Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 602 - Cant Let You Go (4)

Chapter 602 - Cant Let You Go (4)

Su Jingyi finished her workload for the day and was eager to come home and get a good soak once she arrived home. She couldn't wait to return home and spend time with her younger brother. He had come here to Shenzhen to help her pack her stuff once her resignation took effect while spending his vacation here. It was his first time being in this city far from Shanghai and Beijing.

Anyway, Su Jingli—her brother—might not be at home at the moment. Hadn't he told her that he would be visiting Shenzhen's popular beaches today? She wouldn't be surprised if he forgot to give her a call, given how excited he was to leave that morning.

Su Jingyi stepped out of her office and was ready to leave work when she was surrounded by the other employees, eager to talk to her once the news about her resignation had spread throughout the company.

It was at that moment when Yun Zhen and Yun Ling came to find Su Jingyi in such circ.u.mstances. They were at a safe distance so the crowd was oblivious that the Yun brothers were listening to them.

"Director Su! Director Su! Are you truly leaving Yun Group?" One of them threw the most obvious question everyone had at the moment. Everyone was curious about the reason why Su Jingyi suddenly wanted to resign.

"Director Su, why don't you join us on bar hopping tonight? We know you haven't gone out with us for a while."

"Yes, Director Su," another chimed in excitedly. It wasn't the first time Su Jingyi came with them anyway. Who knows, maybe she would tell them the reason for her sudden resignation. They wondered if her relationship with Yun Zhen was falling apart.

"Oh, what a good idea!" Yun Ling decided to let their presence be known, taking everyone's attention.

They gasped as they saw the Yun brothers together and almost swooned over them. It was known that both Yun brothers were quite good-looking and had a charismatic personality on each of their own.

While the older brother, Yun Zhen, was known for his cool and good-tempered personality; Yun Ling, the younger brother, was popular for his outgoing personality that could easily win everyone's favor, and he did get along with anyone.

"How about we throw a farewell party for Director Su," Yun Ling suggested, "This young master is also back in town. I know a place where we could celebrate in private. On our tabs," he added with a wink.

Those words were enough to shoot the eagerness of everyone and make them work harder in convincing Su Jingyi to join them. It was rare to see or to spend time with their superiors like this. After all, the party was for Su Jingyi so how could they allow her not to go with them?

Su Jingyi glanced at Yun Zhen's impassive face although she could somehow tell that he was hoping she would agree to come with them. Was she seeing things, or was Yun Zhen showing concern towards her?? Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;t-let-you-go-(4)_52193206900683701">#&apos;t-let-you-go-(4)_52193206900683701</a> for visiting.

She sighed and chastised herself inwardly. The worst part was to delude herself that Yun Zhen was feeling something for her. He was probably worried about the future and what he should do now that she was leaving.

Just like that, Su Jingyi found herself seated inside a private booth, having drinks along with her fellow co-workers. Some were too busy to pay attention, singing along with each other.

Aside from her, Yun Zhen remained silent throughout, only speaking a few words in reply when his younger brother spoke to him. The only reason why he decided to agree to come with them was that he also wanted to know Su Jingyi's reason, but at the rate everyone was going, it was starting to give him a headache instead.

He'd been sitting here with them for almost two hours now, and while they initially felt intimidated by his presence and doubted having fun with each other, they slowly forgot his existence and pulled off a full-blown celebration. Meanwhile, Su Jingyi also remained silent and occasionally drank with others, conversing in low voices.

"I told you, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to. I could get the answer you needed on my own," Yun Ling whispered next to him when he noticed the scowl on his older brother's face.

"No. I rather hear the answer myself," Yun Zhen scoffed and crossed his arms over his c.h.e.s.t, trying to ignore the unnecessary noise around them. He then glanced at Su Jingyi and saw her smiling over something her seatmate told her.

"Ah, how could you say something like that?" Yun Ling grumbled. "Don't you trust me at all?"

"Stop overacting." Yun Zhen shrugged his brother's claim. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

"Miss Su, I know it isn't my business to question you, but why did you suddenly file for resignation? Are you not happy working with us anymore?" One of Su Jingyi's secretaries voiced out everyone's curiosity.

"It's nothing like that." Su Jingyi looked down at her drink, allowing a bitter smile to spread on her lips. It wasn't about how hectic or hard her work was. "I enjoyed working here with you, but I'm also aware that I'm not getting any younger anymore." action

Hearing those words made Yun Zhen stiffen in his seat. Indeed, Su Jingyi had wasted more than a decade working alongside him so what gave him the right to stop her from leaving?

Yun Ling nodded and hummed to himself, but his thoughts were definitely far from what his older brother had at that moment.

"Indeed. I heard that Miss Su hadn't filed for vacation for over three years now. Instead of resigning, why don't you ask for an extended vacation instead?" he suggested.

Su Jingyi shook her head. If it was that easy, she wouldn't file for resignation.

"No. This time, I want to get married."

Her answer effectively rendered everyone speechless.

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