Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 521 - Baby, Why Are You Crying? (1)

Chapter 521 - Baby, Why Are You Crying? (1)

Feng Tianyi could already feel a headache coming his way. His two little buns had decided to strike on Liu Ruoyan ruthlessly, not giving her any chance to retaliate. As to how Little Star was able to use this opportunity and where she'd learned it, he had no idea.

Glancing at Xiao Bao, he could tell that he was aware of his twin sister's scheme while Lan Yunru might have gone along with the flow, knowing how Little Star loved cute rabbits.

"Waaahh… Daddy!" Little Star continued to wail, making Liu Ruoyan panic on her seat.

She stared at the scene in confusion. Why wasn't Feng Tianyi extending a hand to help her? Liu Ruoyan bit her lower lip and could not help but hate the little bastards who dared to humiliate her.

What should she do? She cannot allow these brats to win against her!

"I'm sorry, Miss Liu but Little Star and Baobao grew up in New York and they aren't used to eating such kind of meat." Feng Tianyi had no other choice but to placate his children. Even Song Fengyan took the chance to pacify his own daughter in a low voice.

The little buns were still crying when the phone inside Xiao Bao's backpack started ringing. It was a beautiful, enchanting song that twins and Tang Moyu loved very much. Hearing such a familiar tone, Feng Tianyi was a bit helpless. He knew who was calling this time.

Xiao Bao tried to suppress his smile and rummage to his backpack, answering the call as soon as he could. That ringtone was specifically assigned to their mommy.

"Mommy, have you arrived at your hotel room?" He asked without a greeting.

Liu Ruoyan froze and stared wide eyed at the young boy. How could she have possibly overlooked the mother of these brats?! She didn't even know the identity of their birth mother. She didn't even know if Feng Tianyi was still in a relationship with that woman.

"Yes, little one. Miss Cheng and I arrived an hour ago. I've been waiting for your call, but none came from any of you. How are you doing today? Did you and Little Star behave well?" Tang Moyu's cold and clear voice could be heard from the other line. She sounded a little tired, perhaps because of the long hours she had doing site inspection.

Because Xiao Bao had put the call on loudspeaker, everyone could hear the conversation between him and Tang Moyu. Little Star's eyes glinted. Whether it was because of mischief or because of her tears, Feng Tianyi wasn't sure. She continued to sob in her father's arms.

"Wait. Is that Little Star crying?" They heard Tang Moyu asked worriedly. "Baby, why are you crying? Tell Mommy what made you cry?"

The gentleness of Tang Moyu's voice was only reserved for her little buns. Of course, Feng Tianyi also took this as a warning that he cannot allow Little Star to continue to cry any longer.

"Auntie wanted me to eat Mr. Rabbit. Wuuu… Mommy. How can they kill Mr. Rabbit just to eat him?" Little Star sobbed, rubbing her knuckles on her reddened eyes.

"It's okay, Little Star. If you don't like to eat rabbit meat, you won't have to eat in the future." Feng Tianyi took the chance to explain in vague detail regarding what had happened to his wife.

"Rabbit meat? Why would you feed Little Star rabbit meat?" Feng Tianyi could already imagine the frown on his wife's beautiful face as she said that. She had this habit of frowning when someone displeased her.

"It's the weird auntie, mommy!" Xiao Bao chimed in.

Liu Ruoyan felt like her head was ready to explode. How dare this brat call her a weird auntie to his birth mother? They weren't giving her any face at all. Was this why they invited her for dinner?

A few words had been said between Tang Moyu and Little Star until finally, the girl dried her tears and stopped crying. Feng Tianyi quietly listened to their conversation. Because the call was on loudspeaker, he was able to hear what they were talking about. He was a little upset when Tang Moyu didn't have anything to say to him.

Was his wife mad at him? He wondered. After all, he'd let Liu Ruoyan make Little Star cry, something Tang Moyu had been trying to avoid for a long time, knowing her daughter's delicate condition.

"Mommy, Little Star and I aren't with you. You have to take care of yourself, okay? Don't miss your meal." Xiao Bao said seriously. It was easy to tell how worried the boy was about his mother.

"Hmm, ok, I'll take good care of myself so you wouldn't get worried. I'll be home soon so don't give your daddy any trouble, okay?" Tang Moyu rubbed her temples with her fingers, trying to alleviate the fatigue she was feeling at the moment. She now understood why Feng Tianyi and Song Fengyan were too tired after their trip to Mengyin months ago. action

"Yes, Mommy! We will listen to daddy!" Xiao Bao promised his mother.

"Well, mommy's going to sleep now. I have a long day tomorrow and I need to rest early." Tang Moyu decided to end the call. She and Feng Tianyi would talk about what had happened today later.

"Bye, Mommy! I love you!" Little Star said before her brother hung up the phone, not giving their daddy a chance to talk with their mother.

Song Fengyan cast his cousin a curious glance. It seemed like Feng Tianyi needed to make it clear and straight to Liu Ruoyan that he wasn't interested in her, or else the empress would have the devil's head on a silver platter once she came back from her business trip.

Their dinner continued in silence as Liu Ruoyan kept quiet as she pondered her next steps. When she'd decided to pursue the devil, she hadn't anticipated that there would be obstacles waiting for her.

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