Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 546 - Happy Birthday, Moyu (1)

Chapter 546 - Happy Birthday, Moyu (1)

The empress's birthday celebration continued at Tang Moyu's property in Peach Blossom Garden. It had been a while since she and Feng Tianyi had seen and talked to their friends due to everyone's busy schedules.

When night came, they moved to the main house to continue their party. While the a.d.u.l.ts were busy conversing in the dining area, the children busied themselves playing in the living room with Elaine Wu, who was fawning over their cuteness.

The two little buns were also ecstatic to play with their Aunt Qian's baby. The children tried to make the baby laugh until he was tired from all the playing and fell asleep once he was fed with milk by his mother.

A moment later, the expectant was being surrounded by Lu Tianxin and Lin Qianrou, who arrived a little later with her husband earlier. They were discussing what Gu Yuyao should expect from her pregnancy and how to take care of her newborn once she had given birth.

"Getting pregnant in less than a year after the wedding? I'm surprised Lianchen was able to knock you up, given how busy he is these days." Song Fengyan commented with a grin, throwing a teasing wink to his friend, who tried not to roll his eyes from his antics.

"Oh, that." Gu Yuyao grinned. "We made a schedule. I made sure he was able to make it home during my fertile days."

"We don't need to know about that!" Feng Tianyi exclaimed. The last thing he wanted to hear about was his friends' s.e.x life.

"Oh, hush you. You wouldn't understand because you and Moyu already have little buns of your own, and Fengyan just gained a daughter recently. How can I allow my husband to lose to the two of you, huh?" Gu Yuyao harrumphed and crossed her arms over her c.h.e.s.t.

The moment she and He Lianchen heard about Lan Yunru turning out to be Song Fengyan's daughter, the latter couldn't stop bragging about it and started to piss the couple off.

Tang Moyu shook her head. Since when did having children become a competition among the three?

She took a sip from her drink and eyed her glowing pregnant friend. Today, her little buns allowed her to drink since Feng Tianyi was with her and they were at home. The twins wouldn't have to worry about their mommy mistakenly bringing a man home.

Feng Tianyi scoffed and rested his arm at the back of his wife's seat and crossed his legs casually.

"You and Lianchen could have been married and would already have children if you didn't run away from him ten years ago." He pointed out. "I pity your future children for having a mother like you."

"Stop the nagging, Feng Tianyi." Gu Yuyao waved a hand to dismiss him. "Baobao and Little Star are lucky to have Moyu as their mother. Didn't people say children's intelligence depends on their mother's? No wonder the twins are really bright. They surely didn't take after you." She gave the devil a mocking look.

The men laughed at the remark while Feng Tianyi grumbled. Gu Yuyao really knew how to piss him off.

"Why the long face? While it's true that Baobao and Little Star are smart. they both got the best appearance genes from you." She tried to console her husband.

"Aww, Moyu is so sweet." Li Meili giggled next to Lu Tianxin.

Feng Tianyi's mood was immediately lifted by her words. He leaned forward and whispered something to his wife, which was followed by a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Tang Moyu nudged his side and gave him a pointed look.

"Behave. We have guests here."

"By the way, did you bring the meat for steaks?" Li Meili asked her older brother, who was busy staring at Meng Yanran. "I reminded you to bring them to cook here. Moyu and I love to have steak on our birthdays."

Li Yuanyi sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, dear little sister. You can ask Feng Tianyi where he put it." He replied.

"Let me do the honor of preparing the steaks." Li Meili rose to her feet and winked at her best friend. action

"I'll help." Tang Beixuan followed her lead and stood up. "How do you like your steaks?" He asked everyone.

"Medium rare." Tang Moyu answered.

"Same as Miss Moyu." Meng Yanran said.

Tang Beixuan mentally counted how many steaks they would need to prepare.

"I'll pass on steak." Gu Yuyao said dejectedly. "My appetite isn't good lately."

"How about you, Bro?" Tang Beixuan asked Feng Tianyi, but before the devil could answer, Song Fengyan beat him to it.

"Just like him winning an argument with your sister."

"Rare it is!" Tang Beixuan caught the hint, which earned a round of laughter from everyone except Feng Tianyi.

"Hey!" Feng Tianyi reacted. Why was everyone excited to pick on him tonight?

The food came soon and everyone feasted on the delicious dishes prepared for the occasion. The little buns took the chance to present their gifts to their mother after dinner.

"You bought these for me?" Tang Moyu was surprised that her twins had managed to find gifts for her. Although this wasn't the first time she received one from them, she cherished whatever they gave her.

"En. Auntie Mei and Uncle Beixuan helped us to shop. Do you like it, Mommy?" Little Star gripped the skirt of her dress in anticipation.

"I don't like it…" Tang Moyu said with a straight face, but the twins didn't fall for it.

"Mommy!" They both pouted, earning a smile from their mother.

"Okay! Okay! Because I love it! Thank you, my babies. You are the best gifts for mommy." Tang Moyu pulled her children into her arms and gave them kisses on their cheeks. She was grateful to have them in her life, because otherwise she couldn't imagine herself ever being happy.

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