turned into a gaseous state. She breathed in the white fog, her eyes closed in pleasure.

A quiver passed over her face, she opened her eyes and gave Kyon an imploring look. «Master, please give me everything! I… no my soul wants more! I beg you… Please!»

Kyon had read a lot about the unique body requirements but could never expect such a strong effect. His improved recipe paid off: the unique body was significantly enhanced. That’s why Juno could feel it so distinctly even a few minutes after the initiation. In the future, she could become an outstanding genius.

Kyon greedily hid the precious bag away. «Well… I see you’re doing well, the mansion is large, you have lots of servants. I won’t give any more money to such a big lady. I’ll be waiting for you at the training ground early in the morning.» – He said and left her chambers.

Juno wanted to shout mean things at him but then this insidious greedy bastard would never give her anything. And if he did give her something, it would be a slap or two in her face.

She thought for a while and went to the treasury. However… There were no spheres, no keys! As for pills, only scum left!

Filled with rage, Juno sat on her knees and angrily cried out to heaven:

«PARASITE! Damned thief! Damn it! I hate you!»

She calmed down a bit and thought. – {Why do I feel this close connection with something inside me? The divine lotus of development? He could not become an alchemist, it’s impossible! However, that ball looked mesmerizing… Is a delicate flower growing in my soul? Is my new unique body much better than the previous one? If I can feel it awake from the first moment of its existence, then it is! It cannot be, though!}

Soon she could barely keep her eyes open… Juno yawned when she reached her chambers and fell asleep at once. The little devil had a pleasant dream where she became a respected master of the nine elements and all lands. And Kyon the jerk was subjected to the most brutal torture…

The sprouted lotus thrived in a comfortable environment. The beautiful girl’s soul was like fertile ground for its cultivation. However, it needed energy for its development and with each new day, its requirements would only grow.

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