Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 654 - You Lied to Me (1)

Chapter 654 - You Lied to Me (1)

Feng Tianyi returned to her room, bringing a wheelchair with him. Following behind him was a nurse who was in charge of overseeing Tang Moyu's condition. With the help of the nurse, he slid his arms under his wife's knees and back gently and placed her in the wheelchair next to the bed.

The nurse removed the patches from her skin that attached her to the machine and turned it off. Her IV was transferred to the pole attached to the wheelchair and she was pushed out of the room by Feng Tianyi.

Tang Moyu thought of the several possibilities of how the accident happened and why her brother's car was rigged. She was deep in her thoughts that she didn't realize the two metal doors of the elevator opening in front of them until Feng Tianyi slowly spun the wheelchair around so they could back up into it.

Tang Moyu wasn't sure what she would do if Feng Tianyi wasn't standing next to her. His presence was enough to calm the turmoil in her heart, making it easier for her to clear her mind. She wasn't sure what was waiting for her later and dreaded to face the truth; that she had truly lost Tang Beixuan for good.

Her heart clenched painfully inside her c.h.e.s.t, fear spiking once more into her veins as she realized that they were about to arrive at their destination. Feng Tianyi had kept his silence and Tang Moyu couldn't blame him.

As the metal doors parted once more with the digital screen flashing the floor number of their destination, Feng Tianyi pushed her wheelchair out of the elevator into the hallway.

This was the funeral hall that was part of the hospital, where the bereaved could conveniently hold their loved ones who died as a patient without having to scatter around to find a funeral home as they mourn. Through the silence of the place, Tang Moyu could feel her heart beating rapidly, pounding her, making her realize that this was not a nightmare, it's reality.

Feng Tianyi tightened his grip on the handle of the wheelchair, fully aware of how anxious Tang Moyu was. The wrenching grief that was waiting for her at the hall where Tang Beixuan's funeral was being held was something he couldn't stop himself from feeling.

Tang Moyu's fingers clenched on her hospital gown, oblivious to her look right now. Far from the regal and beautiful empress that people are accustomed to, Tang Moyu's ghastly pale skin and loose hair made her look weak and fragile.

They stopped in front of the huge sliding doors that opened automatically for them to enter. There weren't many people inside, but the altar filled with flowers and Tang Beixuan's photograph was too much for Tang Moyu.

The tears that she was trying to keep at bay burst the moment her eyes landed on her brother's portrait. Tang Beixuan sported that familiar boyish smile he always had. Tang Moyu opened her mouth, wanting to scream at the top of her lungs, but no voice came out.

Feng Tianyi pushed the wheelchair until his wife was close enough to see the casket where Tang Beixuan's remains laid. They were just waiting for her to wake up before they cremate him.

They weren't sure if Zhang Wuying would come and would cause trouble for them by wanting to take Tang Beixuan away, but Tang Wanyu was sure that their 'mother' was already informed of what had just happened to their younger brother.

Tang Wanyu, who was in charge of their brother's funeral, immediately stood up from her seat the moment the couple entered. She was wearing a black dress, indicating that she was mourning for her brother's sudden passing. action

Next to her, Li Meili was in a daze, her eyes swollen from too much crying. She didn't even notice her best friend's arrival as her gaze was zeroed on her beloved's portrait.

"Moyu…" Tang Wanyu fell on her knees and wrapped her arms around her crying sister. For a strong woman like the empress, it was so rare and heartbreaking to see Tang Moyu like this.

Tang Moyu couldn't utter a single word and continued to weep in her sister's embrace. Her whole body was trembling as she cried, but she didn't care. She allowed her tears to fall as her sobs racked her body. Her cries reached Li Meili's ears, who finally took notice of her best friend's appearance.

Li Meili sauntered towards them and looked at the Tang sisters as they cried in each other's arms. Her eyes then caught Tang Beixuan's face and thought that he looked like he was asleep with his eyes closed. She was reminded that she wasn't the only one heartbroken right now.

"Moyu, Beixuan lied to me! He lied to me! He said that he would be there at the airport, waiting for me once I returned, but he was not there! He said that we would grow old together… that he has a surprise for me once I'm back. But now… why isn't he waking up? Tang Beixuan, you liar! You told me you would wait for me no matter how long it would take!"

Li Meili wasn't dumb. She knew what he was planning to do once she returned to Shenzhen after her competition, but all of it was for nothing now. The man she promised to be with in this lifetime was no more. The dreams they planned together would never come true.

How was she supposed to accept that he had left her for good? How was she supposed to face the days where he wouldn't be there to nag her, to annoy her anymore? There won't any more flowers waiting for her every morning… If she had known this would happen, she would have convinced him to accompany her in Beijing.

"You liar! You promised me… You promised me…"

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